HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-05-1971 Council Meeting Minutes 34 A.,
Oct. 5, 1971
Canton City Council held a regular meeting; on Oct. 5, 1,971 in the City
Council Chamber. i,iayor Jennin�.s called the meeting to order at 6:_�3 P. M.
Present for roll cal.1_: Alderman Rupe, "r?oward, Farr, Wilcoxen, Hurst, :_1ep-
ich, N,dwards, Berry, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Fulton, and Kovachevich.
Absent: U one.
Fledge of Allegiance was follrnaed b,J Tnvocati.on by Alderman ,sd cards.
Minutes of previous meeting. Motion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alder-
man Cook to accent the minutes as presented and place same on file. Voice
vote carried.
ltition. i-iequest from Samuel. R. Daily for remission of all penalties, in-
terest and costs, other than advertising cost accruinf7 after the maturity
date of bonds issued to finance the improve ,lent as provided for by the :statutes
of the estate of Illinois - sneci_al improvement District Lo. 51, South lot 711,
i3arnes (F,, Jones addition. Motion by Alderman lsdwards, seconded by Alderman Peak
to waive all penalties, Roll call vote. AY7,: Aldermen Kovachevich, Fulton,
Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Weak, 13erry, Idwards., Senich, llurst, 1-Jilcoxen, ,'arr,
Howard, and Rupe. NAY: None. Petition '�+o. 223.
Bills for September. Notion by Alderman ?dwards) seconded by Alderman Yerbic
that all bills properly approved by the various com:iittees 'be allowed for pay-
ment. Roll call vote. AY:{,: Aldermen Rune, Hcnaard, Darr, Wilcoxen, Hurst.,
Sepich, Edwards, Berry, :Neak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Fulton, and Kovachevich.
NAY: None.
Reports of :standing Committees.
Garbage Xsnosal Canii ttee. Alderman 1Covachevich reported on the Sept. 28
meet:i_n , re. . flammable waste i'rom the Internati_anal Harvester Co. delivered
-to the l.ar_d.fill, a telephone conversation with the '!hvirorunental Protection
Agency stating that this hazardous material could be buried at one end of
the landfill (letter to EPA stating; that this request was being complied with);
Recommendations that all outside municipalities using the landfill be assessed
at 12.00 per capita, effective on Nov. 1, 1`.)71 - an Ordinance has been drawn
and to be presented at this Council meeting;; Also recommended licensing of all
commercial carriers and all firms and corporations in the city using the land-
fill_; also that a study be made regarding charges and recommendation made to
the Council.
Police and Legal Com. Alderman Hurst reported a meeting of that Committee
immediately following the Council meeting.
Street and Alley. Alderman Howard reported that the committee was in favor
of continuing some of the work on North Fourth Avenue and near the Junior High
School, perhaps obtaining some white rock from the old mine haulage roads for
this project.
Renorts of Special Oommittees.
Communications to Councii.
'lanning and Zoning; Commission, letter of recommendation for rezoning the
property abutting VanWinkle Lake from present configuration to R-4, contin-
gent upon the submission by the Petitioners (Monge heal .estate, Inc.) of an
approved site plan. .'ronerty owners onnosin the nro )osed home building
nlans appeared before the Council, sneaking for their group Ir. Richard Ref-
fett, PZrs. Long and i<Ir. Thomas. Attorney Ja!rnes I0,1son explained the procedure
required for this rezoning and Mr. rionge described the type of housing con-
F` templated - homes ranging from one to four bedroom - nrice range from about
$111.00 to ",158.00 Per month. .General discussion followed. Motion by Alder-
man Hurst that the Council go on record of the change from the present zoning
to an R-4 subjoct to the approval of site )lans and future site plans. Motion
seconded by Alderman Rupe. Alderman Hurst stated why he was in favor of this
plan - because it was time for the citizens of Canton to stand for something
instead of being "against" everything. Al_c'erman Spencer reported the Planning
and Zonings Commission unanimously favored this rezoning. Roll call vote on the
motion. AYh': Aldermen Kovachevich, Fulton, Yerbic, 1�nencer, Cook, Peak, 1`sd-
wards, Se--,ich, Hurst, Wilcoxen, Farr, Howard, and Rupe. NAY: Alderman Berry.
(13 AYFF.,S and 1 NAY) . Motion carried.
Oct. 5, 1971, Cont. (2)
Letter from Gov. Ogilvie stating that the State grant in the amount of
1354,772.00 for the planning, financing and construction of sewer treat-
ment project had been made. illotion by Alderman Rupe that the Mayor and
City Attorney be authorized to review this document and upon the validity
of what it contains that it be signed and returned to the State. Alder-
man Farr seconds this motion. Discussion. Mayor Jennings mentioned the
time limit (Nov. 10, 1971) for the return of this agreement, but he also
stated he had learned that the Environmental Protection Agency requests
that algea be removed from the final treatment. The Mayor said he would
have an audience with the Governor regarding this situation. City Atty.
Wm. Malmgren, granted permission to leave the Council Chamber to draft a
Resolution to be returned with the Agreement.
Division of Highways re. ',lain and Locust Streets improvements and suggestions
for detouring the main traffic while the work is being done. Ilotion by Al-
derman Spencer, seconded by Alderman Hurst to grant this detour route and
that the Traffic Committee and Chief of Police have authority to arrange
for the traffic flow and removal of narking on those streets if necessary.
Roll call vote on the motion. AYE: Aldermen Rupe, Itoward, Farr, �rJilcoxen,
Hurst, Sepich, 7 dwards, Berry, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Fulton, and
Kovachevich. NAY: None.
Notice from the Illinois Commerce Commission regarding the application for
authority to discontinue and abandon local service between Springfield and
Galesburg by the Crown Transit Lines, Inc., hearing to be held on Oct. 21.
Request from the Youth of the Canton Y.M.C.A. to sell candy between :nlov. 6
and 20. Motion by Alderman Farr, seconded by Alderman Wilcoxen to grant
this permission, and the motion carried by voice vote. Alderman Sepich re-
quested that the youth selling this candy have proper identification.
Letter commending the employees of the landfill operation for the courtesy
received when a recent inspection was made by the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture.
Thank you note from members of the 1972 Cantonian Staff for contribution.
Invitation to attend the }Benjamin and Lang Hospitality Headquarters at the
Illinois Municipal League Convention Oct. 16-19, 1971.
Cit:,r Attorney Palmgren returned to Council Chambers.
Jld business
I-lotion by Alderman Edwards, seconded by Alderman Hurst to call a meeting
of the Youth Commission and the full Council as soon as possible and the
motion carried voice vote.
Alderman Berry reported that three street lights were to be installed soon,
near Bradley corners, Eleventh Ave. and one on Liberty Place behind the
°[urphy I°lemorial :Lome.
New business
Alderman Howard introduced Miss Jan Curry who has made application to
Senator ercy to serve as a Page in the Senate. ;lotion by Alderman Howard,
seconded by Alderman Kovachevich that the I--la7;or write a letter to Senator
--'ercy or whoever Iliss Curry designates stating the Council's desire for Iliss
Curry to become a Page in the Senate, also stating her character and Quali-
fications. 14otion carried by voice vote.
Zoning Board of Appeals -- three recommendations for variance: Paul Buell
request to be granted; Leo Van Ruey request to be granted; Carl H. Simpson
request granted. I-lotion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Yerbic to
accent same and place on file and the motion carried voice vote.
Alderman 3erry reported complaints of coal drags near the Sutton F. rioore
plant bloating L,ifth Avenue and vicinity. Mayor Jennings stated he would
contact thD railroad companies. Alderman Burst inquired about contacting
the Division of Highways for a grade construction or underpass for the rail-
Oct. 5, 1971, Cont. (3)
Resignation of Cecil Dendor as a me tuber of the 1':�.anning and Zoning
Commission. Motion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Hurst to
accept this resignation and the motion carried voice vote. ITotion by
Alderman Sepich, seconded by A.Lderman Hurst that the ITayor send a letter
of thanks to lNr. Bender and this motion carried voice vote.
Resignation of Hr. Thomas Hardin as Auxili_ar7T Policeman. Notion by Alder-
man Yerbic, seconded by Alderman Peak to accent this resignation and the
motion carried by voice vote.
Appointment of Kenneth Peak as Auxiliar�r T"oliceman by' '.Iayor Jennin
Motion run A'derman Burst, seconded by Alderman I,;dwards to approve this
appointment a:rnd motion carried voice vote.
Appointment of Rd.)ert G. George as a member of the Canton Liquor Commission
made by ITayor Jenn:i.nlIs renlacing 1.1r. Charles Adams. :lotion by Alderman
Hurst, seconded by Alderman Yerbic to acce-.)t this apnointment and voice
vote carried.
First .reading of an ,Ord-i_nance pertairinF to charges to be made at the San-
itary Landfill. :lotion by Alderman Kovachevich, seconded by Alderman 'ul-
ton to suspend the rules. Discussion. '�o i 1 call vote. A'' � Aldermen
Korachevich, Fulton, Yryrbic, Spencer, Coo' , Peak, Deerr-;r, '?;dwards, Hurst,
+lilcoxen Farr Howard and Rune. T
-�+ ' � � NAY: Alderman Sepich. (13 AT'sS and 1
NAY) . I-lotion carried. 'lotion by Alderman Kovachevich, seconded by Alder-
man Hurst to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Al-
derman Rupe, Howard, Farr, Wilcoxen, Hurst, .Senich, Edwards, Berry, 'eak,
Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Fulton, and Kovachevich. NAY: "lone, This being
Ordinance No. 357.
"resolution prepared by the City Attorney regarding the State Grant, men-
tioned earlier in the Council meeting authorizing the Mayor to act on be-
half of the Citr of Canton to accept the offer of ftuzcis stated in the let-
ter from the Governor. I40tion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by
wards to adopt th s :Iesol_ution. Roll cal] vote. ti Alderman d-
Fulton Yerbic Spencer C A Aldermen hovachevich,
> > , Cook, t ealc, ;,er;y3 ;�,dcjards, Se;With, 'riurst, lilcox_en,
Farr, Hoz-rarr', and Rupe. "TAY: None. leis be=i.n�7; Resolution No. 5M.
Sanitary Landoll.. :,lotion by Alderman Scnich, seconded by Alderman Farr
that the �i_ty Clerk send formal letter to each iunicipality in the County re-
garding, t -L-1!10 the Ordinance ?o. 357. regulatin - '1e landfill charges. This motion
carried by voice vote.
First reading,; of a. `Traffic, Ordinance. Alc'enla;:i Smith requested that the
Ordinance lair over..
Alderman Se- reported weeds at 317 '?alnut "treet
- health Officer to
check with the Chief of ''olice; also inquiry about the Junior Knowles prop-
erty on Fulton Place. City Attorney "airn`:ren renorte"C that a complaint had
been filet and is now in �,ewistmn-j.
',lotion by Alder lan. ,dwards, seconded by Alderman `tovachevich to adjourn and
the motion carried. voice vote. Canton City= Council adjourns at 5:10 P. IT.
pity Clark 7` '