HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-05-1973 Council Meeting Minutes June 5, 1973 Canton COLUACII -�10. a rom.Oar -,-joot:*,.--jj-; u.� Jane 5, 1.973 in the h( 1) T') I or Jurl.-I.Ii.rilrps ca.1-1-c('! t,1.0 -to order at 6:3 minci-1. Chamber. Prese-,,,it J"or roll ca!,� - Al-rier,11(m _ilcoI 'Se-, o,,,Tar(-] T CIO S TTorr `IooTc, Ac, �_onrad. =st., Car A -r`eman "eak arriv- n­ in tli.e �,'01MCI-1 (��hai�-)ers AlClerman 7ovachevich.. Absen sledge of Allor,,`ance ,Yas follow d b- TnvoCLtfI_on. b,r Al-Cerria- Rune. 11-MAOS Of L,!1_!C T)revious mu-.etijj:,-. .:Otion bllr Alderman Yerb1c, seconded b7-, Al(11ei-.,,ian ConraO to acce­t t'no minutes, as )-.,,osanted ai,d -)lace on f 4'Ie a-1.I the lmo-Gilo-In carri J b- vo-I.Ce vote. )ills for .�4a-,T q `71 .',lotion 1), -1,-ierna--n Yerb--l-C, seconded by Alderrmn Cook -1 the mxri�Ltteos that all bills nro-rmrly an!)roved 1)­- Vlo (JeTv.rt�,lont hoa0s an_ be allowed -for 011 cal 1 vote. A-':- Al,-Jer�,,ien C_,nrad Sponcer, 77 T F rst --on, �erbicl T.Torr,, S C, i'a.r il c o- 2.Ltne,- a-.- A 'AY: "�ono. Xl'ficers re--mrts for -t-lie mont'n. _Iot`_")n b-- .I:V,=ian IParr, socondocl. by Al,ler- man YerW,c -t,�.at the rc-oorts lb- acco )tc,, on file ar i - and. the motion carried b. voice vote. Alderman Peal,, arr-ived in the ,ourcil T Alder.r-ian 1-larr stitlod Vat 'Ir. __' I -Ta- le . 0.ms -) the Council_ -o,,r- :.5-shod to a d o tainin,7 to es tern ''k-, r• arris stated the car- 0. nival for Clio -�vent was alrom-17 al,-��:'t tl,(.,, varim,,s concession op- erators IT.1-shed to sleen in tlieir ca�-,ti.mrs near their carv�essi_on booth. ':'r. rTartle, ?on-in�- Officer ha(' tolo, tho onere.tors they could hazio --mr- mission -(to ca­-) nea T r akM 1'm-iton 17i1t not o-. t'Po square. 'Jiscassion. CIIU­,, Attorne�T Talm,­,,ren su,,,�Ir�,-est,�(l V-e carnl.-­'al o-t a Y:io,,L-ie,, ' :)iiCl assar-1-11c t-he Cit•- ke-,)t c1_ce,n. 'ayor Jonnin.E7 Is rec(Yri(Iric'eC flat tu� c `111• -o-r—m- in ca-,li)ors 121 01-("Ln,3 r CC b e cl f 0) c r--d re.7,arc.11 Stan d:9 Cmr:iittoo ro-_)orts. Sewer arid A-1, or-,an I Tu(.'st re-)orteI.7 tl-mt a laad been sot with water -,.no 6, 1 `7", rl,L� ­,U 11,70-oy- ce �4) .6elations ';ammitLoo -,-,,ieotA.n,,:.- -to '.,,o held, ?Ted., J-c'mc., 6, 1973., (S:3,) announced _,)7,_, ,11(enman T',Urst-, Dire ,�tation (_!0rr1it('-1ee. Alder-.-imn 7'i-a.� stat,­(T corm-:iittoe recorrLcIienclicd 1 _1 j I V'o su��-2,stio:i of '�`.re Chic' T.,a-,,jvr,­_,­ to c.a; the Vol-inteer f-,roman s i,)or 0 S,­,�-;rrosi, L tliat by-laws be 3.(',0 --)or moot-�,nr (2 - J. d (3rav,i-, f-)r t, e, v l 1.l.LOCr firomn. T]o also stlr"^'Psterlt tli.at, i,Then tli.e rer-,il-ar `re.n��n arc -to the volimteer fl.ro-�io' "]. ­' L'I , _L n 5.��` fora 21_�-holir shi-ft. oti on T7,7 A1('.er,.ia-,.,1 to -C",rl " 'r;; O�, ­[-jo r„) P -t l- o na-,r V e fILre-ien .00 T)�r moetl_�,-17 (2 irioetl_- c,s --lox- r,lo.nt-h) @:�v` tr) 211-hour.)a r .: 1� f iro--,an 7,f 1 o 7,j-,as ill. roti.oi- _n_ for.a I I r,), s c 0-11 Alc rian 1� oll call Vo� t _U(, o-,Tar-1 11 -Al er,1 0 A C'15 "I:Lrs Cardosi 'Par 7orb i_C 'DY c or -T 5 One. '10t1-or by AD 1,urs-', to ­,ii.rclasc co,�ts, to and hats derrian ea'{- _Co_ ar Al Do for v,,.)'!.,i_ntnr,r -jN_.x-ome-_n equinnO-1-11 TO', tO von_,_;otoors. Holl IF T-7 'r call vote. A` CorlraC!, Sr)cncr,r, 7.erbic, ",00l-, '7,e,-11�c 0 'r '7 Totion dosi, '!'iirst, 'W arr, T.T One.cO_­( 1 0. 1. , - ! o b- 10.,ler'ur-) 'Fea”- IT "! t�.,,, t S.�'C r 10, lerman Ui_­" 6 b - 7- t or 7, (halt an 0'rdJt_na,ico, t .. cover the v,lliintp:,r f ",oice vote carried. Sower and T,Iatar. A-1.('er-:i,-m l lurs L Yiio or flat a 20,3 S CIT-r tax be on tho Yrr u water biDls - uhich cTJ yi,21(.1 00C .00 and 95 7)0,001) -per year a7,1�1 direct the -16-c" rcn�,re a-,]. 0-r(II.-aarce. ill dermaja eal i soc n r t' J.s mot! on. 'Voice vot'o c,_-I.ri:-, Police Snnic'i r0 -m_­UoCl: L has -,q t Of r- b(,e-,.-i revic,,Tcd and th�,.s bucl-ot allmis for ,�Iaceren L one morc-, -,policeman - 1 Ch 1_^1: th-rce S,Irry ants am� elevo_-n all-ro"l-ra--l.; 2. -Iules ro!'�tila-t-1-ons ifor t'Ae _'ol-11-ce cl`.scussoO a,,-id tlaat t1no 1 lesbur�- rules be to T of ",a­it­i A-'b-,!-,orne-- to rovin,T 11rie L, .�,)Jesburf rogu- j latiors; 3. joint iT.1-0c"1e.se of nolice orl).­s Vi.rauf:h stato - lettins�- on cars b U C', L , r -n will be in -)ct-lober a-n,', 71)ecei�f­,er, 1977 -­nrl 1`V, - Cost of vell .I.cles to be about '15600.00. ,52 June 53 103, Want. (2) Finance Committee. Aldcr­:tar- Tlaward reDarted the Committee had met and the Annronriation ordinance ,Tas ready for fl-rst reading. n'raffic, Alderman Howard reported that jestern Days were bc'.ng held this monk-end and the merchants have been ash-d to try to hold down litter by n1acing a0dit-7-onal containers for same. Traffic safet7 is also 5c in stressed. other events Vie merchants are holdin7: July 11, Aug. h, and Christmas season. Petition - Carroll and 'velyn Uilliams, 5% 7, 6th Ave,, requost to the Zoning !card of Apanals for nroiosed narar-,,e. blic hearing was set for is 9, 1973. jo ronart, Petition �o. TO. Petition - 'ich L. and laura �. 7onahan, 604 _Loyal Court, request to the Zoning Board of Appeals for additinn to a house, public huarinE sot for June 7, 1973. Mition No. 301. Corresqondence to Council. ,enaft,nicnt of "I:Colic Ileal-th to Sam Lingenfoltor grant inig permission to add five mobile ho o spaces to the mobile nark - provJ.._d.i--i,,,, water and saner line _s worn, c:-.tendod to those s-aces. Cannla'nts of sl(Icwalk -in front of the JuoiVer store-(01,rnod �_oo- F- leckers 48 A Nine St. Canton) . ­,,otion- 'c�,- Alderman S Rich, seconded b,�7 Al der Conrad to instruct Vie City Attorney to contact the owner. Side- -,,,TaI.I,, in I�rgnt of t'ie, Salvation Army buildAnF also to be included. 0ice vote carried an the motion. Tlmnk you note for flowers from Vie norFo CoyMendall family. notice of public hearing of the Alto, County Board of Health to be held June 13, 19733 7:30 -. 7., Canton Senior Ai7h School to discuss the air rallution, if any, caused by odors emanatliq from the sludge storaVo basins Of Vie ;QrO"Olitan Sanitary District. ,"urnl_p of I Cr a 7 Tf r�Tr 6 5 y n Tilly ConsnIting inCincers letter and r000rt fro the 7allace N Tiornan - Tlectro just-Proofing Co., regarding the water tower (new) an(? -U'iat Vlc,,, recommended that no work be ­un(,,,or-Gaken on the interior surfaces of this tank at this time but sun ested that the tank be washed out and insnected in three years to again evaluate con- dition of Mtorior surfaces. Action bV Morman Peak, seconded by Alder- man :Lune to file this letter. Apgointmont of Gera_ a. Foreman to the Canton Police ,F)epartmont loy the Toard of Fire and Police Copujiss-1-oners, letter signed by john L. Asher, Chairman. Alder"an 7arr stated it was custamarT to a ton-C,7,y notice before giving tests for Firenen or lolicemen aod asked. for a rul- InE from t"o Attornpy on this - Chapter 24-10-2. rker, Clyde. letter from Don l Attorney with T emper, Dow., Kmgnel 1: Trdlbaimi, TTava-na, addressed to C%v Attorney PhIngren re. the Clyde Raf:qr Claim against the City of Can ton in the amount of ),012.50. Alderman Tirst statod the 007 had roquentee uormission to use the road- ` the City would benc way (about 150 yards) bnt was denied permission fit a groat deal if the lease COIT�1, 100 1)roken. I'Totion AI(Ior',1An (',00k3 seconded by Alderman Hurst that the 11ty Attorney be directed to try to -et this land back for the City. "oll cal"'.. vote. A-7: Aldermen 7avard, Rum 711coxon, garr, Mich, UUM3 wardosq Harr, newc, Cook, Yerbic, Snalcon Pno Conra,% 'Wl' : T,Tone. 4 A Old business. Dog Ordinance - seconO reading. ilotion b7 Alderman Howard, seconded by A1,,.'.en-;ia-_a Cool•L to Mace the Ordinance an its passage. Roll call vote. k7n: Aldermen Conrad, Sponcer, Yerbic, ,00l,_-, Mak, Harr, CardosiJ and Howard. -117: Al','01-10YI _"',Urst, Senichi Farr, Vilcoxen, and Ruwe. (8 1'i,ES and 5 HAYS) . �otion carried. 11iis being Or dinance lo, 427. Civil Defense luilding Lease - Q. lhrloi�, Hauber. .-_otion b,,. Aldlenmn 9urst, sccord-od by Alc1c.riiian Peak to refer Vals lease to the luilding and .,round,", for study. Voice vote carried. june 5, 1973, Iont. (3) Second readMF of Stop Sign Ordinance, Notion b,; Alderman Farr., seconded by Alderman Spencer to ;loco the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Noward, Me, Mcoxon, Parr, Sopich, Aurst, Cardosi, Harr Peak, Coo' Yarbin Spencer, and Conrad. 7AY: Vne. Ordinance Ao. 42B.'' TEW "I WTQS � Civil Manse, layer Jennings canmended the Civil Defense workers for the fine work dutrinc-, the ,-)art wcel'c in alerting the residents of pendin,,,- tornadoes. %nartment of Transvortation - Qreencak for maintenance of -routes 9 and 7? for We year lotion by -laerman 7erbicj seconded by Alderman Auna that the Ta7or and Cit ,'Tark enter into this Agrooment. R011 call vote. MWO AYE: Warman qonrad, Spencer, nrbic, Cook, PeK, 'Tarr, Cardosil Hurst Sanich I . Vrn Wilcoxen, Rune, and 7owavd, AM None. Agreement No. 220. Rasolution - Special Use 7ormit for Ellis xrrl Sanc-'ra 557 East Chestnut Q,, for use of a tax"Mrov and caramic shop. iotion b-.,- Al(? man FurK soccnl:_',d b,'r Alrleriia-n W.coxon to adont this Aesolution. Roll call vote. A" :: Alderman io-,iard. Run 01c0men, Tarr, So-ich, Hurst, CardasT, 7orr, Fam, cook, Yarbic, Snoncor, and Wnra . _AY• _!ono 633. . '.-'.eso]_utio'a mo. Agreement for installation of a 14" force mai_n anc-', a 2" water line under the (fnr the cast side sewar7,,,: )rojcct) A35.10 Preparation fee and an annual charge of A225.00 Presented. ',lotir on b . AlCleri-Lan Mrst, secon6ad by Alderman ?eak that the 70jur enecute this Agreement cont0gent upon the aavice. of �113,ff)11,77 Tilly Consulting ',nE-_,_no.'rs and the CiQr Attorney a 1 after a call to W,., railroa.-I co-,,Span,, to see if a IwIlp sirs can ',,)a arranged for instead of an annual fee, Hall call vote on the motion. Weroen Conrad, SPIncer, Yarbic, Cook, Peak, Harr, Cardosi, 7urst, Sc'nich, Farr coc e, [1 ­, , A and 1m�a-, d. AC ream nt Ho. 229. Ordinance AcKs - Alderman Kowardre-nortoQ that the SterlinV Codifiers had delivered an OrMnanco boon for AnsnectAo-i-I 1,Tr the Citr and C'it,!- Council and that same will soon he done. %bow 0rdinance - lazonQ7 john -oloney anC Narry Inng, jr. nronorty, first readin7 - same to My over. Lease Ag_roc ,oro uItt Canton lotor Sales anV t4o City Ar rent and maintenance of Police cars, Aotion by Aldorman Sol-)ich, seconded by Alterman Parr that the jia�,,-or aK City Clork enter into this Agreement after the Police and 1 a al Committee and Aity Altorrmy had checked on sama, Roll call vote. A77: Alderman Howard, �',.une, Wcoxen, Orr, Nnyi.ch, 7orst, Cardosi, Harr, Peak, Cook, Qr�ic, Spencer, and Conrad. Ay: one. Agreement No, 230. War -an 'Toward stated Wat a garaty is >ling built on 7orth lain Streat an& dons not confori to the MU MP 00nancn of a three-foot set back on nronerQ linq. The owners have boon informed to not proceed with building and asked that e Attorne7 write telling L',_J'j-j IUSt C0,11oly with M 7rdnrance, -otion b7 Al0rman "award, Sacon�'.:�d lb�, Al_(',,er­ia.a Ru.ne that the Cit L77 Atto write to the owner req-aor�t-*,,_-()r,� that he c orf,, the !!Tty 7oning Ordinance, Voice vote carried. _10ourt'n war,,-' - Al c er'-,tan Cardosi revortod comilaints about the Aagles Club anO, made r6comme-.idation that anyone wiKinn to have rezoninE W re port to the t;-L,'o Al,,Ier, an in t ),o ti,Tard ronart swin to the lannKF and Zoaln,-_-, Board and consideration he t0on and azunaTt made to the Council. Discussion. Notion by AL'or'.r,ian 'Tarr, seconded by AlKernmn Cardosi that this recouqondation be accepted. --:)4-scussion. Alderman ',,ardosi I T'i_th.draws hic second of motion and Alderman T.-',orr his motion. AlCer.,:iari TTorr moves to refer th.is matter to the City -ttorney to draw un a ?rocedurc resolution for the nca-zt Council meeting. Alderman �;ardos-_I_ secon,,.Is Me motion. Voice vote Aye all. but two, notion carried. Clean-up by letterment Co:umisoion. '­,ardosi rc-)oa.,ted that qtr :(-,'t Sunerintandent Eldon 77 -rs had helped mil w*th the clean-up (last year he had donated hi-s tl io) , but he Stated he shouli be paid for his labor, Alder- man Cardosi moves that the Council _.'luo' .yers f,)r the t-Jj,,,e s-�ont on cinan-wo (3 hours at overtime) . Alderman Howard secooMs this motion. Roll call vote. AY T: Aldermen ConraO, Snoncor, Yorbic, Peal, Harr, Cardosi,, "urst, e-!)I.c'iI, Farr, MicoxE t, We, aK �oward. TA 7: Alderman Cook. (12 S" E54 iLrno 5, 1973, ont, Al denran Cardosi renortod that the Aldernan and Venartment heads would MIT lots and We Na ter 91ant Tuesday, Kne 12, 6:00 Y, 1, (cards to Ae sent) . a; or Jenninos left his chair at 8:14 alderman Howard Dresidin,', as Aav or Pro tem. Cas ard W . lotion by Alderman Norr, seconded by Alderman Conra6 that We Aq or and City Clerk enter the Agreement J_ )r ;a.s and. oil with the Con- tinental Oil C-, for a six,,lonth period (the )nly bid received) . Alf er- tion. oll cal vote o man 7nrst requested that the My as� for an 07 a l n -the motion. Ain: Aldermen Howard, nw-)o, WIL ICU.aa-ri, "arr, GardoK, 7orr, POKC3 Gooki Yarbic, Suencer, and Conrad. AT : nne. This 23 �Ajnr jannInE returned to the chair at 0:17 A V. lVar Jon_inns introduced Lr. Ad `;c';1. . _or wr-o requested permission to close gaurth Avenue wi._-', I(., a ball game was being played W the soft ball diamond. Werpan Aarr moves, Alden-tan ',,`i.lco_­,.­n seconds moLion to authorUe closin,-, 3 an rtb Ave iuo fr om K ir ch Street to the -.is ter Tazor wh. le this ball Fame is beinE played. Aice vote carried. Tourism - Mtu")71 C,'0',u'ItY• 7ar7yn 7avis addressed the Council re,:,ar:'- n �o Co,incl.l members 1-ng tTle on' !J'.)_rtu, it'.,es in Ws vicinity W'd urf.,,e , t, !,To -,-ieetin7s. Canton will be colchratinr the sesquicentennial in 1975 and it is time to bog,`Ln on We cebbration. Ms. Davis statc,.-"- t4oussids of brochures are -ostod in various maces for the convenience of visitors to this area but it takes money to keen an this work and sugnstY, S Ciic�- Councl.l liMe to givn save financial assistance 'or this Br Towazd m.oves that tno Gity participate with hein aftar cussion w7th the o call for a second to this motion. Apnointiont: Robert antgomery U tAo Zon%H 2oard of Appeals. otlnn Alterqan hors t, seconded by Alderman Snencer to accept this appointment and voice vote carried. Annointnonts: Tulbart Kr and Floyd Spolsex , Jr., as Auxiliary Folice- -lot soco-.­).,,,�(, b,-., Alderman Zarr to acceM these men. I I-on '-.l-,-erman Howard, appointments an" voice vote carried. Apnointionts: 7aul Day, W! 7erry and Ars. Ann Taylor as members of the ,3ett,on-aent lotion Alderman 17oward, seconded by Al6erm,af We to accent th­,se apooi:ntments and the motion carried by voice vote. 3ond - hestern Surety Co., 15,000,00; jollic Grawford, City Clerk, Anarov,I, by the hinance Ca,,_IIj d. Notion by Alderman Howard, seco-nde,,7 -ttee presento by Alderman Rune to accept same and Mace ou file. Voice vote carried. of 7antral TIMM quarterly meeting to be hold in 'Iallace "aX., -�une 9, 1993, X0 -!, 7Q, 10. Robert qarlson from the 7etronolitan 5anitary District of Creator Chicago to be the speaker. All elected officials and wives urge, to attend .. wives to ass-11-st serv*�-_.r.�. rc frnsomcnts. Aunic!"al League zonvention. Alr�en­ian 11-of,-Ist stated the rounclt.T should be mating reservations and the Finance Wainitton should make rocorrienJa- to who may go and how much to be allowed. ­r 1 6:30 in LuI c p col: 1ime to meet jonday, junu 1 , 1973, P. Alderman Conrad ancusW from council Gha0er at 8:46 P. i i. ad Alderman Toward. Q tane thy &hair at 5:46 7, n. �onrad raturnInE to Council Chambar at 8:49 AonronrYation OrdInance, Alderman Yerbic moves3 Werm,an Spencer seconCs notion that the AnDropriation Ordinance be read in fall. Mot'On carried voice voto. Aunronriation OrMnance roaj. To lay over. iotion ',�- ;,lCon-tia-n One, seconded b-,,-y Al,,.eriaan Uil u coznn to adjorn. AC,M , vote carried. C,^ntori ,',ity -�ouncL­1_ a(-Ij O ^to at 9:00 P. 1. W C* Clorlz AP '!��-�77"D-