HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #3404RESOLUTION N0. 3404 OMITTED SERVICE CREDITS - I.M.R.F. FOR MILTON RICE OF THE CITY OF CANTON. WHEREAS, the member named herein, Milton Rice, for the period from December 2~4, 1975 to May 14, 1976 totaling (5) months should have been but was not reported to the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund for membership. RESOLVED, that it is the finding of the Canton City Council that: 1. The member worked in a position which qualified him for membership in IMRF during the years and months shown above. 2. None of the service of the member during these years and months was in a probationary position of six months or less; 3- The member is currently employed in a qualifying position; FURTHER RESOLVED, that the governing body agrees to accept the obligation due IMRF for the omitted service employer contributions payable through future employer contribution rates. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the authorized agent, the City Clerk, is hereby authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution and all other pertinent forms and documents with the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois and approval by the Mayor thereof. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois at a regular meeting this 16th day of December , 1997, upon a roll call vote as follows: AYES: Aldermen May, Nidiffer, Meade, Sarff, Phillips, Molleck, Hartford . NAYS: None. ABSENT: Alderman Shores. APPR¢~: FI f ~~~~~ ld E. Edwards, Mayor ATTEST: cy tes, City Clerk APPLICATION FOR RETROACTIVE SERVICE CREDIT IMRF Form 6.04 (Rev. 3/93) SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE MEMBER'S FIRST NAME MIDDLE INRIAL LAST JR., SR., II, ETC. SOCIAL SECURRY NUMBER °Zilton E. P3.ce ~ 360-~~$-2019 STREET (MAILING) ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER + AREA CODE 600 ?~1eadow Avenue East Peoria, Illinois 61617_-2921 EMPLOYER FOR WHOM SERVICE WAS RENDERED City of Canton EMPLOYER IMRF I.D. NUMBER 3332 STREET (MAILING) ADDRESS CrrY, STATE AND ZIP + 4 210 Fast Chestnut Canton, Il 61520 NAME OF CURRENT RETIREMENT SYSTEM IMt~F DATE PARTICIPATION BEGAN IN CURRENT SYSTEM CURRENT POSRKNd 12/24/ 75 ? RETROACTIVE POSRION OPTIONAL: ANTICIPATED RETIREMENT DATE T,?ater. Plant ? CERTIFlCATION BY AUTHORIZED AGENT I certify that the following statement of earnings for the above applicant is in agreement with the governmental unit's payroll records and represents the entire qualifying empbyment period determined by the governing body. I further cert'Ify that: • The applicant worked in a position which qualified him or her for membership in IMRF. • The service which the applicant rendered is eligible under one of the following designations: ^ Elected official option "' ^ Annuitant who returned to work prior to ^ City Hospital employee' January 1, 1970. ^ Township road district employee ^ Applicant employed between January 1, ^ ROTC instructor 1956, and July 1, 1957. Months of Service Credit Months of Service Credit Calendar With Without Calendar With Without Year Earnings Earnings Earnings' Year Earnings Earnings Earnings' 75 210.66 1 ~~c 76 4361.32 5 *_~ths Total 'SE - (Seasonal leave explained on reverse side) Decerber 29, 1997 Signa ure of A orized Agent Date ' Limited to 50 months. " A resolution finding that the elected position qualifies for membership must be on file with IMRF. CERTIFICATION BY MEMBER I certify that I am currently a member in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund or reciprocal system and that I received the above earnings from the governmental unk indicated above for the months and years indicated. Signature of Member Date Applicants who have established an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) for income tax purposes should read the instructions on the reverse side. Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Suite 500, 2211 York Road, Oak Brook Illinois 60521-2374 708/368-1010 IMRF Form 6.04 (Rev. 3/93) Service Representatives 800/ASK-IMRF ~ -.,: • ~ 100 S. WALKER DRIVE CHKACO, IWNOIS 60606 PAGE OF PAGES ~i • ` ;~~ ' , ~ • QUARTERLY NON-PARTICIPATING EMPLOYEE REPORT CONTINUATION FORM 3.13A ~. ~ ¢ t Qc EMPLO~(~iYER~~!/~N~pAME~1j pU~ARTER~EN"~D61NG EMPLOYER NO. ~~~" rPL SAOW'E`ACFT~LOYEE'S NAME AND NUMBER EXACTLY A§ THEY APPEAR ON HIS SOCIAL SECURITY CARD. ~~~ °" "" "^' EMPLOYEES SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER . -~ ~' ~~- .1.a'1:1'y4:6~ 'iGs LJ ""=a'"`'~'''TiAi ""~~ " _ • ~ SEE REVER e `+ ` , , - -y~tL ~yF #(~RS•, YEE ` ~~ ~a~.i..~ ~ ^ '~',.. f E;V~.: 1,: aL~' ~.:~' ~ `~I$t ~~~ FIRST NAME MIDDLE INITIAL E SIDE FOR THER N TR CTION COVERED WAGESPAID TO EMPLOYEE DURRVG QUARTER (FORE DEDUCTKNrS) DOLLARS CENTS R~y R:W i ,,(( 2 _ of 68 AUT'1'ON JA1~8 9 ~ 6781 P~AReo~t ~ ' 'Jrx ~ ~ ~ 4 ~t~x 1 26 3b8 JR HARRY a o 54 ttt~89 807~R ~ ANA 20 35l 18 3973 ~azrnvc~cco~t ~A~tT 450 00 346 46 6150 ,.. ,_ 8TEwaRT BO»ExT a. 1686 00 '.M1- TOTAL WAGES REPORTED ON THIS PAGE ---• S 10156 92 r~rcnn ~.isn cnty ~a) RETAIN PINK COPY AND RETURN WHITE COPY WITH FORM 3.13 _. _ _ ._ _ _ ~~~~nvw mun~wra~ _ ~ ~ 100 S. WALKER DRIVE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60606 PAGE Of PAGES ,,,.,K.,•~.::.. ~ .,~~`~ ~ ~ QUARTERLY NON-PARTICIPATING EMPL _ OYEE REPORT ' x CONTINUATION FORM 3.13A ~ ~ EMPLOYER NAME ~`~f ~=`~~;:"~~I ' .QUARTER ENDING EMPLOYER NO. ~ ;.. ~ •.PLEASE SHOW EACH EMPLOYEE'S NAME AND NUMBER EXACTLY AS THEY APPEAR ON HIS.30CIAL SECURITY CARD. lliY ONE EMMAVC~ *n ~ uue _ -.,,ti -. ~,~:..s ,~ :,..> ,~-+.~`^' EAAPLQYEESjSOCIAI SECURITY NlIMBE~ '"''~ '~''" = ~'~ ~ - ' uk:;~;~~~,,~~~~.:' .,;:;~`~sa~,;.~ `ter =s ~ .(~l ~ - NAME OF EMPLOYEE ~ - ., l3) COVERED WAGES PAID TO EMPLOYEE DURING QUARTER (EEFORE DEDUCTK)NS) :, DOLLARS - •CENTS y. .351 22 04$7 _ - ~ `_ ~ >~asa>: E. v •r' sg ' • o 329 60 5505 Polhans _. Bea~amin A. 82 0 334 52 9494 Snider _-_ James W. 40 0 333 40 2583 Staako ,' J.alha 6 0 ,_ 330 32 4860 Pil rim, Jr._~. Earl 180 7 =- 360 ~48 2019 Rica ..«~, Miltoa _ E. 2748 6 329 42 2041 Jarvis .~ '• Francis L. 2318 8 .. - 42 9601 Voorhees _ .~... Jahn J. 524 3 ! J 358 42 7669 Cannon - .~ .CLyde W. `2074 0 329 44 ..2146 Duttoa ..- Lawrence .. •~ E. 2777 0 327 18 6532 Stouffer . -_ ~ Bertha ~,~~. `~--_ E. 729 4 346 46 3641 Reed . _ _ Bi,1,1y ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 1y6~. ~nrnha'at Ditvld ,,, ~ _ 600 • , 8 6 F Ord ~ s a; }'OTAI WAGES REPORTED ON THIS PAGE ~-- ~r,e.. ~ i ~~~i7 - ~~ -• -• • -•~ • - R~~rur~ ring wrT Anu KtILJRN WRITE COPY WITH FORM 3.13 NAME ~~ C'E~ /~(AI h C~ ~/ ~ L -~/~/~ n" DISTRICT ~~~~~ ~ C /L'...~ ADDRESS ~~!' f/~-'Q~/~ ~~~ - r ~ , r0'' ~~~ ~'~'~`MARITAL STATUS ' L PHONE O ~~ ~~"~ ~ DATE OF BIRTH / ~~~v SPOUSE NUMBER OF EXEMPTS ~ ,-~" PERSON TO NOTIFY IN EMERGENCY REGULAR OVERTIME DATE HOURS HOURS GROSS FED, W,H. F.I.C .A, STATE MISC. 5 1/1//b 40 / .00 210.66 25.80 12.32 4.30 1/9/76 40 / .00 210.66 25.80 12.32 4.30 1J23/76 40 ~~ 30,.00 210.66 30.70 12.32 26 5 1/28/76 40 ~~~'~ .00 . 210.66 30.70 1 2.32 ~}.yD . 5.26 , 2/13/76 40 .00 210.66 .fi 30.70 12.32 5.26 2/20/76 40 ,I,~.00" 210.66 30.70 12.32 4 5.26 .0~ 210.69 30,..70' 12.3 5.26 3/12/76 40 T~~~ ~ .00 213.92 311.70 ~ 1 2.51 , 5.3 3 3/26/76 40 ~~' .00 213.92 30.70 12.51! 5.33 4/2/76 40 .00 213.92 30.70 12.51 5.33 4/1 /76 40 • .00 f. 213.92 • 30.70 • 12.51 i. 5.33 4j2 / 40 @~9.~a .00 21 92 30.70 t2.51~~~ 5.33 3- 5/7/76 40 9~ .00 213.92 30.70 12.51 __ 5.33 5 /14/76 .2 c I~~a. ,~.s~ .00 '~ 106.96 2 2 2 ~~ g 10.40 Tin E .26 ,iR 0 2 3~ ~ 1 2.66 5 ~ 6 . . ^ ,7 NAME '~I.l L ~'! 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ZIP code ~ C ~G~ and Federal Identifying pY number land State I.D. ~.J.~,.~.~rI number, if applicable.) e111~er7v~s ~~_ 2 Wages, tips, and other 3 FICA employee tax 4 Total FICA wages compensation withheld Wes employee catered by • I 6 awliHad wnsion Dbn, ate.1 tax with• ~ 9 State or local wages ~ 10 State or locality 3 i 11 State or local tax withhNd 12 fate or local wages a or oeallty arm W-2 Department of the Treasury-Internal Revenue Service This information is being furnished to the Internal Revenue Service. ~:'"•. ~ 32 St~~t~ X87.6000876 3'Y JF CA~~TTUN ry7 ssdA~~;.1~.~~1~~E~~ppC~~~e,.L~~T~.~,iT+WTprrORD, C3TY CLEBS p(y1~c~aR7rr VYiR7 aid V ~. File .NTI3Yr 1Ll.INQI$ diSlO nployee's social security I 1 Federal income tax withheld ,moor jai' iii ((~~,~, ~ Ant! e"'~ ~e or print ~mpl"oyee's name, address, and ZIP code below. i.ZtO~ ~. ..ACC ^02'3 S ~ .~? ~ 3`I:.' ~ Wage and Tax Statement ~ °0 7~ Type or Dnnr EMPLOYER'S Y• rv ~ name, address ZIP cods v~Dy rDf and Federal wennfylnq number loud Stars LD, .mployet:~s fi:COf~S number d oDOiicoble i. 2 Wages, tips, ono other I 3 FICA employee tax 4 Total FICA wages compensation withheld , n ~ '~ 5 Was employee covered bye 6 7 ° pualilied pension plan, eta? ` at J B State or local tax with• 9 State or local wages 10 State or locality held 11 State orloealtax wrthneid 12 State or local wages ~ 1 State or locality ~ W-z '~15e32 This informatOn is being furnished to the Internal Revenue ServlCe. Department of the inaury-Internal Revenw Service __ ,~ ~ . i ~~ y {c ~/~ ~~~~~~ ~/~:P~ ia~~~~99~- ,~I~ ~d ~ S•S X360/.~~`an! 9' ~C ~ ~' ~akdr~l.~.c ~~-z a -~~ ~- ~_ ~~- ~ ~ Sri ~ / , , l ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~, ~ `, ~~ ,~'~!~' /o~ ~l~.s / •~ ~ ~. ~ ' ,~~ , ~ ~ ~ ~.~ y ~~eZ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ Illinois Munici al Retirement F - p u_ ~ Drake Oak Brook Plaza Suite 500 2211 S. York Road Oak Brook IL 60521-2374 708-368-1010 Service Representatives 1-800-ASK-IMRF July 19, 1995 PAST SERVICE REMITTANCE FORM MILTON E RICE SPECTRUM 600 MEADOW AVE EAST PEORIA, IL 61611 Scci31 Security Number: ~50-48-2019 EMPLOYEE;: ~Ov^ T,~pe of service: Reciprocal - REINSTATEMENT - REGULAR St;RVICE PLEASE RECORD YOUR PAYMENT BELOW: I enclose payment of $ Ip?~.~, ~~'~ to purchase /~ months of IMRF service credit. ****************a**************x***,e**x**~**************x**x*s******** CERTIFICATION BY APPLICANT Please complete the section which applies to you: I certify that I am currently a contributing member of IMRF. Write the name of your current employer on the line below: I certify that I am currently a contributing member of an Illinois Public Retirement System covered by the Illinois Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act. Write the name of the system below: G, ~I also certify that I have completed two years of contributing service with that system since the date of my IMRF refund. I certify that I am no longer a contributing member. Complete the following: Date participating employment terminated IMRF Employer Name: Recipro al Ret. System Name: i i~~l ~-~ APPLICANT SIGNATURE APPLICANT S ADDRESS (if new) OR, DATE CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE ~,,•,. _r_ ~ .,._ ,_.. ,__ ~k3404 RESOLUTION FOR TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF ASTATE-MAINTAINED ROADWAY FOR A PUBLIC EVENT WHEREAS, the /~~-~ J ~ • W d -'"~*~'~ ~-~~~' is sponsoring a ~ Q, r~ in the C ~ of C~-~. ,which event constitutes a public purpose; ~J WHEREAS, this ~Q,r,o..dsz will require the temporary closure of SL I~ow'~e 9 '~ ~ $ , a state highway in the of ~ Q,~'~n from ~_ Locust s~. ~ /,~~o ~ ; WHEREAS, Section 4-408 of the Illinois Highway Code authorizes the Department of Transportation to issue permits to local authorities to temporarily close portions of state highways for such public purposes; //~~ NOW, THEREFORE, B/1E IT RESOLVED by the 1. A.rtf~7-'~ ~ o of the i'`' of Ca.,~'~ that permission to clospe L ~~~~~ 9 a-•~c~ ~ O ,from ~ -, L.o c we ~ to ~ S* / ~ OF , as above designated, be requested of the Department of Transportation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this closure shall occur during the approximate time period between /4: 00 ~- and ~/ • ~0 ~r-on .Sa%~~ rcQav N a Ve ~be.r ~~' ~ ~ / q 9 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this closure is for the public purpose of a D BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that traffic from that closed portion of highway shall be detoured over routes with an all weather surface that can accept the anticipated traffic, which will be maintained to the satisfaction of the Department and which is conspicuously marked for the benefit of traffic diverted from the state highway. (The parking of vehicles shall be prohibited on the detour routes to allow an uninterrupted flow of two-way traff?c.)* The detour route shall be as follows: * (To be used when appropriate.) I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the i ~ assumes full responsibility for the direction, protection and regulation of the traffic during the time the detour is in effect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that police officers or authorized flaggers shall, at the expense of the ~ , be positioned at each end of the closed section and at other points (such as intersections) as may be necessary to assist in directing traffic through the detour. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that police officers, flaggers and officials shall permit emergency vehicles in emergency situations to pass through the closed area as swiftly as is safe for all concerned. Be it further resolved that all debris shall be removed by the ~ i ~ prior to reopening reopening the state highway(s). / Resolution for Temporary Closure of a Sheet 2 of 2 State-Maintained Roadway for a Public Ebent BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such signs, flags, barricades, etc., shall be used by the as may be approved by the Illinois Department of Transportation. These items shall be provided and installed by the i ~' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the closure and detour shall be marked according to the Illinois Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Hi¢hways. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an occasional break shall be made in the procession so that traffic may pass through. In any event, adequate provisions will be made for traffic on intersecting highways pursuant to conditions noted above. N( OTE: This paragraph is applicable when the RESOLUTION pertains to a parade or when no deto~ir is required.) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ~ ~~" hereby agrees to assume all liabilities and pay all claims for any damage which shall be__Ioccasioned by the closing described above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ~ `T shall provide a comprehensive general liability insurance policy or an additional insured endorsement in the amount of X100,000 per person and $500,000 aggregate which has the Illinois Department of Transportation and its officials, employees and agents as insureds and which protects them from all claims arising from the requested road closing. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this RESOLUTION be forwarded to the Department of Transportation to serve as a formal request for the permission sought in this 56resolution and to operate as part of the conditions of said permission. Adopted by the City Crnmcil of the City of Canton this 20th day of October 1998 A.D. . 6' MU ICIPAL CLERK Approved by the r~fayor of the Old' of Canton this 20th of October ~ 1998~A.D. f' ,/~ ~'~ ,~ ATTEST: / ~ ,,~,~ ' .' ~.~' -~'cc-.-~ MUNI PAL CLERK MAYOR day r ~. .... ... +... yr ~. ~. ~. ~. ~. ~. ~. -,~ _~ .. _ ~, ~. _ ~~„ .~ .~ _ ,., Oc~~ ~~ ~ ! `~g- ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~, ce a.