HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-15-1973 Council Meeting Minutes 47 T.Say 1-5, 1973 Canton City Council hold a regular on Qy 16, 1973 in the City Council Chamber. 7ayor Jenn!nFs called the mactinp to order at 6:32 r, M. Present for roll call: Aldermen :Toward, Rune., -Farr, Sonich, _Tirfst Car- dos i, Vorr, Peak, Cook, Yerb N ic3 Snencer, ovachovich, and Conrad. q Absent: Alderman Tilcoxen. Pledge of ,Allegiance was follaued by invocation by Alderman Howard. Minutes Of previous meeting. Notion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Al- derman (',onrad to accent the mln7tes of the -revious meeting and Place on file. -lotion carried by voice vote. Stand .n�,, Ca-m­dttee ro,)o •ts. Alderman Card,osTJ Chairman of the hts aomriittoe3 reported on the light nole in the Uhite Court Parkinr �ot, He reoorted. that it was on tl.-Io agenda of the Contra! illinois Public Service co, to mole this ,I, in the near future. Alderman Uouard re ortod that sane tine back Eldon _ e_rs, Stroet Superin- tendent, Orval 7uhn, Water Plant hunorintendont and kideryan Howard were authorized to p-archaso a used tractor and endloader to move sludge at the lake. Alderman. Oward moves that 71don Qers, Street Sunorintendent, Or- val Kuhn, %tor Plant SuporTntendent and. Alderron loward be authorized, if tho tractor meets succifications, to mail the nurchase in Springfield from the Top Dollar at a cost not to e mceed J900,01, (See below for action "wren) - Alderman Hurst --eDorted that the Na ter an,, Sewer Committee recomaended that Eldon Cook be allowed to hook on to water on last Shostnut Atreet. Alder- man Tlo era rd stated that it should be Ansorted in t4e motion that Eldon Cook agree to anion into the Qity. 1,1:�'_erna'ti lurst stated tiat this was in the agreement. AlOorman qook maloon a motion that 710on Cook be txantod normisnIon to book on to wator on Past 21instnut nt-cet with the that he annon to the Cit7 at a future date, seconded by Alderman CardosT. Roll call vote. AY7: Aldermen C'^nrad, Kovachevichr Snpncer, Yerbic, 0003 Peak, 7aorr, Cardosil San"ch, Yarr, Rune, an Nouard. MAY: Alderman Hurst, motion carried. later and over Cormqitteo renorts. Al orman Hurst rovorting: 1. Seek an estimate for extending sower and water in the Rourtb Tard on Holly Street; 2, 0timato to extend water to the onqo oroject an fifteenth Avenue - to be either from Qst Ash Strant north or from 4belfth Avenue to Fifteenth Avenue cast; 3. Ronnrted that waUr was needed for two pumpin.0 stations in the east end �a a snr rojactlSeek pirmisaian froA Dig ,reek Enterprises to got permission for onge -oalty to hod: on to the Sanitary Sower at wh Strect;-5. Estimate to extend sewer and water to Sprague Trailer Court on West Locust Street, - a repayment nrogran uas discussed provideded ib,,. 1prague put the sower and water line in; 6. Qevortc a land Ordinance was to be read toniEht to is s, is bards for the sawar projects and the Kittr Attorng- says it must I)e massed tonA, ht and read in its entirety. Aldereian Tlurst calls for another Committon meeting of the Sewer and Hater Committee directly after tho Council adjourns. Alderman 1,'arr requested a meeting ON Vic ''raf'fl_c _�ommitteo, the Voyor, and City Attarnq-,_,' Nay 21, 1973, 5:31 P. M. Alderman Howard calls for a meet. ol 0c 71-nance Committee an-r.1 Council to Oisc-ss the Anaropriat! n nydigance 0r lay 22, T973, 6:30 FIT. Uards to % sort. Alderman Annich called for a moetin- of t0e0olice and Legal Conlittee, Konda-, Q 21, 1973, 6:3n P. 1. snqciap comnitte ". Allernan Snoncor L ,ortmo an V,n Qn 7izKnr Kajaittee mant!v�, _ de- cided t , maqloy a doU catcher for Ina Git of Canton under L>a sunervision of the Chinf of Tolicni 00 to Qnn:sA convevance and necosoary equi7mont to catch dogs aid he its to be asslgqno othar duties in connection with the Police Department, Discussion. Al§erman Qnncer moves to hire a full time dog catcher, seconded 1),,, Alderman Orr, Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Noward, !UPC, Yarr, Cardosi, Urr, leak, V wk, Yerbic, 3ooncer, Kovachevich., and Conrad. 'A7: Aldermen Se )ich any QrSt, Votion carried. Mal 15, 1973, Cont. (2) Petitions. Petition presented with 29 signatures fran the Yesidents5 complaints of par n~, nois03 etc,, near tllne 1'.,odge, Alderman Horr requests that vrs, 7arro be allowed to adOress the 0011mil- 106, 2erro addresses the Council. Discussion. Zayor Jena in7y stated that he and the City Attornei.;' would have a meatiij.-, w .tlri the Board of Directors of the Eagles Lodge and re Dort back to the residents on this area. Petition No, 298. Petition nresented with 23 signatures from residents of Cass Place object- ing to a Mobile 7ame being ?laced in the 400 block, Cass Place. Alderman Turst inquired if there had been a nernit issued and Mayor Jennings -stat6d. thare has not been a permit issued. Ray .art- e, Zoning 'nforcing officer, to be given a cony of this Petition. Petition To, 299. Communications to Council. Recommendation of Via Planning and Zoning Commission .. Ellis and Sandra Kirkham. Alfernan Turst moves that the cAty Attorney be 'directed to pranare a spceial Use Permit for this pronerty, seconded by Alderman Cook. Hot-11.0n carried by voice vote. acommendation of la inn and Zoning Conqission - i-)hn ;'.. Moloney, Janice 1, Poloneyj larry A. long, Jr., and 'racia V. Lon­,, property. 'jotio--ri b-,,,- Al- dergon 7urnt, seconded 1�',T Alderman Sopich that the Ordinance COL2%tec Craft an Cr&_na-n(,,�� �.�.raryl.,i -i,, the nequnst to chan7e the razoninE a& thn no- tion carriad by voice vote. coin of lattor from Crawford, KurPhy4 to A-Gtonney 01mgren - re. Spoon River College. Co-a,, of letter from rants and Tax Section to S. Anvironmental Protection AFency. Requist - Cavton Little Ladies soft ball hoaSue . to se7.1 Booster Club t1-ck- ats, lotion by Alderman 7urst that this request be granted, seconded by A!- derman !award,. carried voice vote. Cabli TelevisVon - Cialtor lotion by AlCer:,,ian �-urst., seconded I)y Alderman Yerbic to place the above corresnandence on file and the motion carried b7 voice vote. lurlin7tma 7orthern - letter and Agreement. Aldernan 17urst moves to in- struct Ye Aayor to siqr thAs A,­1­,-,,amo-ot, Mh the anproval of City Attor icy T1al�n„-ren. _�,Iscussion- (See action. on samc. - lbelow) 7iscussion about the repair on the T-7,,7 7Z tradcs on 7ifth Avenue. Old business. 420 S. Ad Ave., Re-ort on same under new bnsiness. Second reading - Annexation Ordinance loose Club property. Discussion. Al- derman Cook makes a motion to solace this Ordinance on its passage, secondar`l by Alderian Hurst. Roll call vote. AYA: AlQrmen Conrad, Kovachevich3 Snen- car, Yerbin Cook, 50, Horr, Gardost, Burst Arr Rune aid Toward. 3 Sanich3 1 _1 ) -q -AY: !one. Zotion carried. This being Ordinance Fo. 124. ;x-)Tanatlivan City Attanng, Aalmgron about purchases . Itsted, above in t0e si,,,ffn parar=ph - Al 6ernan Cook seconds Al deri-,mn --oward's motion. Roll call AYS: Alderman '- Y I vote. lloiTard, 1�unej, Farr, Hurst, Cardosi, Horr, Peak Cook Yerbic, Spencer, Tovachev-1-ch.1 and Conrad. 'A77: Alderman Serich, Notion carried. iew business. 7ast side sewer bids. Mayor Jennings reao2ted on a call he received frar,, 7r. Wells, qrawford, Aurphy A Tilly %gineorinn Airm. rcEardinF the east side sewer project. x. Tells recomianded that Ya Council authorize the CIO Clerk: to advertise for bids to be received Jun 19, 1973, 5:10 ". N- IST. Warman Ourst moves that the city Clerk be authorized to advertise for b0s for Via Vast Side Sewer Project, seconded Al­7ernan 7une and Via motion 49 carried by voi ce vote. Ald Hair 1-5, 1973, C'ont.., (3) erman Vurst recommended that the bid also in- clude water e. to to this nroject. City AttorAey 00gren ex9lained tho 050.00 pax-ment to be made to Burling- ton Northern. Alderman Conrad seconds the motion. Potion carried m by voice vote. Agree one No, 2op,g, Resolution - Burlington Vorthern sewer main, Notion !or Alderman Hurst that this Resolution Gee adopted, seconded 4F Alderman Cook, Hall call vote. AYE: Aldermen Conrad, Kovachovichs Spencer, Yorbic' Cook, Peak Harr Cardosi Hurst, Sevich 3 3 Farr, Rune, and Howard. 'TA": I,one. Hosolution. No. 632. 420 South Third Avenue, Mayor Jenninrs asked Fire Chief Lainrer if lie had in- spected this property, Fire Chief Tawver said the pronerty met with his anuraval. Discussion. Alehnnan Hurst makes a motion to remove this case from the docket in Lavd.stoTmj seconded by Alderman Peak, Motion carried by voice vote. Betterment Commission annointmonts : Mayor Jorni,s made his at-large apaoint- ments to the qetterment Commission: Carroll nelnit �7stes 3 Ursula 7%altor, and Lawrence Stauffer. Al_ 'er�-�ianljmrard�,�a_ s a motion that the appoint- -L 1 1,7o ments be accepted, seconded by Alderman Snoncer, Notion carried by voice vote. Aldermen's appointments:Alderman Toward - Otto Stephenitch; Aldermen Farr- Tan Thhle; Alderman. SOnich - Patricia Schuster; Alderman 7urst - Bett,Y Lou Jenkins; Alderman Cardosi - Ton CaVosi• Alderman Ie0 - Toler Johnson; Aldmei­ian Snencer - Joan Tostover; AI(leri-imn Yorbic _isanbeo; Alderman Conrad - 5ottt-"r Conrad. Notion by Alderman Hurst, seconded'. b-,­ Alderman 7arr to accept these appointments. 701ion carried by voice vote. Recamnandations from ,Tar(-',. Alderymn Wardosi recommends that the City Council should visit all of the Eepartments of t City, Motion by Alderman Cardosi that the members of the City Co ncil tour all departments of the City, seconded by Alderman Farr and the motion carried bar voice Vote ', '. lid Ia -,K,or jei njiags appointed Alderjen Cardosi, Harr, and Rune to arranne for this tour. Chief of Police !Ian is to set un a date for an oqon house at the Police ''apartment. irirrr Firemen - 4th Of July fireworks contributions. Pis cis r,-1.arl. Alderi�ian koimrd makes a motion that the Citt-,,, cnntrI_bi:rce 1250.00 for the hth of July fireworks seconded by Alderman Cook, Roll call vote. 07: Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Farr Hurst, Cardosi, Tarr, PoaV, Cook, Yerbic, Spencer, Kovachevich, and Conrad. ,dAY: Alderman Senich. lotion carried. Payroll Ordinance - Radio O-nerator Salaries. Alderman !award discussed the amendments made to the "ayrall Ordinance, First Peading of Ordinance amending nrdinance No. 422. Alderman Howard makas a motion to snanend the rules, seconded by Alderman 1'arr. Roll call vote. AYn: Aldermen Conrad Kovachevich Snencer, 7erbic, Coo' 3 . Peak, Uorr3 "ardonT. forst, Sepich, Farr, Rune, and Howard. TAY: Tone. Motion capried, -otion by Alderman Tioward, seconded by Alderman Farr to place this Ordinance on its nassaFe. Roll call vote. AMY;: Aldermen Howard, Rune, Parr, Sepich, hurst, Cardosi, 7orr, Peak Cock Yer ic Spencer, Novachevich and Conrad. '_ I I I I AY! �wno, QtIon carried. Ordinance A25- Five-County Plannin7 fee. Alderman loward re4orts that Canton is to pay 100 per capita (poDulation of Canton (14,217) as Canton's share to the Five-County Planning organization, Canton's sbarc wouTA be Q421.7, . 'lotion by Al-re - Noward that the City of Canton nay its sham vrovidinr ') I rman Fulton County pays their share, seconded by Alderman Cook, Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Conrad, Ko- vachavich 3 Spencer, lbrbiq Cook, -oak, 'log.:r, nardosi, Hurst, Senich, . arr., Rupe, and Hosmrd. UY: :ore. Eotion carried. Civil Defense Truck for sale, Discussion, -or jennijs revorted that the Fulton County UvAl Defense is interestnd in this truck for parts. W-or Ten- n, will contact the FW-ton Coturity C'�Q! Defense Director and report back to the Council. Alderman Parr revorted on the Wro Winmont Truck 7arknd on nlevonth Avenue bet,oyen Chestnut and Locust Street, Discussion. Alderman Farr makes a motion to refer this comilaint to the Chief of Police and City Attorney and renort back, seconded b�,,- Al,-,ermari Snencer. Kot.'Lon carried br voice vote. 50 la-,�,- 15, 1973, Cont. .00 -1 ai T f sus-pe�.,-idj_ng )r In -ice. Attornp,.r aln,­ren c - -ied the iir., enc :' 0 dj ai I n 11 ,, "C-Dut- t1ho. ru-.e` ordt-!_�ri,�nco- A.I- (,r-,,.-an TTur,3t moves that Vric 7 ts Se -., 1-jo b-,T Al(lorman ,Co _ �d LS i C.rd-i.nance in -T-U aye,s e, y ot! carried bl, voice vOt,-,. ()rd_.nance read. Alc'.enman T, M T 1_)oa'1:, Cool- a y-,riot* to os, seconded, b-'7- Ale.eri-,ian une. Toll call vote. T', -,-Lu-s t T oi- Ce_­m­ .L _'une ��'arr, ar d.os -r AY Al n o�,iard, io­_o)-i. carried. AT- -1c")r ova che �V4(,11 �,T on.- rb I e, an(' ra(. Trjj-:-St Moves that the Ordinance as -oresonted and read be ado. ted" J_ seconded b Alderman Senich. boll call vote. AT�: Al(Jer.7nen Conrad, Kovache- TTurst, I'le-pich, Farri 'U-)a� 1-ch IS 7 Cook, 7'ea'. fors, `ardos� 'M a v pe-� car, Yerbic, "a�Tor Je, -e Ord_i.nanc do. 4216. 11 ard. Hward. one. i-:otion carried. signed the 'u."Idt Jemv,-I_n ,s recollr"en(Is tl-'Iat a lc t-lbor ".)(1, S cTit to ;ildorman Hurst ma'�Cer, a the three an]�rs thai,�.-.in,�-, theyn, for tli,elr cooloerat-L.on. u :notion t'--at 16 7 1 e ,,Ia�,­or be directed to send a letter to three bani-cs, seconded -otion carid b voice vote. of ,N 1 d e r-,,i P_n Sepich. r cad Inds a,�ce. 11ayor Jenninps recwwu, 1-"irst readinlr--, Ordillance ro,`-n, that th-*,-s Ordinance be referred to V-10 (10finittee and Vh70 :la l, or. Alder ow, M that the Police .1-nd Legal Goimmittee and Ha7yor set the salary man -' ar d OV e s n T T 0-T,, w his motion. for the do catcher. T)isciissli on. 1�ldenia_, 1� Tard -�r'l_thdrc eetinp to discuss dog catcher salar, after Co LL ncil adjou rns. ic. Alderrian i'ovac'Oe- totion b77- Alderman '�arr, seconded b.) Ordinance Iralf b-,r voice vote. ,rich to -ead this Ordinance -by Title ___y . .iotl.on carried Tl_tle- read. Ordinance to lay over. ii M ,�erman 7 T -,lot-on 10id,s be o-oenedq gas a-nd o -oward. a ­,io -on that the secan-led IT,,- Alderman Inencer acid motion carried by voice vote. 7)ids -roads TT - T1rSt, seconded -j ­'-ins r)-*L� -1-on b7T Alderman 11 Co. anc� ("ontinental Oil Co. "l ot f7 by �_ Alderman _ ovachevich to refer these bids to the ';arba e on-dtte 0 t1on carried b-,,'- voice vote. -4-1000-00, Trisurance Cor.1-_)a-jT,,r La the amount of )0-(�d �,T-itl -1che ';_ransa:�ierica the .�ina-.ice Corrriittec, for Carl ty Treasurer -or esented. _� Gi � lan IuTe that th-�,s bond loe j.:jot-1-on by Al Ml :Ioward., seconded by Al,.er� accented, 0ti_ Voice vote. on carried I Lotion b,,,, Alderman ovachevich, seconded b-- Al(lenin Conrad to ad0 ourll. Ca-_-iton City r"o-Lmcil. adjourns at 9:07 j7e-5�1�7;r--City Clerk, Canton, A 7,C) 11ayor..,',