HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-20-1973 Council Meeting Minutes 23 'larch 20, 1973 Canton City Council ri 1_ci a regular meeting on Ptarch 20, 1973 in the City Council Chamber. 'Mayor Jennings called the meeting to order at 6:33 P. M. Present for roll call: Aldermen 'tune, Howard, Parr, 'Hilcoxen, Ilurst, Sepic?�, Cardosi_, Peak, Gook, Spencer, Yerbic, Zaborac, and Kovachevich. Absent: Al- derman Edwards. Pledge of 1,1.1_egiance eras follmred b,V :'nvocat:ion by Alderman Howard. Minutes of :.`e Previous meetin-. notion b7 Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Al- 7 derman Ileak to acre )t the minutes of the previous meeting and place same on file. Moti.,--?. carried by voice vote. Standing Committee reports. Alderman Sepich reported on a joint meeting of the Police and Legal Committee and the Police and Fire Committee was held. 11arch 13, 1973. The joint meet- ing of Police and Legal Committee and Police and Fire Commission was called by Mayor Jennings to acquaint the Police and Legal Committee with the proce- dural operation of the Police and Fire Commission. Chairman John Fisher ex- plained in detail the manner in which examinations for appointments to the :Police and Fire Departments were conducted. Ile outlined the point system =:.�d in grading examinations and the method used in determining, who should n� eive the appointments. Ile also outlined the procedures which should be followed in filing compla i._nts involving police officers or firemen. It was also pointed out the importance of providl_ng an updated manual covering rules and regulations for the operation of the Police Department. A new manual will be provided as soon as -possible. Alderman Senich stated he thought the City had a qualified Police and Fire Commission and a dedicated Chairman in John Fisher. Alderman Sepich makes a motion that the City Clerk advertise for bids for three police cars for lease for the next year start-i_ng May 1, specif_i_caV ons to be obtained from the Chief of Police and be opened at the next Council meeting,, Anril 3, 1973, seconded by Alderman Farr. Roll call vote: A_7,: Aldermen Kovach.evich, Zaborac, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak, Car- dosi, Sepich, Hur t, I°Tilcoxen, hard, Toward, and Rupe. NAY: ;Tone. Carried. Alderman Hurst reported that Alderman Ca:,J.osi met with the man from the State nrestry Division and they recommended that we purchase 2000 fir trees, 500 1 11 jushes at a total cost of $40.00. Alderman Hurst-reported that 5000 fish are to' be delivered to the lake the second week of April. Alderman Spencer called for a meeting of -the Building and Grounds Committee immediately after Council adjourns. Alderman Hurst reports on the Negotiatin- Committee -- meeting with tree representatives of the Police and ?'.re Departments. Iie stated that a tenta- tive agreement had been reached. Alderman Hurst called for a neeting of all City employees Wednesday, March 28, 1973, 6:30 P. 1,1. in the City Council Chamber. City Clerk to notify all Department Heads. Special Committee Renorts. Alderman Hurst recommends that volunteer fire department, law enforcerient people, outside fire departments, Civil Defense be honored for their help in the recent fires. Alderman Hurst recommends a fish frr to be held later on th .s summer. Mayor Jennings reports the State of Illinois has a prorra-a offered to students (which will- allow them eight hours credit anf' •"1000.00 funded by the state per stud.entl to enable them to learn the operations of city moverrnm.nt. Al- der:,ian Senich moves that the Mayor take the necessary steps to enter into a contract wl-th the state for t'r.e servi..ces of the students involved, seconded by Alderma C n ardoso. ?Motion carried b;;; voice vote. Petitions. Petit'-on for tezon-i_ng - John Poloney and Harry Long, Jr. property. Alderman Senich makes a motion to refer this Fetit:i_on to the 'Tanning and Zoning .Com- mission, seconded by Alderman Hurst and the motion carried by voice vote. Alderman Hurst recommends that the City Clerk notify the people w'aat should be done. Mayor Jennings stated that the people should contact 'Donald Schmidt, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning; Comma;-s.i.on. Petition Ito. 292. 24 ",larch 20, 1973, Cont. (2) Petition f or ` ezoning - Dorothy Perardi property. :Motion by Alderman Hurst to refer this Petition to the Planning and Zoning Commission, seconded by Alderman Peak. ;lotion carried by voice vote. Petition No. 293. Petition for trezoning - 'Moose Lodge property. Attorney Kenneth Bath ex- plai_ned. where th.e property is located. Discussion. "lotion by Alderman Senich, seconded.. by Alderman Hurst to refer this Petition to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Motion carried b; voice vote. Petition No. 291 . Petition - Patricia Graham property - beauty shop in home. Alderman Hurst recommends that the Petition be referred to the Planning and Zoning Com- missa_on, seconded by Alderman Senich and the motion carried by voice vote. Petition 'So. 295. Corres )ondence to the Council. PlanninF and Zoning Commission -- appointment of Charles F. Wright recommended, sec.>nded by Alderman Kovachevich. Motion carried by voice vote. nl.anni.nF and Zoning Comm .ssion - Jerry Jarnigan - Special Use Permit. Al- derman Hurst moves that the City Attorney c':.raw a "•esolution authorizing this Special Use Permit, seconded by Alderman Farr. Motion carried b, voice vote. Planning and /Zoning Commission - Gene t°Trestler Development Corp. Alderman Hurst moves that the report be accepted and placed on file, seconded by Al- derman Wilcoxven. Motion carried by voice vote. Planning and Zoning Commission - Rezoning; E. Oak and S. 6th Ave. (Fire Sta- tion) . Alderman Hurst moves that an Ordinance be drawn for the erection of a Fire Station, seconded by Alderman Peak. I'lotion carried by voice vote. Zoning Board of Appeals -- re. Roscoe Raker property. 'Motion by Alderman Senich, seconded bar Alderman Hurst to place this correspondence on file and the motion carried. by voice vote. vieetint-, of ',iunicipal Association of 0entral Region - Rushville, Scripps Park, 7:n0 P. I4., March 23, 1973. Tlayor Jennings recommends that if any- one is interested in attending this ieeting, notify the City Clerk. WSJ Department of Insurance - Audit of the Police Pension Fund. Alderman Sepich recommends that this Audit be placed on file., seconded by Alderman Parr. TMo- tion carried by voice vote. Environmental Protection Agency - Permit to construct sewage treatment plant. -Discussion. Environmental Protection Agency - Approval. of proposed change - sewer project. Crawford, ilurnhy and Til_l_y - re. sewer ~>lant grant - Federal grant. Alder- man ;" ne mop:es to refer this letter to the City Attornei and Sewer and .Teter Committee in setting up a separate sr t of records and to report their f ,.nd- ings to the Council, seconded by Alderman Scrnlch. Voice vote carried. lotion b-,;- t+lderman 1''arr that the A.idit of .1olice Pend ion Fund be referred to the }'olice and Legal Committee and that the City -ttorney discuss it Vrith them, seconded by Alderman Howard. Ilotion carried by voice vote. Cony of letter from Grants Section of : titer Pollution Control to E P A. Old business. Second reading - Ordiinance amending Ordinance No. 382 - Nai.nten.ance Sunt. Senich that this Ordinance Motion n Alderman Howa_d, seconded by Alderman p be read by title only. Motion carried by voice vote. Title read. Iecause of absence of Alderman Edwards, and that he wanted to be in on the discussion of this Ordinance, Alderman Howard makes a motion to hold this Ordinance over, seconded. by Alderman Peak. Motion carried b;r voice vote. 420 South Third Avenue. fire Chief Lauver re?,orted on inspection of this property. He stated that the yard had been cleaned up and they were still working on the house. Alderman Senich inquired about the property on South Avenue B, f1rst house south of t'ne railroad. Mayor Jenni_n -,s reported on this property is in an estate. 5r++�qq t r Mar. 20, 1973, Cont. (3) Alderman Hurst inquired if corres~)ondence had been sent out about the burned-out buildings on the square. -{ire Chief Lawver made a report on these buildings. New business. Sewer - General Obligation Bonds. Discussion by Alderman Rune. Alderman Rune reported that the National Bank of Canton, Canton State Bank and-the Community Bank and Trust Company have indicated their to pur- chase Sewer General Obligat:i_on Bonds at the interest rate of 4 3/II'' payable semi-annually. He moves that the City of Canton accept the proposals of the three Canton Ranks, seconded by Alderman Yerbic. Roll call Vote. Ate: A'.der°pen Ru-oe, Iloward, Parr, Wilcoxe-, Hurst, Sepich, Cardosi., real,.,, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Zaborac, and Kovacl;.ev:i_ch. - 'Motion carried. . Alderman Rupe makes a motion to instruct the City Attorney to have the General Obligation Bonds issued, seconded by Alderman karr: Bond :L,ro. Due ')ate Amount 1-6 6/l/74 �'>60,000.00 7-12 6/1/75 6"),000.00 13-18 6/1/76 60,000.00 19-24 6/1,177 60,000.00 25-30 6/l./7" 60,000.00 31-36 6/1/79 6o,000.00 37-42 6/1/f)O 603 000.00 43-51 6/1/81 90,000.00 52-60 6/1/.82 90,000.00 61-69 6/1/83 90yoo0,o0 F'W,000.00 Further discussion. Alderrlian Farr withdraws his second of motion and Al- derman Rupe irithdraws his motion. Aldeman Rune makes a motion that an Ordinance be drafted to acceppt the schedule stated wl_th t'ne maturities of ";"60,000.00 each year for seven consecutive years and >90�000.00 for the re- maining; three years with a total of ;'>690,OOO.n ) General Obligation Bonds guaranteed rate of 4 3/8%, seconded by Alderman "'arr. Roll call vote. A`'P Aldermen TCovach.evich, Zaborac, Yerbic,, Spencer, Cook, Peak, Cardosi, Senich, Hurst, Wil..coxen, 1""'arr, Howard, and Rune. ?STAY: 'done. TMot:i_on carried. .. 7ew Fire Station renort. Alderman Peak moves that the City-Attorney draft an Ordinance to cover the '.'ol.unteer Firemen, seconded by Alderman Cook and. the motion carried by voice-vota. Alderman "cak makes a motion that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Coru-iii_ttee, seconded b,,, Alderman Kova- chevich and the motion carried b,,! voice vote. Alderman Peak moves that ;he City nick un the option to pay for the lazid of the proposed Hire Station property as soon as the necessary naners are in order, seconded by Alderman Cardosi. Roll Call Vote. XfY �;: Aldermen Rune, Howard, Farr, "'Tilcoxen, Hurst, Senich, Cardosi, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Zaborac, and Kovache- vich. :,TAY: ?Tone. Motion carried. Resolution (Ordinance) holding primary and 1feneral election in Fourth ti%ard. First reading of Ord i_nance calling; a special election to fi:;_l. a vacancy in the office of Alderman of the Fourth ',lard. Alderman Sepich moves to suspend the rules, seconded b-,,7. Alderman }first. Discussion by Cit�r attorney Malmgren. Roll call vote. AY": Aldermen Kovachevich., Zaborac, erbic, Spencer, Cook., Peal-, Cardosi, Senich, LIurst, 1 ilcoxen, Farr, Howard, and Rune. -,%TAY: 'gone. Motion carried. .Motion by Alderman Sepich to place this Ordinance on its passage, seconded by Alderman durst. Roll call vote. AY?,: Aldermen Rupe, Hmvrard, Farr, Tl):ilcoxen, Hurst, Sepich, 6ardos1_, Peale, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Zaborac, and Kovachevi.ch. T,dAY: 'Tone. Ordnance ,\To. 414. Resolution ¢#623. Alderman Hurst asks City Attorney MalmFren how much time he needs to draft a Resolution for Judges for the Snecial Election to fill a vacancy in the office of Alderman of the Fourth I�Iard. Resolution - Acceptance of bids. Alderman Rupe makes a motion to adopt the Resolution of Kcceptance of bids, seconded by Alderman Sepich. Roll call vote. AYE?: Aldermen Kovachevich, Zaborac, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak, Cardosi, Sepich, Durst, ?°.Iilcoxen, Farr, Howard., and Rune. NAY: 'None. Resolution #62it. Alderman Farr makes a motion to forward resolution ','624 to H TT D and Crawford, Murphy and Tilly, Tnc. on Harch 21, 1973, seconded by Alderman Rupe. Motion carried by voice vote. '. First reading of "No Parking" Ordinance - TTarle Street and Second Ave. Laid over. ?gar. 20, 1973, Cont. (4) First reading of Ordinance - Auxiliary Police. Discussion. Laid over. Aldcrman Hurst excused at 8:07 P. "A. to Answer telephone -- returninG- to Council Char:riber at 8:10 P. M. irst reading; of Ordinance - Gene ��Jlrestler pro.)erty. Alderman Hurst in- quired if an invitation should be issued to the Cable TV to annex to the City. ,layor Jennings asked the City Attorney about a trailer court in the south- west part of tl'Ie City (surrounded on three sides by the City), the people would like to annex to the City. -Discussion. Alderman Howard made a mo- tion for the City Attorney to check on thas trailer court, seconded by Al- derman Cardosi. . Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Rupe, Howard, Farr, 11il- coxen, Hurst, Sepich, Cardosi, Peak, Coo'<c, Spencer, Yerbic, Zaborac, and l\.ovachevich. NAY: ', one. Motion carried. Mayor Jennings-reports on parking east of ,'ifth Avenue on Anderson Place. ?'`ayor Jennings recommends temporary two-hour parking in this area. Dis- cussion. Alderman Cardosi ma'.•ces a motion to instruct the Chief of Police to dace temporary two-hour parking signs from Fifth Avenue on Anderson :'lace to Seventh Avenue on both sides, seconded by Alderman Cook. H.oll call vote.- AYT?,: Aldermen Yovachevich, Zaborac, Yerbi_c, Spencer, Cook, `'eak, Cardosi., Hurst, ?,?ilcoxen, i"arr, and Howard. NAY: Aldermen-Sepich a-.d :',3.upe. (11-AYES and 2 NAYS) . otion ca_-ried. Alderman Sepich moves that the City Clerk send a formal letter statin ; who has been an,:ointed to the Planning; a-id Zoning Commission with a copy of the Council minutes, seconded by Alderman Spencer and the motion carried by voice vote. City Attorney !-1almgren recommended that a copy of the Council minutes be sent to the Canton Hetterment Commission. Recommendations of the Betterment Committee: 1. A couple of trash con- tainers at the edge of the City. Alderman Cardosi recommends that the Gar- bage Committee report- on this sugf est::i_on at the next Council_ meeting;. 2. Commercial Carriers to install tarpaulins to-cover loads. Alderman Cardosi refers this matter to the GarbaZe Committee, Chief of Police and Street Superintendent. Alderman Howard moves that this program be referred to } proper committees and they report back on what can be done, seconded by Al- derman Farr. Motion carried by voice vote. 3. inform railroads to clean up their premises. 4. Insert a clause in the Planning and Zoning, which would state rules and regulations, pertaining- to necessary steps to be taken by any businesses or business to control litter in their area. 5. To draw un an Ordinance making i`.' unlawful for persons or places of businesses to litter or be the cause of litter-.i.nF, sal_d offenders should be liable to fine, 50.00 recommended, or by snend3.ng; f�_ve hours of their time pi_ck- ing up l.i.tter for the C i.ty. Alderman I-Toward wishes to invite the Betterment Commission to the Fish Fry. t1otion bTr Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Rune to adjourn. Voice vote carried. Canton City Council adjourned at 9:03 P. 2,1. r T)eputy City Clerk � T"1az or