HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-01-1972 Council Meeting Minutes 6
Feb. 1, 1972
Canton City Council held a regular meeting on Feb. 1, 1972 in the City
Council Chamber. Mayor Jennings called the meeting to order at 6:32 P.M.
Present for roll call: Aldermen Rupe, Howard, Farr, Wilcoxen, Hurst, Sep-
ich, Edwards, Berry, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Fulton, and Kovachevich.
Absent: None.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Invocation by Alderman Howard.
,inutes of previous meeting. Motion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alder-
man Cook that the minutes be accepted as presented and placed on file, and
motion carried voice vote.
Bills for January. Motion by Alderman Edwards, seconded by Alderman Sepich
that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment. Roll call vote.
AYE: Aldermen Kovachevich, Fulton, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak, Berry, Ed-
wards, Sepich, Hurst, Wilcoxen, Farr, Howard, and Rune, NAY: None.
Officers reports for January. Motion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alder-
man Peak that the reports be accepted and placed on file and voice vote
Standing Committee reports.
Negotiating Committee - report of Alderman Farr that the Committee will
meet Tuesday, Feb. 8, 1972 with the Police and Fire Department personnel.
Lake Development Committee -- Alderman Hurst requested that the City em-
ployees help slope the beach and sand same before the spring rains begin,
also the City should consider building shower and rest rooms at the area.
Alderman Hurst moves that the Council authorize the City Attorney to start
whatever procedures are necessary against Clyde Barker to make roadways
across the leased property. Alderman Cook seconds motion. Roll call vote.
AYE: Aldermen Rupe, Howard, Farr, Wilcoxen, Hurst, Sepich, Edwards, Berry,
Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Fulton, and Kovachevich. NAY: None.
Canton Lake leased lots -- Alderman Hurst stated the Committee was try-
ing to take all steps possible to protect the lake, therefore, they were
moving; slowly in order to protect the watershed.
..'ater and Sewer. Alderman Rune stated that Committee met on Jan. 25 and
recommended accenting the bid of Canton Concrete -Products. Alderman Rupe
moves that the Canton Concrete Products Co. be awarded the bid and that the
Mayor be authorized to sign the contract, Alderman Peak seconds the motion.
Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Kovachevich, Fulton, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook,
Peak, Berry, Edwards, Sepich, Hurst, !>,Iilcoxen, Farr, Howard, and Rupe. NAY:
Alderman Rune stated that a request for variance for extension of time had been
filed with the Environmental Protection Agency on Jan. 27, 1972.
Traffic. Alderman Sepich reported on a meeting of the Committee: 1. Traffic
pattern for the square - no chan,.e a-'., present time; 2. considered proposal to
remove parking on south side of Limn St. from 5th to 6th Ave; 3. truck troute
to follow state routes through Canto-, (those entering on West Hickory Street
to proceed to Main St. and then south to Linn 5t. and continue on to state
route; 4. "'arkinF; lot on First Ave. - 40 parking stalls to be metered, either
4 or 6 hours (committee recommended purchase of fifty parking meters) ; 5.
Chief of Police to make further recommendations for -removal of traffic on un-
i.mnroved streets. Alderman Sepich moves, Alderman terry seconds motion that
the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney draft an Ordinance for the truck
route and no parking on south side of Linn St. from 5th to 6th Ave. Motion
carried by voice vote.
Parking meters. Motion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Peak that
the City Clerk and Chief of -Police be authorized to advertise for bids for
fifty or more narking meters. Roll call vote. APE: Aldermen Rune, Howard,
Farr, ?°�ilcoxen, Hurst, Sr,pich, Edwards, Berry, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic,
Fulton, and Kovachevich. NAY: None.
Alderman Farr stated that although his suF,-estion for traffic pattern on the
square was defeated, he felt it should be tried.
Feb. 1, 1972, Cont. (2)
Dog catcher. Alderman Hurst inquired what :jas being done about dogs in
the City. Alderman 3erry reported dogs runnin ; loose in the south and west
part of the City. The Agreement with the County calls for a full-time dog-
catcher in the City. Motion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Yerbic
to hold up the payment of the bill from Fulton County until a meeting has
been held with the Rabies Control Commission. Roll call vote. AYE: Alder-
men Kovachevich, Fulton, Yerbic,, Spencer, Cook, teak, Berry, Edwards, Sepich,
Hurst, hTilcoxen, Farr, Howard, and Rupe. NAY: Mone. Mayor Jennings appointed
a committee to meet with the Rabies Control Commission: Aldermen Spencer, Yer-
bic, Fulton, Cook, Peak, and Berry.
Alderman Hurst thanked the Mayor for his stand taken on the Environmental Pro-
tection Act and stated it is up to the elected officials in the community to up-
hold him. The Mayor said he had received a report that everyone should appear
before the House of Representatives when same is in session and it is time for
the voting. He also stated that he had a report on the hearings held L-i Mattoon
and Lincoln.
Creve Coeur Council - 'ia;rle Scouts introduced at the Council meeting: John C.
Rose, Charles F. Flinspach, Maurice Freiley, Steven A. Henderson, Randal L. -
Hoepker, Garry L. Kay, Greg L. `itchen, David A. '_'.e nertsen, Ronald A. Reinholtz,
Harold H. Rose, Richard S. Sipes, Daniel A. Tay or and Tomas 1. Yerbic. The
d, Scout Plasters were also introduced: Vern Sines, ilaurice rreile;r, John Yer-
:z., bic, and Darrell Parsons. The Playor commended these sagl..e Scouts for their
Communications to Council .
Request to hold a "Loyalty Darr Parade" on Anril 3i), 1972 - V. F. W. Post and
Auxiliary 1981 . Motion by Alderman Hurst to grant permission for this parade
and recommended making; arranz;e:nents with Chief of Police for the parade route.
Alderman Wilcoxen seconds this motion and it carried by voice vote.
Thank you note for flowers sent to :"Irs. Helen l'ea!l while a patient in the
Invitation to attend the wedding of Debra Lynn Mueller and Cary Hill on
Feb. 19, 6:00 P. M. in the Methodist Church in Lewistown - invitation to all
City Officials and employ*ees.
Environmental Protection Act. - rega-rdin:7; ?ederal grant for WPC-T 1-646 and
that the file on this project will be closed si-nce it was partially funded by
Environmental Protection Act - regarding conies of Canton's reply to uniform
relocation Assistance and [Teal Pronerty Acquisition ?olicy Act of 1970.
Environmental Protection Act - re. well near the pronosed landfill ('.TE, 1/4
Sec. 4 T UIT, R4E) .
Crawford, Murphy and Tilly letter retarding V,e raising of lake Canton Spill-
way and recommending that the bid be awarded to Canton Concrete Products Co.
in the amount of '!4111,920.50 - also that the I:7. G. Jaques Co. be allowed to do
the boring and grouting and that expense be added to the Crawford, Murphy
'filly billin . Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Rupe that Craw-
ford, Murphy " Tilly be allowed to add the boring; and grouting expense to
their billing. Roll call vote. AYI,;: Aldermen Rupe, Howard, Farr, Wilcoxen,
Hurst, Sepich, Edwards, Berry, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Fulton, and Ko-
vachevich. NAY: None.
Environmental Protection Act - Report of survey of the water supply stating
same was safe and adequate and praisin ° the I°jTater Plant Superintendent, Orval
Motor Control. Panel - Alderman IZupe stated same had been installed at the water
plant and was in operation.
Alderman Yerbic moves, Alderman Peak seconds motion that the above correspondence
be placed on file and motion carried, voice vote.
Feb. 1, 1972, Cont. (3)
Old Business.
Second reading of Ordinance, annexation of the Joseph Venovich property.
Motion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Yerbic to read the Ord-
inance by Title only and motion carried voice vote. Title read. Motion
by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Edwards to place the Ordinance
on its passage. Discussion if same is a trailer court or mobile home
court. City Plumbing Inspector, Harold White, stated separate water me-
ters, sewer and gas was hooked to each location. Roll call vote on the
motion. A�'E: Aldermen Kovachevich, Fulton, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak,
Berry, Edwards, Sepich, Hurst, Wilcoxen, Farr, Howard, and Rupe. NAY:
None. This being Ordinance No. 369.
Cable T 0 - City Attorney Malmgren stated that hearings with the Illinois
Commerce Commission would begin on Feb. 23, 1972 and that same are in very
good hands. Motion by Alderman Hurst that the City Attorney file for an
appearance at one of the hearings and acknowledge receipt of the document
and place same on file. Alderman Farr seconds this motion and it carried
voice vote.
Youth Center. Alderman Spencer stated the roof at the Youth Center was
still leaking, had considerable amount of snow and ice on same and that
Mr. Carl Berry who was to do the repair work had not started repairs. Ma-
yor Jennings recommended that the Building and Grounds Committee and Main-
tenance man see what can be done and report to the Council. Alderman Hurst
moves, Alderman �Iilcoxen seconds motion that the Building and Grounds Com-
mittee and Maintenance man investigate and report to the Council. Motion
carried by voice vote.
Alderman Sepich inquired if the City Attorney had been writing letters to
the property owners on West Walnut Street regarding sewer and water taps.
Mr. Malmgren stated he had not done so.
Alderman Edwards - re. Big Creek Enterprises - Ordinance for rezoning same
to be reported in the near future.
New Business.
Mayor Jennings stated he had three items to add to the Agenda, with per-
mission of the City Council. Alderman Hurst moves, Alderman Spencer
seconds motion that these items be included on the Agenda and voice vote
Report of the Canton Museum Committee. Mr. Robert Dewey reported that he
had attended the Fulton County Historical Society meeting and that a Canton
Historical Society was being formed - the Scenic Drive to include Canton.
It will be urged to sponsor tourism as a year-round affair. The Canton
Historical Society has been incornorated and officers will be elected at
the next meeting.
P>.!_derman Edwards moves, Alderman Spencer seconds motion that the Council
instruct the two Aldermen to work with the Association of Commerce and In-
dustry on the new brochure and report back to the Council. Motion carried
by voice vote. Mr. Gustav Miller was introduced as the new acting Secre-
tary for the A.C.I.
Cars on streets when snow removal being done. Street Superintendent, Eldon
Myers, reported there were 12 or 15 cars on the square on the night of the
heavy snowfall, making it difficult to remove snow and said the Policemen
were afraid of getting in trouble by having the cars removed. Alderman Farr
stated it was the business of the Police to carry out the Ordinances of the
City. Motion by Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Farr to notify the
Police Department to carry out wishes of the Council and their duties in a
nolicemanlike manner - not with chips on their shoulders. After discussion,
Alderman Howard withdrew his motion and suggested that the Mayor and Council
should write to the employees letting them know what is expected. Mayor
Jennings stated he was not in favor of a letter -- that his office door
was ooen to any city employee or anyone in the City when they wished to talk
to him.
3 7 1.
Feb. 1, 1972, Cont. (4)
Resolution - Street lights. Motion by Alderman Berry, seconded by Al-
derman Sepich to hold this Resolution over at this time and the motion
carried, voice vote.
Application for Permit to use the Sanitary Landfill made by Robert Wheeler.
Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, seconded by Alderman Yerbic that the City
Clerk be instructed to issue the permit upon the approval of the Street
Superintendent - after truck inspection and the motion carried voice vote.
Chicago, Burlington & northern R. R. Complaints of Diesel engines running
all night - making noise and pollution for the neighborhood. Mr. Ketcham,
Roadmaster, could not be located to have same removed, but is to have a
meeting with the Chief of Police on Feb. 8 -- the Diesel engines to be
parked one block north where there are no residences or at the edge of the
City. Motion by Alderman Farr, seconded by Alderman Wi.lcoxen to instruct
the Chief of Police and City Attorney to instruct the Roadmaster not to
park locomotives in the city -- they must be outside the residential area.
Also complaints of rubbish near the Sutton & Moore building. The Street
Superintendent, Chief of Police and Fire Chief to investigate. Voice vote
on the motion regarding Diesel Engines carried.
Appointments on Canton Museum Committee: Aldermen Farr and Wilcoxen. Mo-
d- tion by Alderman Kovachevich, seconded by Alderman Peak to accept these
appointments and motion carried voice vote.
Land Fill. Alderman Kovachevich reported on the meeting attended with
County Land Fill.. The garbage for City of Canton for ]'Tonday and 'Tuesday
would average approximately 60 tons for the week - proposed charge for same
to $1.50 per ton - he recommended that the City approve the use of the
County hand Fill. It was recommended that some one should be appointed to
be on the County Land Fill Committee. Alderman Edwards reported on com-
plaints of individuals haulin g trash to the landfill on Saturday when the
City Building was closed and they were unable to obtain a useage permit.
Alderman Cook moves, Alderman Rune seconds motion that the corrmittee work
out a plan and bring an amendment back to the next Council meeting as to
what can be done about Saturday useage fees. Voice vote carried. Alder-
man Kovachevich requested all Aldermen to attend the next Garbage Dis-
posal Committee meeting. Alderman Fulton recommended that the amendment
be mailed to all Aldermen 24 hours prior to the Council meeting. Mayor
Jennings appointed Alderman Kovachevich to the County- Commission with
reservations, that Canton Should have more than one representative on the
Board. Alderman Yerbic moves that the Mayor's recommendation be accepted
and Alderman Cook seconds the motion and same carried by voice vote. Al
derman Ilurst inquired if the loads would be weighed by tonnage or yardage.
Alderman Kovachevich announced a meeting of the Garbage Disposal Committee
for Thursday, Feb. 3, 1972) 6:30 P. M.
Motion by Alderman Fulton, seconded by Alderman Cook to adjourn. Voice
vote carried. Canton City Council adjourns at 8:55 P. M.
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