HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-26-1972 Council Meeting Minutes March 28, 1972
A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on I-larch 28, 1972 in the
City Council Chambers. Mayor Jennings called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M-
Present for roll call: Aldermen Rupe, Howard, Hurst, Sepich, Echrar'ds, Berry,
Cook, Spencer, Fulton and Kovachevich- Absent: Alderman Farr, Wilcoyen, Peak
and Yerbic.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Invocation by Alderman Howard.
Minutes of previous meeting. Motion by Alderman Spencer, seconded by Alderman Felton
that the minutes be accepted' and placed on file and voice vote carried.
Standing Committee Reports.
Alderman Sepich reported that the Traffic Cammittee recommended that the low bid for
par'_cing meters of Dmean 'Parking Meter be accepted. Alderman Sepich moves to accept
the low bid of Duncan Parking Meter: seconded byT Alderman Berry. Roll call vote.
AYr: Aldermen Kovachevich, Fulton, Spencer, Cook, Berry, Edtirards, Sepich, Hurst,
Howard and Rune. NAY: None. Motion carried.
Alderman Sepich reported that the Traffic Committee recammended that an Ordinance be
drawn un to cover nar':ing on- the south side of Linn Street between 5th and 6th Avenue.
Alderman Sepich moves that this be referred- back to Traffic Committee, seconded by
Alderman Edwards and motion carried by voice vote-
Alderman 7,dwards reported that the Finance Committee had a meeting concerninE raises
for the coming; year.
Alderman Kovachevich reported that Charles Sandberg stated that the County Landfill
would be in operation April 15, 1972.
Special Committee Reports,
Alderman Haiard reported on the meetings that he and Mayor Jennings attended in
Washington, D. C. Mayor Jennings authorized Alderman Edwards- to take the Hayorts
seat at 6:43 P.14. so he could get a picture to present to Alderman Howard. Mayor
Jennings returned to Council Chambers at 6:45 P-I.1.
Alderman lZune recommended that copies of a letter from L. K. Crawford of Crawford,
Murphy � Tilly, Inc. (re: Sewage Treatment Facilities) be sent to -ongressman
Railsbac?c and Senator Percy.-
Mayor Jennings reported attending the 6 Count-- Planning meeting in Macomb frith
Alderman Howard and Charles Sandberg.
Alderman Hurst moves that the bids for the Billing Machine be moved up on the agenda,
seconded by Alderman Howard and the motion carried by voice vote., Alderman Hurst
makes a motion that the bids be opened, seconded by ;Alderman Kovachevich and the
motion carried by voice vote. Bids opened:
Burroughs L3111 208 Computer, - �"101297.06; maintenance agreement - x1554.00.
National Cash Register - Electric Solid State Computer with magnetic stripe
Ledger and 26 inch printer - '"12,610.00; maintenance agreement - <`,,,,975.00
Peoria Office "achines - IF, 21.CR Posting Machine M75.00, programming -
"6o.00; 1 Olivetti. P 101 Mini-Computer, - ?1995.00;- alternate - 1 Olivetti
P-602 - 83980.00
Mechanical Posting Machine: Burroughs - F3203 Accounting 1'lachine - >2951.90,
Maintenance agreement - ¢"277.00 National Cash Hegister - Model 36 Typewriter
accounting with 2 totals and 26 inch printer - $4371.00, maintenance
agreement - 1, 252.00. National Gash Register - Electric Solid State
Computer non-magnetic Ledger, 26 inch printer - ;"9910.00.
Discussion. Alderman Dupe makes a motion to recess; seconded b,i Alderman Spencer and
the motion carried by voice vote. Mayor Jennings called for a 10 minute recess.
The Council recessed at 7:08 P.I1. Council resumes at 7:40 P.M- Alderman Hurst moves
to purchase the Burroughs Billing 1`lachine zrith a maintenance clause in the contract,
seconded by Alderman Sepich. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Rupe, Howard, Hurst,
Sepich, Edwards, Berry, Cook, Fulton and Kovachevich. NAY: Alderman Spencer.
(9 A_7S and 1 NAY). I-lotion carried. Motion by Alderman 6epich, seconded by Alderman
Hurst to instruct Mayor Jennings and the City Clerk to enter into a contract with
the Burroughs 'ctmnany. Motion carried by voice vote.
Alderman Sepich moves that the Annexatio'r and Rezoning Ordinance (property N.E. of
Bradley Corners) be moved un on the agenda, seconded by Alderman Fulton. I-lotion carried
by voice. vote. First reading of Ordinance. I,1r. Rudolph Westphal addressed the Council.
Discussion. Motion by Alderman Cook, seconded by Alderman Fulton to suspend the rules.
Roll call vote: A' ,: Alderman Kovachevich, Fulton, ` encer, Cook, Berry and Edwards.
March 28, 1972 Cont Id.(2)
NAl': Aldermen Sepich, Hurst, Howard and '_Rime. (6 AY?S and 4 HAYS). Motion lost.
Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman 1ulton to move the Resolution -
Arbor Day in Illinois up on the agenda and the motion carried by voice vote. Mrs.
LaVerne Estes addressed the Council. Resolution read. Resolution to lase_ over.
Communications to Council.
Insurance Services Office - Re: Fire Protection. Motion by Alderman Fulton, seconded
by A104erman Spencer that a copy 'o the recornn.endations be sent to all Aldermen.
Motion carried by voice vote.
EPA - Re: Approval plane specifications - Waterworks. Alderman Howard moves,
seconded b ' Alderman Sepich that copies of this communication be sent to the Water
& Sewer Ccenmittee and the motion carried by Voice vote.
Crawford, I urp''xy Tilly - Re: Sn'_llwa,t,
Crawford, Murphy Tilly - Re: Last aide Treatment System. Codes to be sent to
the '�°Dater gc Surer Corrnnittee.
EPA - Land Pollution Control.
Crawford, Tiller - Letter to 'IPA in re7arcds to State and Federal Grant
Application renewal.
L� LPA - Re: Permit to install saritar,,, sewer along- Rt. ",9.
'PA - Re: 'Ieetin, i: Snr_i_n-field - Annum Set-ra.T;e '.forks Goerauors Conference.
Denartment of Transportat'_on - Annroval of �15,000.00 p. T for maintenance for 1972.
Cop7, of Hm. T almgren's le:,ter to 11111nois Ca;irnerce Commission - Re: Diesel fumes
Pram engine parked hours in one snot.
Phillips, Swas-er ;°. Lssoc. - Re: Set of nlans for Spoon River College. 11otion by
Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Cook to send a cops o' this letter to Crawford,
Murphy and `.['i.117,r, Inc. Motion carried b-r voice voice.
Spoon River College letter comme-r dingy° Snecial Police.
Thank you letter for flowers from they fa.-Ji1�- of Sgt. Paul Nebergall.
Thank you letter from Gar-, F� Debby Hill for wedd _nr; gift.
Thank -ou Letter from Dale Peak for flowers sent while he bras in hospital.
Municipal Assoc. o' Central Regi_on meeting - April l 1pns Park
__ ,
Virginia Community House, 2usTiville, Ila-or _vki. dmeier o_' Pekin, the speaker.
Con— of Petition - Burl.i_nr^;ton Northern R.R. to Illi-,00is Commerce Commission.
Discussion by City Attorney; 14a7mgren. Alderman Sepi ch excused at 8:45 P.Ti.
Alderman Sepich returned. to Council Chambers at 8:47 P.M. Alderman. Edwards moves to
allow Burlington to take down the arm but leave the flashin" light on the east side
of the track with the provision that the arm may be replaced at the city's request,
seconded b T Alderman. Kovachevich. Motion carried by voice vote. Petition #236.
Coti_y of Continuance of hear-i_.-s, Illinois Commerce Canrlission, Re: Fulton Corryrjjlit�r
Antenna TV.
Resignation of George Hocker from Plannin- and '�=in„ Commission read. Motion by
Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderran Sepich to accent this resignation and also a
letter of comrnendat_;_on be sent to Kr. Hocher anrl the motion carried by voice vote.
i. . .�, • r7 . . . L Fire>oa-.d of r ire and � o17_ce. Comm s.^loners - an'oointment !,u,"Cne Lawyer - i'ire Chief.
Canton Betterment Corvn_L _ion. - dluanin_ and j nIc cars. Aldet�,nan Lune makes a motion,,
seconded by Alderman Sepich to refer this matter to the Chief of Police and the
City Attorney. T•;otion carried by voice vote.
Letter of thanks from Day Scout Droop 13.0 for usi- city equipment and landfill.
Old Business.
Scrug7s Hannon:' - Re: Professional Pla_ni:� ; �'rocrams. Alderman Hurst reported that
March 28, 1972 Contld. (3)
the ilolice ° Legal Committee felt that they can not afford this service.
Lease - Landfill - DeLost. Alderman Senich moves that the Lease be read by title
only, seconded by .alderman Ed:�rards. Motion carried b, voice vote. Lease read by
title only. Alderman 17,ldYwards moves that the Mayor be empowered to sign the lease,
seconded. b;- Alderman Senich. Roll call vote: A71,,: Aldermen. Rune, Howard, Hurst,
Senich, Ld?wards, Terr Y, Cook, Spencer, 1'ul_ton and. Kovachevich. ;TAY: None,
I-Iotion carried.T:Uisbeing Agreement #206
Netir Business.
Anna,laments: Paul. Da,,,, to the :3etterment Corv~ii ssion.. Alderman Hurst moves,
Alderman Kovachevich seconds motion to an-orove this appoi_ntment and motion carried
voice vote.
Annaintment: Dick Strode to the Plannin* and Zonin,- Commission. Alderman burst
moves, seconded by Alderman Fulton to an-Drove this annointment and motion carried
by voice vote.
Appo__ntment: Sam ^emler to the Plannin and Zonin;;; Commission. Alderman Senich
rioves, Alderman I1u-rst seconds motion to annrove this appointment and motion carried
by voice vote.
?dirk Creek Enterprises - Second reading of Petition and Ordinance for Rezoning. Motion
bzr Alderman Senich, seconded. by Alderman Edwards that Ordinance be read by title on14r.
Motion carried by voice vote. Ordinance read by title only. Ilotion by Alderman
T,&Tards, seconded by Alderman Kovachevich to place this Ordinance on its passage.
Doll call vote. AY,: Alderman Kovachevich, Fulton, Spencer, Cook, Berry, Edwards,
Sen'ch I t, Hoirard and Aune. I>IAY: None. Motion carried. This bei nrg Or.r'i-r.ance /3709
Pet i�i do #237
First readi_n of Petition - Annexation_ - Tstes - Luker (Nursinf; Home). Alderman
?Toward moves, seconded by Alderman Senich that the Ordinance be read. by title onl-r.
T-Ioti_on carried by voice vote. Ordinance read by title only. To lay over.
First reading~ of an 'ordinance remllating the movement of trucks within the City of
Canton, llli Lois. Alderman Senich reconunends that the Ordinance be amended to
read last Linn Street instead o' ?,Test Linn Street. Ordinance to lay over.
First reaciinr of Resolutlon - Special use hermit - 7.371. 7. Ah Street.
Agreement - ng�iieeri_n- services - Street Maintenance 1972. A!-:?erman Senich moves,
seconded by Alderman --"err;r that the Mayor be instructed to sign this Agreement iith
the ann_ -roval of the City Attorne 7.1. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Rune, Hozrard,
Hurst, Senich, ; dwards, 'err-r, Cook, Spencer, Fulton and Kovachevich. HAY : None.
Hotio-n carried. This being Agreement #205
Apnlicat:i_on - H U D and Lqual Opnortunity Division - re. employment. Discussion.
United States Fidelity (ruaranty - Proof of Loss. Alderman Edwards moves that the
Mayor sign the proof of loss and that the Street Superintendent be instructed to use
the endloader to nusn into the basement the remains of the house at Lake Canton and
under the supervision of the firemen that it be burnt in the basement; seconded
by '►lderman Spencer. Roll Call vote. A7]: Aldermen Kovachevich, Fulton, Lipencer,
Cook, -'err -, Edwards, Senich, Hurst, lim-Tard and Rupe. !,,TAY: ?!Tone. Motion carried.
Snra�7ue )`Motor Sales - Oouth 5th Avenue. Alderman 3erry recommends that Chief of
Police Edam be instructed to see that trailers alonfi the road are moved back.
Oilin`- in- Chinning- unimproved streets. Alderrmn Howard recommends that the Street
Sunerintendent and Cit,;r 7ngineer and Street and Alle-r Committee report to the
Council on oilLn7 and chinning to be done.
Bids. - Police Car Rental. Alderman burst moves, seconded by Alderman Kovachevich
that the bids be opened and the motion carried by voice vote. Two bids received:
Miller Auto "3ody - three (3) 1,072 Plymouth Fury 111 4 door sedans -
`' 295.00 per month (each) ; 1 intermediate car - -;'285.00 per month.
Canton I-Iotor Sales - 3 Pontiac Catalina It Door Sedans - ,x242.10 per
month (each; 1 Duick Skylark It Door Sedan_ - '' 225.6) per month.
Alderman Hocaard moves that the low bid of Canton Motor Sales be accented with the
recommendation that all Buick Skylarks be leased if agreeable with the Canton 11otor
Sales, seconded b- Alderman Edwards. Roll Call vote. AYr: Aldermen Rune, Howard,
March 28 1972 Conttd. (4)
Hurst, c�enich, Edwards, Berry, Cook, Spencer, l''ulton ,and Kavachevich. NAY.:
None. Motion carried.'
Alderman Kovachevich reported on 'complaints of garbage cans being damaged.
Motion by alderman ioulton, seconded by Alderman Hotiiard to adjourn. Voice vote carried.
Canton City Council adjourns at 9:25 P.M.
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