HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #3035'+ . RESOLIITION N0. 3035 A RESOLIITION ADOPTING FIILTON COIINTY, ILLINOIS RESOLIITION ADOPTED THE 11TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A.D. 1984 AS AND FOR A RESOLIITION OF THE CITY OF CANTON WHEREAS, the Canton City Council finds it necessary to adopt the attached Fulton County Resolution adopted on the 11th day of September, 1984, and all attachments thereto, as a Resolution of the Canton City Council, enforceable by the City of Canton. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, Fulton County, Illinois as follows: 1. That the foregoing recital is hereby found to be fact. 2. That the attached Fulton County Resolution adopted by the Fulton County Board on the 11th day of September, 1984 and all attachments thereto, are hereby promulgated as part of this Resolution by reference as though the same were set forth herein verbatim. That, as appropriate, the attached text is amended to read City or City of Canton in lieu of County or Fulton County as the context may seem to require. 3. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois and approval by the Mayor thereof. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois at a regular meeting this 19th day of February, 1991, upon a roll call vote as follows: AYES: Aldermen Steck, Sarff, Meade, Bohler, :Kay, Chapman. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Aldermen Fuller, Kovachevich. APPROVED: Donald E. Edwards, Mayor ATTEST: Nancy Whites City Clerk. G11It,1.?I~AS, it is the ~udgetr~ent of the I~u.ltort County I~Uaa:-cl C}.i~t in ordea- tUr i_t L-o properly and effectivc]_y re~lcll ~(t ds~~ci_s~-Uri upon ,.~.tt applica.ti_on for a Neva Regional Pollution Cotttrol I'ac:i..J.i_ty rali:i.c}.t cort:Corn~s t.o the criteria set: forth above i_t tttt.tst h~tvc~ 17 a:e:~~.~al:e~J. too x_t~ tn~artingful information as tU those cr.iteri_s. and ~_t ti~i.t,>t: Ia:t~.~e sc~c:h i.ti~LoLrn;a.ti_on avails-zbl.e to it at tEie earliest possit.r~_e t:izrl-o; ~~rtcl I•dltlRl?AS , a_t is a.pparrnt that the T egisl~.ttti.re rec~or;ni,~c~s that: t:lte lo~.~.ti_on of such a facility in ~~ county tcti_I;I~~t riot: tip-~c::~~r,s<~i::1_).~~ be hrtte£_ci_al to ttrat paa:ticttls.r county brit zn:i_glit 1.,~, r, l,v.:l:clc,lt t:ltat r.:hc cc~utrt:y ~~ould h<~vc to be~.tr itt order that ptabli_c poJ.:i_~~yr n'~t~~'c'ssecl irl t.:he lnvironrnental_ Prot:ectiotl Ac.t (I11.Rev.Stat:. J_913~;, Ch, l_),l.'._1 m. i.p;ht }:~c <ar_r,Um.p l.i_~~hed; and Z-;1I11?]:IA,`-i , :i_t: does not appe.~z1 tFt~~t the . L~l;i_r 1_aLrta~n rt. cc.r ~;:~r.a?.-:i_1y i.nt::enc}.~cl. Lltat s.t si.rtgle cotartty :;ltottlcl bear the lturdcn c~9 t:h~ cc~:>~ oi~ d.ct::cr-r.ni.n:i_n1; the a.ppa~opri_aLen.ess o!. a ntuJ.t:i_-cUl7.rli.~r FRt.r~i__} :i_l-.~ ; <~.itd. t~iiil'P,1-,AS, :i_t i..s thc~ opinion of th.e I'ul_ton GUUrtI~y I';~~e~.a:c1 ~.:}.1-~.t: t:l~r }el-e: f;~~tti_on. o:t ~°esportsibil3_ty ~~.s described above i_ntl~]_i~d:l_,> ~~.utliora_.c~s the 7rnpUS~.tioti of tz fee to be cltn.r.ged to al]_ appl..i_c?rtL~; .f:or° t~}t.e ~3.l:in.f; of a rle*.•T P~^I;ional Pollittiort Contz'ol I~~tcili.t.}r .>c?fj:i_c~:i_nrlt to oti11,7.e t_}te rttltan CotttZty Board to intelligently carry at.tt the . . 1d0i~1, 7'111~:P.11~ORI:, 1~L I:'I' P.1;SOLVIi,D P>"Y. Tltl? T't1L`1'Oll COIJIt'ty i~,c?~.f?I) t,h~ii: tll.e~ I.ul_es a.zicl Re ulations , rE~lating to the :l:orrra_, c~.oril~erit, fees <~iid fill_r~x; p:~_ocr~clttles :L'o:r a.~plic<~ti_ons and ~~.pl~rova.l c:f: s:i.t.^s for t.li.o l.(!c~tion of the New Re~ianal_ 1'oll_ution Control. I'~~cx_li_ti_es :i_r~ p.~h~ w:t:inr_o1°1,ot•ated. ai-ea.s. of l~ul.ton CouTtty, Illi_noi::, ~tta(_~h.c~d h.(~.x£~L-o aS ~~I~ule and 1ZK'gul.atl_o115~~ iil ~OLi'r (~F) SE'CCiOI~,S , i.1Tld l_L1CO7_~oratCCi hereiTi by reference, shall. t:~e given the sa.rrie. effect ~~ thot~glt fttl.ly ,ot for.L-i~ herei.ri. 1'r IT 1' UR'T1I1,R P.rSOLV)j:.D that 1. 7:his resolution, a.nd Query pi:o-vi^ion tlTereof, sha"1l. be cansiclerect separable, and ttie invalidity of_ any porLi_ori of this resolution ~ha11 not. affect the validity of tli.e re[naitTC.lex. -z- ~`I'nTF OF TLL1rTU]:S ) FULTON COUNTY BOnRD SS CO'.IIV'.CY OF FULTOII ) nUGUST SF;5St0I~1, n.t). l_9f34 RIa50LUT ION WIIL;I;I:A.S , th.e Gerlera.l. Assernbl_y of the S1=a.t-e of 111-i_no_i_s 1~<.1,. enacted that the I:1linoi~ EnviT-on.rnental Protectiol:i n~;c~ncy znay not s*,r_ant a permit for the development or constru~•ti_on of a T~tow Re~iona.l Polluti.orl Control facility which is to be lo~:ateci i.n arl r.rna_ncol~porated area withota.t praaf that the l_ocaL-9_on o:f--' said :f:arili.ty 1~:1:; been approved by the County Itoarcl o.f th.n Cc?lanty ill ~?tlicll saa_cl TI~~a R(zi.orlal. i'oll_utian Cc?rrtrol Facility 3_s proposed to Ile 1_ocat:ecl; %?11C1 t-JIIERFnf'~, 111.Re~a.St~l.t. 1.93, Ch. 111;, Sec. 1030.2 pl_o~-:i_dc= that: t:.lle. County L'r_~a.7-d sha11 approve the site loeal::l.01.1 1_oz: :,. I((:~~•? Rc~;i.orlal. Po1.11.1!.i.on Control Faci l_ity only i..f it i:ir1(:ls l.. 'Chat the 1a.cility is necessary to a.ccolnodrltn. the ~Tast_.e nr'.t~(It; o i~ t:he a.re,~t tl~lat i.t is int-encled to sc~:c•vn . ?_. ':Cha.t tlle~ Iacility i.s so cl~e,a_~,necl., l.eca.t:E~.d and prol7os<~d to 1~~ op(~x:°~~~tt~d t:11,-iL the pub Lie hea:l.tl1, sa.toty and we7_:1~~~rr~. ~aa_:l.t k>c~ b :1. 'l'1-la.t the fac:ilit_-y is loc~lt:c~cl so ~n.s to minima ~~ t:l-ie. iticorni».t- :i.t7:i.l.:it:y ~~ai_t:ll the ch<~.r~~lctr-.r of t:Iie surrolincii_ng area a.n.d t.o rnirl%rn:i_ze t:he effc~r..t on the vzltle on tl~e sur_rouriclin~ l.~rol~erty. 4. 1'lle ftlr,.i.l.ity i.s 1_oca.ted outside t:l:ie bounda.r,r cif the 1.0() Xear 1?l.c~c~ci l'1~~:'_rl as ctete.r_rnined by thE~ Illinois Departm.cnt cif 'T'r~l.nspo.r_Lts.ti_on, ot- file site is I;lood-proofed to Meet the standards a.l:ld x:c'cll~ir_r-me~rlts ref thc~ I11_inois I)el.~artment of- 'T'ransportation arld i.s ai~provccl l.~y that 5. 'T'hat the plan of_ operations for the fa.ci_lity :i_ d~~s:i.f~ne~cl to rnirli_Ini_ze Llle danger to the surrounding; area from fire, spills, or ot.:her opcrational_ accidents ; and t;. 'i~tlat the tralic patterns to or frotn the f_ac:i_1i_t.y az•e so closii;nod =1s to mini.rnize the imp~lct on e~Gistin~; traf!'ic~ floes, u~i.tll t:lie above being su.pplernented by the Site I..acation. C:ri.tei:ia made a p~•?a-t of this resolution; and ~ . .a ~ :, a;. ~ 2. All resolutions, or parts thereof, in conflict lieref~ith aye hereby repealed. 3. This resolution sha11 take effect following its pass~~.ge, according to law. ADOPTED this 11th day of September, A.D. 1.9F34. :f ~ / ~___' ~iir sari o£`~ t`1ieT1~ u7 Got/G~iuiiCy lloaz cam' ;~ A'1 `.CI; S'T LK=r.~I~'ic~.o CIer.k~ToT ,t~.1e i~ultoii (;o%inty 13oaxd RULES ~.IQD kEGLZ.4TI0NS The following rules and regulations relating to the fora:, contents, fees and filing procedures for applications for the a~aroval of sites for the location of New kegional Pollution Cor~rcl Facilities ir: the Unincorporated areas of Fulton County, Illinois are adcoted, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 111 ~, Section 1039.2, Illinois Revised Statutes. SECTION 1. DEFINITIOr1S As used herei::, the following ter:as shall have the following IDeanlr.~S (a) "Air Pollution" is the presence in the atmosphere of one or more contaminants in sufficient quantities and of such character- istics and duration as to be injurious to human, plant, or animal life, to health, cr to property, or to unreasonably interfere with the enjoyment of life or property. (b) "Contamir:ant" is any solid, liquid, or gaseous matter, any odor, or any form of energy, from whatever source. ` (c} "Disposal" means the discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, spiliirg, leaking or placing of any waste or hazardous waste into or on any land or water so that such waste or hazardous waste or any constituent thereof may enter the environment or be emitted into the air or discharged into any Waters, including ground waters. (d) "Financial State-:erts" includes balance sheet, stater.:ent o~ profit and loss, statement of changes in financial conditions, and an otinion of an Illinois Certified Public Accountant (CPA). (e) "Fioodplair." that portion of land were the surface elevatier. is iowe_.than the base flood elevation, and subject to temporary _ri~_^.~a ~_On QL'~ =ng T10CCS . (f) "Floodway" consists of the deeper parts of the total flood- plain including the trench or channel and adjoining parts which are reasonably required for the downstream movement of floodwater or flood flows as distinguished from the shallower parts of the floodplain where the speed of flow or current is lessened by the frictior. of bottos materials and growth. (g) "Garbage" is waste resulting from the handling, processing, preparation, cooking, and consumption of food, and wastes from the handling, processing, storage, and sale of produce. (h) "Hazardous Waste" means a waste, or combination of wastes, which DeCause Of 1tS Gllant~ty', CCP.Ceritrati OP., Cr phVS1Ca1, CI7eL^.1Ca1, Or i*:fectlouS C;:aracteristiCS may Cause Or S1.g':iFiCa^.tlV contribtit°_ to ar: increase in mortality or an increase in serious, irreversible, or incapacitating reversible illness; or pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human healt:~ or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, or disposed of, or otherwise managed, and which has been identified, by characteristics or listing, as hazardous pursuan*_ to Section 3001 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, P.L. 94-580, or pursuant to Agency guidelines consistent with the requirements of this Act and Board regulations. Hazardous waste does not include municipal waste. (i) "Hazardous Waste Disposal Site" is a site at which hazardous waste is disposed. (j) "Industrial Process Waste" means any liquid, solid, semi- solid, or gaseous waste generated as a direct or indirect result of the rsanufacture of a product or the performance of a service which pose a present or potential threat to Kumar. health or to the environment or with inherent properties which make the disposal of such waste in a landfill difficult to manage by normal means. Ind~~strial Process Waste" includes but is not limited to spent pickling liquors, cutting oils, chemical catalysts, distillation bottoms, etching acids, equip- ment cleanings, paint sludges, incinerator ashes, core sands, metallic dust sweepings, asbestos dust, hospital pathological wastes and off- specification, contaminated or recalled wholesale or retail products. Specifically excluded are uncontaminated packaging materials, uncontam- inated machinery components, general household waste, landscape waste and construction or demolition debris. (k) "Municipal Waste" means garbage, general household and commercial waste, landscape waste and construction or demolition debris. (1) "Pollution Control Waste" means any liquid, solid, semi- solid ex gaseous waste generated as a direct or indirect result of the removal of contaminants from the air, water or land, and which pose a present or potential threat to hu~-nar. health or to the erviron'nen*_ Or with inherent properties which sake the disposal of such waste in a landfill difficult to manage by normal means. "Pollution Con*_rol Waste" includes but is not limited to water and wastewater treatment plant sludges, baghouse dusts, scrubber sludges and chemical spill cleanings . (rn) "Refuse" means waste. (n) "Regional Pollution Control Facility" is any waste storage site, sanitary landfill, waste disposal site, waste transfer station or waste incinerator that accepts waste from or that serves an area that exceeds or extends over the boundaries of any local general purpose -2- unit of government. This includes sewers, sewage _reat^ent plants, and any other facilities owned or operated by sanitary districts organized under "An Act to create sanitary districts and to remove obstructions in the DesPlaines and Illinois rivers" approved May 29, 1889, as now or hereafter amended. The following are not regional pollution. control facilities: (1) sites or facilities located within the boundary of a Local general purpose unit of government and intended to serve only that entity; (2) waste storage sites regulated under 40 CFR, Part 761.42: or (3)rsites or facilities used by any person conducting a waste storage, waste treatment, waste disposal, waste transfer or waste incineration operation, or a combination thereof, for wastes generated by such person's own activities, when such wastes are stored, treated disposed of, transferred or incinerated within the site or facility o-~aned, controlled or operated by such person, or when such wastes are transported within or between sites or facilities owned, controlled or operated by such person. A new regional pollution control facility is: (1) a regional pollution control facility initially permitted for development or construction after July 1, 1982; or (2) the area of expansion beyond the boundary of a currently permitted regional pollution control facility; or (3) a permitted regional pollution control facility requesting approval to store, dispose of, transfer or incinerate, for the first time, any special or hazardous waste. (o) "Sanitary Landfill" means a facility permitted by the Agency, for the disposal of waste on Land meeting the requirements of the g Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, (P .O. 94-580) as amended, and regulations thereunder, and without creating nuisances or hazards to public health or safety, by confining the refuse to the smallest practical volume and covering it with a laver of earth at the cor_clusior. of each day's operation, or by such other methods and intervals as the Board may provide br regulation. (p) "Site" means any location, place, tract of land, and facilities, including but not limited to buildings, and improvements used for purposes subject to regulation or control by this Act or regulations thereunder. (q) "Sludge" means any solid, semi-solid or liquid waste generated from a municipal, commercial or industrial wastewater treat- ment plant, water supply treatment plant, air pollution control facility or any other such waste having similar characteristics and effects. (r) "Special waste" means any industrial process waste, pollution -3- control waste or hazardous waste. (S) "StOra~e" when used in cornect~on With ~'laZarQOL's Waste, ~ea::S the containment of hazardous waste, either on a temporary basis or for a period of years, ir. such a manner as not to constitute disposal of such hazardous waste. (t) "Treatment", when used ir. connection with hazardous waste means any method, technique or process, including neutralization, designed~to change the physical, chemical or biological character or composition of any hazardous waste so as to neutralize such waste or so as~to render such waste nonhazardous, safer for transport, amenable for recovery, a~-nenable for storage, or reduced in vo1~Le. Such term includes any activit~r or processing designed to charge the physical Torm or chesical composition of hazardous waste so as to render it non- hazardous. (u) "Waste" means any garbage, sludge from a waste treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution. control facility or other discarded material, including solid, liquid, semi-solid, or contained gaseous material resulting from industrial, commercial, mining and agricultural operations, and from community activities, but does not include solid or dissolved material in domestic sewage, or solid or dissolved materials in irrigation return flows or industrial discharges which are point sources subject to permits under Section 4u2 'of the Clean Water Act or source, special nuclear, or by-product materia as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (68 Stat. 921) or any solid or dissolved material from any facility subject to the Federal Surface Mining Control ar.d Reclamation Act of 1977 (P.L. 95-87) as amended, or the rules and regulations thereunder or any law or rule cr.regulation adopted by the State of Iilirois pursuant thereto. s (v) "Waste Disposal Site" is a site on which solid waste is disposed. (w) "Water Pollution" is such alteration of the physical, the_~2. chemical, biological or radioactive properties of ar~y waters o~ the State, or such discharge of any contaminant into any waters of the State, as will or is likely to create a nuisance or render such waters harmful or detrimental or injurious to public health, safety or welfare or to domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational, or other legitimate uses, or to livestock, wild animals, birds, fish, or other aquatic life. (x) "Hazardous Hospital Wastes" means wastes generated in connection with patient care that is contaminated with or may be contaminated with an infectious agent that has the potential of inducing an infection and has not been rendered innocuous by sterilization or incineration. -4- SECTION 2 PROCEDURES SITE APPROVAL PROCESS III' FU.~TON COUNTY AT LEAST 14 DAYS PRZOR TO SUB.~4ITTAL OF APPLICATION FOR SITE LOCATION APPROVAL 1. Applicant notifies: a. All owners of property within 250 feet of all boundaries of the proposed site; and, b. AlI meTnbers of the General Assembly from the legislative district in which the site is located; and, c. A newspaper published within Fulton County for publication explaining the proposal for a new regional pollution control facility. Notifi- cation must be in conformance with the Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 11121 Section 1039.1, as amended. DAY ONE 2. Applicant for site location approval files twenty (ZO) copies of the application and exhibits with Fulton County Board Chairman, along with appropriate site review application fee. w WITHIN 5 DAYS OF RECEIPT OF ?pPLICATION 3. County Board Chairman forwards application to Regional Pollution Control Hearing Committee, which shall be composed of three County Board Members, one from each County Board District, for review and scheduling.- a. If a zoning change is also required, applicant should also apply for such change when applying for site approval. b. If a zoning change is appropriate, application for such shall not be processed until site approval is granted. 4. Regional Pollution Control Hearing Committee forwards application -5- r atolication to Development Deo_ art sent for ge^.eYal r~.ailout to all affected departments or units of government. The following, at a mini~~~, stall be notified. a. County Planning Office, Highway and Public Health Deparments b. All municipalities within 1=2 miles of the proposed facility c. Township Supervisor d. Township Road Com^~issioner e. Fire Protection District f. District County Board Members g. District State General Assembly Members 5. Staff completes general information summary sheet with site location and mails to affected jurisdictions listed in number 4 above. 6. County Board Chairman notified applicant in writing of scheduled Public Hearing date. WITHIN 30 DAYS OF RECEIPT OF APPLICATION 7. Staff completes evaluation of the regional pollution control facility proposal, determining the consistency with I11.Rev.Stat. 1983, Ch. 1112r Sec. 1039.2, suo_plemented by the Site Location Criteria Checklist. WITHI:vT 35 DAYS OF RECEIPT OF APPLICATION 8. The applicant publishes notice of Public Hearing in local newspaper (s} and notifies by certified mail all members of the District General Assembly in which the proposed facility is located. Public hearing notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation prior to the public hearing, according to law. The public hearing shall be scheduled to be conducted at a location which is reasonably expected to be large enough to accommodate the number of persons anticipated to attend. -6- WIT:-'"~ 60 DAYS GF P~,CEiPT OF ~~PLZCATIC'~; 9. Regional Pollution Control Hearing Cor~ittee conducts one or more public hearings which are adequate to establish the facts in the case; provided that said hearings be conducted within the required time periods. The right of cross-examination wall be guaranteed and time limits for direct and cross-examination shall not be arbitrarily imposed. a. A verbal recording shall be made of Hearing and a written verbatim transcript shall be made available, at cost, upon request. b. Applicant submits proof of notification required in I11.Rev. ~~ Stat. 1983, Ch. 1112, Sec. 1039.2 and the Procedures herein. WITHIN 60 TO 120 DAYS RECEIPT OF APPLICATION 10. Minutes from Public Hearing are forwarded to all County Board Members for review. Additional hearings may be held by Regional Pollution Control Hearings, if necessary, prior to referral of its findings and recommendation to the County Board. Written co~aents submitted within 7 days of the final public hearing shall be made a part of the record of proceedings and considered. Upon the conclusion of the public hearing(s), the Regional Pollution Control Hearing Committee shall publish a legal notice informing the public of the deadline for written comments. 11. Regional Pollution Control Hearing Committee recommendation and basis for decision forwarded to County Board members for review. 12. County Board approves or denies requested site location (and zoning requirements, if necessary). t WITHIN 7 DAYS AFTER COUNTY BOARD APPROVES OR DENIES SITE LOCATION 13. Decision and basis for decision are given to the applicant ir. writing, to be forwarded to Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, by the Fulton County Board Chairman. -7- kZT'r.Z;~ 35 DABS OF ANNOUNCE?~'It'P~T OF COL'?~'TY BO:~RD DECISION 14. All appeals of County Baord decision (either by applicant or public affected by proposal) must be filed with the Illinois Pollution Control Board (IPCB). WITHIN 90 DAYS OF FILING OF AN APPEAL 15. Pollution Control Board reviews challenge to site approval decision by County Board. Pollution Control Board proceeds with case according to State Regulations. -8- SIi~ APPROVAL PROCED'JP,E ?JOP~ SC~EDL'LE (BASED ON SliB'_~?ITTAL OF APPLICATION) -14 Days STEP 1 DAY 1 STEP 2 DAY 5 STEP STEP STEP STEP 3 4 5 6 DAY 30 STEP 7 DAY 35 STEP 8 DAY 60 STEP 9 DAY 60-120 STEP S TE P STEP 10 11 12 G DAY 127 STEP 13 DAY 162 STEP 14 DAY 252 STEP 15 -9- CERTIFICF.TE OF NOTICE FACILITY PROPOSED I, t e owner/app scant, o ereby cert~ry that I have notified a property owners within 250 ft. from the bou-~dary of the proposed site 14 days prior to the submittal of my application to the County Board. I have also notified members of the General Assembly from the Legislative District in which my facility is located. The method of notice was by certified or registered mail, return. receipt requested, and the mail receipts are attached. The notice stated that a Public Hearing would be conducted within 75 days, and notice would be published in a local newspaper of the date, place and tune. A certified copy of the public notice is also attached. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , A.D., 19 votary uo is NAME AND DATE PROPERTY OWNERS P.ND GENERAL ASSEMBLY M~NSBERS WERE NOTIFIED Est eac below -10- Section 3. A-~rli catior. for Site Location Aporoval _n FuItOP. CGi:'7ty, IllinOi S New Re,iora: re!lution Contras Facility Reeuired Information by 0~,::er A. aenti_ication B. Site Histerv C. Operation Classification _ D. Site Location E. County Zoning Regulations F. Date of Filing G. Notice of Adjcir:ing landowners H. Filing Fee I. Signatures and Notary Part I - Needs of Service Areaa A. Proposed Service Area B. Site Capacity Part II - Protection of Health, Safety and L~'elfare A. Site Location B. Design Standards C. Operating Procedures Part I II - Compatibility with Neighborhood A. Property Values B. Topographic Survey before Operation C. Finald Design Grades D. Incineration Reouire*~ents Part IV - Floodplain Considerations A. State Review B. County Fiood~lain Development Permit C. Stor,::,aater R~nof= Part V - Neighborhood Safety A. Accident Prevention Plan B. Fire Prevention Plan C. Stormwater Runoff Part VI - Traffic Impact A. Traffic Plan B. Entrance Permit Optional Information A-list of Equipment B. Materials Analysis C. Other Supportive Information -11- rim _P.fC^at~Q:: s'.:b~:_tted aS par'" OT t:7e Apps i Cat ^ _S aVa_~a~le i0~. t0 t:7E ?liv11.C ex_e^t TJ.^.e~ S^eC~ficalZ~ deslg:.ateC tJV ti:c r_pLi~Cant t.7 be treated confidential<<' as re~ardir.g a trade secret or secret process in accordance with Section 7(a.) of the Ervironnentai ?rotection Ac*_. -12- i~0_... lv,i~_~ (2v) COPl:..~.. Or r"??SIC :_iCN ALL F.Y.:?iEITS Stu=_LL BF, FTLr.D k'ZTi? T'r?. COUP~TY BOARD Ci.-i.AIR?~'~~5~ OF FiTLTON CO~ivT~ . Kecu~ree __.=cr.;,~t~er Ec Gw-ner. ~. icenr~__caticn 1. Na:~e of Land aumer (_nni Cate it sarie as acove 2. A ddres s c f Lane C~-ner street, Dcx, or R. City Late ip o e Te~ep^one Area Coae Nu-zber) 3. Name of Applicant/Operator Person Response e or Operation ~. Address of Applicant/Operator treet, ox, ~) City State Zip Code Telephone: Area Coae Numberj 5. Name of Site 6. Address of Site (..freer, ox, ,,F) qty rate ip oae County 7. Leal Desriptior. of Site (Attach Plat of Survey) Township -13- G'. La?:.".. C'~,il°=S:~:l/ (vhPC :.".a:_C?~'~e ~v::Ea) ( ) ?~ese::__y Q-w-^ed~ by :_ppiicant ( ) ~c Be Pur_-ased by . r/1_cant ( ) '~o Be '.eases' 3y r~J-_ca-:~ = cr wears ( ) Years of~ Lease ?enaini-~g : Tcr~.ination Date c~ Lease Operated by: Illinois orporation ( } ;a=tnership ( ) Gove=^.rnent ( ) In,^'i viduai ( ) Other ( ) a. if a partnership, Submit ra*^es and addresses of all partners. If a corporation, submit names and addresses of all _ officers and directors, and the names and addresses of all shareholders owning ten percent (10%) or more of the capital stock of said corporation. b. If applicant is a corporation, submit copies of the Articles of Incorporation as an exhibit. If applicant is a Corporation more than 50% owned by another corporation, these reouirer!ier.ts of this part, shall be applicable to said corpor- at~on. c. As an e~:hibit to the application, sub~*ait audited financial statements for the applicant for the five proceeding years. If new corporation, provide statement for years avail- able. d. If applicant is a publicly held company, submit conies of all docents filed by it with any state or federal~securitie. regulatory agencies during the proceeding five years. e. Provide a listing of any lawsuits, court proceedings or ad*ninistrative proceedings in which any person or entity na.:.es in paragraph 8a. of t'ris part has been a p~.rty duri rg the five years proceeding the filing of this application. With respect to each such listing the court or agency shall be identified, the nurber of such case, and a brief su--~-~~ary of the nature of each and the decision therein. B. Site History (Check Applicable Box or Boxes) I. ( ) This is a proposed operation ( ) This is a proposed expansion Illinois E.P.A. Permit No. _ E.P.A. Permit ( ). 2. Existing Land Use on Site 3. List Any Covenants Recorded with The Property Deed of an existing operation: No Illinois -14- C. Operation Classification i. =~-pe of Y:e~ional rcllution Control Facility Proposed (Check Applicable be or Bexes) r (~) Waste Storage Site ( ) Landfill or Other Disposal Site ( ) Transfer Station ( ) Ir.cir.erator ( ) Other: Explain NOTE: You are e}tempt from acquiring site approval if: A.) The proposal is completely within the boundaries of a nuncipality and intends to serve only that area; or B.) The proposal will be a storage site for certain PCB-contair.i- materials which are controlled by federal regulations; or C.) The proposal is an industrial facility where a waste generator is taking care of or_ly that facility's waste entirely on your own property. 2. If the application is for approval of the site as a waste transf station, state: (a) The period of time that the average shipment of waste wi= be on the site; (b) The place to which it will be transferred from the pro- posed site; w (c) If that site is already in existence, there shall be filed with the application copies of all government permits issued for that site; (d) If that site is not already in existence, the applicant shall so state. 3. Zf the application is for approval of the site as a waste storagF site, state: (a) The period of time during which it is proposed that the site will be used for such purpose: (b) How the waste will be stored: (c) Zf the waste is to be stored in containers, designate the kinds of containers and the manner in which they will be stored. -15- D. Site Location 1. Attach a copy of the United Sates Geological Survey (R.S.G.S.) topographic quadrangle map of the area which includes the site (7.5 minute quadrangle, if published). 2. Outline the location and extent of the site on the U.S.G.S. topographic quadrangle map. acres in Quarter uarter uarter ection Township Range ast o t e ira M. 3. Provide State Plare Coordinates of the southwest corner of the site using the State Piano Coordinate System (East Zone) feet east, feet north of origin. 4. General Characteristics (Flood Plain, hillside, Field, Strip Mine, Quarry, Gully, Gravel Pit, Swamp, etc.). Briefly describe: E. County Zoning Regulation 1. Present zoning classfication of site 2. Does present zoning of site allow the proposed usage? ( ) Yes ( ) No. If no, have you taken any steps to acquire proper zoning? Explain 3. Restrictions (if any) F. Date of Filin o app ication for site approval shall be deemed to have been filed or accepted for filing unless all of the requirements of this resolution applicable thereto shall have been met and no receipt or other indication of filing shall be given, until such time as it has been determined that the application complies with the require- ments of this resolution. Within a reasonable period of time after delivery of an application the applicant shall be advised: -16- a. Either tat it is a com~le_e application and teat it has been accepted for fling, desig:.ating the date of filing; or ~. That the aap:?cation iS nOt COII'iT_Jlete, SpeC~fVing wherein it is deficient. G. Notice of Adjoining Land Owners nere seal be ?-i ea w~tn the Application copies of the notices recuired to be served under Chapter 1I12f sec. 1039.2 (b) Illinois Remised Statutes, toget~~er with evidence of service thereof as provided in said statute. Applications are not officially filed until 14 days after public notice is given. H. Filine Fee mere shall be paid to the County of Fulton at the time of the filing of an application for site approval, a fee in the amount of $125,000. 1. The fees collected hereunder shall be used only to defray the costs incurred by the County in connection with the applications for site approval filed under the provisions of Chapter lII2t Illinois Revised Statutes. 2. Any provision of this resolution to the contrary notwithstanding, the County shall accept no application for filing, unless said fee has been paid. I. Signature and Notar i hey ar irm that all information contained in this Applicatic is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature of Applicant/Operator e ate Notary: (Seal) ate Signature of Landov.-ner (s) Date Date) ate Notary: (Seal) ate Signature of Engineer; Land Surveyer: (Date Illinois Reg. Nos.: (Seal) ate -17- Signature cf other pers•or., technical and non-technical, who has suo*~ied data contained in the submittal: ignaure) ate) eg. o., osit~on, it e .,ignature ( atej xeg. o., ~osit~on, ~tle gate PZOTE: By signature affixed to this Application for Site Location Approval the owner affirms his intent to record the description and plan of the completed site with the County official responsible for maintaining titles and records of the land, in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of Fulton Cou*~ty, and the State of Illircis. -18- Parts I through VI are necessary to evaluate compliance with the Illinois State Statutes, Sections 3 and 39 of the Environmental Projection Act. Part I Is the facility necessary to accomodate the waste needs of the area it is intended to serve? A. Proposed Service Area ~~ 1. Attach a map of the site and the proposed service area. If service area extends bevord the County boundaries, a geographic description of that area outside Fulton County will be sufficien~ 2. The map and report shall identify the location of each existing Regional Pollution Control Facility within the area proposed to be served and with respect to each such facility, the application shall provide the following information: a. The size thereof. b. The owner and/or operator thereof. c. The kind of pollution control facility. d. The remaining capacity thereof. e. The kinds of wastes- received at each such facility. 3. Provide a brief statement setting forth the reasons and x facts supporting applicant's assertion that the proposed facility is necessary to accommodate the waste needs of the area it is intended to serve. Include statistics on population projections, commercial and industrial growth and related refuse generation. B. Si*_e Capacity 1. Indica*_e the estimated quantity of each of the following sources and types of solid waste the facility will handle during each day of operation; each week of operation; each year of operation. Specify refuse sources, quantity from each and intended service area of facility. -19- S ~aVS,~t°~eEt' Source Tvne Dai1v Quan. a. Residential b . Cor.~ercial c. Industrial d. Agricultural -,1eekly Quan. Annual Qua^. e. Other (Describe) 2. At the above rate of use, what is the expected useful life of the facility? 3. If "hazardous waste" (other than waste water sludges) will be accepted at the facility, list these wastes, give quantity to be accepted, sources of each, provide a complete analysis of each, and attach a detailed description of the special procedures to be used for their disposal at the facility. 4. If a proposal includes water treatment or if wastewater treat~:ent sludge is to be accepted, provide a brief narrative of the wastewater or water treat::ient processes and operations utilized at the treatment facility generating the sludge. 5. Provide a reasonable esti,:.ate of the projected quantity of processed sludge to be deposited at the site on a unit time basis. Specify ary additional informatior: regarding sludge generation. Source tleekly Quan. rionthly Ouan. Annual Quan. Other Interval A. Municipal B. Industrial C. Combined -20- i E. State to w`a~ exter:t waste strea:^s projectec to be received at the site possibly can be reduced in volu::~e by reuse, recycling, non-generation, or a different disposal arocess. Part II Zs the facility se designed, located and proposed to be operated so that the public health, safety snd welfare will be protected? A. Site ~ocation 1. Plat the following information on the U.S.G.S. quadrangle topographic may within the site and at a minimum of l.5 mile ~~ radius of the boundaries of the proposed facility: a. Wells (domestic, industrial, etc.) b. Public and private sources (wells, stream etc.) c. Residences or residential uses, commercial facilities, sewage treatment facilities, industries, institutions, etc. d. Other pertinent facilities not shown on topographic map such as diverted streams, strip mines, ponds, etc. If scale is riot sufficient, snow above items or. a separate topographic map . 2. Check applicable boxes which describe the use of adjacent properties surrounding site. Residential Commercial Industrial Agricultural Other a. North ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) b. East () () () () () c . South ( } ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) d. West ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) *Specify Use 3. Are there any perxtits, operational requirements, licenses, or other requirements of restrictions by any municipality, planning commission, any county deparment, state agency or other governing body? ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes, list below: -21- t 4. Geolow-Fivdr elo~v NOTE: The instructions that follow in Part II should be read carefully prior to initiating the data gathering program for the site. A complete hydrologic sutdy of the site and its surroundings shall be submitted, which includes the following: a. Depth to water in boreholes at time of leasing completion and periodic measurements until the water level has stabilized. b. Rate(s) and direction(s) of groundwater movement. c. A narrative description (with diagram) of the design and installation procedures for all piezometers installed at the site. This shall include both water-level measuring piezometers and those installed for permanent use as water-quality monitoring points. d. An analysis of the background groundwater quality, and attach a copy of the laboratory report. e. An outline of the procedures, devices and personnel to be e^iployed for the collection of periodic groundwater samples from the monitoring point(s) installed at the site. ~5. Geology provide a brief description of the general geography of the region in which the site is located, and a summary of the hydrologic conditions typical of that portion of Illinois. a. Provide a complete log (description) of each boring made during the exploratory program, and include all other pertinent data so obtained. b. Include the following information regarding the bedrock, if encountered during the boring prograia: 1. Derth(s) to bedrock 2. Lithology (physical character) and hydrologic character- istics of the bedrock formation 3. Name and age of the formation encountered during the boring operation and/or which crop out on or adjacent to the site. B. Design Standards 1. Provide a topographic map of the closed and covered site showing final contours, with an interval of five feet if relief is greater -22- than 20 feet, ar.d intervals of 2 feet if relief is less than 20 feet. 2. P=wide cross sections of profiles (Scale 1"=200' of larger) of the developed site to clearly indicate: (Minimum of three cross sections recommended) a. Proposed fill areas b. Sequence of placement and total compacted thickness of each lift c. Thickness of cover material for each lift d. Slope and width of working face for each lift e. Slope of completed fill with final cover in place f. Subsurface strata to a minimum depth of thirty feet below the base of the fill material g. All surface features both unaltered and modified, and installed as part of the facility. This shall include all new construction with location plans for berms, dikes, dams, earth barriers, surface drainage ditches, drainage devices (culverts, tiles), fencing access roads, entrance(s), ` utilities, buildings, sanitary facilities, monotorirg well(s) streams, ponds, mines, and any other special construction as may be required. 3. Attach a typewritten narrative supplemented by indications on the plans of provisions to be made for: 2 a. Prevention of surface-water pollution b. Control of gas migration c. Elimination of flood hazard, if any d. Employee facilities e. Access to the site f. Measuring quantity of waste (solid, semi-solid and liquid) delivered to the site (if applicable). g. Remedial measures which could be taken if groundwater ' or surface water should become polluted, and the estimated cost of each, -23- C. h. Estimates of the length of time that the wastes :..ust be isolated frog the biosphere. OneratinQ Procedures 1. Attach a typewritten plan of operation to accompany this application. Include the following: a. Method of landfilling (trenching, area fill) b. Storage provisions c. Time schedule for filling and daily covering 2. Attach a typewritten description of provisions for: a. Personnel for supervision and operations b. Traffic control c. Designation of unloading area d. Cell size and construction e. Provisions for blowing litter control f. Rodent control g. Fly control h. Bird control i. Dust control j. Odor control k. Management of surface water 1. Erosion control m. Final cover and vinal slopes n. Monitoring program for gas o. Reuse and recycling p. Monitoring program for groundwater (See Part III A-1) q. Disposal of leachate, including after the operator's maintenance activites end. -24- ^ s 3. The in.or*~ation requested must be provided only if water treatment or wastewater treatment sludge is to be accepted for disposal at the proposed site. a. Indicate the type of sludge to be accepted at the facility for ulti-aate disposal: ( ) Water treat,, ent ( ) Wastewater treatment ( ) municipal ( ) filter cake ( ) raw ( ) industrial ( ) combined ( ) sludge cake ( ) heat-dried ( ) digested b. Provide a brief statement describing the method of sludge conveyance to the refuse disposal site from the treatment ,facility. Include an attached typewritten list of equip- ment and personnel to be used for sludge handling and transport. c. Provide a brief narrative of the sludge de-watering and (or) sludge drying operations utilized at the treatment plant. What is the expected solids content (by weight) of the processed sludge? d. If industrial or combined wastewater sludges are proposed to be deposited at the site, provide a comprehensive chemical analysis of same. Attach a copy of the laboratory report as part of the Application. 4 e. Provide plan views (Scaletl"=200') and cross sections of the leachate collection and treatment system, if utilized, including the following information: 1. Type, location and construction of subsurface collectior_ system, and all attendant devices. 2. Location, dimensions, volume, and surface elevation of treatment lagoon(s), if used. 3. Detailed written narrative of the method and processes of the treatment system, and program for monitoring the performance and effectiveness of the treatment system. 4. Discharge point(s) of effluent. -25- '. -, D. Pollution 1, Attach a typewritten araivsis as to whet'.-_er pollution will result from this facility. Include: a. A description of the possible sources of pollution. b. A description of what measures, if any, can be taken to prevent pollution, and the likelihood that they will, in fact, prevent pollution. r ~~ c. A description of what measures, if any, can be taken to remedy pollution and the likelihood that they will, in fact, prevent pollution. d. Cost estimates for all preventative and remedial measures. e. Who will pay all such costs. 2. Attach a typewritten analysis as to: a. The public health consequences or pollution. b. The economic consequences of pollution. c. The duration of all such consequences. E. Financial Assurances Attach a written analysis regarding: 1. Whether the applicant intends to pay all future and present costs of operation and maintenance. If not, state: a. What costs will not be paid by the applicant, and who will pay all such costs. b. The amounts of all such expenditures. c. The consequences should such costs not be paid, 2. flow long the applicant will maintain the site following closure. 3. If the applicant will not be responsible in perpetuity, who will be responsible for maintenance once the applicant has ceased maintaining the site. 4. The annual cost of maintaining the site and the period of time that the applicant considers maintenance to be necessary. -26- . . 5. Insurance coverage, including: a. Name and address of applicant's insurance carrier for this site, if any. b. Anount of coverage. c. What events are covered, and over what period of time. 6. Ary perfor:~ar.ce bond that the applicant is willing tc provide, including the terms thereof and the security for same. Part III Is the facility located so as to minimize inco_npatibility with tze character of the surrounding area and to minimize the effect on the value of the surrounding property? A. Property Values Attach a statement indicating what impact the facility will 'cave on the property values and general character of the surrounding area, supplemented by statements from Township and/or County Assessor. B. Topographic Survey before Operation Provide a detailed topographic map of the existing site (Scale 1"=200' or larger) showing 5-foot contour intervals on sites (or portions thereof) where the relief exceeds 20 feet, and 2-foot contour (interval on site (or portions thereof) having less than 20 feet of relief. This map should include all buildings, ponds, streams, wooded areas, bedrock outcrops, underground and overhead utilities, roads, fences, culverts, drainage ditches, drain tiles, easements, streets, any other item of significance, including legal boundaries. C. Final Design Grades Provide a separate map, at the same scale as that above, of the developed site showing the final topography after completion. D. Incineration Requirements If the site is proposed to be used for incineration, the following exhibits shall be filed with the application: 1. Complete designs, specifications and construction plans 'of the incinerator and auxiliary equipment; -27- i .i . . 2. P. statement showir:g the locations of similar facilities; 3. A complete statement of operating procedures, maintenance requirements and similar information concerning the propese~~ facility; 4. A detailed statement of contingency plans dealing with candling of wastes during periods when the incinerator is non-functionable; 5. The kinds of materials proposed to be incinerated identifyir or designating them by chemical composition. Part IV Is the facility located outside the boundary of the 100 year floodplain or is it floodproofed to meet the standards and requirements of the Illinois Department of Transportation and approved by that Department? Refer to U.S.G.S. topographic map submitted under Part III, ~F2. A. State Review If any development or excavation is to occur within the 100 yea: floodplain, submit a detailed statement from the Illinois Department of Transportation of how the applicable Rules and Regulations have been met. B. County Flood lain Development Permit If any development or excation is to occur within floodplain, submit a detailed statement of how the Fulton County Floodplain Development Permit requirements will be met. C. Stormwater Runoff `" Explain the measures proposed to prevent excessive stormwater runoff to adjacent properties downstream of the site. Part V Is the plan of operation for the facility designed to minimize the danger to the surrounding area from fire, spills or other operational accidents? A. Accident Prevention Plan Indicate what operational plans are proposed to minimize the danger to the surrounding area from operational accidents. B. Entrance Permit Submit a statement from the Superintendent of Highways of the requirements for the future entrance permit onto a -28- r t County hl?~';k'a~ . or Subr.:it a statement from the To~v-nshio Road Cor~issioner of the requirements for the future entrance permit onto a Townsip highway. j Optional Information A. List of Equipment Provide a list of equipment to be used for the landfill operatic by item - model number - number of units - description. B. Materials Aralvsis Provide the following information for samples taken by soil borings:. 1. testural classifications (USDA) 2, partical size distribution curves for representative sample: 3, coefficient of permeability 0 based on field and/or laborator~* determinations 4. ion-exchar_ge capacity and ability to absorb and "fix" heavy metal ions. C. Attach a typewritten description supplemented by indications on the plans of provisions for final grading and, if applicable revegetation of the com~ieted landfill areas. State what E arrangements will be made for the repair of eroded, cracked and uneven areas, and any other maintenance of the site until its pollution potential is adjudged exhausted. D. Other Any other relevant information may be submitted to support the application. -29- SECTION 4 , i ~' aLUA_TION CHECF: LIST ..~rE LOCAiI02d Cr.ITERZA ESTABLISHED BY ILL. REV.STAT. 1983, -'I.. 1 y, Sec. 1 ~ . ~ 1. Is the r;,,ility necessary to accomodate the waste needs of the area it is intended ~° serve? a) I~, the waste to be accepted by ti,,; facility already accepted by n, ,, rby landfills (e. g, within 5 , ~~ 8 miles as an example) . b) A~~' nearby facilities within 5 y~,,, ~? of their estimated life si,~~n. c) I~, the facility meant to serve a ',rowing population center? d) I^ t:he expected capacity of the f„ i.lity large enough to handle e„iimated refuse generated of t}~,, township (see Refuse Gt,,,~ration Projection Chart) ? e) Ha~~ the developer adequately pr, , ~ied the need fcr the f~~, t lity at present? ADDITIONAL C('~ t~ BENTS 2, Is the f~,~lity so and propc~~~~=d to be the publi ~ health, will be r,~,tected? designed, located operated so that safety and welfare -30- LOCATION: a) Is the proposal consistent with the adopted Lana Use Plan? b) Is the site zoned properly for the propsed use? c) Is a fire station located within two miles of the site? d) Are geological conditions suitable for land burial of waste (if part of the proposal)? 1. Hydrology; 2. Soil types; 3. Topography (floodplain); 4. Previous land use. e) Is the proposal likely to cause pollution to surface or ground- water? ' f) Is the proposal likely to cause air pollution? g) If the facility pollutes, could it cause harm to the health of hu^.ian beings , either immediately or in the future? h) If pollution occurs, will it be possible to clean up? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: DESIGN STANDARDS: a) Do proposed operational facilities meet the approval of the County Health Dept., the local fire chief -31- ~ i b) cave engineering alar.s been approved by the Fulton. County Planning Office? c) Is the site of a sufficient size to prevent spills or fires from easily spreading to adjoin- ing properties? d} Is road access adequate to hanal proposed truck traffic, as determined by the Township Road Co~nis s Toner? e) Is ingress/egress so designed to promote safe sight distances and traffic safety? f) Has the developer demonstrated that *_he facility is so designed as to isolate the wastes from human beings for so long as they are dangerous? OPERP.TING PROCEDURES a) tti'ill operations minimize pollution to the environment? b) Is access to the point of the landfilling operation designed E to minimize on site traffic ` accidents? c) Have operaticnal plans been approved by the County Health and Planning Gffice? d) kill the developer r.:aintain the site for so long as this is necessary? ADDITIONAL CONL*'IENTS ~'ES I NOI L':~rCtiTGt~'ti -32- .. POLLUTION: a. If this facility pollutes, could it cause serious health consequences? b. If this facility pollutes, could it cause economic loss to citizens? FINANCIAL ASSURANCES: a. Does the developer plan to maintain the site for so long as it is necessary to do so? b. If the developer does not plan to maintain the site for so long as it is necessary to do so, has a substitute been provided? c. Has the developer provided ' adequate financial security to guarantee that taxpayers will pay no costs of maintenance, now or in the future? Yt,S I :v'0 I U:~NOTwZ~ I 3. If the facility located so as to mini- mize incompatibility with the character of the surrounding area and to minimize the effect on the value of the surround- ing property ? a) Is the proposal likely to decrease property values of surrounding properties? b) Can the proposal coexist with bath existing and proposed land uses in the area? c) Will the proposal aesthetically damage the surrounding area? -33- ~ ~ , I ~ ^ 1 I~ ~S I i~0 I li\ri;~0-v:1 I ADDITIONAL CO:~•~NTS 4. Is the facility located outside the boundary of the 100 year flocd~lain or is it flood- proofed to meet standards and requirements of the Illinois Department of Transportation and approved by that Department? a) If the proposal contains floodplain, are measures proposed to prevent excess runoff and pollution to the environment? b) If any development or excavation is to occur in the floodplain, has a floodplain development permit been acquired from Fulton County? .. Does the proposal meet the require- ments of Fulton County's floodplain developrnert permit? (see checklist enclosed as Attachment A). c) If development or excavation is to occur within the floodway, has a permit from IDOT been issued? d) Does proposed floodway development meet IDOT's standards for construction within flood plains in rivers, lakes and streams? ADDITIONAL COI~NTS: 5. Is the plan of operation for the facility designed to minimize the danger to the surrounding area from fire, spills or other operational accidents? -34- / ~ / a) Has the plan cf ooeration been approved by the fire chief ir. which the facility is proposed? b) Has an engineer de*_ermined whether the plan of operation is adequate? NOTE: IEPA evaluates this requirement on an individual basis and has developed no standards of evaluation. c) If hazardous waste is to be accepted, is the site at least 1000 feet from an existing well? d) Has a traffic engineer reviewed the plan of operation to evaluate safety of vehicular movement? ADDITIONAL CO?~~Pv'TS 6. Are traffic patterns to or from the facility designed so as to minimize the impact on existing traffic flows? €a) Has the County Superintendent of Highways approved the traffic patterns which will result from the proposal? b) Are ingress/egress points adequately designed so as to minimize the impact or. existing traffic flows? c) Has the township highway commissioner approved the proposed impact on local traffic? ADDITIONAL CO?ANTS -35- .• 1 M .~ P.TTAC'r~~"LNT A C.:EC~:LIST TO ISSUE FLOOD PLAIN DEVELOP^'y:~T PEP.MIT PERMITS Building Permit Nu^iber Flood Plain Development ermit App ication IF: (Circle appropriate case) A) Area graded is over 1,000 square feet, B) Volume excavated and filled totals over 100 cubic yards. ~~ THEN, a Site Development Permit is required. IF: Grading will take place in a flood plain with a tributary area of b40 acres or more. THEN, a State Pernit may be required, but must be applied for. DESIGN Compensatory storage 1. Storage volume below base flood elevation 2. Fill, open storage, and detention volumes equal excavation volume in flood plain 3. Positive outlet to natural channel or sewer 4. Opposite or immediate upstream of fill area 5. Seeding (Type, rate, fertilizer, seedbed preparation, topsoil 6. 3:1 minims slideslope. Floatable materials enclosed by anchored wire fence in flood plai All vehicles, materials, buildings, etc., set back to preserve floodways and detention ponds. Mobile home and additions anchored Available building site (area.of site and surrounding 5 feet at or above flood protection elevation, contiguous to land above base flood elevation). Positive drainage for building site Individual sewage system and replacement system site above base flood elevation. REQUIRED INFORMATION Limits of flood plain shown (in accordance with final plat or U.S.G.S. data) Mobile home evacuation plan Mobile home first floor elevation Flood protection elevation (2 ft. above base flood elevation) Base flood elevation Final grades Calculations for compensatory storage Topography shown (2 ft. intervals) Location of septic field, fences, culverts, and buildings r . _ ~ Signature and seal of a Professional Engineer Existing and proposed structures shown Existing drainage facilities and elevations shown Outdoor storage and parking locations shown Elevation of floodproofing of non-residential structures (2 ft. above base flood elevation) Certification by a Registered Professional Engineer or architect that floodproofing methods meet FI?_ criteria Profile and cross-section of altered or relocated watercourses