HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-29-1971 Council Meeting Minutes 316 June 29, 1971 Canton City Council hold a Special Meeting on June 29, 1971 in the City Counc-1.1 Chamber. 'Jlayor Jennin7s called the meatinF to order at 6:15 F. Present for roll call: Aldermen Rupe, Toward, Wilcoxen, 7urst, Sepich, 7dwards, Terry, 7eak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic3 Fulton, and Kovachevich. Ab- sent: Alder. a_ arr. PlejEe of Allegiance was followed by Tnvocation by Alderman Toward. puR70ST X TIK TT'070 "EAD- 1. Norte lain Street Extension (water line) 2. T,:.neeler groper t;y, 3. Sebree aGrad. AlderAan annol Chairman of +, ie -,,,'ater a:'d 3,o,_.cr Co:-u--,itteo., explained alter- nate arocedarcs to take to lay water main north of tl',a Cit',7- to t.,'ie CoJL-1tj-' road. Varn TOF" build tn� a store on lv firmer Sutton and Moore ironerty (ail of r businesses propose to build in this area) . Discussion roEardin,, the feasibilit, of an 8'', 10" or 12" water main was the topic of conversation -- aid Ve a7proximate cost of each type, also the tupe of water line material to use. Eurena Taylor, Attorney for tke Farm Kin; ouncrs explained the advantaEe of the new water line. A renort of V-a amount of sales tan nald ea& month AV the Loc -Is Auto Co.., was read (Lock Auto Co. also wish inE to annon to the City of Canton) . Cenoral discussion followed. 11yor Jennings recomnended the laying of a 12" line to t`ie cuanty road north of Canton and for the Water and Sewer Committee to check -,Tith -Urie City Treas- i..,Lrer (now on vacation) to see if money ans available for the oroject. Alder- man 7dwarls called for a meet:nq of the ,finance Committee for July 1, 1971 wtth the City Treasurer to make a re-ort. Section No. v_e of tie Special Council A:,-en,,1a coTnleted. Major Jens inj-s declared a five-minute recoss at 8:03 and requested that the remainder of the mentin- be a "closed meatinl. AlVerman crry arcused from CounciP Chanbar at 3:03 ?. A. MaVor jennin z roconveried the Council meetinF at 8:13 No. 2. on Ve A �e.-,,Ia: ',,Tllieeler property . Alternate routes to take the pro- nosed sewer liqn discussad. Motion by AlderAan Sepich, seconded by Wenian ferbic to offer tua-rt 'aBeeler 01.00 plus four hook-ups for an easement throug-') his pr party. Roll call vote. ATE: Aldermen Tovachevich, Fulton, KOO, Spencer, Cock, 00, Edwards, Sapich, Hurst, Wilcoxe�, Howard, and Koo. NAY: '10 1. ne. Alderman Dune excused from Council roc m to telephone s. 1,111-ecler, and when he returned) he reported that 7r. 1;.7neeler would be in the May or's office on June 30, 1771, 10:00 A. M. Mo. 3. Sebree Road. Discussion about easement for proposed road. motion by Alder ian Swich, seconded by Alderman Yerbic to follow through with this case- ment. Roll call vote. A77: Aldermen Rupe, Howard, Wilcoxet, Hurst, " onich, 7dwarCs, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Fulton, and Kovachevich. HAY: None. Motion by Alderman 7urst, seconded by Alr,,ermaln Yerbic to adjourn aV the motlar. carried by voice vote. Canton City Council Blecial Heetinn adjourns at 9:00 P.M. 7 Nellie Grawfovil-mi�,, Ulu, A P P 11%V7 C-11 fo) 317 J-Lur-e 29., 1971., Cont. Further 73usiness- Motion b:yr Alderman Toward, seconded by Aldenr ian Yerbic to advertise for bids for blacI,.-to,1I-)n-*t_n�: parking lot (old caill"ort station site), cover the adj oin4T­ wall a�,d also for de:iolition of `G�:.c old -I"a, Ies buildL-Ig3 bids to be apened ii.il-y- 6, 1971 council meet'-n 7Z. Roll call vote. A-,'E: Alder- men KovacIiev-Lch, Fulton, Yerbic, Snencer, Cool;, Pea!<, "'chiards, SePiclll.' T I'A 7urst, Wilcoxe.-, Howard, and Rune. -- Y: Ono' Dis cuss i-or, regardiylg the Venovich pr,.),00sed trailer court and shopping area Water line running­ to that site. -..:ot--.:)fi by Alderman 7 lurst, seconded by Al- Llerrian So-oich to work out tl,e ex-pense of a lart,,-,or water main that is re- quired for t1',e T,enovich property -- so t` at in t'-_e future the main could be extended -- decision to 'oc made at t!-,e =t Counc-1-1 meetinI­. Hotion carried. by voice vote. '?emodeling - Police 'Jenartment - dis cuss io.-i. .'.stimate of cost of remodeling same re-oorted by Alder',iian Snencer. 7'lot-j.on b-,� Alrler.man Edwards, seconded b-,,r Alderman PeaIr that the committee have this w_Irl-. do-io. Voice vote carrU!d.. Munl.ci­oal. Ccn­ccnV.on Cct. 16, 17, 1!'-,, 1(), 1971 in Peoria. Notion b­ Alder- man Rune, seconded bar Alder.--ian Cook to mace roservations, for the officials at Jumer's Castle T..odge. Alderman Rupe "'ol-Mteered to take care of same. There being no furt ,or bli.siness the Council ri,.eetin!- adjourned at 9:20 P. 11. ClerL 4a I-,T,o r