HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-06-1973 Council Meeting Minutes Feb. 61 1973 Canton City Council held a regular meeting on 'Feb. 61 1973 in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Jennings called for roll call at 6:33 P. i. Present: Aldermen Rune, ilarr, ?^Tilcoxen, Hurst, Senich, .Edwards, Cardosi, Pea's, Cook, Snencer, Ye rbic; Zaborac., and Kovachevi.ch. Absent: Alderman li owar d. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Invocation by Alderman Edwards. utes of previous meeting. Motion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Al- derman Peak to accept same and place on file and voice vote carried. 11r Russell Blosser President of Vie Association Mayor �enn�>.ns introduced �t � of Commerce and Industry. Officers reports. Motion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alderman Farr that same be accepted and placed on file. Voice vote carried. Standing Committee Renorts. Civil Defense Chairman, Alderman Zaborac on behalf of the entire committee thanked the members of both Canton and Fulton County Civil Defense for a job well done during the recent fire on the north side of the square. lie moves to draft a Resolution of appreciation to both organizations. He commended the firemen from Bryant, St. David, Buckheart, Norris, Fiatt, Banner, Farm- ington, Canton regulars and volunteers, the Police Department, regular Police, Auxiliary Police and Special Police and that individual Resolutions of appreciation be sent to those hospitalized: George Meacham, Canton fire- fighter - smoke inhalation; James Eddy, fir6fighter - treated for cuts; Howard dye, Canton firefighter - scrapes and bruises; Stephen Zaborac, vol- unteer-firefighter - chilling; Gregg Irons, volunteer fireman - smoke in- halation; Harold Carrison, Canton firefighter - possible frostbite hands; Terry Colvin, Canton firefighter - possible frostbite hands; Glenn Phillips, volunteer fireman - smoke inhalation. Alderman Kovachevich seconds this motion and it carried by voice vote. Motion by Alderman. Serich, seconded by Alderman Cook that the Aux diary Police force be increased from ten to fifteen members as recommended by the committee and that same be incorporated in an Ordinance. Motion carried by voice vote. Traffic Committee. Alderman Farr reported that the signal lights to be on a trial basis at 'Hain and Chestnut Street could be secured to light poles and that same could be used in other locations if not feasible to use at this :Location. 2 - He reported that the nark benches would saon be reatT for placing and reported that the ACI sholzld decide the -placing of same -- one to be -)laced at the southwest corner of the square is about ready to install. 3. The alley, north of Oak `street between Ave. A and 9 -- place a "Do Not t,nter" sign at the entrance of the alley. ?a.. "Dead End" sign on }east Sham- rock Street. 5. ilT enue D and Maple Street -- not necessary to Place a stop sign. 7. Fourth Avenue and Elm Street sho;.ald have a stop sign. 7. Keeling Court and Vine Street should have a ste=p sign. Alderman Farr moves, Alder- man Hurst seconds motion that an Ord:,_nance be drafted for the stop signs on the above two streets. Voice vote carried. Alderman Farr recommended a look at traffic at East Oak Street and Second Avenue. lie reported that the Chief of Police will order a new type of park- ins; violation ticket as soon as the present supply is exhausted. La'-,e Development Committee. Ald.en-mn. Hurst re)o:°ted that 5000 (6 to 10 in.) channel cat fish will be placed in the Lake and asked the City Attorney to obtain the name and address of the persons who were willing to donate trees. Ale;ermar_ Rupe inquired about the absence of the Sewer Plant report. 'Downtown Development Committee. Alderman .Bdwarcls reported that the Committee had met with the ACT and the plans for 'Doimtmtm Redevelopment seemed very good and the Canton City Council should endorse them. Consideration of two- deck parking should be made. i!ioti,on by Alderman 7dwards, seconded by Alderman Hurst that the City Council endorse the Downtmm Redevelopment Plans and work with that : Feb. 6, 1273, Cont. (2) Garbage Disposal Committee. Alderman Kovachavich stated that the Garbage Disposal Ordinance regarding commercial haulers should be amended for the convenience of a hauler having a breakdown of.' his truck and wishing to use a replacement. He moves to amend Section two of that Ordinance to indicate that when a truck breaks down the hauler can use another truck but must first seek the Street Superintendent and get )ermiss:ion. Alderman Cook seconds the motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Rupe, Farr, Wilcoxen, Hurst, Sepich, Edwards, Cardosi, Deal,, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Zaborac, and Kovachevich. NAY: 'Tone. Special Committees. Claims against the City.,. Alderman Edwards commented on the bill from the Ful- ton County Rabies Control. -- that the Ci.tzr was without a dog catcher for over one month -- and the City should not have to par for full service. Same to be checked. on. Alderman Edwards moves, Alderman Hurst seconds motion that all bills properly arnroved be allowed for paTment. After discussion of the bill nresented b;r Stuart :, ';heeler, motion b, Alderman TIur,t, seconded by llderman Monty I'i.upe to amend the motion ti�at the Stuart ?^Iheeler bill be held over for further discussion. Roll call. vote on the amendment. A,7: Al- dermen Kovachevich, Zaborac, Yerbic, Snencer, Cook, Peak, Cardosi, 7dwards, Sepich, Tiurst, Wilcoxen, Farr, and Rupe. NAY: None. Roll_ call vote on the motion, as amended. AYH: Aldermen Rupe, '{arr, i,:Tilcoxen, Hurst., Sepich, Ed- wards, Cardosi, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Zaborac, and Kovachevich. NAY: Alone. Alderman.Edwards inquired about a rely .prom t1rI e gage Hoard regarding increase n salaries for elected officials. Letter received by the City Attorxze; read by the clerk -- stating that a new annl_ication for permission for increases should be made under t'ze new Phase 111. Alderman 'Edwards moves, Alderman Farr seconds motion to instruct the City Attorney to proceed with another letter to i'r. Wn. Al. Wa;_ker, at the Wa[.;e Board Control. Voice vote carried. _Petition. _ Request for Special_ Use 'Periit for David R. and Donna L. Parkinson for use of property at 126 E. Birch Street as a barber shop. Motion by Alder- man Rupe, seconded by Alderman Cook to refer this Petition to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Voice vote carried. Petition No. 288. "riayor Jenni n`s presented the bill. received from the Spoon River Ambulance for services rendered on Jan. 2%', 1/073 ('Lire on the north. s _(ie of the square) -- total bill for labor, oxygen and nine trips to the hosoita_l, '?377.50 -- and written in large type ItNo C'AIT I4ayor Jennings commended the Spoon River Ambulance Service and said a letter should be sent in appreciation en- dorsed by the entire Council.. Motion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alderman .upe that the letter thanking the Spoon River Ambulance Service he send. Roll call vote. A77: Aldermen Kovachevich, Zaborac, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak, Cardosi, '?dwards, Sepich, Hurst, Wil.coxen, Farr, and Rune. "TAY: TTone. Mayor Jennin7s commended the Street a--1.d Alley and later Department for their work during the fire. Alderman Farr reported that the "'olice T)epartrnent had covera,le for the rest of the City while the north side of square fire was in progress" Petition - Request. for Special_ Use 1-rmit for Jerry and TIIl ian Jarnigan for use of a one-operator beauty salon. at 412 North Avenue C. Motion by Alderman Wilcoxe:n, seconded by Alderman Zaborac to gofer th:i_s Petition to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the motion carried by voice vote. Petition No. 282. ties:ignati.on, Ronald. eith from the Zoning; Board of Appeals read. 'Motion by Al- derman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Tiurst to acceTPt the resignation and motion carried by voice vote. Resignation, John Morgan from the Fire Department. "-lotion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alderman Kovachevich to accept this resignation. Voice vote car- ried. Alderman '{,dwards recommended an Employer-Employee Relations Committee that sometimes an employee need some help and probleis could be worked out. Resignation, Bale Woods as part time vacat:ton fireman. Alderman Hurst moves that the corres»ondence be placed on file. riot:i.on d:i_ed for lack of a ''second''. Alderman Farr moves, Alderman Spencer seconds motion to acce.)t the -resignation and the motion carried by voice vote. Arpointrient of Carl Burnham as temporary Vacation replacement. Iootion by Alder- man Spencer, seconded b,- Alderman Yerbic to accent t o apI-)ointment, voice vote carried. n Feb. 6, 1973, Cont. (3) After some discussion about the Council's motions to accept the actions of the Fire and Police Commission, it was stated, that hereafter, the letters would be read by the clerk as a matter of record. Zoning Board of Apneals -- regarding reouest b- I,ouis I°i. Sepich -- variance of zoning, approval of same. Same to be filed. environmental Protection letter dated Jan. 163 1973 regarding the reports to be made regarding the proposed sewage treatment works. Environmental : rotection letter dated Jan. 1 , 1973 regarding lack of some in- formation on the proposed Spoon River Co_llere sewer extension. ?nvironmental Protection letter dated Jan. 19, 1973 regarding lack of some information on th east side sewage treatment plant. Crawford, Murphy c. Tilly Consulting Engineers have received copies of the above three letters. Alderman Rupe suggested that a co-ay of the letter be sent to Xr. Hurl Bishop, Spoon River College. Ol.d.bus'.ness. Second reading -of an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 4"1. Itotion by Alder- rjan Edwards, seconded by Alderman Weak to read the Ordinance by_Title only. ,,Ioice vote carried. Title read. ,lotion b,r Alderman I�dwards, seconded by-Al- derman Hurst to )lace the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Rupe, I'arr, ?lilcoxen, Hurst, Sepich, Edwards, Cardosii., Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Zaborac, and Kovachevich. NAY: None. Ordinance No. 407. Ices olution authorizing the Mayor to act-on behalf of the City of Canton per- taining to any Federal and/or State grants for the proposed sewer and water project. (lotion by Alderman Kovachevich, seconded by Alderman Rupe to adopt the }resolution. Roll call vote. AT.,: Aldermen Kovachevich, Zaborac, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak, Cardosi.., Edwards, Se )icr., Hurst, Tilcoxen, Farr, and Rupe. "TAY: Ione. "'his being Resolution o. 621. Bonds with the `,�'ransamerica Tns. Co.3 :-1,000.00 each, approved by the Finance Committee, for I,olice Auxiliary Leroy :Fsa,-for and. Greg; irons. %lot:ion b Alder- man Farr, seeonded. by Alderman Sepich to accept same and the motion carried, voice vote. Fire Station property. Alderman Peak requested City Attorney Kalmgren to re- port on the informal meeting of the City Council held on Feb. 5, 1973. Mr. Malmgren reported that the proposed lots for the fire station, corner of Sixth Avenue and Oak Street owned by Hubert and Rosalie Sca_lf, has a City of Canton option .."'50.00) cash) -- same to be taken up before April 1 and the entire transaction closed before May.l. Land to be cleared for the City. 1Io- tion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Cardosi that the $50.00 option fee be paid. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen ITilco:1en, Hurst, Se-Pich, ,dwards, Cardosi, 'eaka, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Zaborac, and. 711ovachevich. UY: Alder- men Rune and 1`arr, (11 AWES and 2 NAYS) . ;lotion carried. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Cook that the Fire Station Committee be authorized to secure the services of John Ladd to draw plans for the station. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Kovachevich, Zaborac, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak, Car- dosi, .Edwards, Sepich; Hurst, Wi_lcoxen, Tarr, and. Rupe. NAY: None. New engine for fire truck. Tlotion by Alderman Peak that the City purchase, if adaptable, and have installed, the new motor for the fire truck, Alderman Ilurst seconds the motion. Roll call vote. AYTt: Aldermen Rupe, Farr, Wilcoxen, Hurst, Sepich, F'dwards, Cardosi, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Zaborac, and Kovachevich. NAY: clone. Fire Station. Alderman Echiards moves, Alderman Eaborac seconds motion that thr� option to' purchase the fire station property be taken before the ':'fanning and Zoning Commission for the new fire station and that the City Attorney. draw an Ordinance for the City Clerk to advertise for a public hearing. Voice vote carried. First reading of Ordinance, regarding Building Permit Fees. Laid over. First reading of an Ordinance regarding increasing the membership on the Plan- ning and Zoning Car;imi.ssion (Mayor suggested that a member from the ACI, the School Board, the Park Board and perhaps one from the Fulton County Planning Commission be named to this Commission. Ordinance to lay over. Feb. 6, 1973, Cnnt. (Q First reading of an Ord.!.-nance regarding members on the- Board of .Local Tmprovements Committee, Mayor Jennings stated the City, had no City Zng- ineer and the Street Superintendent would not be in the City on Feb-. 22;, 1973 when bids would be opened -- he apnoi_nted Aldermen Rune- and Edwards to this Board of Local Improvements Camnittee. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Al_,?nrman Sr,pich that the Ordinance be amended to add the names of Aldermen '(37wirds-°and Riipe. Roll call vote. KP'E: Aldexnnen Kovachevich, Zaborac, Yerbic, Spencer, .Cook, peak, Cardosi.., Edwards-, Senich, Hurst, Will cozen, Parr, and Rune. PTAY. None. Motion b-r Alderman '�,dwards, seconded b Y` A lderman Kovachevich to suspend the rules, Roll call vote. AYE': Alder- :pen .huge, Darr, Wi-lc o.Len, Hurst, Senich, Edwards, Uardos i_, Peak, Cook, Spen- ,,,,, cer, 1erbic, Zaborac, and Kovachevich. NAY: Tione. 14otion by Alderman' Hurst, seconded by Alderman Wilcoxen to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. A=E: Aldermen Rupe, Ia'arr, Wilcoxen, Hurst, Sepich, Edwards, Cardosi, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Zaborac, and Kovachevich. NAY: None. This being Ordinance No. )408. City Attorney Ilda.lmgren explained his thoughts on the State f,thics Act and- urged the elected officials to file their paners again on Anril 30. ilaintenance Supervisor Status: Alderman Senich moves, .Alderman Yerbic seconds motion that Ordinance Tdo. 382 be amended to cleaning and upkeep of auildi.ngs and to supervise. , janitors. Alderman Hurst moves and Alderman Rupe seconds motion that this matter be referred to -the Finance Committee and a meeting held with Department Heads and renort to the next Council meeting. Roll call vote on Alderman. Hurst's motion. A171: Aldermen Rupe, Farr, I-,Iil- coxen, Hurst, Se-pich, Edwards, Cardosi, Peal:, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Zaborac, and Kovachevich. TdAY: i`?one. Traffic Commmittee. Alderman Farr reports that the lights to be used on Main and Chestnut Street can be- used in other locations if not feasible to use at that location. '?e also recommends updating; signal li€rhts at Locust Street and Avenue C. )alderman Edwards asked that a policy session be held on Feb, 13, 1973, 6:30 ti T . M- and that notices be sent to all denartment heads. ter. Alderman Rupe stated that the nronerty owners on ?Test Hickory Street Limits were to meet with the Water and Sewer Committee immediately following the Council meeting and invited the other Council_ members to attend. Alderman Cardosi inquired �ibout garbage truc'.s -oarking.in the residential section of the city. Alderman Srpich. .stated the cit , ordinance was -passed for the purpose of regulatinf; garbage -tracks. Alderman Cardosi inquired about signs on telephone posts -- i,layor-Jennings to check with the C.I.P.S.Co. and the Pionge 'Zealty Co. Candidates for elec- tive office also post these signs. Alderman Zaborac moves to instruct the City Attorney to update the present Ordinance 'To. 92 (Outside Contractors Licenses). Alderman Cook seconds the motion. Voice vote carried with exception of Alderman Edwards voting "NAY", Alderman Ilurst moves, Alderman Farr seconds motion to appoint Hr. Robert Anderson on temporary basis as City Th.gineer. Roll call vote. AYE: Alder- men Kovachevich, Zaborac, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak, Cardosi, Edwards, Sep- ich, Hurst, Wilcoxen, Farr, and Rune. NAY: ;lone. ;lotion by Alderman Kovachevich., seconded by Alderman Rupe to adjourn. Voice vote carried. Canton City Council adjourns at 8;15 P. >>T. il�rr � .1 'v _erL j y bl A7 Mi 07,77 1 4a,