HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #1244ORDII~IANCE NO. 1244 AN ORDIl~NCE ESTABLISHIIIG TITLE 6 , CF3AP'I'ER 20 OE THE CA*~IT~i ~+1I]bTICIPAL COD. COI.~C~'~tNII~IG UI~ISAFE OR DANGEP,.OUS BUILDI~'dGS . ~iHEREAS, the Canton City Council has deteri:~inc'c? t'.'iat it is in the ~cst interest of tl~c City of Cantor. to esta~lish `'itlc ~, Cha_~ter 2u of the Canton ~iunici~~al CaJ.e ~~s ~iereinafter s~~t form. NOm7, TIiEI~EFORE, BE IT ORDAI~:ED I3Y TF~ CITY COUi~CIL OI' THE CITY OF C~i'I'POti, i ulton County, Illinois, ~~s ~!`ollo,•~s a 1. ~~'hat the City Council here:~y finds t):ie fore.~oing recitals to ;~t, fact. 2. `T'hat ~i'itle 6, Cha~~ter 20 of the Canton ~u~iicix~al Code is here.~y est~.blish:~~ to rea,~ as "ollo~~~~so S "Cha~~ter ?~ UI7S~^E Oi DL:GL:_:OUS T;U~~.Li~I?~IG:~ 6-2U-1 d ~anc~erous Dui ldincts Generally It shall bc~ unla~,~ful for any o;;ner or a~lent thereof to l.eep or maintain any ~atrildinc~ or structure or ;part tliereo in ar_y une~aie Or C~ctn~:erOL1S COndltlOn. `I'hc~ :90rC~ ''}~Ulldi nc~'', as u~eC:.Y In this cha?;ter, sha11 ^~ean any ;~allo~l or roofed. structure including n1o}~ilo homes, co:Lnercial est~~~lis}Z.?tints, ~?;ellirlys and any r~.cce~,sor~= strtictur s. G-?.0-2: llefinition of '°Dangc~rous ~stiiluinc~" for file purpose o" this chapter, any ;JUil ding or structure F~;hich has any of the follo~~~inc rlefccts or is in any of the conditions liereinaster descri?~ec' shall }~e c~eern~cl a °'c?angerous ;JUil;:_inc~ ~ °~nc any conuiulOns nerelna ter c:-scrioed s is r:~~s czeer.e~l unsafe: (a) `.'11en~~ver any door, ai:;le, passac;c~~ay, stair;~ay or other .il~aans of e_.it is not of suffi ci~~nt cai:th or size, or is not so arranc~e`1 gas to provide safe and a~aec{uate means of exit in c~sse of ::ire or ,panic for all Y~ersonr hou~~eci or assE,'ZlJled tileroin ~~?~o ~~ould 'i.~o re~c..luirE>-1 to or milit us:~~ such door, aisle, x~assac,e~~;ay, st~zi~~,ray or ot`ier moans of exit; (~;) ~~Iienev.:r anl~ Taortion tliereo_r has peen c-iamac~eE1 Y~y wine, f locx? , f ire, or Y~y an~~ other c~~use in such a manner that the st=~ictural stronc~Y=,h or sta;~ility tznreoL is appr~cia;~l less ~ -~{--r -~ } y than Zt ~'~as .~'...Y ~rl~ t.ZE' c[:Z'l,~`Jtrc~}JllE._ c;Ll li..l is less than the miniFlurn -~-equirernonts oi- this ciiaL~ter (c) ~~lnenever any nortior~ or .:,eir~bor or appurter_ance t`~ereof is lil:oly to Nail or to aE~corae cletacheu or ~3islodc~ecl, or to col]_a~~se anc'. injure ,~erson~~ or ~:~amage grope rty ; (ct) ;":Ierover an~s }:~~c~-tion thereof leas Bottle;: to such r;r: ectent tilat ~;'~~a.lls or other structural ~ortion:.~ ;nave r~ateri:-~lly loss resistance ~~o ~';-in~s titan i s rec~uirec! in they c~!se of nocc~ construction; (o) ~;1,enever any ~~uilcsinc~ or stricture or ~~ny part ther<~of, bc.c~.usL o.~ clilaziration, c~.eterioratioi~P c~ocay, ~:_ulty construction, or aecause of file re:;~oval or r:lovernent of Bogle L~ortion of the ground r.f~cessary for the i~urposE~ of supporting sucri '~uilcAi~lg or ;portion thoreof, or for other reason, is li}>oly to ~~artially or conr:~L~tely collapse, or sonio pcsrtion of file ~ ounc~ation ar under+~~inning i s lil~~ly l:o fall or give a~~~a~;~; (f) ~~h~oncver for any reaso.7 whatsoover, t=7e l~uilc~ii.~c~ or .:~~nicturc: or a~_ny portio:~ t`7er~~of is ::,anifeti~tly unsa=e -, for the purpose for :•~hic:~r it is ut~eci ; (c) tri~~cnever the ;~uil~ ~inc~ or st~~ucture has ',~c~en so calac~;ed ?.~y fire, ~~~iric~ or f)_ooc~, or i7c.s hecorae so ci lat~ic~atec~ or detcrioratec:'. ~ s to of fore, a ~_ari~or for va:~rants, cri~inals, or iru:oral ,persons, or ~~s to en~.~le ~~ersonr to ~~esort ti-~ercto for tha :~ur~ose of coru~,ittin~~ a nuisance or unlawful or in~T~oral acts>; (h) ?Tliennver a ~..~uil~~.in~t or sti~ictlire used or intended to ;~e usea for c~~.elling pur~?o:~es, because of <<ila~~ic:~tion, c'ecay, cai~a~~;e or faulty construction or arran~erncnt is unsanitary or unfit ror hi~.rnan ha~it~tion as certii=ie~1 ~y tze ~iulton Count,, I:~~a1tl- lie~~artrl~nt or other co:.lpeterit aut'_iority, anc~ is lic~ly to ~„ori; injury to tle hcaltll, safet~r or ~r::~nc.~ral ;reliare c-~f Chore livinc vaithinr { i) `:;lieriever a ':n~il~~~iiir o-~ stnzcti~re is infester Sri th -r~~:~'.ents, insects, pest:: cr other vorain, or i:~ lil>c'-1Y to .. ,_, czuse sicl~nL,:]s or aiseasc •~;;heii :o cloterr~ined by Laze Fulton County .ae~.lth -,e~-~~?rtment or other co ir~~e.tcnt authority; ~, (j) ? ~'llenever any bui ldinc, si,:all )ecom: ~ vacant, cila~)icsated or o~~en at dooms or o~inciow, leaving; the interior of tlc~ bui luinc~ o:;t)osecl '~o ~.he ele.nents or accessible, to erltrance '~~~ tl~'es~asser~~ r (l.) `>l;zenever any uncccu~~iec_ buil~iirlc, o.~ st~^~.lcture is deemec' a ruisanee ;~)y corlr~on la~•r or t~~e Cock o~ thc~ City of C~.nton and the stl_~tlcturL or :~uildi nc~ has neon .secures: icy the oc~mer or his agents by coverin_7 u~~ t'~le z•~indo;~s nca cYists ~~ith lumber ol~ l~iatcrials other t!~~an c~la~in materials or a ?)erio~~~ of thirty (30) d~_ys cr rlvre, tiereLy causing ~ ,lie h-~.inc inluc.nce on a nric:~h'~orhood. -20-3:~nforcenlent Poc•~er file Chie:~ of Police or his uesic~nee shall '_~lve -gull noire;' to L):"1SS ~ 11y,' cxUC-'3tlOn arl:,'ln~ tl'LiC:.E?: t:7° ?'7rOV1 1Jns O1 tills Chc.-~tG'r, su:~ject to file conditions, r:~cx::iiic,~.tions anc~ li:li~~ation~ containoc? in this cila~~ter. ~~'il0 Chi.e~ Of POliCC' or ~:1:,' dl`Sl~lnC'e ].s 'lerebLL7 aLlti'loi"l~.P_('1 t0 c~:emolisiz or recair o-A° cause the ~e-:~olition or rey~air of d~:ngerous l)uil~,in~~s or unco~.n~~lete~' buildings or abarldol,ed }~uilc~inc~s ~sit:lin file territorial limits o~ the City of Canton. J Tlzc Chief c:>f Police or his clesignoc is further authorized, when reraovir~:~ or causinc• the de:no]_ition of a dan{~c.rous l.~uildinc:~, uncor~~L;leted builctin~ or abandoned '.ouildi~lg from a lot, to rc~-~rove all ~~rivate ,~ic]et:all;s, ~~enc:es, concretc~~ foundations <,nct drivo~~rays locater~ cn the lot 4Vi th such ;)ui lctin~~. 6-~0-~:: loticc of Ur_st.fc Conc~ilior. of ~:uilc-inc~s f ~r:t ns o~~ Servioe :'l~~en a in<ildinc~ or structure ~ritilin file City of Canton is found t0 iJe u '~Liarlt-'(?rOU3 '~~Lil?C~ln~~`' Or COrltali7 s ar'i unsafE? COi`li~ltlOn, t.le C:111C-'_^ 01 '_~Ol1.CE.-' 01" i11S C'e:~lcjr7"_c? .~~1:;:11 1SSU'? anCt serve ~_ notice thereof upon all o~mers of rLcar,! or ~~orsons :avi nc~ an interest trierein as shown ;~~,~ dccurle~ntr~ recorded in the office of the i~ ulton County 7c~corc'xer of ~.)eeis and a>>on persons in ap~L~arcnt L~ossessiora of the ,~rernise:. ~'he notice shall brief lip and concis~~~ly specify the conditions and factors of the building or structure ~ahicl renders it cAangerou~ or unsafe. ''i"_ic: notice sl~~all further s~~c~cifl.~ t11at the o~~~rers m~_,~e tho l.~uilt~ing safe ('_~y ccrl~~lcto elir.~ination of any unsafe conditions) o-.~ co.l~;ionce de~:lolition at osmer's cos Ls ~~~ithin fifteen (1 5) says of laic: no-vice. ~i'llL notice Tall further specify that (1) demolition si1~-11 cow ,once no later than fifteen (1 5) days of safe notice, .~uZt:. (2) ~ ~ c:ato for completion of ue_ :oli lion. "~'he date for co:lplction shall be rc.~YSOna~ly set in li~:lt of the nature of the z,uilctin,_, ~~eather conditions, anti otl~.cr relat-.c :'actors. ".'he ift~en ~iay tira~~ pcrioc. shall cor:ulence u~>on G receipt o~ the notice. 'f'ile notice' authori::e(~ ley this section Shall l~^ sel-ve(' ley either personal service orgy certific~{ mail with return receipt. 'ersonal :service I:itLy ire I;1ac1e ~y a ~olicc~ officer of the CityT of Calton. t;here, uy~on c~ilicrent search, the identity or ~~nc~~reaheuts of tle owner or o~.;ners of wily suc'_i bui l~~linc~, incluc:inc~ the 11G'P.'t1alG?Y'S Ol: reCOY'Cl 1S nOt aSCCrLalTla_Jlc', i10t1_CC' IilalleCi t0 the perSOn Or j C'rSOY1S In v3'_10,^7e llc i:t.^-.. :iUC':i ~~al ~StatC'_ 4?~'S last aSSG'S~3G'C~ far c~enF~ral real estate ties is su~ficient novice unc:er this section. I11 the event the o~~n~er fails to comely ;;ith ~.nv time peria'} set forth in the notice, th ~ City :lttornny is aut`1ori.,ed to cor~ilcnce a civil action ir: the Circuit Court o-f ~~'ulton County seeking a court or(zer au~lorizing ~erlolition or rc~-.ai-r of the lauil~'.ir1g or structure su:~ject to the notice r~ro~~ic':ed by t~1is section ai1c1 to create. t'-zc lion c.cscrii~oc: in s<vsction 7 of ti~i: c'1a~~t~~r. It shall not be a ~i~a:~erse to this cause of action that the ~.~uilc:iing is .~oarde'i uo or othe-~~vise ~nclos~cl. It further ;hall not see ::ief~~nse that the ~uilcinc,; is ~~ut i1 a,;~afe condi tion durinc; the p(~nc~ellct~~ of the civil action. ~oineci au ~.efenc:~ants in said cruse sh~lll be>. the o~rller of r~cor~ and ot'r-lc~r parties ~lavin~~ an interes~ in the -.~ropert~,~ as 7 shop:~, icy docui:lents recordccl i n t'ie office of t'r.e Fulton County ~:ecorder of i~ec~'.s on the ;?atE> of the filinc o}- thc~ co~1:zl~int ,or cx~.molition. G-20-~: Lis ~?enuens ~lotico rJr~oz tine con~ic~ncer ant of the ci vi 1 action s~~t -L-ort~ in section ~:, a 7_is -~~enciens notice :~esi~~r:~~.tinr~ t:.e nropc'rty upon G~~hich the suaject '~uilc~in,-~ i s locate.l shall ~o ilex. ~vith thn recorder of cleecs. 1 ailure to file or thc~ ir:,~~ro~~er ~=ilinc; o~= tl~ie lis pc~nc'ens notice c~ocs not, '~lo4v~~ver, e-i=fect the civil action for deT:~olition. :any ~~.-arson o~tainin~ o~ reco~~:'incr in safe,: office an interest in tho ;property after such ~: i lin,r !~iay 3_~ecor:e »arty to the civil action only ii he intervenes ~•~ crdc~r of tine coi.lrt. u-?0-G: ~~laca.rc~.in~~ of :~~uildincr cr ~tL~icture ;'sienever any ~'.cac'llinc~ or l~uildinr~ his ',:~ce_z ciesir~n,~tec? a "clan~erous ':~uildinc" or contains unsafe conditions, the Chief of ~'olico or his d:~si~nee shall t~lacard the k,uildinc; in:ticatin~ that tzc, condition is c:an:~erous and unsafe. It shall }~~~ unla~~ful for any ~;~crson to rent, cause to ~t~nt, to occupi~~ or allay: rinother to '~irCiils ar ~ 1 i OCC:U~7y c:l1y prerllSE~.3, i:n0'.'ii I1:~ that i31.C1 ~ ~ :Zc,S ,7G'E'I7 cA<~sicnate~i a "d~ ngerou ~ t~uilc~inr`°. It s~all lae unla:~~ful ..or =tn~-~ -x:r^>on to ~er.:ove, cause to rei:iovc~ or cover uL~ i-.~ arly ;,~~ay any ;~lacar:-i desic,natin, a i~uilc<in:~ n V or structure a "~lanc,crous Dui 1CiiiZ~~j`" . ~ viclation of this section G s:.all '~~e }~runis':za~ln ~y a ~=ina not lc~s than one hunfa_rec :dollars ( :~ 1 0 G . 0 0) anti not more than rive huricircrj c to l l:ar.~ (:''. 5 0 C . 0 0) cr ~y imr~risont:lent s_or a period llot to c:;ceecl sip; (G) P.tarltiZS, or 'a3v loot such :Fine aru' it:~Z~risonnelzt. -30-7 ~ %7emolition Lien, Personal ,Jude}dent ~1'he cost of der:oli~tion or re pair incurred by the City o Canton, ilrcluc~inc; court coasts, attorr.c~y' s ices :end othor costs relatec_ to tl-le c-.niorcei;~ont of t_iis ch~..~~ter is racovera'~~le ~:ror~l tlzc~ o:r:er or o~~mers of file real testate anc is a lie~z thereon, ~:-hich 17-en Slall iX.' :~U~~erlor t0 c`lll - ~-, for c3;i St1;?~_j 11~"'.:1S a11Ci ,_ encur.:~rar~ces, c_•:cept to<:e,~, ;.~rovid.c~d, llo~rever, that ;~iu~iin sixty (~0) f.'ic'iyS alter C:O::;~1?tlon O~~ t't1G iir'.i:loll.tlon or rG~~alr, tlic_ City :attorney shall file a notice of lien i:'.~r tl~le cost and ~~x~sense incurred lay the city, in t'1e oi-~ice of the ~ecordc:r of i~ee~.:xs of ~u1to?z Cour_ty. ULSOn ~a~n::ont o~ said: cost of cue:volition ley t:he ot~mer or any ~~erson ~aho has an interest in th~~ ;ro=~erty, tie lien small .~e relLascd by the Cite attorney. `i^ize lien .nay ~:~e en~~'~orce~ ley t~roceodir~c~ tc foreclose as in ~ c- . C ~ ~'' -' ~ `' 11Gr7S . '~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' l len c~.~e of ~::ort~acje.., o~ ..~cc~zanic.~ .quit to ior~c osc- t,zi.~ shall '~,e corlrlenced ~:~y the Cit~T %`~ttorney Gaithin tl~rc~e (3) Nears ~;:it^r the gate o1 ilinc~ o~ notice oi~ lien. c, If pasr.;?ent oa_ the city's cost o c~eriolitiorz is not ~~aic1 to the city ;sithin fi~i-teen (15) c{a~~s of tll~ Lilinr o~ the notice of lien, the City <,ttorney ~-at.:.J COI'il:?T7CF' l~rocaec?inc~s in thn circuit court see.i nc~ a ;~crsonal j uci~~e~.?ent fro~a file oam`~- of the sL?aj oct y7rOiX-?1"tV at tt10 l`~lifl~? thi_ CO:_i~Jlcllnt i0i: (Ae: ~OlltlOn ~;Ic :: 11GC1 ~7it11 fife C1rCU7.t Cl'l'r;: lr1 'Gh(' aiiidilnt O~ raiC~ COStS. ~~.'h(' aCtlOn autllorize~l '~y this paracra~~1 s~lall Jr.~ in ac;~~:±ition to, and c~~it`~IOUt eraivr~r of, ant other rerneciies. 6-2~-3: nuisance Stn?ctu?-es 1'~ny unsafe, ciilapi.,latec or aa~:~ndonecl }r2zil:~,iinc~, house, 'yarn or other structure situated ~~aithin the lir;its of the city is, and tho sane is here;~y raeclarec_~~ to be, a nuisance. "if any such ?~uilr~ill~ or structure i.:, ~~ein~ const~~-L?cted, altorec',, enlarrod or repaire~'_ ~_nd t1e :~uil:~iinr ~~eri.?it issued rOr aa1C" '•~Ul1CtlIZ~~ OL' sti~lCtl?rt.' e:_J1rEs Or l r`VO::eC' '."J1T tlE' :~ulldlnC official, ~.ncx the o~;rer df the ~~uildirl~_~ or structuro fails ,-~i thin thirty (~0) caa~.~s of the revocation or c~~,piration t0 ol,tain a certi:icate of occupancy as ~~rovic'ed '~;J this cccte or to o?;~t~:,ir. arotlvr l:,uilciincJ pcrrnit, glen that '~uilciin,~ or sLn?cture shall remain a cxecl~.re~~l nuisance. `s'he •oenalty for r::aintaining ~. nuisance sh~:.13_ x~e as ~rovic~od 11: t'ti1S CO:E', anC~ e1Ci1 and eVC?Y'~iT Ciay that SL1C11 ntli:>anC;e rel:?aln s una~at~ ~ s'rlall consti Lute a near an~~ se~oarate offcnsa. °' 1G • ~ • . . -' , 3. `:i~hat ti~is Ordinance shall ~ in full force ar~u effect t~~n (10) days r.fter its ~~assace ~y tzo C,itLL~ Council of trre City of Cantor, T'ultor~ County, i1li~icis:, a~~>roval :~y tie T~ayor thoreof, ant Lui~lic.~tion i n L;a:sL~.ilet foci;: as ~.~rovi~ec7. icy la~~. PASSED 'r.~y tiie City Council of tiie city of C~~.nton, ulton County, Illinois at a regular r:~c:eting this _16th ciay of May , 19u9, u~-ion a roll cell vrao as fcllo~~s: AYES: Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Stock, Sarff, Meade, Bohler, May, Chapman. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. APPI20VED ~,: ~~ ~_ ?.~on~.l% ?. Ec~eaarc`is, _'_ayor ATTEST: ~~Iari ,~i~i s, City Cler'; Publication Instructions ^ do not publish I9~ Publish in pamphlet form only ~ Publish in a general circulation newspaper '1,~~-- ---~ -- City Att. Date 11