HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-15-1971 Council Meeting Minutes R� 12 June 15, 1971 Canton City Coll_incil held a'r-egul.ar meeting on June 15, 1971 in the City Council Chamber. IMlayor Jenninr:s called the meetinq, to order at 6:33 P. ICI.- Present for roll call: Aldermen Rune, Howard, ±parr, �•'ilco:-en, '?urst, Se-)ich, Edwards, Berry, Peak, Cook, Yerbic, Fulton' and 7ovachevich. A:_,�sert: Alderman Snencer. 4 Pledge of Allegiance was followed b Tnvocat'_on by Alderman Howard. `mutes of previous meeti.n Alderman epich moves, Alderman Edwards seconds motion to dispense with reading; of minutes, accent same a-id place on file and the motion carried b,.r voice vote. Soecial Committee erorts Standing- Core..-.ittee I'eoorts. Alderman Kovachev:ich reoor ,. d on the committee meetinf,� of the Carbag e Com 'ti,ec. The committee made recommendations to the Council: 1. Recommended cities usin la.,�d fill be assessed a nercentaF;e rate, the sa!-ae relative amount as the citizens of Canton; 2 ?Brett t'-,.e landfill operator not t:; admit anyone who is hauling chemicals of any kind or any material that he qvest'_ons, such as 50-gal-on drums that are sealed that T,re !,avc no knowledge of what these drums contain; 3. Direct Vie Cit-%r Attorney to contact rnternati opal ?Iarvester about obecti ona1_be material that will not be accented at the landfill; fit. -sect the Ci-t j Iittorv,et, to draw un an Jrdina.nce cr will be protective to o-ar or.erations of the landfill; 5. The committee discussed rates to be charged trucks; 6. The com zittee vis I ted landfill area to find )-.rt what any ;T-mediate needs wIll be. .1cler;-ia-7 'Hm,ra-_-d rc• ortd on a meet�.n,; with the res-dents of ?ean and _3axter Courts . about nar:cin'g. Alderman Farr reports that the Negotiat:in r Conu,tittoe will meet for a short meet- in-ng after the Council meeting... 71e requsts that tt"e _�,Ia-Tor; City Attorney and City "Llreasurer attend the meeting. Alderman 'durst requests that the suilding and rounds Committee male recommnndation.s in regard to the Cornfort : tation and re-port at tlie: next Council meeting. Alder- man Burst .reco,,rgended that the 3uilding° and ( rounr''.s L'ommittee make r.ecommendation about remodelin,; one room at the '-'ooice Station. Alderman Hurst, Police and Legal, pertainin - to use of the Police car outside cit: limits (by request of County officers to anorehend boys siupposedly having; beer in their possession) . Discussion. Lake nevelonrient �'ommittee: P4otion by Alderman durst, seconded by Alderman Lid- wards that the Lake Development Committee be authorized to advertise for bids for the repa_Lr and oiling_- of the road from t water plant to the bead. riot-on carried by voice vote. Comfort Station. :'ertaininr: to Alderman 74urst Is inquiry pertaining- to Comfort >tatio�, ',Ia-,'or Jennin(-.s reported that a location has been found but t e lease has not been si._—rod. Street and Alley. ,.qu'.ry by Alderman Tjot j ard what arras­erl ants have been made for. non-rermanent street maintenance. Petition requestinrr guard at Sixth and .,inn Streets read. Alderman Tdwarc's moves that the Petition be referred to the Traffic Comani_ttee and farther recommends that the sto s_.F,n 'ne Lt 'i fth and T i.= St.-eet nstead of Si xt"a and ' inn Street, sec- o--:ded b7 Alderman Parr. _',lotion carried by voice vote. Petition No. 2�9. '.Oetition for blac'.:t:rn on past .,7m Street from _,'fifth to Seventh ;., enie read. Alderman Yerbic makes a motion to refer t`^e P. tit _on to the 'oard of Local irmprove- ments, seconded by Alderman Kovachevi.ch. Io t on carried b;,- voice vot:�. No. 210. ?etition ofc.bm laint against Jack Russell 's trucks read. Alderman enich moves that the Zonis.;- Officer and City Attorney take necessary legal action to alle- viate this condition, seconded by Alderman Rune. A)171: Alderman Kovachevich, Fulton, Yerbic, Cook, 'ea'•:, 3erry, Sepich, Hurst, .°tilcoxen, Farr, Howard, and �Zuoe. hJAY: Alderman !Wwards. (13 AYES and 1 A""). Carried. Petition ''?o. 211. Next itera on the A�-°enda - Petition and Ordi.naa•�ce for annexation of a nortior of the Sutton anr'._ ',loo-re (dm. `s'ennell) property. ("his tract of land omitted from 3 l_ June 15, 1971, Cont. (2) Ordinance _' o. ??+3) . Alder lan Senich makes a motion that this be referred to the Planning and ?oninrY Commission, seconded by rilderrian "?urst. '<otion carried, voice vote. Northview ?-lanor Anne ation. Alderman "une moves that this ;natter lay over until a meeting has been held ("':onday, J-,.ire 27, 1971, n " ` P. ?.), A1der:aan Fulton seconds and motion carried by voice vote. Public Hearings. Alderman :'epich stated t}-at he thou;-;ht there should be more ade- quate description on nublic hearing notices, this was seconded by Alderman itune. Di_scussi,n. Alderman Senich moves that the ''1_a�i.i n, n:nd Zoning Commission be i il- structed that notices to the nubl.i_c on hear_nf.s :e more specific in addition to the ,leFal des.criptiOn, Seconded b,,r Alder:lian l =e,. loti'::n carried b voice vote. Referring- bacl: to the lake road :mainteriance. Al :,rman '?urst move,.. that the itreet Superintendent 'o3 authorized to purchase add tiona__ material iulder the existing- con- tract, seconded bj Alderman i?u.)e. :Roll call vote: A' Aldermen itupe, Howard, Farr, '',il_CO:;en, T'UI'St, e )1_ch, _dward.s, 'errs-, -Pal:, COolk-, Yc rb i.c, i,'u._tor', al-id Kovachev_'_c':. oti.on carried. Annexation - nro?-)ert,, south of '3radle,; corrars. Alderman '.Idwards moves th'_s be the neat iteni on the A,-enda, seconded by ii 1_der;._,n Sepich. Carried b;',.- voice vote. 'Jrd_'.nance read. -'.lderman Senich mares a motion to lay this ordinance seconded. by A16eriiian Far:' Motion .carried by voice vote. Protest - 'orton Annexation. Affidavit of =ticnard Huff read protesting annexation. Alderman lIurst moves, seconded by Alderman _'crbic that the affidavit be -)laced on file. =' otion carried b, voice vote. Horton Annexation. a,'a?ni:'ies favoring petiti ?-z for i,_exat .on of Larry Horton property read. Alderman Hurst moves, Al(2er:.ian ",dwards se onds motion that same be placed on f le. '','':otion carried b-, v-) ce vote. Annexation - Larry ''orton property. Alderrlan 'iurst moves that the Annexation and rezonin r of Larr° ''orton property be m )ITed .rn on. the Agenda, seconded by Alderman Rune. Toti on carried b-:- voice vote. Let'or from 711_ann1n a^d Zonin- Commission anprov n annexation and rezoning of this property. Alderman - urst moves, Alder- man Rupe seconds motion to place sane on file. �'otion carried by voice vote. Annexation Ord�_nance of the Larry Morton nroT erty - first readin�­�. 'D-I scussion. Alderman Hurst makes a motion to lay over this Ordinance for second read,-n,-;, seconded by Alderman. Senich. Roll call vote. A'71: Al_dermn Coo', }'erry, Senich, Hurst, rilcoxen, and Rupe. = AY: Aldermen :Cove T� c�0st;lton, Yerbic, Peak, Edwards, Farr, acid Howard. (6 37S and 7 NAYS).' :,rotests aga-*fist r)rr.)posed Ordinance read. Alderman Yerbic makes a motion to suspend the rules, seconded by Alderman Fulton. Roll call vote. AYE,: Aldermen i?une, Howard, Farr, '�dwards, Peat, Yerbic, Fulton, and Kovachevich. NAY: Aldermen iil.coxen, Hurt, Senich, 13erry, and Cook. (8 AYES and 5 `BAYS) . Mayor Jennings then votes "AYE". - otion carried. Alderman Howard makes a motion to place the Ordinance on its passa ;e, seconded by Alderman Yerbic. Poll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Hurst. NAY: aldermen Kovachevich, Fulton, Yerbic, Cook, Peak, Berry, Edwards, Sepich, rlilcoxen, 2'arr, Howard, and Ruoe. (1 AYE and 12 NrAYS) . Motion lost. Letter from Fire and Police Commissioners ce rtif;;;1 n,,; the temporary appointment of Howard a:e duri n vacat lon season. alderman Yerbic moves, seconded by Alderman Fulton to accent this ap,,)ointment. Motion carried by voice vote. Letter ,From Canton Union School District No. 66 read. Alderman '="erbi_c moves, seconded by Alderman Pea',{ to place the left--r on f ..le and the motion carried, voice vote. Notice of Municipal ReE.,i opal meeting, June 25, 1971, yew Fire Euilding, Havana, Ill. Letter from acv. John C. Anderson read. Alcerman Senich maces a motion, seconded by Alderman Yerbic to place this letter on file. motion carried by voice vote. Alder- man I�11.ton moves that the City Attorney write a letter to Rev. Anderson thanking him for hi_s cooperation with the Canton City Council, seconded by Alderman Kovache- vich. Motion carried by voice vote. Thank you note from Alderman Spencer for flowers sent while a patient in hosrital. Letter from State of Illinois Environmental Protection Agency read. Alderman 314 June 15, 1971, Cont. (3) Rune moves that Chester Miller was qualified to answer th`ws inquiry, seconded by Alderman Senich. 'lotion carried.. by voice vote. Teouest - Democratic Central Committee to hold ice cream social, r'riday, Aura-. 13, in Jones Parrs. Alderman Howard moves that the request be granted, seconded by Alderman Senich and the motion carried by voice vote. Next item on agenda - letter from Dept. of Aeronautics. Not read. Old business. Annropriation Ordinance un for second reading. Alderman Edwards moves that the Ordinance be -read by Title only, seconded by Alderman Yerbic. 'Motion carried by voice vote. Title read. Aldernan 7dwards moves that the Ordinance be placed on its passage, seconded by Alderman Yerbic. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Rune, Howard, :Farr, Wilcoxen, Hurst, Senich, Edwards, Berry, Peak, Cook, Yerbic, Fulton, and Kovachevich. Motion carried. This being or dinar ce 344. Alderman `7dwards moves that the Ordinance Committee be instructed to draw un an Ordinance to allow "15.nn each committee meet'_n;. (not to exeeed four each month) and providing that Aldermen attend the cog-mi.ttee meetin=-s and that ','5'?0.00 per year expense allowance be established for the ilayor's office, seconded by Al:?er- man Peak. Alderman Howard recommends that th's sho•.11d be two separate ord nanees. Motion carried b-- voice vote. Few business. fond, `1'ransAmeri ca Insurance Co., John L. Fisher, .'ire and 'ooice Cornrnissi oner� approved by the Finance Committee. Alderman Sepieh moves to accent same and place on file, Alderman _,erbic seconds motion a,id it carried voice vote. Alderman Edwards requested the Health Officer to investigate 241 Fulton -Ilace. Alderman Kovachevich resorted on a trailer in the 80, block Custer Place. Dis- cussion. Alderman Rune makes a motion that the Zoning officer report to the Ci.t,- Attorney's office and sign a compla:'_nt and the nlumbin�.- inspector shut the water off at the street, seconded by Alderman uLton. Roll call vote. AYE: Al- dermen Kovachevich, Fulton, Yerbic, Cook, Pea':c, ;err,%, Edwards, Senich, 'Turst, Wilcoxen, Farr, Hoz,�ard, and Rune. Plotion carried. Bond - TransAmerica -_assurance Co., Cordon 1.:eaver, c.-' Teas., i "enarti,e 4 , arproved by Finance Committee. Alderman Yerbic moves to accept sane and .glace on file, seconded by Alderman. "cal . T•otion carried, voice vote. 'esolution - Fulton County Jail read. Alderman Turst moves that the City adopt the 'resolution to use the facilities of the Fulton County jail, seconded by Alder- man 7erb-1.c. Roll. call vote. AYE: Aldermen Rune, Howard, Farr, ,4ilcoxen, 'Turst, Senich, Edwards, 'terry, Pea'-, Cook, Yerbic, Fulton, and Kovachevich. ,tot:ion carried. ` 1 1—s being ?esolution No. 568. `?id - Street T-laintenance. Alderman Hurst moves that the Council accept the recommendation o the Board of Local Tmnroverr:eats to accent the lctr rid of Pschirrer Coal. Yards, Tnc. in the amount of �1i1.1672.b.OI seconded by Alderman Yerbic. Roll call. vote. AY E: Aldermen Kovachevi.ch, Fulton Yerbic, Cook, Peak, 7er r"", 'aId;•rards, Senich, Hurst, Wi.lcoxcn, :Farr, Howard, and :6une. Carried. Plann n- and Zoning Commission - Alderman '.Toward >esignation. Alderman `-awards moves to accent the resignation, seconded b,; Alderman Peak. Motion carried, voice vote. Parking lot. Alderman Senich makes motion that the 3oard of Local Improvei~tents be authorized to take charge of fill sand for the old comfort station site, seconded by Alderman �dwards and the motion carried, voice vote. Alderman Hurst inquires if the City i=ttorrey atter_ded tl,.e East Chestnut Street hearin _. !'he 'it, E ttorne;;- did not attend. Annexation - East Chestnut Street propert,,,. Letter from the Plar:n-`_n and Zoning ^ 1�:;er„ ( ) Uommission recor,j>.end nr• annexation to Big Creel- rises �oronert�% 2.. acres) on the north side of East Chestnut Street, 1700 block. Alderman Senich moves to refer this to the C:rd-`.nance Committee, secc:,nded by }.ld.erman Hune and the motion C^rri ed b'j voice vote. 3 .1 rfli J _.Z 1:� 1971, 'ont. r) Annexation - Northview :?anor, Section 2. L tter from the "'tannin,(; and Zoning; Commission recorvnendin{r annexation of Central veloners, ':nc. nroperty -- " orthview TIanor, Section 2. Alderman Senic'- moves to refer this to the Ordi- nance Committee, seconded by Alderna.n rune and the motion carried voice vote. Ordinance - `do Parking on ?':after and .jean Courts. _First readinn. Alderman Fulton makes a motion that t1le :__)rdA_nancc be amended to read "from the East side of 3axter Court', seconded b,,- Al.deraan Tiurst. lifter discussion, Alderman ??urst withdrew h.is second of motion and Al"erman Fulton withdrew his motion. Alderman Serich announces a Traffic; mete June 2�, 1971., 6:30 P. Ordinance - No Parking ,n "ark Court and Piartln A-venue. First reading - same to lay over. Alderman Senich inquired about bids on 'Ta_.n a..(] L cust c)treot intersection. Amusement Ord-nance. Alderman Fulton makes a :notion that th_s Crd'.nance shall not be construed to nrohibi t or,-ani.zed firewor`.Ls as planned by Vie ACl on ,lJuly 4, 1971. or the rain date, seconcied_�;F.:�;I��� by Alderman. Cook. Notion �.. carried by voice vote. Alderman Hurst announced that he would like to meet with the Police and Legal Committee for one minute after the Council adjou-_^:is. U V Alderman Yerbic moves that t.e City Council a djo•..1.rn, seconded by Alderman --iow,;ard and the motion carried Vv voice vote. Canton City Council adjourns at 9:25 r it-y Clerk n • APPRO7r�D c�� L� Tj a,r or d � i