HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-01-1973 Council Meeting Minutes May 1, 1973
Canton City Council held a regular meetiri day l_, 1973 in the (3ity Council Chamber,
Mayor Jennings called the meeting to order at 6:35 P.M, Present for Roll Call:
Aldermen f?upo, ?iotirard, Farr, Wi_lcoxcen., Hurst, Se--7ich, Edwards, Cardosi, Peak, Cook,
Spencer, Yerbic, ?aborac and Kovachevicli. Absent: None.
Pledge of A11er;iance eras followed by Invocation by -�lderrrian '-'dwards.
Alderman Yerbic moves, seconded b;;- Alderman Coot; that the minutes of the -orevious
meeting be accepted and placed. on f:i_-le. C �.rr_ ed. by vol-ce vote.
Bills for April_ presented. Motion by Ald.crrrian Kovachevich, seconded by Alderman Yerbic
that all bills n-ronorl-.T anoroved be allowed for pa„anent. Roll Ca1.1_ Vote. AT's:
Aldermen Kovachevich, .?aborac, Yerbic, Snencer, Cook, Peak, Cardosi, dwards, Sepieh,
Hurst, Wilco >en, :L'arr, Howard and ltupo. HAY: Done.
Reports of Officers for April and also for the 7,,rear presented. Alderman 11,dward.s moves
that since the reports are a matter of record __ all monthly and annual 'reports be
accented as presented and placed on file, seconded b,= Alderman Peale. Motion carried
voice vote.
Standing Oo:,vn.ittee reports.
Alderman Farr reported on a 'l'raffice Comi,zitte-� 1�Ieeti.nz.' on Monday, April- 3, 1973.
Alderman Parr reported on a communication Cro l r. `lerr- Crank, Executive Tiirector
of the ACT stating that the Downtol-in Redeveloa:.ae nt Oo.umittee discussed the proposed
pl�.ii of nlacin�; park beaches on vario-.?-s loci ,1_ons on the Canton. square and surrounding;
areas. The 4edevel_o-ment Committee feels Haut be iclies an other items tir i Lh display
adverti sii°_f should be disc o-.araged around tie dovr?itoVrn. area. Aldermani. Parr states
that the ACT will l:)e contacted about this -Iiatt-er.
A1-!erman Parr reported on the parking on A-- ders,_an Place from 11th, to 5th Avenue.
The `I'raf.fic Committee decided to stuct, tla.`Ls area further.
Alderman ?arr reported. on Par` r Meter ticket uritirg. Alderman Farr stated that the
Chief of Police has agreed to call a meet--I- the I-Ieter. 'Iaids and -give them final
instruction on tirrtitz-.g tickets before ti:le lias -xnired.
Alderman Farr re-)orted that the Coin ?-Tasil. on -astt Chestnut Street is to submit a plan
to the Coii.ncil. for an entry ,.ce to their esta?>l.ishment.
Alderman Farr reported that the Traffic Ca-mittee recommends that the Street and
Al 1 e7l Department maric angle r arlkiri g, spaces on :i1 ourth Avenue from Birch Street Nor.th
for the Soft -'3a11_ Diamond. b7,7” the <<a.ter `:Cowor. '
Alderman. Parr moves that the ()rd:_:nance Go an9_ttee draft an Ordinance to place stop
sins on As'), Street anc Fifteenth Avenue - '�oth. sides :north and south
seconded b7,- Alderman Yerbic. Motion carried by voice vote.
Motion by Alderman Farr that the Ordinance Co;Lnittee draft an Or-?,inane to replace
the Yield sign. at Sycamore and 10th Avenue % th a. stop si n, seconded bT, Alderman.
Yerbic, I,ioti.o�1 carried. by �;oice vote. i -
Je,i.ni.ngs requested that the `i'raf_'�,c 6o.uiittee look into the stop signs at 6th
and 1 alnut Street and 7th and. '°Talnut Street.
Alderman Farr moves that the Ore i_nance `'omraittee draft an Ordinance for 2 hour
parl:intr from 6:00 A.I.T. to 6:00 P.M. on the south side of Cherry- Street west of
Fifth Avenue, seconded by Alderman ILovachovi ch. Idoti on carried by voice vote.
Alderman i,arr moves that the Ordinance Ooi:mittee draft, an Ordinance for No Park_i_rig
on the 'forth side of West Manle Street from: the Hosnital going irest to Prospect
Court, seconded by Alderman Cook. Motion carried by voice vote.
Alderman Farr reported on the Parl:inr; Lot on ilh.ite Oourt. Discussion.
Alderman Peak reported that the lot on 6th Avenue anc3 Oak Street is not bein,pt cleaned
un to his sati_sfact:i.on. Alderman Peak recommends that the City littorne,- 1,e instructed.
to trrite a letter to I4-r. Scalf on this .matter.
Special Committees.
Alderman Farr, member of the Fulton 'Gount,r Council moves tht:+t the Cit.= of
Canton appropriate `":12r.,C0 for 1973 to carr r on the work of safety i_n -Dultonu
Coznt , seconded. br A1derman Howard. Poll Call Vote. AY';: Aldermen =uune, Iioti�rarc?,
May 1., 1973 Con'61d. (2)
C , Pea Cook 6
pencer, Yerbicp'a r r _co.,en, Turst, Senich$ Edwands ar�.IoSi, $
Zaborac and. Klovachevich. ',TA7f:- done. Motian carried.
Alderm,ar 11107Tar,7, rej,)orteJ on a Committee for the Teenape dances. Disc-ussion.
Nayor Jennings Ln'trodaced flayor Donald lillia ms and Trustee Leonard Fairburn o
D,._Mf ernline.
Coi-r'.,,iunicatil ons to the -Council.
713-inois Environmental "rotection Agency - 'eater Pollution Control Permit.
'o T OU
!National ',Iultinlo Sjlerosis Society - House H, se 7"rive. communications
Mot 1_rr AI ' '* r, . on-3e'd by Alderman Peak to please these
Mg,�r,,n e D�,c sec
on Hffe.-- on carrlea ty voice"' votb.
Old 15usiness.
Ordinance - Secon-7, readin`; of an Ordinance aorta'-ling to Salary Increase for '.im-oIo�;7-ees*
D _nance be read in its entiretzli, �ilderman
Alderman '�duards requests that this rd�
'ildwards thanked the _'le.-o-IcAaMLn�, Committee, (Ilit�, Attorney and the Cit-�,, Attorney►s
Ordinance a motion
Secretary _L'or their 'hel`P, r(ILiance read. Alderman Edwards makes , , seconded
(li-e 5) to read "one Hadio Operator., .:
by Alderman Farr to amend Section 6 �,`7534.47
instead. of -one lladio Operator, ?705.77". Roll Call vote. AYE: Aldermen j,ovachevich.,
D, Hurst co-:on
Zaborac, 4er;oicy Spencer, Cool,:, CarrIlosi., 'duards,, Se-oich
',_�arr, Hoi,Tard anc'� Ex-pe. !,TAY: None. Alderman EduTards discussed 11olida
Sect-11-or 8 (lines 14 and 15). Alderman 11iduards ,-,loves, seconded by AlCernan TTurst to
place this urdinance on its passage. Roll Call Vol-le. A1,7E: Alderman Rape, Howard,
Farr I.Jilcoxen� llurslu-, Sej.-A-ch, ��dwards, CarClos_i, Peak, Cook, Spencer., Yerbic3 Zaborac.,
0 . 1, ' : None. This bei-ir, Ordl-lance #It22.
and fl, vachevich.
`�mplo�,eefs Insurance Contract - Agreement Prude-itial Insurance. Alderman _�dwE.rds
seconded by Aldenqwl. -Hurst that the City Clerk and Mayor enter into an
1 Y
agreement witr, the Prudential Insurance ComPany for th�q lihployeels Insurance Con"ract.
Roll. Call vote. A)7,: Alderman E-ovachevicl Zaborac., erbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak,
TT `1ilr -n arr llowar6. and Rupe, "TAY: One,
_�clmrcls3 Sc-oich durst, oxe
Cardosi, 5 1
Motion carried. Agreement -rT0. 225
Alderman Farr cliscusserl the noor dra-11-Tiage water on North 'lain Street from North
Park Tirive to van lyke Drive. 'Notion J-P
7 Alderman Farr., seconded by 'Idenan
Atto - el to contact the proper
�,ilcoxen that the City Council instruct the `J Attorney P
officials of the State of Illinois about this conoitl.on. Motion, carriek-1, by voice vote.
t aam. -ion by seconded
1:)solution - Si_)ecial Use Permit - Patricia �._'_ral Mot A1(lerman 'i
T) Call_ Vote. A17"': Aldermen -'L-i-ne
by kl-derman Hurst to adopt this 11'esolution. Roll
llm-arc,, Farr$ TIilco=3 TlurSt. Senich, Edwards., Cardosi., Peak., Cool,,., Spencer, Yerbic.,
Zaborac, anr Kovachevich. 'TAY: None. 11lotian carried. Resolution r1631.
Orcl-Mance - 'First readllnc Moose Club. ilo-tion by Alderman Senich to refer this
Ordinance on the Agenda to the new Council -
L)iscussion. Alderman Sopich irithdrew
his motion. Alderman 1-loward makes a motion that this Ordinance be read b, Title only,
seconded by Aldc-niian Spencer. 1lotion carried by Voice vote. Or,14r.ance read. by Title
Mayor Jennings reconuionds that in the new Procedural Ordinance it shoulC, be specified
that all ur('jinances should have a title. Alderman 11oward inquirdd about the undatin.r,
of the Ordixiance .6001c. Alderman EchTards stated that he had a letter from Sterl.-Lri,,,;
Codifiers an(. the City should receive a co-,y nest week.
First Amendment to Ordinance -#282. Discussion. Alderman% di,-aards -, a,'-cs a
motion to suspend the r,Ies., seconded b,;- AIdcrmf_!.n Farr. Roll Call Vote, AYT7!,:
aborac erbic, 0-oence- Cardosi�, Ldwards.,
Aldermen Kovachevich, Z 1 0 ook., Peak
Senich, Hurst, Farr, Tlowarc! an(l. Hiroe. T'JAY: None. Motion
Alderman ;char 's makes a motion to -)lace this Ordinance on its -oassar,,c., seconded by
Alderman Cardosi. Roll. C
1__I Vote . - Alde-rm en Ru0 e. 11
mrard 3
Farr9 T�!.Icoxen,
T lurst, Sel?ich ?dwards, cardosi, Peal'-,., Cook., -nencer., Yerbic.7 Zaborac and Kovachevich.
t-1 or d. This W�.ng OrOinance 7"'li.,23.
_e. Mo carrie -
Discussion. Alderman Hurst makes a
Ordinance - Firs`( readll.n,,�, - Additional. Fire i�iel_,_. seconded ITy Alden,'la-n ,�'dwarr`s.
mlouian that this Ordinance be struck from the agenda,, sec,,
Z Y k$ Peak$
Roll Call Vote. Ai I Aldermen Kovachovich3 '."aborac) erbic$ Spencer., Cod
Hay 1, 1973 Conttd. (3)
CardosI� ! 'wards Sepich, Burst, ti il.co wens Tarr, Ho rarci and Ftu>>c . Uone.
Motion carried.
T-lotion by Alderman durst that the Police, a71d. dire Commission •be notified that the
City ,Council t.,rould like to add. one :Cull tame fireman for the Fire Department,,
seconded b
V Alderman Peak. Moll Call 'vote. A'T": Aldermen Dupe, Hozra parr?
�'+ilco-en_� durst.1 aepi h3 � ct�Tards� Cardosi� Peaky Cook $ Spencers Yerbic., Saborac
and Kovachevich. NAY: None. 11otion carried.
Alderman howard stated that it had been a _Measure to work with the tt-:o Aldermen ,
`. May Je:-zings requested Alderman ,dwards -id. �lde^ �n '
_ n< _ aborac to sten up to his
chair and he t1hanked them for their ser-�7ice to -the City Council. Alderman Edwards
thanked -the Council.
Alderman Farr makes a motion to adjourn Sj,n e T)ie for the purpose of seating .new
members on the City Council for the fiscal year 0.973 - 1-971, and for such further
that comes before; this neetang� seconded kr,- iLlderrlan ker'oi_c. rloti on carried by
voice vote. Cantor. City Council. adjourned at 7:55
Dol"MIty City °rk
w r
iIayr 1, 1973
Canton �'i.ty Council held iLs first regular meetin , with the newly elected Mayor
and Aldermen on Hay 1, 1973 in the City Council_ Chamber, Mayor Jennings called
the meeting to order at 8.07 P.?°T. Present for roll call. Aldermen Houard, Rupe.,
Wilcoxen,, Barr, Se-oich, Hurst, Cardosi., Harr, Cook, Peak., Yerbic, Spencer.,
Kovachevich V-d Conrad. Absent: :done.
Pled,r;e of Allegiance was followed by Yilvocat-i_on by Alderman Howard.
Alderman Senich malces a motion, seconded by Alderman Cardosi that the rules of
Procedure that presently- exist in the City files be adopted. for the fiscal.. year.
Roll Call Vote. AYI'.: Aldermen Conrad, Kovachevich, Spencer, Yerbic, Peale, Cook,
Horr, Cardosi, Hurst, Senich, Farr, Uil co:cen, Rune and- Howard. T?l��': None.
Motion carried.
Mayor Jennings welcomed Alderman Horr and Alderman Conrad to -U he Council.
Committee anno i!-ntments'made by Mayor Jennin;s.
"?C?: E. Howard.. nn., Kovachevich, Cook, Spencer, Darr, Horr, Hurst,
Peak, Rune.
"OT & T,l?�C L: Senich, Chinn., Darr, Kovachevich- !,,Tilcoxen, Iloimrd., Cook,
Yerbic, and Cardosi.
`i'' 3-71-M- Hurst, Chm_1., Se--)ich, 'ea'c, lloi,mrd, Yerbic, Spencer,
Wilcox-on, Cardosi-, and Farr.
ST�T- -'1' A?�]._��IY; Kovachevich, Chr�n., Peal>, Cardosi, Hurst, Cook,
I-Tilcoxen and Conrad.
j'Tl T ! 1: (; °:: Ci+Ui IT,r SnerlCer, ( hh-in., TIa2^St, Yerbic, Cook, 14ilcoxen, Farr,
TPL,h"LPF'r,C: Farr, Chran., Kovachevich, Hurst, _Zupe, Yerbic., Cardosi, Cook anc Peak.
CJVIBAG • Horr., Chmn.� i-loimrd, Cook, Yerbic, Senich, Peal,, alfd. I'Tilco�c n.
F T_J� : STA'1??'0" ; Peak, hrzr.., Yerbic, i otrrarcl, Hurst Spencer, Kovachevich.,
and Wilcoxen.
TAB , 'a���r�L�)= � �i�l.': Coo'c, Chinn., l~upe, I�Ioward, Kovachevich, and. Z°�rilcoxen.
Pl T r .1.. C' Cook., Ch71n... Cardosi., Peal.- .,i4.3 co.-en.
Clr IL D FTi?SF: Ruloe, Chinn., Conrad, "nencer, Kovachevich and V ilcoxen.
L.CGII'1S: Cardos _, Chmn., Senich, Spencer <and Farr.
en Chn Farr )ard.asi an Peak.
AN" ,
L.T Conrad ChrLn.., Sepiclz, �encer., Yerbic and Kovachevich.
CLA THIS Yerbic, �hmn., Peak., Cook.,.,"il coxen.
iP4une, Chmn., Kovache-rich Ye � _c, and. Cardosi,
EL1',C`n!.'-"''': Yerbic. , hTll., l'Ti1_ca?:e?l., parr anti. `,ard.osi.
?TIStTRA'!`1G^: Rupe., Horr, TTocrard, and Senich.
�t ' IZ? IAT -, Hurst, Clvnn., Novache;rich., Yerbic and
JT'?' CAR: ?Jil.co: cn, hmn., Hurst, ITowar- Kovachevich and i ealr.
✓DO >? TO?' T� L^,T,) '' 1': Iurst China. liotrard- rook Dupe and Senich.
TI I'T'TTO'pnT . Peal_>, Chinn., TT.mcyard� -'upe,�T`lil.co�en, Farr, S �nich., Hurst.,
Ilorr, Carcios:i_, Cook Yorbic, Conrad, Spencer, Cova.chevich.
PILOPOSI ) 7_ :"r??STATTI : TTolrarci, u1n., Senich and Hurst.
BOG: Spencer, Ulmn., Iloward and Hurst. -
Personnel anno'._ltmerts ma('e by- Mayor Jom-1
CITY" ATTL YPT'T7 : T"Tilliam II. Mali gren
SEC t',ITAI.T 'I't, KAYOIE: Kett,,,- Tandy
DEFU'17 CITY CL-,I:?,K F,sther Fairburn
OI'C C 1 '.CCER: Ra. Hartle
FIRE, C:'iIEF : Eugene La,wver
POLI C , C:i 1.. F: James slam
P�A�IO OP, :,'.'i'ORS: Ira Johns
T2'�chael_ hinds
rr.. .nvid Kaler
PA` 'iI -TT IAA .il�t) OPT IZA`iOIZ: Thomas l <_^cien
"TLE 3'I7: Hazel opera.,
ASSI`.i, 1?IT:I 111-2K: Roscxnar, Peak
TRAFFIC; CJI i':CCI,R: Howard A. Williams, Jr.
R::,A-DT?TC1.S: Janevera I>Ic''Iott
Ar.:�. 'I pore
ATTTIT_,IA!7 OT,ICC: Walter Eugene Jeri...c-ins., Ler�,r 13aylor., I'la. PostLi., Jr..,
RaInh J':rnett, Cr— Irons, 'i-chard. Lattene r a-.1d_ -4onald Haynes.
may IP 1973 Coat td. (2)
SP CA= PC07: David ia, -Kalor, John L. hanko, william P. McCamay, Richard E.
Fairburn, Wilburt lhommon, John L. David Robert W, Haluorth,
John N. Seale, David A. !>u nham, ., Carl- 11. harnham, Hobert F.
Chai-,ipli-iri, Jr., Michael C. Ands Eoixard A. Williams, Jr .,
Marcia T. Alliams, Robert JeaAhliAms, Rosemary Peak, Dan
L. DeHenmy., Anthony Vaniel L. ?,!orla,-iah. Brent C. Scalf,
SCHOOL PATIOL: John Henry Anderson, Lois ha4o Perry, Ellen Landis, 'harles
Barne-tt, Jean Witt, James Altiser, Mary Beth Johnson.
CIVIL DIFENSA 00-0111NATOR: George O'Donnell
COUaTY PL -T1 `.C" 1':
C(�U I SSI O : Ronald "ilcoxen
(1TMTZDTA__,',T I 711A71-11 - T1111.7711:
CA j'AT'!2, T LA 17; Morris F ord
ST1J,T!-,,7T 1'-, ALL. ,", : E 1clon Myers
GARBAC7 D7PARTT777 PIRSOT17L: Leer oy Kruse, John E. Edson, Dann; Lee Phillips,
T)e.lbort F. Wells, Gene Allen SarTard Steve.!! G. �Iyers.
Orval ulu-�LXT'[' S_T, Kn-
_,A'C1,73, PLA"T.' Willis Walraven, Charles Oti,Ti-:.1.-,,s, Raymond McKinney,
jer27,7- Luper Stephen F. "hite.
17 tn'I Harold bite
Eugene Jenkins; Floyd Ourns and Dennis "conk
CASTU'�_R `A';77'_`l Catherine ,qizans
OT 711 FTRS4777: Albert 7,,osich, �,Iewlanl larsk, ester Pollitt.
!MST: TITU PLAIT S PTs her?neth' Peak
OT711 PTAS3100 1=7 Jones and John Morgan
Betterment Commission: -Will name jollowin_; meeting.
!OARE 0 AP7!ALS:- P Jack Walkerp John Coleman, Edward Greenfield,
Chester ivizvtiilyi B. Carver and Ro'�1_11' hopper
LTS17,71' 11TS'ZORTCA!,: r lorence Campbell, lftW
Eddie Walters 3
Lawrence ShenlelT.
, 1 1051
Veria Farr,
Ronald Wilcoxen and Mont- uwe Paul Spencer and-�ictor aovachevich.
C7J7'17-R7 Lawrence Shepley, Harci.7 .-,ilson and. Merlin Feldner
FIR P TCH CUU7SST0- : Ghlee 7,1atson,, John risher and William Long., Sr.
Cr37,T�11TSS-TONI: l3oyd. Pickett, chert F. Jennings, Betty Tandy,
Gary Beadles, Tilliam Abell, Jr., Glenn F. Harjes, Phillip
ler 'Do-n Hop-per, 14. Alma parker, 'Tom Tood, Luther Jeck
, - .9
Tirs. 131anc�e Kenned., sirs. Lorraine Farr, Leon F. Moos, James
H. Brown, and Irs. llerschle Mackey.
_R_.LAr_,'1OiJ1S C10.'1qTSS-FTr: John Lenover,. Howard Higgins. 'Acyd Pickett and
Rev. Horace Huse.
L13EVY WARD: Charles L. Martin, Jr., W.P. Ingersoll, John Winsor, Freeman
Swearingen, Everett -,JoT,Tard, Danny "oore, Albert HillinEto7J,
George 0. Hooker, John Coleman
POLICE -FINST01 TOARD: Albert Jacobs,
YOUT- ACTIS ROARD: Everett Howard.
PLAF 0 104ING CUlMISST N: Ronald Reith, Sam Demler, Mike Hasty, Charles
, wig ht, James Shan?, Sr., Paul Hurst, Paul Spencer,
Aonty Hine, Leslie Carl, Donald Schmidt, George Slaughtor,
El--'-- Byrum., ldichael Peak, Dick Strode.
70A29 0 LOCAL 11FROV110TS: Eldon yers, Mayor Robert Jennings and. City
LIQUOR CO Mayor Hobert F. Jennings, Lee- Cook and Robert George.
70ARD 0? 77401-1: Ma,-, or Robert F. Jennings, Shen,,-in Gilpin, Claude Seaton,
Dr. Paul Barthelemy.
P` LTC 17ATTO'IS: Holbert Fordyce, Gharles E. Wright, Doc Hopper, Jan
Starcevich, Members of City Gouncil, Executive woard.,
ACT., Present TiTnions, Tnternat-1-oval Harvestor Caij-)any.
Mot-ion by Ald.en-aa-_ri Yerbic, seconded by Alderman Peak to accept all anoointments.
Roll call Vote. AY7: Aldermen Howard5 R De, Tilcoxen, Farr, berich$ Hurst,
Cardosi, Herr, Cock, Peak, Yerbic, Spencer, Tovachevich, and Conrad. NAY: Vone.
Zotion carried.
Ma7.7or Jonnin,.s gave his future plans and immovements for the City of Canton for
1973-104. With the many projects in have started and -need to be completed, I will
strivo in thr,. coming year to complete samc and work tomard starting new ones.
Tye new Progrwns I Y=16 like to see accomplished this year are:
1. Resurfacing brick streets
2. Curb projram.
3. Program fo7 widening some intersection corners.
May 1., 1973 Cont'd. (3)
4. Alter the bandstand in Jones Park to a large lighted fountain - but have this as
a Community Project - not just the City - as the Jay Cees and other civic organizations
have expressed much interest in this project. Also place some park benches in the
park for a rest area.
City Attorney 1,L-1mgren announced he would be haony to instruct the new Aldermen
on Procedures after the City Council adjourns.
Mayor Jennings announced a meeting with the City Attorney, City Treasurer and
Council following adjournment.
Motion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Aldari,�a.--,a Peak to adjourn. Canton City Council
adjoAqO- at 8:30 P.H.
eput,, Uity er
4A -70