HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #3155~a~fY1~1t Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways of Transportafion By Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code ' RESOLUTION N0.3~-~ BE IT RESOVLED, by the MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the (Councilor President and Board of Trustees) CANTON )Name) Illinois, that there is hereby appropriated the sum of $ 280,000.00 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the applicable provisions of the Illinois Highway Code, from January 1, 199.E to December 31, 19 93 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that only those streets, highways, and operations as listed and described on the ap- proved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, including supplemental or revised estimates approved in connec- tion with this resolution, are eligible for maintenance with Motor Fuel Tax funds during the period as specified above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall, as soon as practicable after the close of the period as given above. submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Department, a certified statement showing expenditures from and balances remaining in the account(s) for this period; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall immediately transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation, at CITY ,Illinois. 1. Ki~~ NANCY WHITES Clerk in and for the CLTY MfS. Icily, Town or Village) of CANTON PEORIA County of FULTON hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the CITY of (City, Town or Village) MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ~Counc~i or P~es~oent ana Board of Trustees) at a meeting on FEBRUARY 16 , 19 ~. iN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 1~ day of FEBRUARY , A.D ,9 93 iSEAU APPROVED 19 Department ofTransportahon Distract Engineer Clerk iGty. Town or V~Itage~ 8LR 4123 (Rev. 6187) IL 494-0354 OOH, Municipal Estillnst~ of MaiMfananfi;e Costs Psriod from January t , t 9 93 to December 31, t 9 93 Municipality CITY OF CANTON Estimated Cost of Maintenance Operations Maintenance Operation Material. Equipme nt or Labor Operation (No.-Description-Total Quantity) Item and Specification Reference Duantity and Unit Unit Cost Amount Cost 1.___M_i_c_r_o__S_u_r_f_a_c_in~,_____ Micro Surf acing __ ________ 15L279 sgft 2 _30 35L141.70 _ ______ -------------- -- -- ~k Sht #73 Special ------------ -------------- ---------- _ ------ _____ - -- --- ------------------------- Provisions --------------------------- ---------- ------ ---- ------ ---------- ---------- ------------------------- 2. Crack Fillin~_ ---------------- ------ --------------------------- Furnished & Applied (~ ---- -------- ------ ------ - - ------ -- 7,640 Ibs ---------- --- --- .92 ------ ---- -- - 7,028.80 __ ---------------------- - .5# sy_ as per LR 410 ----- ------ ---------- ------ ----- --- --- - ---------- --- - 3._ Bit. Mat' I Seal ------- ------------- CRS _2 per Sec. 403 _______ ----- - --- ------ _ 3090 dal -- 1.2 ------ ----- ------ ----- ----- 3,862 _5~ ___ Coat CsID .25 dal/sgy_d._ ---------- Standard Specs ----------- --------------- ---------- ------ ------ ---- - ---------- 4._ Seal Coat AcLgregate __ -- -- ---- --- - - - _ CA _16 per Sec : 403 _______ --- --- ___~123__ton - - __15 _0 - - ______ 51 _1_ 1 L8 --- C~ 20#/sq.y_d :--------- -Standard Specs ----------- ---------- ---- ---- ___ _ _ --------- ------------------------- 5._ Bit. Mat' I Prime - ---- --- ------- _ RC-70 per Sec _ 406 _______ - --- _ 3L238 dal --- __ 1 .0_ ------ _ _ - 3,464 _6~ ___ Coat C~_ 10 ~,al~sy ____ ------- --- - Standard Specs __________ ----------- --- - __________ __-_ - - ___- - - _ ____---_- - 6. Bit.__Mixtur_e Corri~ilete Class Bper Sec 406______ _ 2L83_1 ton 36 _0 101,916.0 Modified) 1 1%2" Binder Surface Courses _ ______ _ ------------------------- Thick. 175"/sq y_d---- ----------------- --------------------------- -------- ---------- ---- -- --- ---------- -- -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ---------- ---------- ------------------------- 7. Concrete _ ------------------ ------ - - -- --- ---- -- -- -- ----- --- Portland Cement Concrete --------------------------- --- ---- 45 cy ------- -- 50.00 ------ ------ ------ - 2,250.00 ---------- ------------------------- 8. Cold Patch __ ___ - --- ------ --------------- ------- _ M19 =81 Current M Specs ___ - --- - -- __ 100 ton -- -- 36.00 - ---- ------ _____ - - 3L500 _0_0 - -- - 9._ Rock Salt __ _ ______ -- - - -- _ Standard Specs ___________ --- ---- __ 300 _tori --- -- 28 _60 --- - _____ - 8;550.00 --- ------ 0. Paint _(Road Stripes) _ Yellow Paint ___ _ 130 qal 14.70 1911.0 - _________________________ __ _______ _ White Paint_____________ __ ___130_~al _ 14_60 1898:0 _ 3,809:00 _1 ._ Wh i_te Bock CA-6 ______ - --- ------------ CA-6 per Sec. 403 _______ ------ ----------- - 2L323_tori -- - --- 4.30 ------ _____ - 9,997.50 --- ------ ------------------------- 2. Crack tiller _ --------------------------- RS-201 Thick D-3405 _ ' ---------- 8 X000 Ibs ------ _ .35_ ------ _ ---------- 2,800.00 ~__~.5#%sgyd ------------ -- - - Sta ridard Specs ---------- ---------- --- - ---------- ---- - - ----- - _ --------- - 3. Sign Maintenance ___ ---- -- _ Misc. Posts & Brackets ___ ---------------- --- 1199_7 ------------------------- _ as per Standard Specs ___ - ------ - ------- ---------- ------ ------ - - - ------ ---------- ---------- ------------------------- ___ --------------------------- Misc. Regulatorx Signs ___ ---------- _______ ------ ______ ------ 2799.3_ ---------- _ 3999.00 ------------------------- a r Standard cs. ---5 pe---------- Spe------ ---------- ---- ----- --------- Total Estimated Maintenance Cost I Submitted FEBRUARY 17 , t g 93 Approved By CITY CLERI: Municipal Official Title Submit Four (4) Copies to District Engineer ,19 District Engineer i i BLR - 82t?2 (Rev. S/90) ~J °f Munkipal Est~nate of Malntanar~u Coats Period from January 1, t 9 g3 , to December 31, t 9 93 Municipality CITY OF CAI~TOId Estimated Cost of Maintenance Operations Maintenance Operation Material, Equipmen t or Labor Operation (No.-Description-Total Quantity) Item and Specificatan Reference Quantity and Unit Unit Cost Amount Cost 4._Calcium Chloride-_--_-- -- --------------- Calcium Chloride per ---- ' 600 dal 1.2 750.00 _- ----------------------- ------ ec. 718 5 tandard Specs- ------------------- --- - -~rel~hh_ 22. ----- ------ 522.b ------- __ 1,272.bZ -- -- ---- 5. Equip. Rental Rates --- pord Model W8000 --------- ---'- ---- "---- --"---" -"------"- _- fold patch and Sign---- - ---------- $2.63_SC7 chi + $x:85------- - _ _ 55b his _ 't .~L$ 1 'L'L45.bb --'------- a ntenance - ----- --- -- - ------ 2 persons Z~ $8.84/hr - _ 55b hrs --- - _ 17.6$ 9724.bb _ 21,J$7.ba --- - ------- ------ 6. qu p. Rental Rates --- --------------------------- Ford Model W8000 --------- ------ ------- ---------- _ Piaui c_i ndeirs, sal t,---- ------ - $_2.65 k 7 c + $5.8_5-_-_-_-_--_-_ - _ _ ~Sb his _ ' 1'~.'2fi ~~i4~7.ba ---------- rock $~ cold_patch_-____ _ 1 person ~ ~8.84/hr _ _ 95b hrs_ _ $.84 $'36$.ba _ 2~,545.ba 7. Equip.' Rental for -- All makes ~ models - 600 hrs 47.35 2 8410.00 28,410.00 _ s~~eet sweeping-------- -------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- ------------------------- -~ai'po_7bbb_Elpin----------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- --------- --------- -------- -------- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1 1 1 Total Esnmated Maintenance Cost ~s 269 , 36~ . 31 Submitted FESRLII~T~Y 17 , 19 ~ Approved , t 9 gy CITY CLF.Ri: Municipal Official Title Submit Four (4) Copies to District Engineer District Engineer BLR - 8202 (Rev. 5/90) -~ -, ^,v~~~ -- LTT~0C7,^ ,~ J ^ ti ^ ~i 1 ~"" ~.'~. ~ ,caa~co~--r-: N i!I M MN~-~_'• s -~ w v a :~ f' W ~ ~ rl H J Q :A C O .Y Q x ~ONN~OCOu^ r !VNNN~+MN O H 3 J Q x ~aooirsar~~ a- ,c a ~o ,a c~ r ~ ^+ t7 NM°7(VMM:^;T~ ..1 A r1 ~~ W J J ~~ H a a a z se ,~ .~ x F M_ O O =tA~I=~QQ r r J r 22 a~.^,Z ~ r- !- C y; s SI~XSw.+•. r f:.~rrU:V-(iU: cry a.~m¢sm¢ ~~ - ~ N r m cn a s w w ac s ,o r sss roc •+ W W W Y! t1i = ~ W rrrz~¢¢ s ~' a~~ r ~o s ~; r J ~ p3 ~v4~OJar)cn :. r z .-~ .. _ ~: Y d -~ W ~ a' ~ O ^~M1~7~~f P"IM iL Z O M ~ a w O O = W :J O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q r M.ff.~1~NN s O W ~+ "' yt ® ~ ~ V ~ ~ ~~ •~ ~ ~ ~ vJ ~ 4 / ~ ~~ .7<?. r~ ~. 4 ~]~. ~:, .~ = ~ mom; ti Y-~ . . -n C v f~ 'n II ^~ iJT - , s J X ~ ..C. 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