HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-03-1972 Council Meeting Minutes A 9 0
October 3, 1972
Canton City Council held a regular meeting on Oct. 3, 1972 in the City
Council Chamber. Mayor Jennings called the meeting to order at 6:31
P. 11. Present for roll call; Aldermen Rupe, IToward, Farr, ?°Tilcoxen,
Hurst, Sepich, Edwards, I erne, Peak, Cool,:, Spencer, Yerbic, and Kovache-
vich. Alderman Zaborac arrivi..ng in the Council Chamber at 6:51 P. M.
Absent: None.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Tnvocation by Alderman H(XTard.
Mayor Jennings introduced members of th.e or Scouts attend�.nc the Cotu�cil
meeting: John Kay, Rodney and Robbie Bull..
I°Tinutes of previous meetir f-, Motion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alder-
man Peale to accept the minutes and mace on file. Notion carried, voice vote.
Two Ordl_nances for Annexat'.on of property to the City of Canton presented:
The Gene Wrestler property and the Orwi_g, rstes, Shcnrood Forest, and lid-
Century properties. Tlotion by Alderman Berry, seconded by Alderman Wilcoxen
to read the Ordinances by Title only and voice vote carried. Titles read.
Attorney Jaynes Elson e:mlal.ned the proceedings that had taken place with the
Fulton County Planning Commission. ')iscussion. Ordinances to lay over.
1fJ Alderman 7aborac arriving in the Council Chambers at 6:51 P. M.
First reading of an Ordinance - Annexation of the Edson VanSi ckle property,
The Meadows. Motion by Alderman Rupe, seconded by Alderman Spencer to U
pend the rules. Roll call v�o te. A! ?: A1,r e en Lune, Howard, r'arr, Iilcoxen,Tlurst, Sepich, {dwards, , , Peak., Coo Spencer., Yerbic, 7aborac, and Ko-
vachevich. NAY: TTone. Alderman Rune moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion
to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AT-,: Alderman Ko-
vachevich, Zaborac, Yerbic, Sne°-�cer, Cook, Peal:, `3erry, rdwards, Sepich, Hurst,
'Ti lcoxen, Farr, Howard, and Rui�e. TTAY: None. -'his being Ordinance No. 388.
Bills for September. Motion b% Alderman '.,(:hTards, seconded by Alderman Hurst
that all bills proper'! a-proved be allowed for nayment. Roll call. vote. A`7:
Aldermen Rupe) Howard, Darr, Wilcoxen.9 Ilurst, �'enich, ,dtirards, Sorry, Peak,
Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Zaborac, and Kovachev _ch. !TAY: 'tone.
Petition - request to close an alley (Johnson Court, Spruce Street, Ash Street
and Avenue B) . This Petition had appeared before the Council on Auu- 7, 1971
but all property owners had not signed same -- present Petition has all sig-
natures necessary. Notion by Alderman -'arr, seconded b;, Alderman Wilcoxen L-
that an Ordinance be drafted to close this alley and voice vote carried. 4 �v
Standing Committee reports.
Lake Development Committee -- Alderman ITU.rst reported on a meeting with the
property owners around Lake Canton concerning_. provision of c _ty water to that
area. He stated that the Lake Devel_opmcnt C(ximittee voted to handle the eng-
ineering fees in order to help finance this project -- some of the property
owners had offered to pay double their share of the charges, but there was
still., a difference to be raised. Another meeti_nlo; to be held later.
Y.T•I.C.A.Lease. Motion by Alderman Tlurst, seconded by Alderman Peak to in-
struct the City~ Clerk to not accept the lease frith. the `L.'I.C.A. and the City
of Canton (Agreement !To. 1%, Apr-11-1_ 7, 1970 - sipxted by the P avor and City
Clerk, but never si,ned bl; the Y.M.C.A. offi_ci.ais) nor to accept any money
for rental of the lake area land as provided in this lease. Discussion. Al-
derman Howard moves to table the motion and Alderman Rune seconds the motion.
Roll call to table the motion. AYE: Alderman Howard and Rune. NAY: Alder-
men Kovachevich, Zaborac, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peale, Berry, Edwards, Sepich,
Hurst, Wilcoxa , and Farr. (2 A77S and 12 MAYS) . Notion lost. Roll call
vote.on original motion. A' E: Aldermen '_Parr, TTilcoxen, Hurst, Sepich, Ed-
wards, Beri�^y„Peak `Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Zaborac, and Kovachevich. TNAY:
Aldermen Rune and IToward. (12 AY,S and 2 IuAYS) . Motion carried.
Special Committee reports.
Communications to Council.
Thank you note from Howard T. Gibbons for retirement gift.
Oct. 3, 1972, Cont. (2)
Letter from the Department of Local Governr:ent Affairs, regarding a speaker
on abandoned cars, derelict buildings and mobile home zoning, meeting arranged.
for October 24, 1972, 6:30 P. I. (All Council members, Police Chief, Fire
Chief, Zoning, Enforcins', Officer and members of the Betterment Cornnittee to
attend.) .
Abandoned cars. Ilayor Jennings said the nick-up of Junk cars would be resumed in
about two weeks after a cleari.nn from the state on the lenality of same.
Punning. Mayor Jen-ings requested the news media to notify the residents that
no burning is allowed within the city limits.
Cable attachment th-,t can be used on the city s equipment -- especially useful �
f or water treatment plant removal of sludge -- would be a good nurcha.se. Al-
derman ?-Iurst moves to refer this matter to the Sewer and ,•eater, Street and Alley,
Finance, and Lake Develonment CoiTiitteos. Discussion. Alderman Hurst withdraws
his motion. Alderman Parr moves to _refer this matter to the Sewer and 'later,
Street and Alle--, finance, and Lake Pevelonment Committees and advertise for
bids if the finances are sufficient to purchase same. Alderman Sepich seconds
this motion. Voice vote carried. Alderman Rune stated there was a meeting of
the ?later and Sewer Committee at 6:30 P. M- on Oct. 4, and suggested that all
council members meet at 6:00 P. Id. for discussion of this equipment.
equest by Jerry Barnett, Cuba and. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F.. Reid 13.1, Canton,
to hold an art sale in Jones Park on Oct. 21 -- proceeds to po to the Com-
munity Chest Fund. Motion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman i"arr to
grant this request. ?•lotion carried, voice vote.
First estimate, Livio Po--°gioli, for work on the North Main Street 11ater mains
in the amount of $26,083.00 presented. Motion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by
Alderman Edwards to allow this estimate for payment. Roll call vote. AY;:
Aldermen Kovachevich, Zaborac, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak, Berry, Edwards,
Sepich, Ilurst, ?%Tilcoxen, Farr, Howard, and Rune. NAY: None.
Complaints of old cars and weeds on the lot at Sixth Avenue and Linn Street.
Chief of Police, Elam, to contact the owner again. l ;'
,^reeds on Mulberry °Lace -- a complaint has been made on this matter, also mi
the old Kroger lot.
T-owe property -- a gate to be erected for convenience of the Sewer and
Water plant operators and. the land users.
Bids - Maintenance work on Worth Second Ave. (Locust to Spruce Street) . The
bid of the Geo. E. Hoffman F� Sons had been opened and read at the Board of
Local Improvements meeting held on Sept. 2'?, 1,972, amount of `";3607.00 ' otion.
by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alderman Wilcoxen to accent the bid on the
maintenance work - Geo. Hoffman Fr Sens. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen
Rune, Howard, Farr, Wilcoxein, Hurst, Sepich, :?dwards, Berry, Peak, Cook,
Spencer, Yerbic, Zaborac, and Kovachevich. NAY: ;`lone. Alderman -dwards
recommended that other streets in the city come under the same arrange ment
for repair.
Agreement with the 7)enartment of Conservation, State of Illinois, for con-
struction of rest rooms at the Canton Lake, }6,700.00. Motion by Alderman_
Hurst, seconded by Alderman dwards that the Mayor and City Clerk enter into
this contract with the State of Illinois. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen
Kovachevich, Zaborac, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak, Berry, Edwards, Sepich,
Hurst, Wilcoxen, Farr, Howard, and Rune. 1AY: None. Agreement No. 215.
VanSickle Annexation - The Meadows. Motion by Alderman Rupe, seconded by
Alderman Peak that Mayor Jennings be authorized to assist Mr. Van Sickle zrith
proper papers to be provided to the EPA. Voice vote carried.
Bids -- Radaj- System. Notion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Hurst
that the City Clerk be authorized to open the bids and the motion carried
voice vote. Bids opened: I�'esley P� Co., ?1395.00; Kustom Signals, Inc.
° 2185.')0. Motion by Alderman Farr, seconded by Alderman Peak to refer same
to the Police and Legal Committee for study and motion carried, voice vote.
Oct. 3, 1972, Cont. (3)
Bids - house at the old city dump. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich.' '
seconded by Alderman Peak to instruct the Cit'r Clerk to open the bids
and motion carried, voice vote. One bid received: Clarence "Poke" Kinsel,
$5P00. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, seconded by Alderman Peak to accept
the bid of Mr. Kinsel and the motion carri d voice vote`.
Motion by Alderman Peaky seconded by Alderman Edwards to adjourn. Voice
vote carried. Canton City Council adjourns at 8:10 P. M.
City Clerk
APPROVNT � ' '/--1
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