HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-03-1973 Council Meeting Minutes 7 April_ 3, 1973 Canton CitTr Council held. a regul=..r meetin[; on April 3, 1973 in the City Council Chamber. 1°Tayor Jennings called for roll call at 6:30, P. MT. Present: Alder pen Rune, Howard., i'arr, :i_lcoxen, Furst, Sepich, '?:dt�rards, Cardosi, Peak, Cook, ,Spencer, 'erbic, Zaborac, and Kovac'.Zevieh. Absent: krone. Pledge of Allegi.ance was fol.l.oVr1-;d by :nvocation b,., Alderman L&-aros. "'i_nutes of previous meet,i_n "otiar� by A-10,erma.n Yerbic, secon(led by Alder- man Cook that the minutes of the pr,evious meetint be accepted and placed on file a,--d the motion carried voice vote. Officers _�enorts. Mlotion by Alderran Yorbic, soc.ond.ed by Alderman Pea's that the re )orts be accepted and placed on f9-le and motion carried voice vote. Staridi r,, Corzrll-ttee ?enorts. Alderman Sc,,-:)`Lc.-i asked that Chief of ' )lice Liam introduce "aul Kachinovas, the new nol ce patrol-man., who was present. PaZrment on the farm land belong-n,­ to the 'Its,- was made by i r. John DeLost, reported by Alderman Hurst. Traffic Cc-rrq"_ttee. Alderman :Farr renorte(:t t`,at GaY7,- ,utz, salesman for the nark benches, had given some rules a. ,d the : copies had been nrovided for -t' e, Aldermen; he also said th :re had been com-l-a:i_nts of Y>a r? 3,; r in the area near t i.e 7af les T.odtpe (parkin,,7 on both sides of the street arid also there ha.d been some spe di.ng on that street) ; he recoiiImended an Ordnance be drawn re ,ardinF stop s.i_lp-ns on Ash and 7 i fteenth A7-e 1ue (two has-e alread;r been placed at that corner).; s t anal limits Dave been -olaced on the nortl-iwest corner o1' the square b,zt wi_l-1 not be :i_n on(-,,ration ,-rnt i.1 tTie street martcin-s and other s-?.€ns are in place. Finance and !iegotiating Committees to meet, ` uesday, April l'', 03 P. and all repartn,ent heads are to be --)rese,lt, announced by Alderman _I dwards. 'aYrrr Junk cars. Health 10_!'ficer Shertrin Gilpin reported about twenty)-five junto cars were processed durin - the last two weeks. Su"o-Avis_i-on - end of South ,'-Irst Aven.ue. A3,6errnan 1Odwards recomrlended that, the Council_ ask T�r. . JonnsU1 to OtL!L storm sewers in and hook up to the City Vien lay_ln„ out this 1�la.t. !1e stated that the City mw- ' have to be firmer with enforc.int; t',e 0 Inar,cos red,ard. n;, t':e s :'o-dividers. Dogs - Ad. _I'or a dog-catcher to :,e ;placed in the nouspaper. ';'ialror Jennings reported t'r1e dog catcher had qu-it anal tie had contar;ted the Rabies Control Co--,Lmittne and a Resolution -will be :ira-m- up for the next Count) '3oard moct- :L�g. 1�1a ,or Jennings recommended a meeting of the "Dog" CorIraittee soon and placed AD,er;pan Z aborac on that C omi iittee to fill the -.dace of Alderman Fulton. Ga.rba e +,Iisposal. Alderman Kovachav-Lch stated. that: 1. a recorzmendation had been made concern r,�_ garba„e c.)ntainers to be nlaced outside the Ci.'t� -- but Vie Committee does not feel the C-1-t- of Cariton is responsible for maintaining those cans -- t'�e Cit„= has garbage �ictlap for those living inside: the : 28 April 3., 1973, Cont. -Mayor Jennin,'--s introduced Bob CUIS045 'rincinal agric-01-ture Engineer for '-Tetro, of-tan Sanitary Distric t. Ord 4 property,-Lilance, knnexat�,,_on of the (,one n. , erty, second reading. Mayor je.-ini-firs asked if' it. was allrig�it to OVO tj I 1� for the _s item up on the a�;enda L of the Attorney. Permiss_'..o granted. Notion by Alderman Tldwar(is, seconded b- AAlderman Yerbic to read the (Drd-Inance by Title only. 'I­3oll ca'11 vote. AT' Aldermen Kovachevich, 7,aborac3 -_I'erbic, Spencer., ("ook., Peal:, dosi, 7,16wards, Senich, T-Turst, 1.,Tilcoxe-n, Parr., T r oward, and R-ape. Title read. A' Cleri,,ian Kovacbevich, to place the Aon by Ald-erT-ian 771dwar(lis, seconded b 1 Toward, Farr ` ance on its nassage. Roll call vote. A ?: Aldennen 1,,Llne, Farr, TFilco-,en -lurFt epichp ,{�dwards, �,ardosl, Peak, Cook, Sn- encer3 Yer- Zaborac, and 77ovacfevich. TTA7-- -lurie. this be!n Ordnan ce i,To. 415. Special Committee Reports. Fnq-airj from Alderman Hurst as to wlien the sewor and wat2r would be .installed north 0_L�1 U t,)i,-iarJs T,ocl--,Is., _;-l'arm Ki_a. .1 etc-. Alderman J.arr re:�ori'led. t'liat the Alderme_z `L'roi-,i the Second "fard had met with tor.-­_-, reC­ardin,-; the d1sni3.to over t' e -,­,roT.)er.t-,,- line (Shumal cer-Call-oway) and. docided 'U-:,at the Cite should not le ,,ter into same. C",a--"uqs a,,�,ainst tl.-�.e City. ?Motion b-y A-i -cririzan Hurst) seconded by A 1(1,e r-,!W_ Y e r- -)d with exception of the one ,presented bic to allow all bills properly approved b7ir Anderson and Associates wl,lich should be prorated, to be paid. H all call vote. ` I Aldermen Kovachevich, /aborac, Yerbic, S )encer, 700-5 Peak P Car- dosi, E(brards, SoT,)ichj T-lurst, Wilcoxen, i,'arr5 Howard., and HUT)e. 11A_`_: ,one. Communications to the Coiincil. '.hank you 7-otter from the Richard lAilton family for 'lowers. Motion by Al- derman T11jrst3 seconded bl,, Alder-man Peal-, to accept same and -n-Lace an file. Voice vote carried. Zesimati-on of 7(,,lbcrt Freeman as Custodian of Lake Canton, effective April 15, l)73. i1otion b-,r d by Alderman Peak that the Alderman Fdwards., soconde Ci',ty Attorne-,, (,raft a '-Ios oluti.on of an-.0reciation for i r. Freeman a, d the fio- tion carried voice vote. Association of Commerce and Industry recoi- enOntion of Tr. Mike Hasty as their rep_resentative for a member of the 'Tanning and Zoning -Commission. Alderman Senich stated he d-J_(1n It think the J and Zo)-ing Commission should have th-1-s no�,Ter. Alderman llurst5 seconded by Alderman Cook to refer - this le'Lter to t.ae Planning and i,'7 -onLng Coruiiss-'1,,_on and the motion carried voice vote. 'iamond �ubilee Birthda:,,- celebration of nvitation to nartic:*,.Pate in the Tj (i Ij seconded by Alderman '.ad-,,Tard.sj Peoria Hotion JTT Alderman llu�,�st secon that the City Clerk make conies_ of this letter and send to other organizat"-ons. Y ice vote carried. m: 1: a and. also Ulie Donald JL Llanic -ou note from -the Ra�,T ", rtle fai,iil, for flowers. ;Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded Alderman Peak to accent same and )lace on file and motion carri-:d voice vote. Environmental 'rotection Control - letter requastin,­� that the -old landfill be CortyolelellT covered, and if not to luo i_,,sod., reseeded. Alderman Kovachovich stated the committee was working o:.,i same a-_-id will complete as soon as weat'iC_r nermits. 420 )7 6hlef Lawver renorted t1ria'L, U'l- )01-,th Thir(i iivo. - T�ernes -r)ro, (--rt- 111-re I-Ti- place is bein�,., cloaned, and the house .1]'_ be painted as soon as weather per- mits. a.ror Jen-nin-s stated t'ie case 7,T..-Il be coming, un bef ixe L, Court soon and wou-I.d. like for the (1o=c_*1_ to inforri the Court t,)").t the City is satisfied -,,T-7.th t'le nrogross. lotion b,,,l- Alderman Edwards, seconded by AT- Cit- 'e y is satisfied with t1lo pro- gross Peak to re-�ort to the Court that the gross so far. voice vote carried. p Old Houses: Alderman Spencer moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to in- stru.ct t1y) City '�'U e -at�,,_an nroceedinc7s against the house ­-tornq,; to start condemn Anr.i.l_ 3, 1973, Cont. ( ) on South Sixth a venue and. "'La-)le Street. T? .l call vote. A`r`ia : Alder- men Rupe, Howard, Parr, ?J:ilcoxen, durst, Sepich, Edwards, Cardosi, Peak, Cools, Spencer, Yerbic, Zaborac, and Kovachevich. A`,'; ! ,>ize. Chief of Police Elam re-Dorted on an o7_d house on South Avenue P (behind the hospi- tal) and was told to contact Attorney I a-vrrence -lc-Tuna regarding cleaning up t=at place. Alderman `sdwards re .orted on the house at 1261 South Ave. i=i -- owner had written to I a-% or Jennin s to have the house demolished - City!s expense. I-Iayor to meet with Street Department. Ordinance - second reading - I ainte-o.ance Su-oervisor. ?'.lotion by Alderman +rr�. Hurst I seconded by Alderman ';dwards to read the Ordinance by Title only. Voice vote carried. Title read. I-lotion by Alderman Edwards, seconded by Alderman Spencer to place the Ordinance on its passage. discussion. Roll call vote. A77-E: Aldermen Kovachevich, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Cardosi, Sepich, ar?d Warr. ?,TAY: Aldermen Zaborac, "eak, i�dirards, Ilurst, Wil.coxen, IT,�ward, and Rune. (7 AT__t,S and 7 1AYS), T�Iayor Jennings voting 'Tay". Ordi- nance defeated. Ordinance - second readi n'g Tdo "ar'>in�- on "ast laol_e Street. T'-ioti_on b, Al- derman Spencer, seconded by Alderman Peale to read same by Title only and voice vote ca-rigid. Title read. Alderman Cools moves, Alderman Spencer seconds motion to glace the Ordinance on its passa -e. Roll calf_ vote. AIIE: Aldermen Rune, T-lo�rard, >are, TTilco _e», ITUrst, Sepich Wdwards, Cardosi., I'(-ak, Snencer, Yerbic, Zaborac, and Kovache,,ri_ch. 'TAB`: done. Ordinance Nr). 41_6. Auxiliary Police Ordinance - second readi.nl:. lotion by Alderman Seoich, seconded by Alderman Yerbic to read the Ordinance by Title only a d the mo- tion carried by voice vote. Title read. '-lotion by Alderman So�)ich, secon- ded by Alderman Z,Jilcoxen to place the Ordinance on its passage. Alderman Rupe inquired about the Auxiliary "oli_ce carxr,,ing hand guns and was informed that only in an &,�iergency. Chief of Police lam stated the Auxiliary Police should have some training as police before any side arms were issued. Roll gall vote on the motion. A`_T]: Aldermen Kovachevi_ch, Zaborac, Yerbic, Spen- cer, Cool;, Pear, Cardosi, Edwards, epich , 'Jilco«en, and Parr. '`TAY: Alder- men Hurst, Howard, and 2upe. (11 A rl?S and 3 MAYS) . Carried. Ordinance I.G17. Resolution aId 11i, a, Permits -- for sewage force rriain crossing under State _1,3,oute Rio. 5 (about 200 feet east of Sebree corners) . T*Totion b- Alder- man Ru.oe, seconded bT Alderrian Cardosi to adopt the F'esolution and sign tide hi_ ;tetra,; permits. 8011 call vote. A7 7: A.Icermen Hane, Howard., i?arr, coxen, Hurst, Sepieh, ,diwlyds, Cardosii_, Pea'L, Cook, Snencer, Yerbic, 'aborac, and Kovachevi_ch, NAY: None. 1zcsoliation No. 625. Tli_rhwa,-1 i'ernti.t '"o, 3.esolution adon-ted. b, the Tetropol_itan Sa-,,,tar- District of !"'_reater Chicago, l'larch 29, 1973 stating a Solids ;:r_isco,al on Ta,id 'olicz- or. TTtilization and Reclamation program for TuIton Co1_,nt;,r. _i_scussion. f otion by Alderman ? cl- wards, seconded b r?lcierman 6ardosi to .dace same on file. ',"oice vote. %a r i. d. (given a Cit of Ca?�tc_� ?cs ol.uti_o°1 "To. 626.) . Resolution - special use permit for Jere;= a.lcj Lillian JarniF~an t operate a beauty shop at 1112 North Avenue C. rTotiou b7, Alder-pan Ilurst, seconded by Alderman Cardosi to adopt this < oluti.^n. R 11 call vo e. A "Ii;: Alder- men Kovachev:'_ch, Zaborac, - erbic, Soenccr,. Cook, Peak, Cardosi, 1?dtirards, `,eoich, Hurst, i:i__lcoxen, i'a-rr, ITmrard, and rune, i`1AY: -done. Reso. 627. Resolution. - Spec Ldl '.1unicinal :"rimar�,, and General E.Iecti_on f or Alderman, Wourth 'lard. Tlotion b,- Alderman durst, seconded b;;,- Aldonr.ia.n Edwards to adopt this resolution. Roll call vote. AY';: Aldermen i'Laoo,, Hotirard, Farr, coxer, "Iurst, Senich, dwards, Carcos a, :'ealc, Cools, Spencer, Yerbic, Zaborac, ar_d Kovachevich. A'Y done. ;'.esi>luti_on No. 625. Ordinance - rezoning, nroperty for t'_ie new fire station - Sixth Avenue and Oak Street, first read:i nc- laid over. Ordinance - 'do Parking on Anderson :'r'lace. Alderman i�,dwa-rds mores, Alder- man Hurst seconds motion to acne id �Seetion 1 (nth line) to ; ead to "north or South" and voice vote carried. Motion by Alderman Farr, seconded by Al- derman Yerbic to sus.o end the rr_l_es. Roll call vote. AYI',: Alder: en Kova- chevich, Zaborac, Yer':)i.c, Spencer, Coo':c, I'cal;, ;;ardosi, Burst, 'Iilcoxen, 'arr, and Howard. TIAY: Aldermen `,dwards, Senich, and Rune. (11 A7,11S and 3 TA`B'S) . Motion carried. Mot i.oia b7% Abler lan 'arr, seconded b,. Alderman April 3, 1973, Cont. (4) Yerbic to olace this Ordinance on its nassane. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman rune, Howard, Farr, Kilcoxe-, Hursts SeDich, Edwards, CardoK, an lovachevich. AY: lone. is Pea1c, Cook5 Spencer, Yerbic, 7aboran d M This being Ordinance No. 4101, Dedication of Roads - by H. Frank Kiddleton, Allison 0 Co., 7irginia L. and Leonard D. 5arnard (north of the City) plat presented by Attorney Kenneth Bath -- 30 foot on each side with 12 foot for utilities-. (one co ,y of plat for City, one for Planning ,- ,.on..-,.-ng to in- s,sect on 9, 1970) . Alderman Hurst moves Alderman Peak seconds mo- tion to refer this dedicaVan to the ,,.:.n n< A loning Comma ssicy!-.L. "�oice vote carried. Alater.and Sewer Committee a,,.-!(', ilayor to meet with [1r. ]=�ar- nard and Hr. Betzer, prey, of Sutton A Noore, an Monday, Apria 9, 19733 6a pm. Burned out buildings in downtown area. Jennings reported that tPere were many parties involved in the ownership of the burned out buildings and several 1L.:-e away from Canton, but are being contacted. Mr. Kilroy Groff has already started cleaning up the de :ris. Fire Station. Alderman Peak stated that the abstract has been brought in, aAd napers arg being prepared for purchase of the Scalf property. He prawosed. that the owners clean up the lot and leave the building, but, after disenssion, it was decided the entire lot shoull be clean and build- inV removed. notion by Alderman _,­,di,.,@_rJs that the City purchase the lot., if and lvih.en the title and dQed are .in order and the lot cleaned of debris a the building aid fence removed. lotion was s -seconded by Alierian Cook. Roll call vote. A77',: Aldermen Kovachevich, Eaborac, Yerbiq Spencer, Cook, Peak, Cardosif Edwards, Sepich, Hurst, Wilco7en, Farr, Howard, and Rape. ',,TAY- None. Bond with the Western Surety Co., "1,00.00, approved by the i-l'inance Com- mittee for � etty Tandy, Secretary to the Mayor. Motion by Alderman 7dwards, seconded b­ Alden-aan 'v,,'ilco_-,!,en to acce9t same and -lace an file and voice vote carried. AnnoiO ncrt of Charl E os 1,. r.-right as a member of the "lanning and Vaning, Commission by Mayor Jennings. Motion by ht ergen Hurst, seconded by Alder- man llowar(l to annrove this anpointqent and voice vote carried. Water extension to the Taal Buell lot, cast of Canton. Discussion. 1r. Buell. stated he was willing to pay double water rates and nrovide the line himself. Totion by Alderman Rape to allow water hook-up -with Mr. Buell to pay line fees, tappaEe, etc.) double rates., and when possible to annex to the City. Alderman Zaborac seconds this motion. Further discussion -- (ordinance providina for installation of water if the Property owner annexed loo the CitY and the possibility of an increase in outside users rates) . Alderman Zaborac withdrew his second of motion and Alderman Rape withdrew his motion. Alderman Rupe moves to allow water hook-up., owner to pay lire fees, tappage fees, and water rates as may now or hereafter be established by ordinance and Nhan possible to annex to the City. Alderman Zaborac sec- onds the motion. Hr. A. G. Cardosi, representing residents on Nest Hickory Street addressed the Council regarding water and sewer to those residents. Roll call vote on the motion. AYE: Aldermen Rape, Howard, Farr, Sepich, Cardasi, Spancer5 Yerbic, 3aborac, aid Kovachevich. MAY: Aldermen Wilconen, Furst, 7dwards, Peak, and Cook. (9 A70 and 5 !'-!A-'-S) - I• otion. carried. Alderman Idwards requested that the West Mckory Street propert,,,- owners appear at the next Council meeting. Lawn and Vcautlfication, Alderman- Kovachevich introduced Ir. Cone Stanko and 4r. John Carver men in the lawn and beautification business. nocannendations for Seventh �ard by Alderman Tovachevich: 1. stop sign for Fifteenth !venue and Ash Street; 2i Fifteenth Avenue and East Ghost- nut Strict in bad condition; 3. Pion o.-e jealty Co., building on south side of I.q-iceier Road and leave trash to blow over the neighborhood. Alderman Hurst com-lained of mud on Kast Chestnut Street -_ same referred to the Chief of 7olice. �ront-end loader needed for use at take Canton renorted by Al6ervan Rune. 9 April., 3, 1973, Cont. (5) Sewer '_'lant - Alderman Hurst i.nqu.irecl who is resr>onsible it the sewerage plant. i`lext Council irneeti_nf- to be April 24 because of the General. 1�'lection on April 17, 1973. Bids, - Police cars. Motion.�y Alderr,lan Kovachevich, seconded. by Alderman ,arr, to instru.ct,t-he C7ity Clerk to omen the bids. '7oice vote carried. One bid received, Canton 'Iotor Sa1(:s - ;,'29":'. �O per month for each car. otlion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Srncncer to rc�or the bid z' to the "olice and Legal Corimit-Llee. nice vote cariiod'. wow Ethics Act bill. Q q�lai.ned b„- City Attorney Ilalmgren, Eacn elected official and candidate for election given a new form to be filled out and filed with the Fulton Count; Clerk. 'Betterment Co_�umi:5sion. Iloti.on by Alder-,,ian Cardosi that the City purchase litter bags at ';'1j.5,Ob ner Lhousa ,d to be used durin 'sri;rht Titter Week”, . Motion seconded by Alderman Cook.. Roll- ca11 vote. AYE,: Alderrien Kovache- }, vich, laborac, YQrbic, Sper_cer, Cool , Peal:, Cardosi, t,dwards, 'arr, Tlmjard, and Rune. ,TAY: A1dermen Senicn, ??ur1 �n�I 1%,_lcoxe_n. (I'_ A C S and 3 ', YSe) . Totion carried. (lotion b,, Aiderrian TKovaehevich, seeoRdad by Al.Iclermar IIowar(I to acjourn. Voice vote carried. Canton City Council_ adjourns a1; ('):55 '_'. i% ,w AP`ROVI. ayo r