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Resolution #5076 - electricity supply agreement with constellation newenergy
RESOLUTION NO 5076 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN ELECTRICITY SUPPLY AGREEMENT WITH CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY,INC. AND THE CITY OF CANTON WHEREAS, on November 1, 2016,the Canton City Council determined that it is necessary and in the best interests of the City of Canton to go out for bids for the supply of electricity for the property owned by the City of Canton; WHEREAS, the City of Canton gave the Mayor the authority to accept bids on behalf of the City of Canton; WHEREAS, the Mayor accepted the bid and entered into the electricity supply agreement with Constellation NewEnergy, Inc.,as set forth in Exhibit"A"attached hereto and incorporated herein; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON,ILLINOIS,AS FOLLOWS: I. That the agreement attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit"A" is hereby approved by the Canton City Council. 2. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois and approval by the Mayor thereof PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois at a regular meeting this 6th day of December 2016 upon a roll call vote as follows: AYES: Aldermen Justin Nelson,Gerald Ellis,John Lovell, Angela Hale,Craig West,Tad Putrich, Ryan Mayhew NAYS: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None tAAPPROVED: r//t Je€fr�A�Mayor ATTEST: NLR Documents/Resolutions 11/30/2016 It lana Pavley-Ro k,ity Clerk NLR Documents/Resolutions 11/30/2016 411.01rConstellation AgreemmtisNot Valid Unless Executed by Seller Constellation NewEnergy,Inc. Electricity Supply Agreement—Fixed Price Solutions CITY OF CANTON ("Customer')AND Constellation NewEnergy,Inc.("Seller")AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Defined Terms. Capitalized bars have he meanings set out in this Electricity Supply Agreement induding the attached General Terns and Condibns ("Agreement'); generally the words "you" and "your" rebr b he Cusbner titled above and he words"we"and"us"rebr b Seller, unless he context dearly requires otherwise. Purchase and Sale of Electricity. You will purchase and receive, and we will sell and supply all of your electricity requirement at he prices set brh bebw br each account identified in he Account Schedule bebw ("Account). By signing his Agreement you authorize us b enroll each Account wih your UDC so that we can supply Lose Accounts). You will take such actions as we request b allow us b enroll each Account in a timely manner.You agree that we may select such sources of energy as we deem appropriate b meet our oblgaions under the Agreement We will enroll each Account with he applicable UDC as being supplied by us and will take such other actions wit the applicable UDC and ISO necessary ler us b meet our oblga ons under the Agreement The spedic prices br each Account are set brh in the Account Schedule, bebw. You are also responsible b pay (1) Taxes -which we will pass through b you on your bill or as pan of he price of electricity,as my be required by law, rule or regulaton and (2) UDC charges br delivery/distribution services Awe provide you a single bill that includes UDC charges. Your prices are fixed br the exising brm of this Agreement and only subjed b change if there is a change in taw, as described in Section 5 of he General Terms and Conddons below. The UDC charges(if any) and Taxes are charged b you as a "pass- through," which means they will change during he existing Wm of his Agreement A and as he related charges assessed or charged vary br any reason, induding but not linibd b the types of changes described above. Cost Components. For each of the Ibis listed as"Fixed"below,his mans the ibm is induded in your contract prices as set brh in the Account Schedule. Foreach of the ibrm listed as"Passed Through"bebw,this means that you will be charged he cast assodabd with he line ibm in aanrdance with he deinifons of each ibm in Section 1 Definitions of he General Terns and Conditions. Energy Cost Fixed Andllary Services And Other ISO Cost Fixed Capacity Cost Fixed Transnissbn Cost Fixed - Line Loss Cost Fixed FERC Order 745 Cost Passed Through The contrast prices contained in he Account Schedule have been reduced b :elect a fxed credit b you br the Auction Revenue Right and Transmssion Loss Credit associated with the Accounks). Any applicable RMR Cost will be passed through b you. The contact prices also include any credit cost,and margin as well as Renewable Pordolb Sbndards Cost Retail Trade Transactions. At any time during he term of this Agreement you may request the purchase of renewable energy certhcabs in an amount equal b a prescribed percentage of your load volume by entering iib one or more Retail Trade Transactions ("RTTs")between us. If we bob agree b the pridng and Erma of the renewable energy cerfcabs purchase, a separate RTT Confirmation signed by bob of us will document each such purchase and be incorporabd herein. Term. This Agreement will become effective and binding atter you have signed the Agreement and we have counter-signed. Subject b successful enrollment of your Accounks), this Agreement shall commence on or about he dab set brh under"Stan Dab", and end on or about tie dab set brh under"End Dab", unless exbndad on a holdover basis as described in this Agreement The actual Stn Dab is dependent on he UDC successfully enrolling he Accounks)and furnishing us with all necessary information regarding the Accounks) nebr read cycle and melon read dab(s). The dates set forth in he Account Schedule bebw retest UDC information available at bat lime or as otherwise estimabd by us. The actual mebr read dabs nay occur on or about tie dabs set brh herein. Nit will use commerdaly reasonable effort b begin service b each Accounks) on he actial peter read date on or about be Stan Dale set brh FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY )2016 Cmsellatm Energy Resources, LLC Alinght reserved. Errs and omiss10re excepted. Stl. Shop Fomty 2010 Rev Mx-01-2018 g Solas Rep: Patrick Uvem is 1250.79857.0 Pined: 11/1872016 129422.79857.0 Page-7-of 8 herein. If we are unable b timely enroll an Account the Stan Dab will commence on the next regularly scheduled UDC meter read cycle dab blowing successful enrollment The End Dale will remain the same unless extended far a holdover brm. We shall not be table far any failure b enroll or drop an Amount by the Sbd and End Dab due b drwnabnces beyond our contol. We will not be responsible far any gaps in service bat may occur beteen the brninaion of your service from a prior supplier and the commencement of supply tom us. Noting in this Agreement shall be deemed b require or otherwise obligate us b offer b extend the brm of his Agreement If blowing brnination or expire on of this Agreement(wheher in whole or in pare,far any reason,some or allot tie Account retrain designated by he UDC as being supplied by us, we may continue b serve such ALLount(s) on a month-b-rronh holdover basis. During such holdover brm, we will calculate your invoice as blows: (Each Accounts metered usage, as adjusted by the applicable line loss bcbr) tines (the applicable ISO-published Day Ahead Locational Based Marginal Price ("LMP")+$.005250/khh) +(a pass through of all cost and charges incurred far the retail delivery of energy b you)+Taxes. This Agreement will continue b govern he service of such Account during such holdover brm Eller party may brninab the holdover brm at any the wihin it discreton at which time we will drop each Account as of the next possible rrebr read dale b the then applicable brig service, whether default service or otherwise. Your Invoice. Your invoice will contain all charges applicable b your electicity usage, including Taxes (which are passed through b you).You will receive one invoice from he UDC far UDC charges and one invoice tom us far all other charges ("Dual Billing") unless we agree otherwise, or your Accounts) elgibiliy changes. At amount charged are due in full within forty-five (45) days of he invoice dab, and we reserve the right b adjust amount previously invoiced based upon supplemental or additional data we may receNe from your UDC. Your invoices will be based on actual dab provided by he UDC, provided that if we do not receive actial dab in a timely manner, we will crake a good bb esfrreb using your historical usage dab and other tnbrrreon. Once we receNe actual dab we will reconcile be esirrebd charges and adjust hem as needed in subsequent invoices. If you til b make payment by the due dab, interest will accrue daily on outstanding aneunt tom the due dab tint the bill is paid in full at a rate of 1.50% per month,or he highest rah permitted by taw,whichever is less. Certain Warranties. You warrantand represent that br Account(s) locabd in the Stale of Illinois, your aggregate consumption and usage during any 12 rmnh period is greabr than 15,000 kilowatt-hours and hat the electricity supplied under this Agreement is not far use at a residence. Notices. All nobces will be in wrting and delivered by hand, cerfied nail, return receipt requested, or by frst class map, or by express carrier b our respecive business addresses. Our business address t 1221 Lamer St Suite 750, Housbn, TX 77010, At: Contract Adninistrafion. Ether of us can change our address by roam b he ober pursuant b this paragraph. Customer Service. For questions about your invoice or our services, contact us at our Cusbner Service Department by calling bll-free 888-635-0827,or by e-meq at CusbmerCare@Consbllafon coo Your prbr auhorizaton of us to your UDC as recipient of your current and hisbrical energy billing and usage dab will remain in etecl during he entre brm of this Agreement including any renewal, unless you rescind tie authorization upon wrtbn notce bus or by calling us at 888-635-0827. Np reserve the right b cancel his Agreement in he event you rescind the author aeon. IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY, POWER OUTAGE OR WIRES AND EQUIPMENT SERVICE NEEDS,CONTACT YOUR APPLICABLE UDC AT: UDC Name UDC Abbreviation Contact Numbers Ameren AtAEtEN 1-800-755-5000 (REMAINDER OF PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK.) FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 22016 Constellation Enagy Resources, LLC All hght reserved. Erns and omissions excepted. Sb. Short Farn_v.2010 Rev Mar-01-2016 () Saes Rep: Patrick Uvemais 129422.79657.0 Printed: 11/1N2016 Page-2-d8 Each piny ha caused thiAprewewrt to be saMed by Ns authorised mpmwtalhs on the=pectin dates wake below. Ceastallation Nafawgy,Ina. Costar*. CITY 6F CANTON 6y. G ,1 6y: f VYy�.P.�11 2016-11-10 David T. Donat 16:21-06:00 /J�„ Name Vice President r ,rr 6. / 17ts: /7 .#0/J'O/6 Attain 1221 Minor St Suit 750 Mdras 2N MAIN ST Hoiden.TX 71610 CANTON,IL 615202818 All: Comae Adrmbratnn Fa: WCF1731 Phone: 1114360/127 I Jeffrey A. Fritz I C 1 1 Mayor CITY OF CANTON n iBl y 2 N. Main Street '15:- 1 Canton,IL 61520 Ph: (309)6474086 Fax: (309)647-2348 mayorOeanronnynal.or9 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY MI CoaWt i Erse Risen. LLC ANiyia rewind EMS ad nacre aspen SIL Shot Pagy2010 Rw Mw•01.2018 0 Sin Rp PtO Uvwnw 12111 22.70/37.0 Phil 1111012016 Pe• direly or indirectly, on or with respect b the electidty and related products General Terms and Conditions and services provided under his Agreement including any taxes enacted 1. Definitions. after he dale we entered inb his Agreement Ancillary Services And Other ISO Costs" means br any billing period he "Transmission Costs" means he charge br Network Transmission Service applicable charges regarding ancillary services as set brit in he applicable as idenffed in the applicable OATT Tariff br the provision of tansnission ISO Open Access Transmission Tariff ("OATT') and for ober ISO cost not service by the ISO within the UDC's service trribry. otherwise included in any of the damned cost component in his Agreement "Transmission Loss Credits" means the credit amount applicable b the Wl will reasonably detrnine your Accounts monthly Ancillary Services And Account under the IS0'5 marginal less construct Other ISO Cost based on the Accounts $IkInh share of cost br Ancillary "UDC" means your local electric distibukn utility owning and/or contolling Services And Other ISO Cost or otherwise reasonable allocation mehod as and maintaining the distlbuton systm required ter delivery of electricity b we may determine tom come b ime based on how Ancillary Services And he Account, Ober ISO Cost are assessed by he ISO. "UDC Charges" means all UDC cost, charges, and tee, due under UDC's "Auction Revenue Rights" mans revenue credit resulting from he annual delivery services rats associated with your use of UDC's distibution network, inandal tansmisslon right auction conducted by he ISO that are applicable all as defiled by the UDC frits, and any similar or related charges the UDC with respect b tansnission peak bad contribution.. Trey impose torn tme b m e. "Capacity Costs" mans a charge br idling the capacity requirement br the Account(s) imposed by the ISO or otherwise. 2. Cash deposit and other security. At any time, we may require that you "Energy Costs" means a charge ter the cost kms included in the Locabonal provide inbrrrebon b us so that we may evaluate your creditworthiness, We Marginal Price for the ISO zone identied in he Account Schedule reserve he right b require that you Rake a cash deposit or provide other "FERC Order 745 Costs" rreans any cost or charges imposed by the ISO in security acceptable b us if your financial obligations b us increase under this accordance with complying with he provisions of Federal Energy Regulabry Agreerrent or if, in our opinion, your credit, payment hisbry,or ability b pay Commission ("FERC") in Order No. 745 18 CFR Part 35 (March 15, 2011). your bills as they come due becomes a concern.You will deliver any required My modtcations or conditions b be teatrent of FERC Order 745 Cost cash deposit or ober required security (or any increase herein) within tree under the ISO tri or otherwise shag be deemed a change in law pursuant b (3)business days of our request. Salon 5 of the General Terms and Conditions of this Agreerrent "ISO" means the independent system operabr or regional tansmission 3. Default under this Agreement. You will be in default under this organbaton responsible ter the service terribry governing an Account or any Agreement if you fail b: pay your bile on lime and in full; provide cash successor or replacement entry. deposit or other security as required by Seton 2 above; or perform at "Line Loss Costs" means the cost(b he extent not already captured in the metrial obligations under this Agreement and you do not are such default applicable Energy Cost) applicable b each Account based on the kWlh within 5 days of written notice tom us; or if you declare or fie Cr bankruptcy difference between the UDC matred usage and the ISO cotenant volumes. or otherwise become insolvent or unable b pay your debt as hey come due. If Line Loss Cost are"Fixed", the Line Lass Cost are included in the Energy We will be in debut under this Agreement if we fail to perform all material Cost and will not be invoiced as a separate line tem. If Line Loss Cost are obligations under this Agreement and do not cure such default wihin 5 days "Passed Through", he Line Loss Cost will be invoiced as a separate line written notice from you, or if we declare or fie Cr bankrupty or otherwise item and cakulatd based on be applicable ked price or locational marginal become insolvent or unable b pay our debt as hey come due. price Cr the corresponding usage. "Non Time Of Use"or"NTOU"means all hours of each day. 4. Remedies upon default. If you are in debut under this Agreement in "Off Peak"means all hours other than Peak hours. addition b any other remedies available b us, we may tannate his "Peak"means the hours designated as peak from ime b time by he UDC. Agreement entirely, or solely wih respect b hose Account adversely "Renewable Portfolio Standards Costs" mans the cost associated with affected by such debult and swith your Account(s) bark b UDC service meetng renewable portfolio standards cost at the levet required by currently (consistent with applicable regulatons and UDC practices); and/or require that applicable Law. If Renewable Portblb Standards Cost are not included in you corrpensat us Cr all losses we sustain due b your default including the the contact price, such cost Cr a particular monh will be he product of(i) following: the Monthly RPS Price; and (ii) an Accounts monthly kWh usage. The • payment of all amount you owe us Cr electricity provided b you; Monthly RPS Price is he price of renewable portblb standards compliance • when the Agreement a lrninatd early (entirely or as b certain for the Account Cr a palmier month, fxed by reference b the renewable Account), payment of an amount(hat we will calaate using our reasonable portlio standards brward price curve Cr he sat where he Account is judgrrenq equal b he positive difference between (A) the dollar amount you located. would have paid b us under this Agreement had it not been trrrinat'd early "RMR Costs" or "Reliability-Must-Run Costs" means the generation and (B) the dollar amount we could resell such electicsy Cr b a bird party deadvafon charges and other such charges, if any, imposed by he ISO on under hen-current market conditions; and load served in a particular load zone b recover the cost Cr any generation • all cost (including albrneys' fees, expenses and court cost) we unit hat plan b retire but are required by the ISO b run Cr relibiLity incur in colleting amount you owe us under this Agreerrent purposes beyond heir intended retirement dal, in accordance with he The parties agree that any early termination payment determined in applicable ISO rules and OATT provisions. accordance with this Solon is a reasonable approximation of harm or loss, "Taxes" means all federal, sat, municipal and local axes, dumas, les, and is not a penalty or punitive in any respect and hat nether party will be levies, premiums or other charges imposed by any governmental authority, FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 02016 Constellation Energy Resources, LW All right reserved. Errors and omissions excepttl. S . Shat Form v.2010 Rev Mar-01-2018 () Sales Rep: Patrick tivsmis 129422.79857.0 Printed. 111102016 Page-4-dB required b enter inb a replacement transaction b order b debrmne or be entiled b a brotinaion payment 9. DISPUTE RESOLUTION. THIS AGREEMENT WILL BE GOVERNED BY AND INTERPRETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE 5. Changes in law. We rrey pass through or albcab, as he ase may be,b IN WHICH ANY ACCOUNT IS LOCATED,WITHOUT GIVING EFFECT TO you any increase or decrease in our costs related b the elecFidty and related ANY CONFLICTS OF LAW PROVISIONS, AND ANY CONTROVERSY OR product and services sold b you that result torn he irrplenentabn of new, CLAIM ARISING FROM OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT KILL BE or changes (induding changes b brnula rat alalabns) b existng, Laws, SETTLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EXPRESS TERMS OF THIS or otter requirement or changes in administafon or intrpretfon of Laws or AGREEMENT BY A COURT LOCATED IN SUCH STATE. IF THE MATTER ober requirement. "Law" means any law, rule, regulator,ordinance, scut, AT ISSUE INVOLVES ACCOUNTS OR MATTERS IN MORE THAN ONE judicial decision, adninisbalve order, ISO business practices or probcol, STATE,THE GOVERNING JURISDICTION AND VENUE SHALL BE UDC or ISO trio rule of any connissbn or agency with jurisdiction in be DEEMED TO BE NEW YORK. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY stab in which he Account are bcatd. Such adthtonal amount will be APPLICABLE LAW, WE ALSO BOTH AGREE IRREVOCABLY AND included in subsequent invoices b you. The changes described in this Sedon UNCONDITIONALLY TO WAIVE ANY RIGHT TOA TRIAL BY JURY OR TO may change any or all of the charges described in this Agreement whether INITIATE OR BECOME A PARTY TO ANY CLASS ACTION CLAIMS WITH described as "bed," "variable," "pass-hrough" or oherwise. Your first bill RESPECT TO ANY ACTION, SUIT OR PROCEEDING DIRECTLY OR reliedng increased cost will include a bill insert describing the increase in INDIRECTLY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT OR mist in reasonable detail. THE TRANSACTIONS CONTEMPLATED BY THIS AGREEMENT. 8. Events beyond either of our reasonable control. If something happens 10. Relationship of Parties. We are an independent contacbr,and nothing hat is beyond ether of our reasonable mintol that prevent eiher of us from in his Agreement establishes a joint venture, fdudary relafonship, perbrning our respective oblgafons under his Agreement hen whichever parhership or other joint undertaking. We are not acing as your consultant or one of us cannot perbrm will be relieved from perbrmence until he sibafon advisor, and you will not rely on us in evaluating the advantages or is resolved. Examples of such event include: acts of God, ire, hood, disadvantages of any specific product or service, predictions about fibre hurricane, war, terrorism; dedarafon of emergency by a government) enfy, energy prices, or any other matter. Your dedsion b enbr inb his Agreement he ISO or the UDC; curtailment disrupfon or intrrupion of electidy and any other decisions or acions you may take is and will be based solely tansnissbn, distribution or supply; regulabry, adninistafve, or legisafve upon your own anaysis (or that of your advisors) and not on inbrnaton or ac on, or action or restraint by court order or other governmental entry; stbrnents from us. scions taken by third partes not under your or our control, such as he ISO or a UDC. Such event shall not excuse bilure b peke payment due in a 11. Confidentiality. Consistent with applicable regulabry requirement, we timely canner hr electicity supplied b you prior b such event Further, if will hold in confidence all inbrrafon obtained by us tom you relaid b the such an event prevent or rakes d inpossible or irpradable hr he provision of services under this Agreement and which concern your energy daiming party b carry out any obligation under this Agreement due b he charactrisi s and use patterns, except hat we nay, consistent wit) event beyond eller of our reasonable control for more than 30 days, then applicable taw and regulator), disclose such inbrraion b our ailtts and whichever one of us whose perbrcance was gat prevented by such event such ahltbs' employees, agent, advisors, and independent confracbrs. shall have the right b brmnab he Agreement without penalty upon 30 days' Except as otherwise required by law, you will agree b keep ronidental he written notice b he other. terra of our Agreement including price. 7. UDC or ISO obligations. We will have no liability or responsibility hr 12. Miscellaneous Provisions. If in any circumstance we do not provide maims within the control of the UDC or he ISO-controlled grid,which include notice of, or object b, any debut on your part such sivaton wit not maintenance of electric lines and systems, service intrrupions, loss or minsiht a waiver of any bore default of any kind. If any of his Agreement brninafon of service,detrbraion of electric services,or netr readings. is held legally invalid, he remainder will not be affected and will be valid and enforced b the bllest extant pemiltd by law and equity, and here will be 8. Limitation on Liability. IN NO EVENT WILL EITHER PARTY OR ANY deemed substituted hr the invalid provisions such provisions as will most OF ITS RESPECTIVE AFFILIATED COMPANIES BE LIABLE FOR ANY nearly carry out our mutual intent as expressed in he Agreement You may CONSEQUENTIAL, EXEMPLARY, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE not assign or otherwise tansbr any of your right or obligations under this DAMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST OPPORTUNITIES Agreement without our prior waken consent My such attempted transfer will OR LOST PROFITS. Each parry's total liability rend b this Agreement be void. Wt may assign our right and obligations under his Agreement whetter arising under breach of contact brt stict liability or oherwise, will The Agreement contains the entre agreement between both of us, be linitd b direct actual damages. Direct actual daneges payable b us will supersedes any cher agreement, discussions or understandings (whether reled he early trninabon payment alalafon in Sedon 4. Each parry wriltn or oral) regarding the subject near of he Agreement and may not agrees b use comrercialy reasonable effort b midget damages it ray be contadictd by any prior or contrrporaneous oral or wriltn agreement incur. NO WARRANTY, DUTY, OR REMEDY, WHETHER EXPRESSED, A bcsinile or a-mailed copy with your signature will be considered an original IMPLIED OR STATUTORY. ON OUR PART IS GIVEN OR INTENDED TO hr all purposes, and you will provide original signed copies upon request ARISE OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF Each party authorizes the other party b affix an ink or digital stamp of it MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR signature b he Agreement and agrees b be bound by a documentexecutd USE. in such a canner. The pales acknowledge hat any document generated by FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY C2016 Consteaton Erergy Resources, LLC All right reserved. Errs and omissions excepted. Ski Short Formtv.2010 Rev Mar-01-2016 () Saes Rep: Patick Uvernois 129422.798570 Printed 11/10/2016 Page-5-d8 the parties wt respect b this Agreement including tis Agreement may be imaged and sbred electonically and such imaged document may be intoduced as evidence in any proceeding as if such were original business records and neiher party shall cenbst their admissibility as evidence in any proceeding. Except as otherwise explicitly provided in his Agreement no amendment (including in brm of a purchase order you send us) b his Agreement will be valid or given any effect unless signed by both of us. Applicable provisions of his Agreerrent will ceninue in effect alter terninaton or expiration of this Agreement b he extent necessary, including hose br billing adjustment and payments, indemnification, Mittens of liability, and dispute resolution. This Agreement is a "brward centad' and we are a "brward mnhad merchant under tie U.S. Bankrupty Code, as amended. Fortier, we are not providing advice regarding "commodity interests", induding titres contacts and commodity options or any other rater, which would cause us b be a cem adity tading advisor under the U.S. Commodity Exchange Ad, as amended. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 52016 Constipation Energy Resources, LLC All rights reserved. Errs and omissions excepted. S . Short Farm_v.2010 Rev Mar-01-2016 0 Sales Rep: Pabick livemds 129422.79857,0 Printed: 11110/2016 Page'6-at 8 ACCOUNT SCHEDULE. For CITY OF CANTON The Pricing set forth below is only valid until 5:00 PM Central Prevailing Time on November 10.201@ We shall have no obligation to enroll or supply electricity to any account(s)that are not identified on the Account Schedule be low. Please verify that your specific information is COMPLETE and ACCURATE. Your review and acceptance of this information will help ensure accurate future invoices Notes:Accounts or Service Addresses listed in the Accounts) Schedule may be updated or replaced Mth a new account number issued by the UDC,ISO or other entity. No.of Service Account, 34 Energy Price Start End Non TOU UDC UDC Account Number Service Address Date Date ($/kWh) East Locust&North 1st St,Canton, AMERBN 0423108078 L 61520 12/01/16 11/30/17 $0.04876 North Main &Locust St,Canton, L ANEEJ 0619162010 61520 12/01/16 11/30/17 $004876 State/City Traffic Lights,Canton,L AM EREN 0779007011 61520 12/20/16 12/19/17 $0.04876 225 S 3RD AVE CANTON, L AhUJBJ 0928015041 615202775 12/02/16 12/03/17 90,04876 101 E SPRUCE ST, CANTON, L AME EN 0983068015 615201946 11/29/16 11/28/17 $004876 Henrys Let Station Anderson R, AMERBJ 1793008911 Canton,L 61520 12/01/16 11/30/17 50.04876 14th Ave&Chestnut Siren,Canton, AMEEJ 2004000821 L 61520 12/02/16 12/03/17 $004876 2 N MAN ST, CANTON, I AMEEJ 2019008000 815202618 12/01/16 11/30/17 $004876 Kilroy Lift Station-2.1900E Treatnent Rant R4,Canton, L AME EN 2058046011 61520 12/16/16 12/17/17 $0.04876 East Walnut Eastside Let Station, AME EN 2114001710 Canton,L 61520 12/16/16 12/17/17 $0.04876 R R2 td Park Let Station,Canton, A WREN 2204009418 L 61520 12/16/16 12/17/17 $0.04876 140 W CHERRY ST OFC GREENWOOD CEILETERY, AMEEJ 2291031006 CANTON, L 61520 12/27/16 12/26/17 90.04876 101 E SPRUCE ST CANTON, L AMEREN 3204001816 615201946 11/29/16 11/28/17 $0.04876 North 4th Avenue Lights,Canton,I AM3REN 3333031069 61520 12/19/16 12/18/17 $004876 East Banner like Rd,Canton,L AMEEJ 3487130009 61520 12/13/16 12/12/17 50.04876 820 North 48i-Water Tow er,Canton, AMEJBJ 3504009214 L 61520 12/19/16 12/18/17 $0.04876 61 North Main-Jones Park Canton. AMEESJ 3993008915 L 61520 12/01/16 11/30/17 60.04876 101 E SPRUCE ST,CANTON, L APs 'i 4204001913 615201946 11/29/16 11/28/17 90.04876 West Locust St Siren,Canton,IL AMEiBJ 4204008523 61520 12/16/16 12/17/17 $0.04876 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY ©2016 Censtllalen Energy Resources, LLC As rights reserved. Errors and omissions excepted. SIS Shen Form v.2010 Rev Mar-01-2016 0 Sales Rep', Patck Livemcis 12942279857,0 Prink': 11/10/2016 Page 7of8 ANEi9J 4214002911 350 West hickory,Canton,L 61520 12/27/16 12/26/17 $0.04876 2 N Mein-Cly Hat, Canton,L ANEEN 4404007227 61520 12/21/16 12/20/17 50.04876 11th Avenue Station,Canton,L A WREN 4504000515 61520 12/05/16 12/04/17 $0.04876 37 S 20th Bradley Lift Station, AMEREN 5014001112 Canton,L 61520 12/16/16 12/17/17 $0.04876 520 West Locust-OW Garage, AM EJ 5104008711 Canton,L 61520 12/16/16 12/17/17 $004876 27 Van Buren-Dist Shed,Canton,L ANEEJ 5593009518 61520 12/01/16 11/30/17 $0.04876 35 W HICKORY ST, CANTON, L ANEEJ 6214002116 615203024 12/27/16 12/26/17 50.04876 26900 N Boat Dock Rid Well#2. AlvERBV 6514000610 Canton,L 61520 12/21/16 12/20/17 $0.04876 800 ANDERSON R., CANTON, L ANENEJ 7593008615 615202913 12/01/16 11/30/17 $0,04876 DEPOT 50 N 4th 362 E Chestnut AsENEfN 8104000217 Lighting,Canton, L 61520 12/02/16 12/03/17 $0.04876 123 E FINE ST,CANTON, L AhEi94 8493009910 615202751 12/01/16 11/30/17 $0.04876 Boat Dock Lighting, Canton,L ALEEJ 8613126001 61520 12/21/16 12/20/17 50.04876 190 STONEGATE CR, CANTON, L AMBREN 8614000714 615201069 12/20/16 12/19/17 $0.04876 25495 N tAKESHORE DR ANEEJ 9414000013 CANTON L 815208771 12/21/16 12/20/17 50.04876 SW TAMARACK ST, CANTON, L ANEEN 9914001618 615203432 12/27/16 12/26/17 $0.04876 TO ACCEPT THE PRICINGABOVE, PLEASE FAX A SIGNED COPY OF THIS AGREEMENT TO US AT 888-8238738. Payments to Certain Third-Parties.You acknowledge and understand that • NM are making a payment b DaCott Energy Services, Lid. in connection with its effort; b taplibb our enbring inb this Agreement and • Your price relent he be we are paying b DaCot Energy Services, Lid. • DaCot Energy Services, L . is acing on your behalf as your represenbive and is nota representbtve or agent of ours. • You should direct any questions regarding such be b OaCoe Energy Services, L . FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 82016 Consmlaba, Energy Resource, tiC All right reserved. Errors and omissions ekcepled. Stl. Sind Farm_v.2010 Rev Mar-01-2016 p Sale Rep: Patrick Uvemds 129422.79857.0 Pdnled: 11/10'2016 Page 8of8