HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #4015 (Levying & assessing Taxes 5/1/2015-4/30/2016) CERTIFICATE STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) CITY OF CANTON, ) SS. COUNTY OF FULTON. ) I, Diana Pavley-Rock, City Clerk of the City of Canton, in the County of Fulton, and the State of Illinois, do hereby certify that as the City Clerk of the City of Canton, I am the keeper of records, minutes, ordinances, and other books, records and papers of said City, and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of: ORDINANCE#4015 AN ORDINANCE LEYING AND ASSESSING TAXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MAY 1,2015 AND ENDING APRIL 30, 2016. Adopted by the City Council of said City and approved by the Mayor thereof on the 15TH day of December 2015 Witness my hand and the corporate seal of the City of Canton, Illinois,this 15TH day of December 2015 /iana Pavley-Rock, City Clerk (SEAL) F I LELOI DEC 21 2015 8� OUNTY CLERK FULTON COUNTY, IL. ORDINANCE NO.4015 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING TAXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES OF THE CITY OF CANTON,ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MAY 1, 2015 ENDING APRIL 30,2016. WHEREAS,on April 21, 2014,the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois passed the Budget Ordinance of the City of Canton, Illinois for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2015, and ending April 30,2016, in the amount of$20,458,247.00,which Ordinance was approved by the Mayor and City Council on April 21, 2015,and which Ordinance was published in pamphlet form and posted at the City Building, 2 N. Main Street,Canton, Illinois. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, FULTON COUNTY,ILLINOIS,AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the total amount of budget for all corporate purposes legally made to be collected from the tax levy of the current fiscal year is hereby ascertained to the sum of$20,458,247.00 SECTION 2: That the sum of$2,656,202.00 being part of the total budget heretofore legally made which are to be collected from the tax levy of the current fiscal year of the City of Canton for all corporate purposes of said City of Canton be,and the same is hereby levied upon all of the taxable property in the City of Canton subject to taxation for the current year for the following specified purposes: CITY ADMINISTRATION A tax not to exceed .25%of the full cash value,as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of IL, on all taxable property in the City of Canton, Illinois. Amt.to be raised Amt.to be raised PERSONNEL SERVICES Total Budget from other from tax levy sources SALARIES 324 991 HEALTH INSURANCE incl. retirees 407 463 20%EMPLOYEE HEALTH INS. REIMB. -10,466 DENTAL INSURANCE 2 100 LIFE INSURANCE 892 WELLNESS PROGRAM 1 000 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 726,980 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES UTILITIES 45 250 TRAVEL 1 500 TRAINING 1 000 POSTAGE 3 200 ADVERTISING 0 ACCOUNTING SERVICES 0 ENGINEERING SERVICES 70,000 LEGAL SERVICES 5,000 DUES 4,427 PLANNING&ZONING CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 60,000 SPOON RIVER PARTNERSHIP FOR ECONOMIC DEVE 40,000 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERV. 230,377 COMMODITIES 9 955 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 OPERATING SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES 1 000 TRANSFERS-GREENWOOD CEMETERY 20 000 TOTAL COMMODITIES 30 955 OTHER OPERATING EXP. VOLUNTEER WORKS 2000 FIREWORKS EXPENSE 0 POLICE&FIRE COMMISSION EXPENSES 9,000 DEMOLITION EXPENSES 20 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 73,750 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSE 104 750 CAPITAL OUTLAY SIDEWALK PROGRAM 0 EQUIPMENT&IMPROVEMENTS 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 TOTAL CITY ADMINISTRATION 1 092 062 1 092 062 0 POLICE PROTECTION FUND A tax not to exceed .75%of the full cash value,as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of IL, on all taxable property in the City of Canton, IL PERSONNEL SERVICES 2,047,6219 047 642 HEALTH INSURANCE 515,090 20%EMPLOYEE HEALTH INS. REIMB. -106,100 DENTAL INSURANCE 11,445 LIFE INSURANCE 6,752 WELLNESS PROGRAM 8,816 PENSION 322,069 PEHP PLAN 30.462 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 2,835176 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 18,316 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 11,230 UTILITIES 17,900 TRAVEL 1,173 TRAINING 9,955 DUES i'730 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 45.614 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERV. 105,817 COMMODITIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 4,610 OPERATING SUPPLIES 3,036 OTHER SUPPLIES 2,550 PROTECTIVE GEAR 2,880 MOTOR FUELS 61.800 TOTAL COMMODITIES 64,8751 2 CAPITAL OUTLAY VEHICLES 0 EQUIPMENT 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 TOTAL POLICE PROTECTION FUND �30"868 2,940,868 65 000 FIRE PROTECTION FUND A tax not to exceed .16%of the full cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of IL, on all taxable property in the City of Canton, IL PERSONNEL SERVICES SALARIES 1,168,249 HEALTH INSURANCE 289,709 20% EMPLOYEE HEALTH INS. REIMB. -69,200 DENTAL INSURANCE 6,720 LIFE INSURANCE 3,422 WELLNESS PROGRAM 4,212 PENSION 646,723 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 1,959,836 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE-BUILDING 2,220 MAINTENANCE-VEHICLE 19L896 MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT 3,226 UTILITIES 32,450 TRAVEL 0 TRAINING 0 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 18,000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERV. 75.791 COMMODITIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 11,626 OTHER SUPPLIES 500 PROTECTIVE GEAR 6,695 MOTOR FUELS 13,825 TOTAL COMMODITIES 34,195 CAPITAL OUTLAY EQUIPMENT 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION FUND 2.069,821 1,969,821 100 000 OTHER PURPOSES AUTHORIZED BY LAW 3 STREET DEPARTMENT A tax not to exceed .06%of the full cash value,as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois,on all taxable property in the City of Canton, Illinois, plus a 314 vote of the members elected an additional .04%of said taxable property as provided by Section 22-81-1, Chapter 24,of the Illinois Revised Statutes. PERSONNEL SERVICES SALARIES 347 670 HEALTH INSURANCE 111 924 20% EMPLOYEE HEALTH INS. REIMB. -23292 DENTAL INSURANCE 2 526 LIFE INSURANCE 1 362 WELLNESS PROGRAM 1 800 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERV. "1,9-9-0- CONTRACTUAL 41 990CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE-VEHICLE 20 000 MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT 5,000 MAINTENANCE-TREES 15 000 UTILITIES 9MLLL 170 STREET LIGHTING 80 000 RENTAL 0 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 12 500 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 141 670 COMMODITIES OPERATING SUPPLIES 130 895 OTHER SUPPLIES 3 000 MOTOR FUELS 51 595 TOTAL COMMODITIES 185 490 CAPITAL OUTLAY VEHICLES 0 EQUIPMENT 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 TOTAL FOR STREET DEPT 769 150 769 150 0 GARBAGE DISPOSAL FUND A tax not to exceed .20%of the full cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois,on all taxable property in the City of Canton, Illinois, pursuant to Ord. No. 35, passed May 20, 1947, authorizing the establishment and maintenance of a system for the collection and disposal of garbage. PERSONNEL SERVICES SALARIES 215,739 HEALTH INSURANCE 57,368 20% EMPLOYEE HEALTH INS. REIMB. -11,774 DENTAL INSURANCE 1 949 LIFE INSURANCE 874 4 WELLNESS PROGRAM 800 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 264 956 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10 000 MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT 134 784 LANDFILL FEES 7 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 151 784 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERV. COMMODITIES 10000 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 50115 MOTOR FUELS 60115 TOTAL COMMODITIES CAPITAL OUTLAY VEHICLES(Depreciation Account Monies 0 0 EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 TOTAL FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL FUND 476.866 476,856 0 BUILDINGS&GROUNDS DEPT PERSONNEL SERVICES SALARIES 79 374 HEALTH INSURANCE 23 082 20%EMPLOYEE HEALTH INS. REIMB. .4 989 DENTAL INSURANCE 584 LIFE INSURANCE 320 WELLNESS PROGRAM 200 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 98 571 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE-BUILDING 6 000 MAINTENANCE-VEHICLES 500 MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT 500 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 3 295 UTILITIES 3 . 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERV. 13,895 COMMODITIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 19,000 MOTOR FUELS 860 TOTAL COMMODITIES 19,860 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 TOTAL-BUILDING &GROUNDS 132,326 132,326 0 TOURISM FUND 010 61,200 61 200 0 5 WORKERS COMPENSATION FUND 020 _ A tax on the full cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property in the City of Canton Illinois which will produce the sum of: 210 000 -40,000 250 000 LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND 030 _ A tax on the full cash value,as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property in the City of Canton, Illinois which will produce the sum of: 240,0001 -22,6021 262 602 UNEMPLOYMENT FUND 040 A tax on the full cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property in the City of Canton Illinois which will produce the sum of: 16,916 -9,086-- 25`000 VIDEO GAMING FUND 050 121,450 121,450 0 K-9 FUND 071 0 0 0 VEHICLE FUND 072 5,000 6,000 0 ARTICLE 36 SEIZURES FUND 073 0 0 0 TECHNICAL RESCUE FUND 081 1,66C 1 650 0 CIVIL DEFENSE FUND 110 A tax not to exceed .025%of the full cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois on all taxable property in the City of Canton Illinois. 3 697 97 3 600 SOCIAL SECURITY&MEDICARE FUND 120 A tax on the full cash value,as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property in the CitV of Canton Illinois which will produce the sum of: 260,0001 -90 000 360,000, IMRF FUND 130 - A tax on the full cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property in the City of Canton, Illinois which will produce the sum of: 750,000 150 000 600,000 WORKING CASH FUND 140 _ A tax not to exceed .05%of the full cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois on all taxable property in the City of Canton Illinois. 0 0 0 s AUDIT FUND 150 A tax on the full cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, _ on all taxable property in the City of Canton Illinois which will produce the sum of: 18 800 -1 200 20`000 FEDERAL ASSET FORFEITURE FUND 171 12,000 12,000 0 NON-FEDERAL FORFEITURE FUND 172 5,000 5,000 0 LAW ENFORCEMENT GAMING FUND 173 3,195 3,196 0 DUI FUND 174 10,000 10,000 0 BONDING FEES FUND 175 7,000 7,000 0 VEHICLE IMPOUNDING FEES 176 3,000 3,000 0 DCCA REVOLVING LOAN FUND 199 22,000 22,000 0 MFT FUND 200 1,177,000 1 177 000 0 TIF 1 FUND 201 1,896,866 1 896 856 0 TIF 2 FUND 202 113,067 113,067 0 WATER&SEWER FUND 300 6,086,469 6 086 469 0 LAKE DEVELOPMENT FUND 310 132,150 132,160 0 TOTAL EXPENSES-CEMETERY FUND 370 A tax not to exceed .025%of the full cash value,as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois on all taxable property in the City of Canton, Illinois. 96,1661 75,1661 20,000 FIRE PENSION-FUND 750 A tax on the full cash value,as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property in the City of Canton Illinois whicfh will produce the sum of: 1,007,0001 422,0001 686,000, POLICE PENSION-FUND 760 A tax on the full cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property in the City of Canton Illinois which will produce the sum of: 801,0001 426,0001 375,0001 CONTINGENCY FUND-ENTIRE BUDGET ORDINANCE 206,611 0 GRAND TOTAL ALL PURPOSES $ 20 458 247.00 17 802,055 2,666,192 RECAPITULATION The followina are the total taxes to be levied. Rate or Limit Corporate 0.2500 $0 Bonds and Interest no limit $0 IMRF no limit $600,000 Fire Protection 0.1500 $100,000 Firefighters Pension no limit $586,000 Police Protection 0.0750 $66,000 Police Pension no limit $376,000 Cemetery 0.0250 $20,000 Audit no limit $20,000 Tort-Liability Insurance no limit $262,602 Civil Defense 0.0500 $3,600 Social Security no limit $360,000 Unemployment Insurance no limit $26,000 Workers Compensation no limit $260,000 City Share Road & Bride no limit $0 TOTAL $2,656,202 SECTION 3: That the total amount of$2,656,202.00 ascertained as aforesaid be and the same is hereby levied and assessed on all property to taxation within the City of Canton according to the value of said property as the same is assessed and equalized for State and County purposes for the current year. SECTION 4: That the City Clerk of the City of Canton, Illinois is hereby ordered and directed to file with the County Clerk of Fulton County, IL, a certified copy of this Ordinance on or before the time required by law. SECTION 5: That in the event that a court of competent jurisdiction should hereafter determine that one or more of the provisions of this Ordinance are invalid or unconstitutional,the remainder of this Ordinance,and each and every other clause and provision hereof,shall be and remain in full force and effect as though the invalid or unconstitutional provision had never been a part of this Ordinance. SECTION 6: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage by the City Council and approved by the Mayor thereof. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois,at a regular meeting this 15th day of December 2015, upon a roll call vote as follows: AYES: Aldermen Craig West,Jim Nelson, Ryan Mayhew,Justin Nelson,Gerald Ellis,John Lovell,Angela Hale NAYS: Alderman Tad Putrich ABSENT: None APPROVED: ATTEST: JeffreyA. Fri , ayor Dia Pa le -Roc ,Ci C erk 8 CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS TRUTH IN TAXATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 1,THE UNDERSIGNED, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I AM THE PRESIDING OFFICER OF THE City of Canton, Illinois, and as such presiding officer, I certify that the levy ordinance, a copy of which is attached hereto,was adopted pursuant to, and in all respects in compliance with the provisions of Sections 18-60 through 18-785 of the "Truth in Taxation" law. CHECK ONE [ X ] The Taxing District published a notice in the newspaper and conducted a hearing, meeting the requirements of the Truth in Taxation law. [ ] The Taxing District's aggregate levy did not exceed a five (5) percent increase over the prior year's extension.Therefore, notice and a hearing were not necessary. [ ] The proposed aggregate levy did not exceed a five (5) percent over the year's extension.Therefore a hearing was not held. ( ] The adopted aggregate levy exceeded five (5) percent of the prior year's extension and a notice was published within fifteen (15) days of its adoption in accordance with the Truth in Taxation Law. [ ] The adopted levy exceeded the amount stated in the published notice. A Second notice was published within fifteen (15) days of the adoption in accordance with the Truth in Taxation law. Certificate applies to the 2015 levy. Date: 5- Presiding Officer c/ 1 TRUTH IN TAXATION CERTIFICATE I, Diana L Pavley, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the City Clerk of the City of Canton and as such City Clerk I hereby certify that the levy ordinance, a copy of which is appended hereto, was adopted pursuant to, and in all respects in compliance with, the provisions of 35 ILCS 200/18-55 et. seq. of the "Truth in Taxation Act." The taxing district published a notice in the newspaper and conducted a hearing, meeting the requirements of the Truth in Taxation Law pursuant to 35 ILCS 200/18-75 and 18/80. Date: City Clerk: (Sig re) OFFICE OF JAMES Y. NELSON COUNTY CLERK & RECORDER FULTON COUNTY P. 0. BOX 226-LEWISTOWN, ILLINOIS 61542-0226 jnelson@fultonco,org 0111212016 Levy Confirmation for 2015 CPCN CANTON CITY Fund Name Code Maximum Rate Levy CORPORATE 001 0.2500 0 BONDS AND INTEREST 003 No Limit 0 IMRF 005 No Limit 600,000 FIRE PROTECTION 012 0.1500 100,000 FIREFIGHTER&PENSION 013 No Limit 585,000 POLICE PROTECTION 014 0.0750 65,000 POLICE PENSION 015 No Limit 375,000 CEMETERY 017 0.0250 20,000 AUDIT 027 No Limit 20,000 TORT-LIABILITY INS 035 No Limit 262,602 CIVIL DEFENSE 048 0.0500 3,600 SOCIAL SECURITY 047 No Limit 350,000 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 060 No Limit 25,000 WORKERS COMPENSATION 062 No Limit 250,000 CITY SHARE ROAD&BRIDGE 999 No Limit 0 Total 2,666,202 YES NO This district has held a Truth in Taxation Hearing. YES NO This district has complied with the Truth in Taxation Law. If the above levy statement is correct, please confirm by signing and returning this statement to the County Clerk by 2/15/2016. 1 certify that the above levy confirmation is correc Date GP Signed - /y Return to: Fulton County Clerk PO Box 226 100 North Main Lewistown, IL 61542 OFFICE OF JAMES I. NELSON COUNTY CLERK & RECORDER FULTON COUNTY P. O. BOX 226-LEWISTOWN, ILLINOIS 61542-0226 jnelson@fultonco.org 01/12/2016 Levy Confirmation for 2015 CPCN CANTON CITY Fund Name Code Maximum Rate Levy CORPORATE 001 0.2500 0 BONDS AND INTEREST 003 No Limit 0 IMRF 005 No Limit 600,000 FIRE PROTECTION 012 0.1500 100,000 FIREFIGHTERS PENSION 013 No Limit 585,000 POLICE PROTECTION 014 0.0750 65,000 POLICE PENSION 015 No Limit 375,000 CEMETERY 017 0.0250 20,000 AUDIT 027 No Limit 20,000 TORT-LIABILITY INS 035 No Limit 262,602 CIVIL DEFENSE 046 0.0500 3,600 SOCIAL SECURITY 047 No Limit 350,000 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 060 No Limit 25,000 WORKERS COMPENSATION 062 No Limit 250,000 CITY SHARE ROAD&BRIDGE 999 No Limit 0 Total 2,656,202 YES NO This district has held a Truth in Taxation Hearing. YES NO This district has complied with the Truth in Taxation Law. If the above levy statement is correct, please confirm by signing and returning this statement to the County Clerk by 2/15/2016. I certify that the above levy confirmation is correct ��19'- /G? Date Signed `;��' �9�-:r;• � - Return to: C, Y-- Fulton County Clerk PO Box 226 100 North Main Lewistown, IL 61542 Ir F i w.^;reg :+.;•,; l�. JAN 2�C� O2016 ?OUNT11 R1,k FULTON COUNTY, ;�