HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-19-1972 Council Meeting Minutes 448
Dec. 19, 1972
Canton City Council held a regular meeting on Dec. 19, 1972 in the City
Council Chamber. Mayor Jennings called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
Present for roll call: Aldermen Rupe, Howard, Farr,, Hurst, Sepich, Edwards,
Berry, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Zaborac, and Kovachevich. Absent: Alder-
man Wilcoxen.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by a mament of silent prayer in memory of
one Canton's very good citizens, Mr. Donald McLuckie.
Minutes of the previous meeting.. Alderman Yerbic moves, Alderman Cook seconds
motion that same be accepted and filed. "lotion carried by voice vote.
Standing Committee reports.
Alderman Hurst recommends that an Ordinance be drafted pertaining to the
period of time of work for the Lake Development personnel.
Alderman Kovachevich stated that the landfill would be closed on Christmas
Day and New Years ' Day but the garbage trucks would pick up the following
days. Alderman Kovachevich called for a meeting of the Garbage Disposal Com-
mittee immediately following the Council meeting.
Alderman Spencer stated that plans are being made for repair work in the
Police ?Department.
Special Committee reports .
Petition for Annexation of property at 1150 South Avenue B, owned by Paul
and Barbara Hurst and Donald E. and Shirley Edwards. Letter from the Planning
and Zoning Commission recommends the Annexation of this property. Motion by
Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Rune to refer this Petition to the Ord-
inance Committee. Voice vote carried. Petition No. 286.
Petition to waive all penalties, interest and costs other than advertising
costs accruing after the maturity date of bonds issued on paving assessment
No. 55 CS, made by Mrs. Katherine P. Lear, 611 E. Ash St., Canton. Discussion.
Alderman Howard moves to grant this request. More discussion. Motion died
for lack of a second. Petition No. 287.
Mayor Jennings introduced Mr. Terry Crank, Association of Commerce and Industry
Communications to Council.
T'lanning and Zoning letter recommending the Annexat�.on and Zoning of the
Barnard - Allison property. Attorney Kenneth Bath stated that r�r. Allison
would go on record that dedication of street will be made on this property.
Letter of thanks from the Thomas Bourke family.
Letter of thanks from the family of Mrs. Chester F,stes.
Letter of thanks from Chester A. Miller for retirement gift.
Recommendation from the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding the Holthaus
property on Past Ash Street -- variance request approved.
Cony of letter from the EPA to Edson VanSickle regarding supnlmental permit
for installation of sanitary sewer in the "Meadows" subdivision.
Old business.
Kern property, 420 S. Third Ave. report by City Attorney Malmgren, stating
that same was being repaired by Clarence Short so it was not so hazardous.
Mayor Jennings commended Mr. Malmgren for his work on this matter.
Ordinance - second reading - salaries of Mayor, City Clerk and City 'Treasurer.
Alderman Edwards recommended holding this Ordinance over until someone was em-
powered to fill out and sign the proper papers with the government regarding
the suggested 30% increase DiscussioneS•AldermanoEdwards recommended
then movesincrease
salary for the Aldermen. that the
4A 9
Dec. 18, 1972, Uont. (2)
above Ordinance include the Aldermen salaries to be $460.00 per year, seconded
bar Alderman Kovachevich. More discussion. Alderman Hurst recommended pay fbr
committee meetings. Alderman Kovachevich withdraws his second and Alderman Ed-
wards withdraws his motion. Alderman Edward moves, Alderman Kovachevich seconds
motion that an Ordinance be drafted granting the Aldermen 1460.00 per year in pay.
Alderman Senich suggested that instead of this increase, an allowance should be
made to the 'lanri.ng and Zoning Committee members. Roll call vote on the motion.
AYE: Aldermen Kovachevich, `'a borac, Yerbic, Cook, Peak, ?Berry, Edwards, Hurst,
and Farr. NAY: Aldermen Spencer, Sepich, Howard, and Rupe. (9 AYES and 4 NAYS).
Motion carried. Motion by Alderman Farr, seconded by Alderman Hurst that the
Finance Chairman, Alderman Edwards, and the City Attorney be empowered to act as
agents for the City and fill in the proper papers regarding the increase in
salaries. Voice vote carried.
Second read-i.ng of the �'rocedure Ordinance. After Discussion, Alderman Hurst moves,
Alderman Sepich seconds motion that this Ordinance be eliminated and the newly pre-
pared Ordinance be placed on the Agenda. Roll call vote. A'T,: Aldermen Rupe,
Howard, Farr, Hurst, Sepich, Edwards, Berry, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Zaborac,
and Kovachevich. NAY: None. Newly prepared Ordinance read. Motion by Alderman
Hurst, seconded by Alderman Coop to suspend the rules. Roll call vote. AYE: Al-
dermen Kovachevich, Zaborac, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak, terry, Edwards, Sepich,
Hurst, Farr, Howard, and Rupe. NAY: None. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded
by Alderman Kovachevich to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote.
AYE: Aldermen Rupe, Howard, Farr, Ilurst, Sepich, Edwards, [Berry, Peak, Cook,
Spencer, Yerbic, I.aborac, and Kovachevich. NAY: None. Alderman Sepich requested
that "roads and streets" be inserted in the third section. This is Ordinance 101.
V Annexation and zoning; Ordinance - Barnard - Allison Co. -- second read .ng. Mo-
tion by Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Peak to read the Ordinance by Title
only. Voice vote carried. Title read. Alderman Hurst inquired about dedication
of streets. Atty. Kenneth Bath showed a map of the nr000sed stores and parking.
Mayor Jennings requested an absolute dedication for streets, utilities, etc. City
Attorney Malmgren to write this dedication. Plotion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by
Alderman Yerbic to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Al-
dermen Kovachevich, Zaborac, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak, Berry, .Edwards, SE,pich,
Hurst, Farr, Howard and Rupe. NAY: None. This being Ordinance No. 402.
Stop Sign Ordinance - second reading. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Al-
derman Yerbic to read same by Title only. Voice vote carried. Title read. Mo-
tion by Alderman Farr, seconded by Alderman Kovachevich to place the Ordinance
on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE,: Aldermen Rupe, Howard, Farr, Hurst, Sep-
ich, Edwards, Berry, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, ?aborac, and Kovachevich. NAY:
None. This being Ordinance No. 403.
Alderman Edwards commented on traffic on East Shamrock St. - semi trucks trying
to go over to Star Delivery. He recommended "dead end" sign be placedon alley
betwen Ave. A and Ave. B, north of Oak St. Mayor Jennings requested that the
stop sign be placed on Keeling Court and trine St. Alderman Edwards inquired
about an easement to open up East Beech Street. Alderman Sepich, Chairman of
the Easement Committee to check into same.
New business.
Mayor Jennings reported a telephone call from the EPA for information to be sent
immediately. Mr. Leonard Crawforad, from the Crawford, Murphy P Ti11y Cons�ilti.ng
Engineering Firm, reported on his interpretation of the information received from
the EPA -- Federal Government wished to lower the grant from 75% to 55% (with
the State Government picking up the balance on the grant) -- this move in order
that more cities may participate in the grant program. Discussion. Alderman Rupe
moves, Alderman Sepich seconds motion to send telegrams to the Federal and State
agencies advising; them that the City of Canton agree to this proposal. Roll call
vote. AYE: Aldermen Kovachevich, Zaborac, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak, Berry,
Edwards, Sepich, Hurst, Farr, Howard, and Rupe. NAY: None. Motion carried.
(Telegram to be sent on Dec. 205 1972 to Mr. Wm. Fitch, Mgr. Grant Certification
Section, Div. of Mater Pollution Control, 2200 Churchill Road, Springfield, Ill.
62706 and to: Mr. Todd Gayer, Chf. Const. Crants Branch, U.S. EPA, 1 N. Wacker
Dr., Chicago, Ill. 60606: "If the City of Canton participates in Federal Gant
Funding for fiscal year 1972, the City of Canton hereby requests to amend its
applicat=i..on for Project # C 170944 for Federal Grants to 55% and hereby formally
waive claim to any future percentage increases subsequent to fiscal year 1972 of
Federal Grant assistance for Project "� C 170944." Signed by Robert F. Jennings,
,Mayor. Same Telegram also sent to: Mr. Thos. N. Ehlman Mgr ('rant Certification Sect.
Div. of 1.4ater .'ollutiori control, 2200 Ch rchill, Spfgd.
Mr. Leonard Crawford stated that the plans for Spoon River Jr. College would soon
be ready.
Dec. 19, 1972, Cont. (3)
Department of Transportation -- revision to Agreement No. 184B extending
the time of awarding contracts for improving approximately 6,059 feet of Lo-
cust and Fifth Ave. - rtes. 78 and 9 to Dec. 315 1973. Motion by Alderman
Yerbic, seconded by Alderman Kovachevich that the Mayor and City Clerk by author-
ized to enter into this revision to Agreement No. 184B. Roll call vote. AYE:
Aldermen Rape, Howard, Farr, Hurst, Sepich, Edwards, Berry, Peak, Cook, Spencer,
Yerbic, Zaborac, and Kovachevich. NAY: None. Agreement No. 221.
Alderman Hurst inquired if the State or City was responsible for the old west
Locust Street road. Mayor Jennings to malice inquiry.
East side Fire Station. Mayor Jennings discussed the possibility of purchasing
property from the Canton School Board for a sub station for the Fire Department.
The Mayor to write a letter to the School Board requesting land, approximately
200 foot square, for construction of a fire station. Alderman Edwards moves,
Alderman Peak seconds motion to instruct the Mayor to write to the School Board
regarding the purchase of lapApartme Apartments East School.rRolln on
East Oa{ Street between Oak Lawn
call vote on the motion. AYE: Aldermen Kovachevich, Zaborac, Yerbic, Spencer,
Cook, Peak, Berry, Edwards, Sepich, Hurst, Farr, Howard, and Rupe. NAY: None.
Alderman Spencer recommended the Council consider the construction of a sub-
station in the northeast part of the City.
Alderman Sepich recommended the opening of street on Eleventh Avenue.
Fire Station. Alderman Edwards moves, Alderman Peak seconds motion that the
Fire Station Committee meet with proper local_ individuals to start making
plans for the construction and equipment of a sub-station. Roll call vote.
AYF: Aldermen Rune, Howard, Farr, Hurst, Sepich, Edwards, Remy, Peak, Cook,
Spencer, Yerbic, Zaborac, and Kovachevich. NAY: None.
Sterling Codifiers, Inc. Supplemental Agreement with the Sterling Codifiers
for service of updating Ordinances -- ,;,817.87 ner year, payable annually.
Motion by Alderman Edwards, seconded by Alderman Cook that the May or and City
Clerk enter into this Agreement. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Kovachevich,
Zaborac, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak, Berry, Edwards, Sepich, Hurst, Farr,
Howard, and Rupe. NAY: None. Agreement No. 2.22..
Mayor Jennings reported that bids for the water line along N. Fourth Ave.
would be discussed at the Water & Sewer Com. meeting, Dec. 26, 1972, 6:30 P.M.
Resolutions, T4otor Fuel Tax Funds for deficit due to cost of job exceeding
amount of assessment in the amount of $19,131.90 for 45 CS, $9.,862.40 for 146 CS,
$111,653.27 for 61 CS, and $35,133.76 for 59 CS presented. Motion by Alderman
Farr, seconded by Alderman Cook that the 1esolutions be adopted. Roll call vote.
AYE: Aldermen Rupe, Howard, Farr, Hurst, Sepich, Wdwards, Berry, Peak, Cook,
Spencer, Yerbic, Zaborac, and Kovachevich. NAY: None. No, 607, 608, 609, 610,
Resolutions, Motor Fuel Tax Funds for public Benefit Assessment on Principal
",16,760:00, Int. $5,028.00 - Total $212788.00 for 145 CS; Principal_ x,13,590.00,
Int. �,4059.50T- Total x,17,649.50 for 146 CS; Principal $291705.00, Int.
$13,890.00 - Total $43,595.90 for 61 CS. Motion by Alderman Edwards, seconded
by Alderman Berry to adopt these Resolutions. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen
Kovachevich, Zaborac, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak, Berry, Edwards, Sepich,
Hurst, Farr, Howard, and Rupe. NAY: None. Resolutions No. 611, 612, & 613.
Insurance for Volunteer Firemen. Alderman Peak asked Mr. Robert Fouts from the
Town and Country Insurance, to explain the insurance program for Volunteer
Firemen. (Fourteen volunteers are listed under workman's Compensation at the
rate of $300.00 per year each -- are insured at the remuneration rate of
regular firemen nay when injured. They cannot sue the City when injured) . "
Alderman Peak moves, Alderman Cook seconds motion that the Ordinance and Fire
Committee draw an Ordinance covering Volunteer Firemen insurance and remmera-
tion. Voice vote carried.
Notice: wwater and Sewer Committee meeting with Crawf ord$ Murphy & Tilly Eng.
Firm on Dec. 263 1972, 6:30 P. M.
Open House - Frida�r, Dec. 22, 1972 9:00 A. M. until Noon.
Motion by Alderman Rupe, seconded by Alderman Howard to adjourn. Voice vote
carried. Canton City Council adjourns at 8:50 P. M.
City Clerk
�`" Mayor