HomeMy WebLinkAbout#4136 Adopting the Budget for all Corporate Purposes of the City Of Canton F!tp111019o uNTYB11KFN COUNTY, IL CERTIFICATE THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIES THAT SHE IS THE CITY CLERK FOR THE CITY OF CANTON,ILLINOIS,AND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL AT A REGULARLY CONSTITUTED MEETING OF SAID CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON ON THE 16T" DAY OF APRIL,2019 ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO.4136 A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF WHICH IS CONTAINED IN THIS PAMPHLET. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL THIS 16'DAY OF APRIL, 2019. (SEAL) DIANA PAVLEY-ROCK CITY CLERK CITY OF CANTON ORDINANCE NO 4136 AN ORDINANCE ADPOTING THE BUDGET FOR ALL CORPORATE PURPOSES OF THE CITY OF CANTON, FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS, IN UEO OF AN APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MAY 1, 2019 AND ENDING APRIL 30, 2019 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON THE 16TH DAY OF APRIL, 2019 PUBLISHED IN PAMPHLET FORM BY AUTHORITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THIS 16TH DAY OF APRIL, 2019 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 16, 2019 Ordinance No 4136 BUDGET ORDINANCE CITY OF CANTON AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR ALL CORPORATE PURPOSES OF THE CITY OF CANTON, FULTON OCUNTY, ILLINOIS, IN LIEU OF AN APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MAY 1, 2019 AND ENDING APRIL 30, 2020. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and the City council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois: SECTION 1: That the amount hereinafter set forth,or so much thereof as may be authorized by law, and as may be needed or deemed necessary to defray all expenses and liabilities of the municipality be and the same or hereby budgeted for the corporate purposes of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois as hereinafter specified for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2019 and ending April 30, 2020. SECTION 2: BUDGETING CONTROLS. The Budget Officer may transfer amounts between expenditure accounts within a departmental budget or expenditure accounts within a fund without departmental segregation without the approval of the City Council. The Mayor's approval is required to transfer amounts between expenditure accounts of different departments within the same fund without City council approval. The City council must approve by a majority vote of a quorum of the City Council any transfer of expenditure accounts between Funds on the Budget Ordinance. Contingency monies can be used to cover a shortage in any fund in the budget ordinance with approval by a majority vote of a quorum of the City council. An amended budget is necessary if the entire expenditures for the fiscal year exceed the budget ordinance total expenses including the contingency fund. By a vote of two- thirds of the members of the corporate authorities then holding office,the annual budget for the municipality may be revised by deleting,adding to,changing or creating sub-classes within object classes and object classes themselves. No revision of the budget shall be made increasing the budget in the event funds are not available to effectuate the purpose of the revision. SECTION 3: Be it further ordained by the Mayor and City council that this budget adoption ordinance is in lieu of the statutory appropriation ordinance, and that the following amounts set forth in the budget for various corporate purposes shall constitute the aggregate amount of the appropriation as follows: Page 1 SECTION 4: That if any section, subdivision,or sentence of this ordinance shall for any reason be held invalid or unconstitutional,such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance. SECTION S: That a certified copy of this ordinance shall be fled with the County Clerk within 30 days of the adoption. SECTION 6: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage, approval, and publication, as provided by law. Adopted this 16TH day of April 2019 Pursuant to a roll call by the City Council of the City Of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. Ayes: Aldermen Quin Mayhew,Angela Linfelter,Tad Putrich,Angela Hale,Craig West,John Lovell, Justin Nelson, Ryan Mayhew Nays None Absent None Approved is 16 a o p 2019 Attest /^ r Diana Pavley-Rock,City Clerk V vv' Kent A. McDowell Mayor, City of Canton yll Olda IIp Hubgemin May L 2017 4pti130P 3018 General FUM Paminlslrative Aaminhlratwe 5oanes 5138345.00 0-5654210 Health lmmana $49,585.0 001-50-54211 1 n[al-P e 5468,61500 01-50.54215 mployeePon-Haalthlne $9,555 00 o)1-Solllu. ...H0 eupna ol$b54n1 Plural maorznm a entree 515smo0 no,G15a.3 file lnsuranu 531000 0015)-54231 Ole mould.-ra"I'le 51,060.0 PPI-10i Wellness",am $3p3000 .So"a OaP ICMA Puri SOOo .15055130n[MaN ... 5000 001 5055110 utililese 530..Pal .1.50-55180 $0. Wl-SO 55330 Trail s".0. $?.000 .1-1.i mining S;CV000 .1 IG Puri $,.0. .11.1 'Pines, $5,.000 -5055350 $89.80000 .1-5654. Englneenng $35.0.00 ddOlDi bgal $33.560. .11.112. End, $3<9500 .1-1G."I'0 Planning&In,Cons $0. om.56553m spoon elver Parcneahip 54..0.'.5.. (NOSyC 320 Volunteer Wonder und $2..'b.. .1 50-55330 FlmworkS Expellee $?C)i a,od 2 TIF E.Peueee 5?0... .15053350 Contionl nF E.peneee $2,0.. 0015055360 Pace&Fill Comm-on $7,501 .1w553ID Hennronn E.penaae $3s... 001501 saewal4 Program $7,501 .15655390 other mntaoual$ervlees 56R9a0. .1.55430 FunHoldal labor SOoo 30-56110 Mi $8,500.00 .15056120 M,mi 5upp6es $0. WI-50i .,ung Supplies $2.000.00 00130 56140 Otri .15053110 Ili From Oehl $000 .1So4II0 u50A loan $0.. .1565]930 Mai...E.Pense 51,000. .130$83. Equipment&Improvements $1,500. .15058500 perty Axes-Gryuots $1.500.0 .15659.0 hone Out $650,880. iNal Marnalstrative $ ,na'115.W PWtt Oepa.. .1-51-54110 Gad-Fluid Oeputy Chief 554.530. .1-5151130 "and, p.r- $5"0,340. .1-51.541M Salaries Patrolmen $158o10. .1-51-54135 9lanes liviiian Sili. .11154138 Crossing Guard 521.5.. -53-54140 Salaries Clenol $93,365. .1-51-541. overtime ORirer $142,985. .111-aUlS overtimeal $12...0 .133-541. Holiday Pay $93,305. .1-5114V0 -1Paye $3,415.0 a-51-541. .noun Allowan¢ $15.415. .15314195 oveHime Forld-endif. 315,0.. .1-511a.ID .-Ift lnsunn. $553,695.0 -5154215 Empiwee Fri Fluid l m 5112,3a5.o .1-11.5413. FaiI....did, $11,118.0 .151-34230 we meoranre 54,3..0) Wellness engram 53,16000 .1-51-54260 $653,31000 00/5134390 PEHP Plan $35,63500 .51-55110 vemee PHInt-nr- $11'.Po 00131-55130ent Main¢nana 5935000 )Utilities $?3.00 00/5/33210 ravel $33..0 Dini )pining 56.0da. .15155380 $Fair 0.1 5153390 O[Mrunnt...ool Yrvime $$8,9.. 001-51-55410 Conlp4ua danor 5000 .15156110 Pull.......s 53,PA' W 0015/56120 Mantel-Suppme $0. Page 1.111 G E,o,r, m,pa ry BUEget OrJlnante May L Z011 Ppri130,2018 00151561. DperalNg Supplies $5,51.00 00y5L561<0 MM1er Supplles $450000 56ssD lye Gam sv5D00 .351.1. Motor Fuels W1.1LSBIDO VeM1icles $GO.ON.W .15158200 nl&Improoemems $? .. .15150II0 msara net Clmm aEr,y 1r) Latal Poke 0eparlmenl $3,492,080.00 Fire Department 001-52-Sall. Salaries Ch,,! $54,63000 OaL5D5a330amperes-i $450,16100 OL45a130 Salaries preligmers $552.00500 001515/132 part Llme Labor $e o0 W152hale. Salaries Clerical $343400. W 152.sa1s0 Ceemlme $1.,..., W 15154160 xo l lady Pay 55600000 W 3515432. r.nal pays $00. .51180 Vnnorm Allowance $1600000 .15150195 Oeplim.pomhursemenla $D.. WI-52.54210 Health In-rano, $303465.00 01-sZ-50215 Employee Portion Health ins -$In 1. 0 El Inpamnop 5988500 .1-111411. Lite lneuranre $2.121. ame3.5aa0 wanes Irmgmm $6m. 0-52-5@W 5800,655.. 001-52-55110 G.aEng Mainlenana $2.50... OOLSd.55120 VeMCIe Maintenance 529.620.. .t-12 11130 E,.,pmenl Malntenen- 510,.0. .1521512. u000es 520000D0 .15155210 irava $2,040W 1s5230 Ta $2,305. .15155390 Other Conn-.I5er- $20,160. .1.SD56130 CI Supplles $4,50000 Gal 5156130rating 5uppllm $13625. .15316140 her Supplies SS.. .1 Pleraftee Gear $3..83500 .111161. Motor Fuels S11..V Ge .153.52910 Miscellaneous Expense $D. .1-52581. Vehicles SO.. .1"I'll Eel&Impmyeapots $5.0.. .151.500. Depneianm Fre SD. Total FOe OepanmmL $1,a nt.4a5.. Rral GrapaNnenL 001-53-541. .lanes Imp-p- $17,540W .11314130 labor $200120. a-53.A150 Gromme $18A00. 15354210 Hal lnsuraee $74,285 W .1535a., Employee PMian Heallh ins $12,630W s3s421D .ental mauraria $1,335. .15354134 Liie lnsunnce 5560. .153.54240 Wets-Program .15355120 Vehipe Maintenance $363... .15355130 Epuipmenl Merryman- $".tl 00 0015315140 Tree Maintenance S...U.. .1.53351. VlAlaies $9,5..00 .53-55125rl LigM1ling $1..O... .1 -5511. Bental $1,5... .11-51553ID Training $OW .15355390 Eom-pmraatualxmeea $0e 0.1-53-5540 Comranmlpt, $D. - -6120 Man ' -1 $o.. .1-53 IE1. .'roo ane.5upplms $0. 01-53-56130 ral.pphypplies $1$I S.DD 001111E1. 011ier Supplles $2.0..0. 01-53-561. ye Gear $0.00 001-53561. M to IFuels $49,095 a. .E1-11 I.,. VeM1icles $20,0.➢0 .153-503. Epulpmem&Improaemenls $32.21000 00153-58000 .eprenahon strict 50.00 part 5[rett0epartment $262.465'. Garbage Mparlmenl 50.50110 Salaries Supervision 512,54 D.00 00154.54130 la0.r 5336.45500 O15a11150 , SD 4 -1 .. 001554210 Elnmrann 59332D 00 Page 2ol 11 BbgC'u.1,Ca(IonOmil-, E.1,., mana 001-545@15 Employee Pomo-Health le $11,210.. ODI-54.54220 rental Insurance 5199.. Ile Insurance 5555m 0154-542J0 Wellness Program $90.00 ODI 54-55120 Vehltle Mainlenance A. .1 14 1131. Ep uipmenl Mainomar- SOW ODIS4551sD m-aml $182,530.00 DD154.55110 Ur Olnes s000 50-55140 Ativenbing SG up .1 14 IXber Contractual Yrvires $1L23500 MI-54 56120 ....Iles $I.,.pay .1-5456135 Openr . lng Ssuph- Garbagei $000 00154.561. or fuels $4811100 Set. VeM1icles $¢00 .1 14 munproart&Improvements $000 .1-54.1. Ga rbage 0,mp-ion 556,CW o0 Total Gar Cage Depareas $6V.E55.00 Doldog and Grounds Humanly- W1-5554110 Is-,Supe Msmn $I],54000 psyl55 54130 bbor 556]5.00 .1 SS Nt. nor $OOD HealtM1 Indoor- 52111.o) .1-558215 Employee Portion Health Ins $5,590OD .1 5554220nlal Insurance 59000 35 54230 Cie Insurance $11100 .11s"Nan wellneae Program $120.00 OO 8,"'30 BUIIJIng Maintenance $II,Oo000 .3531112. Vehicle Maintenance 550000 .111"I30 Equipment Mainlenance $100.00 001 Ss 551]0 Utilities $2p00.OD OO15S55190 portal $000 5390 (Ther Olopocmal sew"ll $8"00.0, 001 55-5$120upplres $161400D OOYSZ5s13O rating supplies S. 001 5.56160 ..to,Fuels $625.00 OOb51-582W Euwpment&Improvements $000 Total HUllaing a ad GmuMS OeWrtment $,3,160.. Total General Fund $9F31,SN.00 HOW Malel Tourism Fund-OW OlOM55390 Miscellaneous EIP1111 $DW 0100Cy9)10 MHallaneous Expenses $S6,OSD.W $S6.O.M Worker,Comp Fond 020 O26WhsleO insurance $262,90. $21F2,SIDA0 UadlttY lna,anceFam L30 030.55180 Insurantt 52..35. $206,735.00 Unemployment Fund-040 .."'Ed ancrunne $23,230. $13,230.00 Ytleo Gambltnead-050 insofar Out $115,000M Sall... Dem.1111an FuntlDemolition Espenses $2O0D3.W $ID,MOAO Sidewalk PrWam-o52 011.11360 SkewaO:Program Sim'.... $1.,.0.00 Whide Fund-011 OR.56130 0,amrsng 5upphes $DCO $0.00 ESOT Fund-v0 Iwm55390 (Ther Contractual Moes $0.. $O,GO Social rlty/Medbre Fund Fund 120OD54310 $ .lXwnty $2]0,"09.. $270.Fal F aelormem Fund 13OPo54260 MOF 925,000.. $125.000.00 end.Nad 15.00.595. 'counting $23,175.M $23,]]5.00 Federal Asstt Forlellure Ford 171L155120 Vehkle Mainten.c. $O.M r71.1llK 0 F,avel SG GO 171LD552ID Trumann $5,0.00 ao 55390 cher Contractual Scram" $DD0 171LO 56130 Opemmg 5upphes $OW ll11.5Ipl0 Proportion Gear $],]..00 111 00 58d. nl& m Improveenta $113M.W I'll's .A Fra-@rout I. Taal Federal Meet proton-Fund $2clusee 0 HonFedval nines FORelture Fund 121O.-551a0 Vehlne Mamtenanm $000 172.55390 me,Contractual Yrvices $OM 172OD 56130 Opera Ong Supplies $000 40de1W Vehicles 511,.W.W 1800-582M Equipmsome"mpmvemenb $O. 12D065MW Trance,Our 50.00 %lot xom Fmml Acres HerteOme Fund $III.,. DUllpm.na IN.5613o OperaOng Supple, $O Ed 124m 58100 course $2,020 W Total UI Fund IN $;020.. Page I.,II E mory At Dodo on Rules,Om nonce Mav 1,let, All,30,IRIS POB¢Bonding hes hold 175 4056130 Operating"PRI'lx $?1DOW VSdO 59000 Transfer out $OM Total Police Bonding Fuld Fees BEG Revolving Wan 199 00-5)910 Miscellaneous Eapens<5 5000 SOA] MFT fund-OCU 200 W-55150 Roan Maimmono 5363,SN 00 2.00 55260 Engineering $36,50oW iD0 W-5310nse Ecpex 50.00 2.1n5B.0 .1 Gpttal Duda, $0� 1.Ar-11. MFT ira n sler(Al 5000 Tod,MFF fund $400,0.000 "I lfunn Q01 201L&55260 Engine<nng&legal $2... AO SO101lerr/Side-NPaMI l0 $20BWO.W iF11106 Pub Pmi 9re Prep-Dema SOW 101,00-5]110Fmen Debt $110195. AFT.- 7115 Pub PlojBus Real&Real.... $BSBZOW 20,00-5711) Pub FIO,Trails $000 0.17138 1.11 Deb,Unls xua nce Co III $000 20/057119 2011 Debt Rn lruren Soca 1/057120 Dan,Reparmen, 5370,0W.00 x0110 9201 Fit,FR.,Eomareitul 50.00 201 au 171.1 PrO Pro j LBB I.ausnial $000 20L0tr9io3 Priv Pml Apt-Thnamerl< 50.00 ID1,0F9202 PRO Ism,A,nd living 50.00 2O1M93W Yawl Share and Surplus lot $1,92000 201-00.57401 As molua,lon $13,11500 IR1.1117IN Pro(ealonal and FouGnm, $000 io1O057103 belpH en �HIR11M1O ARD.Dneoux E.Pens< so.. io Loo-5.00 IT 1 Dolts Dudav $o. 2010-58304 lanas[ape.Holung $000 201N�58308w all,Men $0. 2.1.59000 Transre Dut WAR.. 201-0055]60 Frontier, $0. 211d]57910 TIF 1...it GpBa,DO,ay SOW Doul 7a 1 TIF I Fund-2@ zO2-00110. Ing-Hug&Legal $2,500W 2.210-57m5 Pub Pm,Hoorphelewm $35000.00 2@m-9308 re Er Wron C-ternments M. 20EN-57111 Pub Projects PIPRI )nal Yry $o.. m21057200 Prorate enjeRs %. 2021057201 Prb Apt mmmeall 50.. x021050.. 1-Pro,Comnappol"III So. 2@LO 52213 PrI.PeProlees>nn<ratidn $0. zOl10s>3o1 Ynom Snare dna 1uBHm 01x1 $.o0 2.TB0 7401 Pamlnlmatis- $9D3O.Oo 202. 57910 xce lnneope Rm- %oo 2021,059.0 Transfer DW S"b O[U UO Total IF $256.530.. wamr/Sews,load wal<r Ywer Ann,,nktabon RA,.SBadg Debt Re[lan,e[aion 50.. 3001091. P111-1.1anes $113,215. 1.10 e- $,15500 300-.51195 .Ati Relmbuaemen6 $0. 5054210 Health l...ante $1?NSW 300-50-9211 RNrt,be Heaul a ad 0 ental so. 3.'.-9215 Emp,oyee Portion Health lox $1,175. Soo-50.54x10 portal mutant, 5310. 00 5024230 Lire lnxuranm 511s.. 300509240 W<Iln¢i Program $260. 300-50 55130 E4 Wpmels Ma Nt<nana $15,47000 .07$05970 Onall, 30050-SSL. Travel 3.50-55230 Fort, 51s.taD.. 3..5055nD Trial $12,F.OF Rep.55390 Other Per ural YMax $.IBPI.oO 300-.563ID OPoce 2...1111 $55..00 3.50 561. Malntmance SUPPBex 5000 30050 561ID merge n[y Re lsel E.penalture 500 300-5..561. Smergen[y Benet F.p<nniwre wTO s.11n Dd or nom Peet $129,1.. 300.50-17111 201100.Coxtx S0. 3.5017910 xa Baneous Hpenxe $0. 3.-505799) .1 De b,Evpeme 50. Page One 11 City of Onron,01^ s Outlget Orn.^anoe May 1,2017-Ppn130 2018 0",R¢lall"Itlon 52,18g30500 3W 50-58100Venkles $OW 3.50 SBEOD rat&Improee M, $e.WDW 1.511...0 Oepmaapon SO.w coral Ware,Seiner Atlmmnttalion 5?]18,n5.00 Syste mS Mamtena race 0eparrment 3M]55av05 a .','.— s1o52a0.00 Lana, s<15,aeti 3N]5-501$0 Gv M.R., $13,00000 3W-75-142ID 11s133,]1500 3ma5-54215 Empli Portion xealtn lns $31,32000 Ci MunMe $4,250.00 MHH-11l 230 Lfe InS, a $1115.00 3M]5-54240 Wellness Rin,HM $2,46000 3N-15-55110 halt Ma..MianCe $?46000 3.25 55120 Venicle MHnte nonce $7,000.00 Sao-]555130 Equipment Maimen,m, $33,150.0. MOD-75 55170 ut'llays 529,20(1 3.-]5-5519051400000 3COJA552]0 LLegal $5,0.0.. ORI 55390 ana,mmraoual servrcM 564,1(ni 1.11 110 M—ty Me Supplres $1DB,D000. 3W-7556130 lSuppf25 $25,.00.0 Man 5-56160 o,Fuels $14,135.00 COO 75 56170 Emergency Relief EspendiWre $14,13500 300.75.55180 me Re^Y ee4ef Cape^tliWrt $14, 300] CRO) Epu.pmen[&Imp,oveetnts 5107,500.00 C.711.2 10nlainll�lllmSHOD 30.-75.588. .eprecMoSylaGinty h Maim 50.. TIMI Systems M...tenan,e 0epanmenr $1.077,81 Ware-Planr 00-26 5411D Salaries Su pe rvlAon 510514000 306]654130 Labor $429,135. 0R-06$4132 Pa,i.meH. $2Z30D.. 300-]654150 Wenme $37,30500 300.7654163 HOII Pay $11,465.. 0 .14210 Health lbs u n ntt 5179,390.. 1oo-1154yls Employee Pont,xealtn In, $41320.00 300-]654220 ..nal1^s m me $1,921.W 30.-7654730 Lae l-M— $1,320. 300-]65@40 Wellness Program $610.. 300]555110 lRda ng Mai,re^ana $2s. . . Ve1,, iHMtRnRM. $3,.0. 300-]655130 EQu.pment Menten.. $30.. 3067655150 P,atl MaiM—Mie $3H.... 30.-]655170 a iittes $R.... 3067655210 4,-I $H. 00-0655220 T.Ining 51'.11. 30676553$0 Eng....Nrg $I'.... 3Ran 52ID legal Fe es $2,5.00 .-0655390 Other Contractual Rrv.ces $229,405. 306)6-s6110 Olfcesupplles $I,SWW 3.765680 a5upplles $21,200. 30777656130 Opmting iupplles $434.037.. 3067E-sg140 Omer Suppla, $OW 3.7656150re Gear $2,100.3.76-56oto 1. Mrfuele $10.625. 300J6sg110 tan Open.... $7,20). W-7656190 Emergenryflelief Expendrure 57,ID0. 30}]59910 Mlsathathius E,p.... $0. - 9200rat&I......Hei S19?5.00 3.76 .593Infravvu,t,m lmpmremems $0. 300T]658310 .-1 lnl.HIrM ure Ran, $0. Oepim—on WWIP $000 Total Water Plant $2,019,85.00 Wastewater Treatment Plant 300-77h43IDs upervmon $I Di24HW 30077-5415. Unore S $343.9..00 MO-77-54132 Pan TIM,labor 50. 300]7-24150 .`HMI 52,.000 0077-541. HnliGay Pay 54,9300. HOIrnIw M,m 5153,74.00 300775@]1 Employee Portion Health l^s $11".00 a...T $41950. 300]]54230 oCe te l^su rano $LL000n Page Sof 11 as,.1 GnroM1 IIINak B.2ul7,Auld X, May 1.30ID Auld X,2018 300-)7-54240 sI�ram SIF..ul 3.l10 Full,Maintenana $18.000 3W-11 lee al eeMale Maintenance 51RODD.W 3.93-55130 EOuipmem Maintenana $66,SDO DD O 11 55150 lead Mainenance 56,00000 300-]]35170 Utilllles $Z3LSOD.00 00-)]55190 usual $36D000o 3.-]7-55210 Hal $O DO I., oW oD F.71 55130 stage $6. 30D-3335300 Ptiverlang $D.OD 300.7-5520 EnglneeMg $13,10D.DD 00)]ell. legal 51,507.00 3W 77-55390 Olber Co nu mull Se"Fel $13!60000 lCul 11817 Con[ncNal Ubor $000 0I1IFIN ORIa 5upplles $!e^0' '00 3063336130 Supplies $10,.DO Fuls-77 56130 Opell",5uppliex $4],50070 300-D-151. oth"supplies 5007 3wl "Intive Gear $3p0600 3W-771.67 Mptor Nele $1480000 3.)336170 Lab Operates- $22 94500 l-56180 Ineunns,Peall Erpsnldua 521.1. 307-)333910 sallane0-Eaperrse SON 3063]501. veacles 517-0,507.. 06]]582. Equipment&Improve men's $1.,006. 306]7-532ID <e Oar,.", Ste. 3.-77 lhl07 Inlaslmtture lmprwee-ts $000 3l-58310 lend lnlrasWclur,lmpmv $600 loss,Sewer Plan, $4456,945. all ceparunen[ .-)8-54150 she $600 3W)854150 $600 .30-54210 all Penne $6. 3063854315 andaVee Portion Health ins 56. 3.3854330 De . In,ursunnce SD' 3.-)854330 lllelmuance Ste. 3.-]831340 Wellness esenclHarden Ste. 3.3855130 Equ,peertManantt $6. 3.7t-55130 Epuipmen[Main[enance $6. 3.-31 llO Utll,[es $0. 3.3836130 Supplies sow .-)8 56]40 OlneyID . 300-08561. ar Fuels $6 5677 3.3856180 Emegenry lehal $D.. 300-]8583. Egwpmen'&Imprwementi $0. IDtal Meter Deparl-In $US0 IDlal Water YwerFund $),3]3,305.2 Uke DeaelopmeT $3,5..77 3160654130 Iabor ll.F 132FIP Pauptee tsta $160..00 ll.11513D Equipment Malmenance $3,52.00 310unI "'Imes 53e.025 00 3.111. Fllingfms and PGvertising 5670 l"Ful"60 Engireenntr 3160655390 DlneKnntnnual5ervi<es 5 . 60656/40 Suppllex 53,3.1"... 3107656160 . s 56160 MIFuels $1.425. 11 .5791D1.1un MISlehns,neo-Enpe-e $0. 33700-58100 Equipment $0. 3/00658207 Epulpmenture an vementa 50. Mill mlrax,ruc'we Improvements $60.0... 3/60159000 hangers .M ictal lake IXvelopment $Sll,85500 H-swca.Rmetery OLO 54130 Funor $30485. l..14200 mployens 0ene8[s SO.. 370 54230 Hmp,M1].'net. 531 15677 11.54215 mplsytt Pwtlon HeapF lnsur 54065.00 330.-54220 Hems]l-urantt 557000 L05420 Helnsuran¢ 5])500 37706547-. I.F, 50.. 3)600343. vmnbO ll .ea So 6 0Llacune Malm - en<e Intl SVs... 33000-ss12D vmmle Maintenance $1.000.00 Page 6ol11 G my of Canry Illino6 Fuse"Ond"s... May 1,201.Fall I0,2019 LO 55130 Equipment Maintenance $5,000.W 310.0-55150oup t Perpetual SO.OJ 3]000-SS VO NIIIGe^an 5120000 JOW-55190 oral $100000 mom-ss2ao em.mnng s1.990 00 3]0.055250 ting $000 31000-55390 cru al Rrvlax 5<J.L000 3ID.0 ,d—Fees 55<SO ONIars Fees $000 3700065599 :a-n"It.wle .a 3Joao 56110 Op'na Suppllp $5$n T 37u.oe130 ting Supplies $000 3]0-W 56160Fuel Ertp $425000 .,. tor 00 3]0- 5]910 Mua lla neo ux Ertpe n xe 51,000.00 ]0 005]920 Bank Feex $000 3100069]00 FqIIpmInt St no 3]00059990 —ITr alon SO CO 370.0-590W an xler Dur $1000J.W 3 J5.956IIp Marnrena nce 5u p piles 5000 Total Gree—od CemMery $1f6,1]3.00 Fre Persian Fund.M 15.u) 130 Pen A on Pay $1 R 23,39500 150.0-57910 xad.neom lopenxe $53 145W 750.069000 7—fer Our SZOO.000.W $1.416,6W.00 .Mal A.loans.fund Police Penson Fund 760 L05a 130 Penelon Pay $1355.29000 1601051910 xallaneoue Ea,a.se $ID611500 76000590W Innen,Oul $<85.6J000 $1,M7,275.W Total P011a Pension Fund .oral Espenses Enure Budget Ordlnana $Ap%p30.00 Untiagency Fund Enure Budget Ordmana Page 1111 CITY OF CANTON CERTIFIED ESTIMATE OF REVENUE BY SOURCE May 1, 2019-April 30, 2020 Estimated Estimated 2019-2020 Estimated End Reserve Beginning Reserve Revenues on hand B Revenues on nand 001-General Fund 001-0041100 Property Tax 001 OD 4130D Utility Tax $625,000.00 0]1-0'J-41500 Road And Bridge $60,000.W 001-W-02000 licenses 560,000.00 001-W-42100 Permus 520.0sal 001-00 42500 Franchise Licenses 5290,000,00 001-00-43100 State Grants $0,00 Ol DO 43400 Federal Grams $Dm 001-00-03]00 Miscellaneous Grants $OW 301W44110Income Tax $1,500,WOW 001-W-04120 Replacement Tax $170,000,00 001W44125Township Replacement Tax $10,000,00 001-00-44140 Sales Tax 53,000,00000 001W-44150 Use Tax $QOWOW GOT-W-44160 Telecommunications Tax $185,00000 00100-45100 Fines $80,000.00 001-00-46300 Garbage Service Fees $904000.00 001-00-4]110 Other Police Receipts $10,000.00 001.00-42120 ILEAS Overtime Reimbursements 50.00 GOT GO 41130 CUSD 66 Resource Officer $5],10D.W 001-W-42140 5ex Offender Registration Fees 51,000.00 Ml-00-41210 Other Fire Rei $11IX00.00 00100 472 15 Technical Rescue Team Receipts 54,000.00 001-00-41800 Miscellaneous General Reims $1WPW.W 001 GO 0100 Interest Income $1,000.00 001-00-48190 Gain/Loss from Saleof Assets $OW 001-00-48300 Donations $000 001-W-48800 Intergovernmental Revenues $40,000.03 00100-48900 Miscellaneous Income $15,0,00.00 001-W-48910 Madlncome-Garbage $5,50.0) 001-Wd9WO Transfers $215,00.00 Estimated Revenues General Fund 001 $1,810,200.00 $7,810.20000 010-Motel/Motel Tax 01000-41400 hotel/Motel Tax $64,00000 0100048900 Miscellaneous Income $3,WODo Estimated Revenues 561,00000 020-Workers Comp Fund 020.0-41100 Property Tas $300.00000 0200041000 WC Me,Reimbursements Sow Estimated Revenues $3W,W000 030-Liability Insurance Fund 0300041100 Property Tax $250,000.00 Estimated Revenues $250,600.00 040-Unemployment Fund 0400641100 PropeMTaxes $22,500.00 Estimated Revenues $22,500.00 050-Video Gaming Fund 050 W 44110 video Gaming Tax $115,000.00 050 W 41140 Gaming Proceeds 50.00 Estimated Revenues $115.00000 051-Demolition Fund Page 8 of 11 051DO49000 Transfer In 537,9500 Estimated Revenues $32,95000 052-Sidewalk Fund 052.00-49000 Translerin 532.95000 Estimated Revenues 537.95000 072 Vehicle Fund 072 OR 455W vehicle Fines 51.000 00 Estimated Revenues $1.00000 110-ESDA Fund 110-0041100 Four,cry,Tax $3.60040 Estimated Revenues $3,600.00 120-Social Security Fund 12000411W Propem Tax 5350.00000 1200049000 Transfer In $137,085.00 Estimated Revenues $487,085.00 130-IMRF Fund 130-00-41100 Property Tax $375.00000 130-00-44120 Redacemem Tax 5000 130-0-42800 Payroll Deductions $350,00.00 13000-4900 Transfer In 510,00000 Estimated Revenues $235,000 N 150-Audit Fund 150-0-41100 Property Tax $22,50000 Estimated Revenues 522,5000 171-Federal Asset Forteitu re Fund Estimated Beginning Reserve on Hand $ 40,000.00 171-00-45800 Forfeiture Fines 50.00 Estimated Revenues $40,00.W 172-Non-Federal Asset Forfeiture Fund 122 W-0570 Drug Fines SRI 122-0045800 Forfeiture Fines $000 172-W-48900 Miscellaneous Income $000 Estimated Revenues 500 174-DUI Fund 174a0r45600 Dun Fines SOW 124-00-4890 Miscellaneous Income 50.00 Estimated Revenues . $0.00 175-Police Bonding Fees 175-00-0510 Polire Bond Fees $000 Estimated Revenues $000 199-DCCA Revolving Loan Fund 199-0045320 late Fee Income AZ So.00 199-00-45330 Late Fee Income Fuller s $00 199 W-45340 Late Fee Income Sarah's Friend $000 19149100 Interest income $10000 199-00 48120 Interest Income AZ 5000 199.00F48130 Interest Income Fuller's levol 550.00 I"W 48140 Interest Income Sarah's Friend $20.W 199-W 48900 Miscellaneous Income 50.00 199-W-09000 Transfers SO.W Estimated Revenues $620 W 200-MFT Fund Page 9 of 11 Estimated Beginning Reserve on Hand $ 390000.00 2000043100 Grant Proceeds $000 2000044130 Motor Fuel Tax 5360 WOOD 2IXF00478M MFT MIS General Reimbursement 5000 20TOO48100 Inputs,In come $10(040 200-00-49000 Transfers $000 Estimated Revenues $390,00000 201-TIF 1 Fund Estimated Beginning Reserve on Hand $359,000.00 201-0)-4130'0 Press,To. $813,605.DO 201-W 491W Interest Income $1,500 DO 2010048110 Interest Income From Debt $0.00 201-0048190 Gain/Loss from Sale of Assets SOLD 201-0048700 Material Sales $000 201-0048800 TIF1 Grant Revewe $O.N 201-0048900 Miscellaneous Income Saw 2D1 00 49000 Transfers 510000000 Estimated Revenues $1274,105 00 2012 Fund 202 Or 411W Property Tax $405,48$.00 20200491W Interest Income $500.00 20148190 Gain/Loss from Sale of Assets SO.W 202 -489DD FILL Miscellaneous Income 50.00 20200 4900D Transfers so DO Estimated Revenues 5405,985 W 300-Water and Sewer Fund 3MW45300 Penalties $120,000.00 30600-05400 NSF Check Charges $000 300-W 46100 water5ales $2,945,69000 30QW46110 N&Water Sales 5000 3000046200 Sewer Sales $2,089,13000 300.0 46210 Bulk Sewer Remediation $000 300-0-46400 Tap On Fees $000 3000&46500 Meter Sales $0.00 300.0-4660 UB Reimbursements $00 30600-42500 Debt Retirement 50.0 3000&4760 Water Improvement 2005 $1,460,320.00 30000-4220 Sewer Improvement 2005 $1,135,88000 300-064810 Interest Income $3,00.W 300.00 48110 Interest Income 2005 Alternate 5000 300M48120 I rarest Income ILEPA(Water) $0.00 300-0648190 Gain/Loss from Sale or Assets $000 300M4890 Miscellaneous Income $0.00 3000D 49000 Transfers $0.00 300.0049600 Water Transfer In $000 300-0049200 Sewer Transfer In $000 Estimated Revenues $7,254,020.00 310.Lake Development Fund Estimated Beginning Reserve on Hand $5000.00 3160042600 Boat License $100000 3100642200 Camping Permits $40,0000 3I0M4310 Federal Gran,Lake Revenue $OW 310L6481W Interest Income $010 310M486W Lot Leases $15,000.0 31OLOOI Miscellaneous l no.me $2,00.00 Estimated Revenues $117,000,00 370-Greenwood Cemetery 320-W42300 Lot Services $50,00000 3100047500 Properly Tax $000 320-004810 Interest Income $2000 W 3700048190 Gain/Loss from Sale of Assets so DO 3700048500 wt Sales $16000 DO Page 10 of I I 320-0040700 cot Sales Revenue to Trust 51000000 370DOd8900 Miscellaneous Income $0.00 370-00.49000 Transfers $90.24000 375 0J48900 Cemetery Trust been Income $000 375-00-09000 Transfer In Cemetery Trust $000 Estimated Revenues $167,24000 750-Fire Pension Fund 75000-411W Property Tax $750,000.W 750-00-44120 Replacement Tax $86,16500 75000-47800 Payroll Deductions $87,59500 750-00-48100 Interest Income $90,00000 750-W-48110 Dividends $80,000,W 750 48180 unrealool Gi ierl On"vest $000 750-00-48190 Realized Gain Loss 01"east $0.00 750-00489W Miscellaneous Income $120,895.W 750-00-49000 Transfer In 5200.000.00 Estimated Revenues $1,414,65$OD 760-Police Pension Fund 760-00-41100 Property Tax $487,500.00 760.00-44120 Replacement Tax $70.83500 76000-47800 Payroll Deductions $124,11000 760-00 47900 Rol"vers in $000 760-M 48100 Interest Income $135,000.00 760-00-08110 Dividends $452,000.00 760-00 48180 Unrealized Gain/Loss On Invest $000 7600018190 Realized Gain Loss On Invest $0.00 76600-08900 Miscellaneous lnmme $68,980.00 7600049WO Transfer In 5405,87000 Estimated Revenues $1,824,29500 Estimated Estimated 2017-2018 Estimated End Reserve Beginning Reserve Revenues on hand&Revenues on Hand $839,000.00 522.859,705.00 $23,698,705.00 The undernmed,Chief Fiscal Off,,,of the City of canton,Fulton county,Illinois does hereby cor ifythat the estimate of revenues W source,and anticipated to be received by said taxing district is either set forth in said ordinance as"revenues"or attached hereto by separate document,and is a true statement of said revenues. This certifcafon is made and filed pursuant to the requirement of Public Hct 88-4551351GS 200/18-50) and on behalf of the @y of Canton,Fulton Counts Illinois. This certification must be filed within 30 days after the adoption of the Budget Ordinance Doted this � Lfi j Day of.".12019 l 9uaoE s CrysG ,T rer Filed this Dayof 2019 lames Nelson,County Clerk Page 11 of 11 370NK)487M Lot Sales Revenue to Trust 530,00000 370 Be 489M Miscellaneous Income 50.00 37010x9000 Transfers 590]A0.DO 175-W-08900 Cemetery Tms[Mkc m— $0.00 375 W-09000 Transfer In Cemetery Trust 50.00 Estimated Revenues $16714000 750-Fire Pension Fund 75000-411M Grocerve Tax $750,00000 so-0-44120 Replacement Tax $85,165.00 7SO W178W Payroll Deductions $87,595.00 750.00x8100111.1.11 m oe Sell 00 750 00 48110 DHdad, $80,9Cb.00 750 00 483e0 immal'eved Gain/Lon On Invest $0.00 8000x8190 Realized Gain Loss On Invest $000 750/648900 Miscellaneous Income $120,895 W 750w 49000 transfer In 530.,000'.00 Estimated Revenues $1p14.655 00 760-Police Pension Fund 7600041100 Property Tax $487.50000 760 W-04110 Replacement Tax $70,835 DO 7600047800 Payroll Daiuctions $114,11C)M 760 W 47900 Rolloversin $000 7600008100 Interest Income $135,000.00 760 W-08110 Dividends $45200000 760-W-40180 Dnrealood Gain/Loss On Invest 5000 760W T8190 Reafined Gain 1.510,coven $lw 760,00489W Miscellaneous Income 568,98000 760 W-49000 Transfer In 5485 97000 Estimated Revenues 51,82T29"To Estimated fstimated 2017-2018 ...andM End Reserve Eastmain,Reserve Revenues on hand&Revenues on Hand $839,900.00 $22,859,705 W $23,698,705.00 The undersigned,Chief"i Officer nl I's City of cantor'city.county, lards day,nereby crude that the estimate of revenues W soeand anticipated to be received by said taking Ford,is either set fords m said ordinance as revenues .r attached hereto by sepaata mcumem,addIs a voe omemant of sand revenues. This certlilona Is made and flletl pit rsuant tothe requirement of Public Act 88 x55(351 ICE 2WI10-50) and on behalf ORM1e CIry of Canton,Fulton County,1Hums This certbeedion most be flletl vaithin 30 days after the adoption of the Budget Ordinance Dal.this (�, fillDaly of April 2019 ( 2AI It k). Ylr. Credal VI TreasurerI1 Pda nil G- Day of 2019 lam rh,dI .County Clerk Paul