HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-02-1971 Council Meeting Minutes 3 Nov. 2, 1971 Canton 'City Council held a regular mee t:i__Z{, on Nov. 2, 1971 in the City Co,_mcil Chai'l,er. layor Tenni iFs calle the meetins to or aer at 5:30 P.P'i. Present _for roll call: A-tdermen lluoe, Ilol,ard, Parr., .iilcoxen, Hurst, Senich, Awards, Peak, rook, Spencer, Yerb' c, Wulton, arid Kovachevich. Ab- sent: Alderman erry. Pledge of Allegiance was followed b7 Invocation by Alderman rdwards. iinutes of previous meeti.n- . Iiotion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alder- man Fulton to accept same and -Place on file and the motion carried, voice vote. Claims against the Cit,,- -- Bills for October. Motion by Alderman Edwards, seconded by, Alderman Spencer that all brills ar)nroved by the conu,littees and department heads be allowed for nayrment. Roll call vote. AVE: Aldermen ho- vachevich, Fulton, Yerbic, Spencer, Coo':, Pca':, dwards, Sepic'l, Hurst, Uil- coxen, Farr, `'oward, aid Rune. Id 7, Io-i..c. Officers re-)orts. Motion by Alderma q Iloz-card, seconded by Alderman Yerbic to acceot same and place on file and motion carried voice vote. Standing~ Cortinittee i?.e-orts. Alderman Se,-)ich reported on a meeting of the Lights Corunittee to discuss t'­e requost for street li ;hts - in the middle of �1-4 blocks, on a_-i'oertv 'lace, Avenue D, a�icl Eleventh Avenue. The Committee U recommended a s7treet lif!,`lt at t'l,e I,.j`est 'ial.nut Street T'ridge an(', also on 'lest Olive Street, one block west of Aven ie C. Alderman Senich moves that a Res- olution be drawn for these two street l_i ht Alldermal Sne°icer seconds mo- tion. Roll call vote. 1'rr: Aldermen Rune, Howard, r'arr, Wilcoxen, Burst, Senich, 'leak, Cool-1-1 Spencer, ` erb-i.c, ��_ilton, and ?rovachevich. Alderman ',.,d- wards not voting because of be'_nr- called to the tele-Phone at 6.35 ". ;I. - re- turnin r to Council. ChamToer at (5:37 ''. -ioti_on carried. Traffic Gonmittee. Alderman Senich re orted on the meeting; of that eom:nittee: no oar'cinc, on elt'ner side of avenue .D - 'Falnut Ut. to -iulberry Pl.; no park- ing south side of Liberty Place - Fourth to Second Ave.; stop sign to replace yield sign Seventh Ave. at t':i_ne St. - remove trees on terrace southwest corner of Ash St. and First Ave. yellow light to be activated to alert traffic; stop sign First Avenue and -lyrtle Street denied; 'ecomrnended three-hour meters Vlhite Court Parkin; lot; addition of short time 24-minute meters on square; discussion of traffic pattern on square (no action until comnletion of Plain and Locust St. intersection; reduction of speed between t fifth and First Ave. on I;lrrn to be studied; rental. of addition narking space for ::anton !Iotel taxi referred to Chief of Police; no action on true: route throu -h city; con:estion 331 S. 4th Ave. caused. by Canton Lwn')er Products a:1d TIIC to be studied; white center -line to be painted on curve - ;iain and 'fa-7arack arid '.:'alnut � treet west from Ave. D; stop sign or. South S:ixtfi Ave. and Lewis need to be studied; stop signs on Ash and 1'11-1sd :'eve. will not oe removed. Alderman Se >ich moves, Alterman Hurst seconcls motion that an Girdlnance be drafted no -)arking on either side of Ave. D from T�lalnut St. to .-Iulberr;r :'lace, rer.iove narki iE; on south side of Liberty Place from Second to Fourth Ave., stop _ s i;n to replace yield sign on Seventh Ave. at :line t. Ilotion carried by voice vote. Mr. E. Stanley lyber and Mr. Mel Barris reported on the meeting;- of the ACI stating that the city needed to install meters with longer t-.me rates at less expense. Discussion. Renorts of Snecial Committees. Comm,;nications to Council. Planning and Zoning Commission re. denial of Petition of Sam S. L'_ngenfelter for rezoning; and annexation of property on South side of West '.Walnut St. on Quality Hill. Discuss-t.on. Motion by Alderman SE,pich that the City Council adhere to the report of the Planning; and Zon_i.nr; Commission. Mr. Kenneth Bath, Attorney for Mr. Lingenfelter, addressed the Council stating that two of the committee members who had voted against the annexation had not attended all of the Planning and Zoning Committee meetings. Mr. James VanSicicle, Attorney for the residents onnosinn the annexation and rezon:i_?ig of the property told the Council the parks for (lobile homes should be located outside the City of Canton. Alderman Fulton requested to see a plat of the nronosed Mobil home site. Alderman Rune seconds the motion made by Alderman Senich. Roll call vote. V,7 : Aldermen "ovachevich, Peak, ,lenich, Howard, and Rupe. NAY: Al- dermen Fulton, Yerbl.c, Spencer, Cook, ?dward.s, Ilurst, '.'il_coxen, and j'arr. (5 AY ,,S and 8 ITAYS) . Motion to adhere to recommendation of Planning and Zoning Nov. 2, 1971, Gont. (2) Commission lost. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Cook that an Ordinance be drafted re. the rezoning and annexation. Discussion. (Mr. VanSickle reffered the Aldermen to Ordinance No. 280). Voice vote carried. Planning and Zoning Commission letter recommending that the plat owned by 1r. and Firs. E. C. VanSickle, known as The Meadows (1dts 15 through 34) be approved. !-lotion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Rupe to accept the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Rune, Howard, Farr, Wilcoxen, Hurst, Sepich, Edwards, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Fulton, and Kovachevich. NAY: None. Planning and Zoning Commission re. rezoning certain property situated North by lortheast of the City (east of Junior Iligh School) for use by the Claratona dursi_ng Home. Alderman Hurst moves, Alderman Rune seconds motion to defer action on this request until Nov. 16, 1971 Council meeting and the motion carried by voice vote. Division of Highways - re. approval of Motor Fuel Tax 1'unds, 1$53.,922.00., pay- ment for 59 CS (Sycamore St., etc.) . Motion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alderman Fulton to hold up on payments until approved and the motion carried voice vote. Illinois Commerce Commission regarding hearings for Cable T V and other forms of Broadband Cable Communications. Motion by Alderman Wilcoxen, seconded by Alderman Sepich that the City Clerk write to the Illinois COTimerce Commiss_on acknowledging receipt of the note and the motion carried. Illinois Commerce Commission re. continuance of hearing for the Crown Transit Co. City Attorney 111almgren stated he had filed an objection to the discon- tinuance of the bus line through Canton. :Motion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alderman Peak to file the communication and voice vote carried. Environmental Protection Agency - re. Federal Grant. Motion by Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Fulton that the City Council take whatever action is necessary to receive this grant. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Kovache- vich, Fulton, Yerbic, Snencer, Coot;, Peak, Edwards, Sepich, Hurst., r^Iilcoxen, Farr, Howard, and Rupe. NAY: gone. Letter of thanks from the family of William Camp for flowers sent at the time of his father's death. Alderman Sepich requested that the Ordinance for change of name of 'lest T.ia°ale (2 blocks) be named Var*.Tinkle Drive be read at this time. Ordinance read. Al- derman Hurst moves to suspend the rules. Discussion. ',,lotion withdrawn by Al- derman Hurst. Ordinance to lay over. Old business. rezoning Ordinance - Monge property up for second reading. notion by. Alder- man Howard, seconded by Alderman Yerbic to -ead the Ordinance by Title only and the motion carried by voice vote. Title read. iklotion by Alderman Edwards to place the Ordinance on its passage, seconded by Alderman Hurst. Moll call vote. AY!,,: Aldermen !Lune, Howard, Tarr, 'Iilcoxen, Hurst, Sepich, Edwards, Peak, Cook, Snencer, Yerbic, Fulton, and Kovachevich. NAY: None. This bel_ng Ordinance 1,10. 359. 'Jew business. Alderman Kovachevich announced a meeting of the Garbage Disposal Committee, Tuesday, '%Iov. 9, 6-30 P. 14. Environmental Protection AgenCIT application received, announced by Alderman Kovachev:i.ch, same turned over to the City Attorney and the Attorney and City Engineer will fill out same and return to proper office. Appointments; ,?Ia--or Jennings appointed T_ r. Iel Harris an, 1r. 7_:an IioLrrvan to the Canton Youth Commission. Motion by Alcerma.n Yerbic, seconded by Alderman Sepich to approve these appointments. Voice vote carried. Fourtli 1''ard: Alderman Edwards re,�orted on the difficult- of the owner of a mobile home in his ward -- all set to install same, water available but no sewer. Alderman Edwards inquired about the feasibility of placing a septic tank on a temporary basis until the City received the 'r'ederal Grant. 'Dis- Nov. 2, 1971, Cont. (3) cussion. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman i;dwards to re- fer this matter to the 'Hater a:id Sewer Conni_ttee and the City Treasurer ar_d rep-ort to the next Council meetir_L and voice vote carried. .'1r. Ray Hartle, Zoning Enforcing Officer, reported lie, wished for a public hearinzr for each mobile home placed in the Cit , stata_nz that after the Petitions approving placing sane, tlicsre is alwa, s sore objectors after work has begun. vlayor Jennings an-Dointed a Co-,L:ri ttee to meet w-1_th the City Attorney regardl,r ; mobile homes: Aldermen Hurst, 'Zone, i,ovachevich, i'ulton, ,dwards, and Spencer - to meet 'I�ov. 9. Aluer:ian Seoich moves, Alderman Wil- coxeri secc- ids motion to accent the are oinLri,:nt of the corn iittc;e and voice vote carried. Not'�_ces to 10(- se-_t to t'ie Aldermen: Carba`e I)isnosal_ Conrlitt3e meet_in" 6:30 ''oti 9. )-)oc-iaJ Cornraittee on �'lan�� -ci a��id '?oni_n=;, `�Tov. 9 and ':Tater and Sewer Committee meet'.nF on dov. 9 followr.n - th:-_,se other committee meet:i.ngs. Bich cle aid Traffic -'afety. Alderman Tarr reported there had been 14 deaths in Fulton County this vcar, a larg_;e porcent under 21._ TIe reconrnends setting; up defensIve safety drivi ig* amurses and su -ested Viat the City Council take, th i s c ; sse as a L_Trou-o. Tn some areas, safet;, violators do not have to pay finis b,,lt are required that thu; cl:fensiz-e ciri.vJ_r,t- course be ta' en. Sug;g;est- ions that two ';'5.00 prizes be given every month for IDI cycle riders who ob- serve t'ie traffic ru.-Les, hlderman _arr mover that an, Ordinance be drafted for lights, front a ,d rear and proper s '_gnals x i-.stal'Led on bicycles. Al- derman :dwards seconds this mot i_on. ',`oice vote carried. :rids - `,n.dloader. Alderman, Howard moves, '�lderrna_i ','�ovachev=_ch seconds mo- t >n that the C"_ty ClerIc oe instructed to open bids and :notion carried by voice vote. lids opened: Peoria 'Tractor Co - 950 ['heel loader h30,484.00; I chlroy-Roland i-Iachinery Co. .iodel H-6'�C Bough ; ndloader ��27,950.00; Capitol I_Iachiner� Co. - Ljr ry 950 Caterpillar "";,idloaoer 2 5,975.00, 930 Caterpillar ,rheel_ loader „:25,321.00, 950 Caterpillar ?g_ieel loader : 31,897. Ali ernran TTurst roves, Alderman Cook seconds motion to refer the bids to Vie Street and Alley Committee and declare a ten-IL.nute recess. It was decided the en- tire Council should review the bids. recess declared at 8:16 '. M. 8:21 P. l'. MaZTor Jennings called the Council to order. Alder:pan Howard moves, Alderman Kovachevic'n seconds motion to accent the low bid of 11cli;l_roy-Roland '�achinery Co. for the Hough ':lndloader, ';;:27050.0;). Roll call vote on the motion. A"r: Aldermen_Kovach.evich, Fulton, Verbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak, Edwards, So-oich, Hurst, 'Jilcoxe-t, Parr, Tlotrard, and Rupe. NAY: None. ?resolution - `olicy concerning; Ord:i na:-i(:es, esolutions, and writings of sim- ilar nature o, Vie Council agenda to be ; .lamitted to each member of the City Council not less than twenty-four hours prior to time.action is sought. No action taken. Motion by Alderman Howard that a letter be sent to the Aldermen regarding attendance at Council meetinF,s and Corimi_ttee meetin ;s. Uiscussi.on. ?do second to motion. Leo action taken. lotion by Alderman Howard, seconded by Cl 'erman dupe to adjourn and moti on carried by voice vote. Canton City Counc.1.1 adjourns at 8:32 P. M. l APPROVu I1ay