HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-06-1971 Council Meeting Minutes 318 July 6, 1971- Canton City Council held, a regular meeting July 6, 1971 in the City P.M.Council Chamber. mayor Jennin-s called the meeting, to order at 6:37 M Present for roll call: Aldermen Rupe, Howard, ,,i''_coxen, Hurst, Senich, Edwards, Zerry, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Fulton, and ,�ovachevich. Ab- sent: Alderman larr. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by invocation by Alderman Edwards. Minutes of 'previous meeting_. Motion by Alderman Senich, seconded by Alderman Edwards to accept same and ,lace on file and the motion carried, voice vote. Bills for June. Motion by Alderman Edwards, seconded by Alderman Peak that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment. Roll call vote. Aldermen Hovachev i cn, =ulton, Yerbic, Spe; cer, Cook, Peak, 3erry, Edwards, Senich, -Burst, Wilcoxen, Howard, a,-id Rune. A'+': None. officers re-orts presented. Motion by Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Yerbic to accent same and place on file, and the motion carried by voice vote. Standing Coma ittc° reports. Police a�.d. Legal committee meeting, G:30 P. ''I., July 7 and Take Development Committee meeting at 705 P. A. on the same date announced by Alderman -Hurst. Finance Committee -- Alderman Edwards reported sufficient money in the various funds to extend the water line aloe,; You:rth Avenue and also to raise the dam. Keys for inner door of City juilc I' E given out to all Aldermen -- old keys to be returned to City Clerk. Farm to be i�o nor Jenn.i.nEs reported that Locks and r arm King properties are read` annexed to the Oity of Canton. _ , Alderman '�,dwards �_nqn r>c' f toe a&iti o pal sales to f..�:�ad Sales Tax 1``an.c.. t�at would. be received from the abov-e two if annexed) could go �_ r' ±ztar e , :ialmgren stated that all Sales r directly to the rater . enartment .it 1 Tax mone must be -^Laced in the eneral unj. Alderman Rube asked f or a break down in t _e sales tan the Cite would receive on these two Properties. Spillway r`"�l dermas Rupe announced that t`��: l� '_:c has dropped. 15.2 inches and it . is time to consider raisin;- the dam. C azrford, 'iur ily ': '1 illy Cons. lting E� ;- ineers have made _Mans for the spillway. ..otion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman aune to instruct the Mayor and City Clerk to advertise for bids for repair of the spillway, plans as prepared by Cra:°rf ord, Murphy &. Tilly -- making the dam three feet higher, if reconmez ed by the Jngineers. Hall call vote. A77: Aldermen ''{urge, Howard, wilco-'ei., u.rst, Senich, rdwprds, Derry, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Fulton, a i-i i `,o,,-achevich.. ,TAY . '`one. ,'rater line, O:^tl _ 01 rth rt sue.. ' otior. br' Al"terT7lttn Hurst, SeCOlCled. by Alder- man Senich to instruct the :pity n i-neer to prepare the nec essary specifications for bids for uater line - 12 inch, bids to specify various types of materials used. Discussion. Roll call vote. h I• Aldermen enK vache, l 'ulto , 7cr- z. Cook) cward u co e ' a.r,dl :_Lune. -.a.-le. 7a or Jer i,TS, in answer to question from A!,:.emmn Zdwards, stated the City ,pLZ21C �. Iad� Voted sewer a c.1 water in the so to end; - sewer line to ��e reim- burse:; by rat�t but no grant for water acte is,_o,,. Motion b. Alderman c: rar:is, seconded by A:ld'erman Rune to advertise for bids for water extension Avenue A radar to 'c ecn Street. Roll call vote. A7- : Aldermen Rupe, Howard) T __._co:_dn., 'iarst, Senich, Edwards, '3erry peck, rook, Spencer, YErbic, Valton, and iovachpv_i.ch. ':iAY: None. Water line - Joseph lenavich area. Discussion. Alderman Wilcox en moves, Alderman Cook seconds motion to recce rend to the Sewer t?n ,,,ater � O 1 ilt�8E3 and give the cam ittee permission_ to oversee iistallln ; this eater main. Roll_ call vote. A Aldermen Kovachevi ch, Fulton, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Pea'_., 1 , ,uoe. TAY: Ald.errnan 'Howard. ':perry, ' dward.s, se-.)ich, Hurst, ,Iilco,,eT�, and (12 AYIS and 1 NAY) . motion carried. 319 J :.ly 1971, "ont. (2) :!ayor Jenn n'-rs stated that some ?,rater a-(' surer 1ir-,ps in the c~tT7 are not directl 11100ked un to tie c_tT, lines a - i lie ?rants each resident and each oronerty to have own meter. `IOt .on 'c) - 'T 'c�_;:a-t -e-•.)ich, second b' Al;:er- man Hurst t .a"t tle ScT.:Ter and '.rater 'o ll;ti S? a _ ? ,'—1 o recorigendations for s-:ch a:l )rd"_nance any? t'�e motion ca_^ri::d br? voice vote. raf fic : o-L C_ttee re C;rt by A '-der qa'_1 ­­0! BCo;xL iend.S : 1 C_li of Of 103_ice study no n3, ' iil v on north s i_de of 'rickor;� froth _'aia Street to Avenue 3; 2, no T�ar':in ; on ~Test sz-'e oi, :ain :;try t i'ram ;;herr� Lar.ar cl-• 1 o State to -)lace a un?oa1. cross-"-­.;- c .<r.l at Zr'�L •er.ue an t-1 inn :street; L JL, Chief of 7ol -1,c-, to accent a o x aclfc ions t -°star.(_.s • stogy s s on Johns. .:t. F t ? 1.;e a l Snr e, : tfr ets; , ;1 E) ^�.'^liing U:1'Jati1 sides Oflt'Ea S Pine Street i'rom eco. �d r".ve-,ue to '�:an ;,,_, C;ot.hrt. A_� �:e_-1 a_7 Se"�ich moves, Alderman ':erY`,i Seconds riiotlo`1 tihat t:lese 1i.-co:,-,,nd� tions co referred t0 file Ordinance CaL'_ittee and the mot-li-on carrioC bj` vo:i_Ce 'iOte. S'�eclal CoilIl?attee re`-)Orts. Co-v:hun�.cations to Council. Letter from the illinois La?a ' nforce i nt %omm _ss:LOrl to Stanley Iilyber, Cha ..rinal o." the :,antan ' oath amnissioih, z °arch [. the "Canton Youth Center" Brant - ap ?licati on I'do. 2-07-10-02 6-Ol• s _.ce C'le :-,equost -,Tas for less .r=-1 than r'2�,n� '.Q'1, the Tl'lZcutive .'Director!has `Deco authorized to award Or derW V th:1_s Srant annli.cat:i_on, V _)eque.st from t%le .moon :giver Chanter of ?�re�_)t ticie?_ines to use Jones Park for an ice cream social on Jul;~ 9. °ot:i_on b,," Alderran Yerbic, seconded by Al- derman l',114-on to .-rant -permission to hold v a_qe a.izc: the motion carried by voice vote. 00 ,iAvisi On _ ; , e g ardin Street Stree t and =lith r T,OCUt Avenue a-o,ro')ri_atinE, "3�5000.n^ '_'iotor l ci Ta. ?uids for engineering costs in connection ?ri.t.� the contract constn-tctio�l. Clt, of Canton must adopt a Resolut an annro"oriat nr- t?lei~ cost oL t, e adjusti7ent of the traffic signal wh__ch is estimate 1,11 to be "2,155.00. a,i or Je._,t.inr-s to call the Livision of '��gh?ra Ts rc and Lh-i_s a'-esolution. Resignat:i_on of ')elbert ''rush as radio orerator. i°iotlon by Alcier.gan '_lurst. ;Motion b-.- Alderman Thirst, seconded b-- Al::er ian Se-ich to accent this resi - ration aid tihe moti carried, voice vote. y',t _mate a. 1, !'an_to oncr,ete._Fi;Products �_.e on :le Lake Canton -oat 1J J �_. ..:. .i.-Ile .. r p JOCK. Ot:1.O' i)'" Alcer is;l ::Ux''S , SeCon(C;,cl ) Alder lan 'sdwarCs to allow th, estimate for pa-,ment, jco11 call vote. A'- t"1 .er:.on 'Lupe, '-toward, '°Iil- cox&, , "durst, SE=rlch, ;dirards, :}eery, 'ea'.,, `'ook, Spe cer, _;erbic, alto 1, and i,ovachev-ich. A'Y: '?one. Old business. aecond readin,;- of an Ordinance - A neXatio_h of propert-r south of radley corners. I''Iotio_Z b- Alderman Se')ich, seconded z" Alderman leak to have the Ordnance read b,-: Title only a :; the motion carried, voice vote.. Title read. Motion b7, Alderman 5erry, seconded b;;,- Alden a_n Peak to hold this Ordinance over and this motion carried by voice vote. Ordinance, Second readir_E - ;.To nar'.; n o"a eaa and i?a�:ter Courts. Motion by A1der:lan ,'�coich, seconded b - Alderran Kovachev.�_ch to withdra?r this mo- tion from tyirj A ;e'lda since a new rd,_.nancc iha6 been nrepared in place and the motion ca"rrierl voice vote. :'first read--1711;, Ordinance regulat h ar in o a_cter and Dean Co-arts. notion by Alderman Se-)ich, seconded by ��lcexrgan s'erbic to SuS-)e:i17 the rules. Roll call vote. A77 : Aldermen aovaclievi_c?"1; _'u7_toi:, 'Y'eruic, :pence~, Coolc Peak, '.erry, _;dti•rards, Senic'r_, ' urst, ''i7-co;::e"n, ?Ia?card, and ' ape. -,AY: =`ionc:. I•lotion b;,- Alderman Yerbl.c, s�>conded b,;- Alde.rnarl. S_�nich "to place the Ordi_n- ance on l.ts nassa,c-e. 'oll call vote. A" Alcxermon 'tTilcoxon, urst, Se"^ich, , , , . , ` l.tor , a h�dwards, Pea': Cook, Spencer 71-ovachev ch. 1A3': Aldermen ?une a-r_d. F?o?Ta-rd. (11 A`_.,S and, 2 E-Otioi Carri=ed. This being Ordinance _;o. 345)# 3D;�� July 61 1771, Gont, (3) Second reading of an Ordinance regulatin: narIcin�,- on Park Court and 1,1artin Avenue. Motion by Alderman Sepicl , seconded by Alc'.e-rrian Hurst to read same b-%,- Title only and the motion carried voice vote. Title read. Iloti_on by Alder- man liurrst, seconded by Alder-,,-,an Cook to place the Ordinance on its passa -e. Roll call vote. A! 7: Aldermen P:ovachevich, iulton, Yerbic, Snoncer, Coo}:, Pea's, nerr•r, ' dwards, Senic'n, Hurst, 'yilco<.e: , Howard., and Rape. ?AY: _:one. This being Ordinance No. 31T6. Alderman S�nich inquired about the Petition atai_nst the Jack -Russell propert,,� regard n_ zoning and. was informed by the O ti Atto:^net that a corr.�laint should be filed �Tl_th hire before nroceedins_;s coal ,_ . e started. Qualit 'Tip 1, .ia' le Street nronert.. . Alderman Sonich inqu:red when this -:nhealttiY condition would be taken care of - Weeds, snakes, rats and '��loc'.la;e of alle, Cit�r Attorney., TBilliam 'a1m�rem, stated he had just learned tirho holds the title to this property and also the owners o� Lhe lumber on the nronert . oti on by alderman Senich, seconded by Alderman °c,.ak to instruct the ?iealt�. r,�f�icer to serve a lrarrant on the Commerical Nat .onal sank i1_n Peoria and also a warrant to the ;files ' omes ih L neanolis, 71L_nn. Roll call vote. Alc'erzen 'a~e, 'iolvard, "lLrst, Sepich, 7�,dl.ards, . errs, F'ea'_1 and "ovac ev:.c',. ?AY: None. Coo.� Sne ce_ r°rb_c, 'ulton, Mini-bikes. Alden_an S,D-oich requested t':iat t'l:e Chief of Police should enforce the-,City Ordinance to keep these bikes off the streets. ,Iayor Jennings to call the offenders again. Christmas lighting. Alderman Howard stated that a dance would be held on Oct. 2 - proceeds to go toward mor; fund's for the decorations. Sall name - announced by Alderman Wilco::en to 'oe held July 7.7 w'Lth the pro- ceeds to t-e Christmas decorations. New business. Resolution prepared for i U regard!_�� tl,.c 1_ l day extension of t1,1 or con- nletinn of sewer work bar the lBormoyl_e-: erg; i=ssociates. :'Motion by Alderman Smith, seconded bog° Alderman 72wards to adopt this Resolution. Roll call vo-,e. Alderman Kovachevich, 2ulton, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak, 3erry, --1 m-ards, Se_oic1l, iurst, �:�?ilcoxen, H oward, a, 1,upe. i���Y: "done. Resolution 569. First readi_nL- of an Ordinance - Annexation - Chestnut St., 20 acres, Dig Creak ;nternrtscs. General d'.scussion re�-a-rding, placing, of streets in this area. -`otion b- Alterman Yerbic, secon cd br Al erm n 1,ult�n to susne��d the rules. 11 YE-oll call vote. A Aldermen `fume, Howard iilcoxen, " pith, ,d- wards, :?erry, Pea'L, Cook, Yerbi c, and -altar_. 1A`° Aldermen Hurst, Spencer, (ln A`'- S r and 7 o aehevicn. an 3 NOS) . Motion carried. further discc.ssion. Motion b-; Alc'enaan `rur'oi.c, seconded by Al_c'.errlan Fulton t : place t :e `rd '.nance J" �'. '�. for a7_:1_ A1_r.:.ar yen on its passage. A five-m-Inute recess declared at £3:x'5 Role call vote -e the .. ��� Council recomrened at .� 1. to Insrect e �: _at. , �iulto_) Yerbic, Spencer, Cools, n c v^ • Aldermen _tiovac Gov c._, motion far a��ae. A_�. Pea'_c, ":err r, dwards, ,Tilcox?ri, YHo,aard, a )d 'u-ce. NAY: Aldermen Se ,ich and 'iurst. (11 AYES ar_c. 2 'BAYS) . -his 'oe _ng Oi d:i.nance IBo. 317. First readi.n` of an Ordinance Annexing .`iller property. Alderman tupe stated there would be a meeting of interested -oropert�i o-vrners July 9, 6:i5 P• 11• in the City Council Chamber regarding the nr000sed rezoning of this„area. i-Bo- tion b-,,7- Alderman Howard to sas:�end the , ales, seconded by Alderman �'oo JneY Rol call vote. AYE,: Aldermen Rur)e, Howard, 'ilcol�e i, 'error, Peak, Cook, Yerb_c, an:, NAY• Aldermen illurst, Senich, Echiards, aid Kovac3levyc (9 A 'ES a_id 4 IA'_'S) . Motion carried. iiotion by, elder^1a�`ollr�call vote�ded �' Al-.ermar. Fulton to place the Ord-, of its ns.soa ;e. A1. 3er:nen :iovachevic', Fulton, Yerbic, �nencer, oo?c, B'ea?i, erry, -Edwards, Se-ich, 'durst, 1.%15_1c oxen., Howard, and -�upe. 11AT 'one. This being Ord'xiance No. 3V). Alderman ?oward asked that as man; of the Aldermen that could to attend uh meet'__�1g on i�'riday. Order b Board of Appeals regarding t ,e ' a;;ne and Shirley Cr1unle-.,r property - I,ot 12 ifl 31ock 6 in Kellogg and Sabcock's Addition to the City of Canton now zoned. as '-4 rlultiple family resl.dential. district) to waive requ:!renert for mini mw,i footage for multiple family resi(lences in order to make that property into anart:nents - each apartment to '"lave, s--pace for one car. 321, July 6, 1971, Font. (4) Audit for 1970-1971 as nrepared b; eor Te 0. FToc'car. :Lotion by Alderman -- dwards, seconded b;,r Alderman I"`urst t) acce- t sa:-e and. glace on file and the motion carried voice vote. Widening and resurfac r- From T to 40 feet; Second Avenue from Locust to Elm St.; 'i ii=.rd Ave. from Locust t0 L1r1 :�t.; C}lestrnit St. from S8C0'.1_d IVe. t0 _'ifth Avcl. Ai i.enldan Snenc3r :i_ilgmired about res'.;.rfac-n "Lm St roil r :.ft'_r1 t0 JPV ' 't l r. e. iMotl on b- �l °ermal Se ?ich SeCanC:ed by Al'.er71af1 Spencer t0 'f(.r tY? S prOj".Ct to tC:e "_i)aI d Of acal �_ri'�rOVe<`:1antS grid thC' vote b; voice carried. ,vacations o" e:ri-)loycas of HC and Cater ill a'� Tractor Co. Motion by Alder- man Se_:,ich, seconded b;;- Alderman Pea'; to scL the next Council ?~feet n ; to July 27 anti the motion carrri d b;y voice -rote. Bids. 'enrol z t:i_o, of �,agles Club a.»lc 110tion by Ald.er;raan Se-oich sec- -ided b�% x,C.erna �:erbic that the C,t- ;lu?'I, open bids and the motion carried, Voice Vote. :ids opened: ����_lro �:rotf t6475.'%03 :`Febergall Con- struct on o. 715E.��, ,ale O'Brien pro:. iiaca .0 ,.,7tr�0.Op. Motion by Al- derman ilovachcvilch, seconded by A c.eY pan 2ultlon to refer the bids to the 3u'ldin.-- �ry d ,:'ratings CorznittC(_?. �o'�t:,e VO .'. c:a"'ried. �. !. iOs- Co Ver wall b ��le old cor,-:f or t st t 07. _'•r. oti;n ^,- Al.r,err-lan Hurst, seconded b Alderman `er�ich to znstrFTct `� e :,;_ter C� ,r'c to oner! i)ids and t voice vote ca•r-,cd. ;one bid received w an(,, opener d: -'a1 TFu_11. `'2923.70 To- � tIon Alr enian ' ulton, secon('e . „ I_ crra Aovach,vich to refer this bid t0 t'"re U. 1Ca 1 ?C' drOUndS Comni t ae '_7(i tii_S motion On Carried b';:" voice. V 1QS. 'a1 -Li1�, lot material a-,r' COi:Str: Ct .0 7. 0 0 1 ).5 received. 'jOti01 by Alderman Hurst, seconded by J'lderman Snenc�r to instruct the i,ia-, or and Cl"�;' rI°rk t0 readvertise far th.e nag 1(:g' loL riiaterial and COnstruct,_o., includ!n.. blacktop material or concrete a_c VII ::1oti_an carr:i_ed, voice ti-ate. Hayor Jenn1 1 - re. vrd=nance nortainL t0 'Olice and' t'irerle:i. 1Gt:i.On 'O Alderma"_ Y: �ai_c, socOnded by Al ,er :an Cook to instruct t'^e Cit-' ` Attorney to Brats an Ord i pant e a.;<. voice vote carried. Cit-- A-ton- e - �-al -lgren excused .from Council Cha:nbF>r at 9:20 P 14. to chi:,ck on le al mat("er .,e,ardim closed meeti-ir•s nortai<nin to land acquis tion, returning to h'�s chair at 9:23 P. i. E Elm St. from F;fth to :seventh Ilve. "lotion by Al:lerman Spencer, seconded by AlC'er:na_z Yerbi.c t , —esurface that strait - blacktop over the brick - ; 2.00 per foot asses&-i,�nt to n--^0p,;rte o vers. to-, call ote. A �l_�7erraen Tour:>e d;wea.rds erry 'Howard lc e , 1u^st, SeT is 1, , Cook, Spencer an(' ,oTrachevich. CL0S'= r'. .37 T`• 11 !/i SC1�S S O l Of r ' ;, oti. b r E1is C:ht-o -way for sct.er e--,ten,, oral neelar ��^on r. ? erman nr , seconded by >1:ierman Fiaward to allow ,1.00 nlus foil seT.rer Stubs -- ease::cr�'t to be si ne within twentl;-four hours -- of ,rr;,ri_ :e sewer line 1.,T ans will e grade to go (,!m,Tr: i:levertF, Ave vote carried. '.Ir. S t,•a;t't Iarr_`.soi rr_ "es 1.7r ? avelooers called to the Council_ Charl'Oer. Cit,:- '011nciliS offer dada to P. ?'a CTiSOn. General `�is- cu sion. Al,,`ornan Yorbic e_reused fror, C:i;,.nc;i .;?zarzber at 1C:12 P. 1T. J 1n. Iarrison requestFec: to lea-,.- t',.e ;;ounc _1 ',,ha 1 at 10:2'7 ' !Di�lcussion by Counc-11 . -, 1>r JarC1SOn returned t0 C0ui1C�l_ at 1!0:22 '_�• 1'T. Iie T++'aS told t' at ii t ra es i. i'e-;elo,, v_e .T_��_ r_ to ,roe' :_e star, curb, etc. for the _r new e;elopme:rt, t}1e t-e C - ;o,lei provide T.rater. PV,L_C AT 1,11otion b- Alderman Burst that when V e s .bd_ivi..der, --osi n Developers, show intent alon; It,. yrtl_e Street a:id when Bevel o,t;d enough to need water, it tr_i_ll be ?,rovic7.t=d - ,it - ,nr; peer to 1r r'_: t.;: i, t. e'.r enr :;_eers in this nno- Frarn. Al:-'.errlar_ Se-.,ich Seconds this motion. =`011 Call Vote. A.Y.E: Alger- r?en Yovac:,evich, 1'u.1_t0 1, S )e' cer, '00�- 'ea'-, :errT,-, ,dwardS, Se,oich, Hurst, ?'dilc o_O.n, -owand, and "u,.:-e. ..?A'':' 1"Toticn by Peak, seconded by e_:-1an Cnencen to adjourn. voice vote carried. Canton City: Council adjour-_-_s �Pt 10:30 l City lerk a�-