HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-24-1973 Council Meeting Minutes 33
April 24, 1973
Canton City Council held a regular meetlnZ on April 24, 1973 in the Citl
Council. C'haiabers. Mayor Jennings called f or roll call at 6:30 7. M.
Present: Aldermen Koward, Far Hurst Sopich3 Edwards Cardosi
Peak Cook 1 $
5 1 Spencer, Yerbic5 Zaborac, and Tovachevich. Absent: Alderman
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Invocation b�,,• Alderman Edwards.
Tinutes Of Previous meeting. jDtion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alder-
man Peak to accept same and Place on file and motion carried voice vote.
Petition. loquast for rezoning Property (557 T. Chestnut St.) owned by Ellis
and Candra Kirkham - from an 7-2 to 102 zonV7 Wassification' for use as a
ceramics shop and taxidermy shop. 70tion by Alderman Sopich, seconded &
Alderman Nurst to refer this Petition to the "lanni, and Zoning Commission
and voice vote carried. Petition 7o. 20.
Petition requesting repair of curbing and street on South lain Street from
Alm Strent tc line Street. 'Totion Alderman Yorbic, seconded by Alderman
Cook to aLace came on file. TO vote carried. Petition No. 297.
Standi, Committee renorts.
Police and Legal Committee re-.ort by Weroan Senich. 1. The Caimittee
recommended the rental of three Century Wick cars from the Canton Motor
Sales Co., 05n.01 Per month, for the Police department. He moves that
the Uty Clark and Aayor be authorized to enter into a contract for rental
of three cars for 1250,0n per month Q,_')uJ-c!- motion seconded by
Alderman UK, Roll call vote. AY0 Aldermen Kovachevich, Zaborac, Yer-
bic, Spencer, Cook, 79ak, Cardosi, Ndwards, no-oich, Nurst, Tilcoxen, Farr,
and loward. W_r- 'ione. 2. The COu"ittee recommended the nurchase of a
car through the state nurchasinC Program for a trial. 3. State insurance
Tepartment Audit Report was discussed and the Committee recommended that
the Police Pension 5oard he made aware of this report and take action to
correct the deficiencies as noted therein. 4. The Conqittee recommended
that the starting date, as recorded in the City Clerk's Vffice, for William
Rourke, Police Patrolman, be Sent. 4, 1966. Alderman Sepich moves that for
all City Purposes, the starting date for William be noted as Sept. 4, 1966.
Alderman Hurst seconds this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Howard,
Farr, UilcoNen, 'Irst, Senich, Wards, Sardosi, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic,
7aborac, and 7ovachevich.. 'ATAY: `Tone. I-'otion b,,,- Alderman Sepich, seconded
by AlGerKan " urs-t that a certified cony of the minutes be sent to William
3OUrIfe anc` t-,e Police 7epartment. 7oice vote carried.
Resolution. qecogniz!nF and Perpetuating annreciation of the City- of Canton
for the services of Delbert Freeman read. This Resolution was signed by the
Mayor, all Alderson wresent, and the nit; Clerk. Notion b;7 Alderman 117,dwards
seconded 17 Alderman Kovachevich that this Resolution be adopted. Roll call
vote. AY7: Alderman 7ovachevicV. 7aborac, 7erbic, Spencer, cook, Peak, Car-
dosi, 70wards, Sovich, 7urst, WiTcoxen, Farr, and Howard. 7KY: "one. qayor
Jennings rresented the Resolution to j. Freeman and thanked him for. his ser-
vices to tha City. This being Resolution Q. 629.
Finance Committee, 3onort by Alderman ''(Ilwards that a payroll. Ordi.nance was
to be Presented at thAs meeting.
iIayor Jenninr,-.s asked Permission of the ','oancil- to allow Don Johnson to speak
and. permission was granted. r. Jo' nson complained about the Poor treatment
he had received from one of the policemen re-arditin We yellow- light he had
in his car aid the policeman had removed w-.tho,, t first contact-11-1- 'Ir. jollan-
son. He also comnlained about being laid off from the volunteer 2ire Depart-
ment - after he had donated twenty-six hours of service and lost a day's.work
because of illness. Notion by Alderman E&ards, seconded by Alderman Cardosi
that the 14a-,,ror and Police and Legal Unnittee meet with 1r. Johnson and the
motion carried by voice vote.
Carbage Disposal Committee. Al(ieri-nan IK'ovachavich moves, Alderman Cook seconds
motion that the City Clerk advertise for gas and oil bids, to be received by
5:10 P. N. on toy 153 1973. Roll call vote. - A77. Aldermen Howard Farr,
?7l_? ro_-=I TTUrSt. Sepich, Edwards, Cardosi, "aak, Cook, Spencer, arlic, Tab-
orac, and 7ovachovich. 7AY: 'Tone.
Anr:_l A _1.973, Cont. (2)
7:i'ire Station Coriuii_ttee. Alderman Weak re,�orted that the new motor ti�ras now
in mace in the fire true',,- and that 'lr. calf was working on cleaning up the
lot f or the new fire station.
S-oacial C a_nmittee re-:-)o-rts.
Corvaunications to Council.
Letter from TI-.L. ETIA regarding sewage treatment nlant (main) permit denial
(dated April_ 25 1973) - Log ;;11001-73 read.
Letter from the .`ll. ±;PA, dated Apr. 4, 1973, federal PL 660 - Canton
C170944 - regarding the status of the State and federal Grant for construction
on sewage treatment works.
Letter from '!_11. 7PA, dated A?�ril 10, 1973, Canton mast Side Sewers Log
;"930-73 - °errai t 1973-IA-682. Granting of permit to construct the east
s-i.de setirage treatme:---t plant.
Cosy of letter from the Crawford., 7- Tilly -:ngineeri ,,r; Firm to the
7A res, rdi_n.- east side sewage lblant - 6c27-3-1 - State Federal. grants
C-17091!.1!., regardi n cc rtal_n charges.
Copy of letter from ',rawford, �'iurnhtr �I_l-,r Enxi_neering fir-n 'to the 3i1_l.
7. P1lar.tin Const. Co., regardin<7 6`?27-3-17 - waterworks sewer j ,:Zprovements,
nra-). 1 S-T_ll_-263 - starting date on or before T-lay 1, 1973 and cora-ol_etion
date Auk. 2r),3 1073.
Lett-,:r of than]�:s from radio-Television '%cation `�P for coonerat'_on in the
covera,,e of el-act-11-on news on April 1-7, 1973.
ConT, of application for certificate of ca-a-cliance from the Fulton Coal unit-y
Antenna ,`lTevision Systems, Tnc. to t le 72ederal Coruiuni.cation Caoliss-*,_on.
'lotion. b Alderman Tloz,rard., seconded by Alderman Senich to instruct the Cit-r
Attonae, to contact Attorney ?raper :iebo as to the status of this station.
'Ioice vote carried.
Old business. rr
Second readluig of an irdi_n ice _rezon:i_r r'i pro�erty to be used as a. fire
station. lotion b< .Al_derman 11d.wards, seconded by Al_derrlan Peal; to read the
Ordi_nancc b - `Title onl_',- and. voice vote carried. Title read. Potion by Al-
deri,lan -?ard.s, seconded b1 Alderman Sepich to place the Ordinance on its
nassa e. roll call_ vote. < A`7: Alderrlen `;.ovachevi..ch, 1aborac, Yerbic,
r�8')Cer, COO C, '"oats, lardos'i, '',dw rds, `''e.rr, and.
A r. ,?
'?oward. ''one. This being Ordinance
.�� Second reading_ of an Ordinance lio Parl,.i7� on certain portions of Anderson
7'1_ace. �'oti or. b7- Alderman Spencer, seconded by Al..c'ernan Yerbic to read. the
�` ;' 0rdi_nance
by itl_e only and the motion_ carried. Title read. lotion by
der .a S per cor, seconde l I)- erbic to n1 a ,e the rdinance on its
N F. ' n •ssarc . Roll call vote. A77: A1_•:?er .on Toward : arr .Tilco,.en 7urst,
Se �i_ch, 'd?Yards, ': rdosi., Pear, Coo'.., S ;encer, Yerbic, 'a orac, and. `"ovache-
r,, f _
v:a.ch. `Tr� : _•?one, �h._s being; Ord.,_na.1co
ff 7
Ord�_nancr? "ro7ardJ r.r salar:i_es of Aldermen read for second tl..lie. ioti_on b7,
A1.eerman 'dwards, seconded by Al'LCer- an T'ovachev.i_ch to dace the Ord nanc.:e on
its na s _.,.e.
jisclassion. ?ell_ ca-1.1 vo`., A `;: Alder :en. '«ovachev`i.ch, �ab-
mencSnenc Ic, Cooi., ea"-,, retards, T?u^St, ri.Tco en, and arr. TAY: A...der-
r, Cardos I_, e, _c'n., and. ?-Toward. (9 A77", and 4 "TA,rS) . . otj on
carried. Th.i.s being �'`rd:inance .,lo. 1..[20. J
Ordinance, Sa'l.aries of t',,e "layor, Cit,? l_:�r' �. d C:it�i Treasurer reed for
second time. -.lotion by Alderman 'Iduard.s, seconded. Jy;r Alderman rer�. is to
a wend. t_�o ' rdinance to read "effective the first Tuesday in : ay, 1973"
an: V..�re motion carried by voice vote. -oti ors. b-, Alderman ;
7ew business. April 24, 1973, Cont. (3)
Bonds, Norris 1. Ford, 7J.7.lers Nutual Tns., Q,000.00 Sake Patrol) ; Donna
J. T-Towel_15 Transamerica Ins. Co., 013000.nq (assistant in clerk's office and
water Renartment) ; Robert I Jennings, 4illors Hatnal Ins., 33000.00 Pa or) -
and Ray 5, Hartio, Killers 'Tut,,)aT Tns. 01,W,00 (7oning %forcing Officer) ,
Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Werran Yerbic that the bonds be
accented after being approved by the Financ3 Committee. Roll call vote. AYE:
Aldermen Kovachevich, 7aborac, Terbic, Spencer, Cook, Doak, Gardosi, Edwards,,
T WiTnowen arr, and F loward. o
TAY: Nne.
Sonic!]., lurstl
Amendment to the original --],,ease .;'etwoen Wlmi and laleon )Tauber and the City
err. for use of the Civil Vefonse Foadquirters -- incroasinE the rent to 060,00
per month. aecommondations that sano �n referred to the Building and ('rounds
Planning and Zoning Commission reports.
Dedication of roadway north of the City by Leroy Allison and l. D. 3arnard -
recommendation t ) accept same. Aotion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alder-
man Peak that the dedication Q accented by the City and that the proper
officials manifest the acceptance by signinn their names to the plat. Roll
call vote. A T: Aldermen Howard, -'al r, vilc our n, Vurst, Sepich, Edwards,
Cardosi, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yorbic, Zaborac, and love.cl ievicl-i. 1. AY: ',,fono
Discussion of sewers in that area.
Planning and Commission recmamondation that the or000sed Moose Lodge
nroperty be rozonod to 9-2 - General iusOjesn. Aotion b�,- A1_,,,'.or,,man "urst,
seconded by Alderman 7,duards that the Committee prepare an Ordin-
ance for this rezoning, Voice vote carriad.
"lanning and Zoning - recormnon0ation that the 7atricia j. Graham property,
12)!0 7. Street, be gixon a snecial use normit for use of a beauty
shoe rather t0n rezoned as requostcd. � otinn W Alrlen-fian llurst., seconded
by Alderman Edwards that the City Attar naZ be authorized to draft a Spacial_Use 'nrmit and the motion carried, voice vote.
man 71anni, and Zoning Commission - recanmendation that tA2 request of John
Poloney and Qrry a Donn, Jr. be deferred until drainage problems were cor-
rected. 'a;--or Jenninns renorted that a ditch could be madle t1-at would cor-
rect this problem. Alderman durst rocannonded that the 0yor write to the
"lanning and Zoning Commission regardinE these plans by the City to take
care of drainaEe.
Planning aad ZoninF Commission roc oi-xi-aendat ion of the annointment of Mr. Mike
Hasty, renresentinZ the Canton Association of Commerce and industry, as a
member on the 0anning Commission. Notion Alclerfaan Yorbic, seconded Q'
Aldernan Peak that t"o Council an-cint 0, is sty to the 71anning and Zoning
Commission and the motion carriod by voice vote. Alderman Edwards recommend-
ed that civic minded persons make an application for the various commissions
that are appointed by the Kayor for his reference.
Hosolution - Ira lsfor of Pun ds: yq 1090.00 froi-,i ( enoral_ j'un F
d to the ire
Protection Rind; 10,011,00 from the RoneraT __Aind to the Road, and '3,xidge
Fund; 130,000.00 from the 7enara1_ Fund to the Garbage Disposal Fund; 0180,000,00
from the Renoral Wnd to the Police trot cetion Fund,,- ' 33,1 1..71.E from the
General -und to t)e Special Assessment a i(l ;45.21 from the 'ponds and
interest Fund to Wo "olice Protection Fund, Total 1403,226.96. Notion Q,
,]Aen-ian �1chraxds, seconOod by Werian Vurst to adopt this %solution. Roll
call vote. AYE: Aldermen 7o-,,-acbev.*ch, I laborac, Verbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak,
CardosT, Wards, Se-ich, 7urst, nilco:mn, Yarr, and 'TouTard.. "Tone.
This be Resolution in. 530.
Canvass of votes of the Ceneral Election Aoril 17, 1973. Mayor Jennings
annointoO AlOor-an Tovachavicb, "eak, and. 4sward to canvass the votes, and
declared a recess at 7:0 Couincll called to order again at 9:07 P.M.
Alderman Tovachevich .re no. Wat the Komnittee had canvassol the election
returns and found them to be accurate. Aldervan Hurst moves that the Can-
vassing Caiaittae reaonionl that the candidates up for election show by the
canvass that t v are duly elected 4 t o vote of this Council, Alderman leak,
seconds the motion. Roll.. call. vote A- 0 Aldorri,on Howard, F'arr., r,Iilco,:e-n,
Nurstl Sanich, !rWards, Cardosi, Peak, , )a:, pnicer, Yorbic, Zaborac, and
7ovachevick. NAY, one'. lotion b7 Worqan Yorbic that the revort of the
lanvass be road as shown 0 the records, ellected officials, duly elected,
as found by ti.-io canvass. A1.0ex,,aan `,chTards seconds this motion Voice vote
Anril 24, 1973, Cont. (4)
carried. Certificates of Election were presented to: mayor Jennings, Carl
1. 7i1l, City Treasurer, zonty Hupe, Al.deiTzn First Uard5 "arla 1. Varr,
AI_(",(-,r,aan second. Ward, PWO, T_ 7urst, Alden-an Third 'iard, Alder earl
7, Aorr, Alderman Fourth Ward, Lawrence B. Cook, Alder.an Fifth Ward, Paul-
Spencer, Alderman Sixth Uard, aid Keryl Conrad, Alderman of the Seventh Tard.
Q Payroll Q Alderman Edw ards, seconded Ordinance up for first reading. notion
by Alderman Yerbic that same be read. by Titl V e only. Joice vote carried. Title
read, Alderman 7,dwarr)s called for a meeting of the Finance Committee ii;Lriediatly
folloj,rz,,, the Comncil meeting.
9etterment CaO r,-u-ttoe Recommendations lc , the layor that an anend-
ment be made that members whose terms wL�a e:-_-Diring can succeed themselves.
Notion by Alderman Farr, seconded by Alderman Cardosi to refer this to the
Ordinance Ca-riittee. Voice vote carried.
Street and Alley QaAlittee .. meetinE called by Alderman Howard, hay 7,
talk about Ke street sweener and road grader.
Gabby Sunday. Alderman Farr sngFests that the Cit,„r e
hav two sucIn clean-up
days in the CitV and was advised that the datterment C(y,-c,iittce had conducted
such a cleaA.up last fall. Clean-un week to be discontinued after lay 7.
City cinic to place ad in newspaper.
Traffic. jJlC_cr-.,-qan Hurst asked the Alderaen to take a close look at the
traffic situation on Us northwest corner of the square.
3etter:ient Committee. Mayor Jennings stated that each Al.Ierman should have
a representative from his ward on this committee.
Letter from the Downtown Development Committee reCarding placing a fence
around the burned out buildings on the north side of the square. Discussion.
The Street S7n:--,r!ntcndent had recommended AacinE a live-foot strip of black-
ton - awa- from the buildiAgs to use as a sidewalk. Kayor Jennings recom-
mended pat the Street and Alley Conjittee meet with the layor to bring an
answer Tack to toe Council. Motion by Alderman Howard, seconded by Alder-
man Cook to vlace a five-foot black top strip for safety and camaunity
efforts on t"e north side of the square. •erman AdwardB suErested nakinS
some ase of the vacant lot __ nark ins , etc Roll call vote on the moti0--:
AY!: Aldermen Tovachavich, Taborac, cook, PoW, Cardos!3 Wilco en, Farr,
and Toward. 7A Y; Aldermen Yerbic, Snencr;rj d-vm.rds, Se-pic”, iUT Ft.
AY7S and "? Q-0 . Motion carried.
Alderman Vurst requested the 7tre2t and ATl7,,- co-yi-*t.tte
e , I ook at the
Undslide an Test 0-le 2tre9t.
Alderman Edwards r000rted that someone had left the gate open at t east
side lagoon anA 11 or 12 of Hr. Case 's cows ascaned from the nasture; gate
shout 6 be re--)I ac2d with a soliC fence.
Friday night street dance. A representative of the Ausicians Union, .1.
OeorFa icke, addressed the Council regardinn street dances for the youth
of Canton, no charge to the city onceot for police protactior. Alderman
7(luards recommended the lorth 30n Street parking lot, and if tic weather
was inclement to find soma other headquarters. Alderman Edwards moves, Al-
derman lardosi seconds notion that the dayor appoint an entertainment Can-
mitten to Secure the -music and see that policing is taken care of. Voice
vote carried. The Mayor appointed Aldenaen Howard, Turst, and Kovachevich.
Planning and Zoning. Alderi-iaa "Awards states that, in the future, when re-
zoning is done, a definite date should be set for build nE on the site that
vas rezoned and if not done, the zaUnE would revert to the original class.
Request for 70 Parking an both sides of the street in the 1300 bloch on
South Ave.
Entertainment Committee to meat with 7r. Hake immediately following the
Counci? meeting -- announced by Alderman howard.
7otion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alderman Peak to adjourn. ','ol_ce
vote carried. Canton City Council adjourns at 8:45 P. N.