HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-01-1971 Council Meeting Minutes 308 June 1, 1971 Canton City Council held a regular meeting on June 1, 1971 in the City Council Chamber. Mayor Jennings called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. Present for roll call: Aldermen Iiupe, Howard, Farr, Wilcoxen, Hurst, Sepich, Edwards, Weak, Cook, Yerbic, Fulton, and Kovachevich. Alderman 3erry arrivin:. in Council Charm':-per 6:32 P. A. Absent: Alderman Spencer. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by invocation by Alderman Edwards. Minutes of previous meetinF: Alderman Hurst mover that the action takr:n on Petition 7o. 202 (Annexation of the Barnard- 'ennell properties) -- same should have been referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft an Ordinance for Annexation, Alderman Edwards seconds this motion and it carried by voice -rote. !lotion_ bz;' Alder:an Se vich, seconded by Alderman Yerbic to accept the minutes, after charge is made, and place on file. ''c'_ce vote carried. Bills for April. Action by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alderman Kovachevich that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Kovachevich, Fulton, Yerbic, Cook, Peal-,, Perry, Edwards, Sep- ich, Hurst, Wilcoxen, Farr, Howard, and Pune. AY: 'done. Officers reports presented. ,Motion by Alderman Edwards, seconded by Alderman_ terry to accept sage a nd place on file. Discussion about the absence of a report from the lire Chief, 7lumbing Inspector, City Engineer and Street Te- partment reports. Alderman Farr suggests that the ;:Mayor ask these officers to snake re�)orts in the future. Alderman : opich moves, Alderman Peak seconds motion that the rep orts, as presented, be accepted and ?laced on file and the motion carried voice vote. Sta idi.n4-, committee reports. Finance and Pegotiating Committee met and recommendad amendment to the payroll 0 _nance No. 337, Alderman Edwards moves t' at this amendment to the Ordinance be placed .next on the Agenda. Alder Tan Farr seconds this motion and the motion carried, voice vote. Ordinance read. Alderman Edwards moves, Alderman Farr seconds motion to suspend the rules. roll call_ vote. AYE: Aldermen Rune, Howard, Farr, 'dilcoxen, -'urst) Sepich, Edwards, :perry, Pea:., Cook, Yerbic, Fulton, and Kovachevich. '_dAY, None. Iiot:i_on by Alderman awards, seconded by ' Alderman lerry to place the Ordnance on its passa :e. «Loll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Kovachevich, Fulton, Yerbic, Cook, eal_, terry, Edwards, enicli, Hurst, Wilcoxen, Farr, Howard, and Rupe. ',TAY- one. This being Ordinance ':PTO. 341. Traffic Coririi.ttee. Alderman Senich reported on the May 24, 1911 meeting and the recommendations from that ca mittee; 1. 'io parking to be allowed on the west side of ream Court and 4axter Court from Ash to :,zrrtle Street; 2. to Park- ing on west side of Park Court from Walnut to Hanle Street; 3. No cha n re in the "no parking of trucks and campers" in res' dential areas; l,. tiro-hour par.i.ng limit on west side of ::arti.n avenue from '_ne to Walnut Street from 8:00 A. M. to 5:0 0 P. 7. except Sundays and holidays. Alder: a. Sepich moves that the above recommendations be referred to the Ordinance Commit tee, Alderman Serry seconds this motion. 7oice vote. AY' : Unanizious except for Alderman Howard and tupe, votinE UM 7otion carried. Alderman Howard reminded the Council of the difficulty -- the parking; si tuation on Le�un and '3alLter Courts and set a meeti nE for June 7, 6:30 P. `l. to meet tin th the residents. Street and Gilley Committee. Alderman Howard stated that '.'fifth Avenue near the CIPS Co. and "ine Streets will soon be repaired. Snec:i_al Committee reports. Communications to Council.. 7equest to hold a tag day July 2, 1971 by the Seventh Day Adventist Church. :Motion by Alderman Edwards, seconded by Alder an Burst to grant this request and the motion carried by voice vote. Request from the Disabled American Veterans to sell Forget-me-nots on Julys 16, 1971. !Motion by Alderman "eak, seconded by Alderman Yerbic to 7rant this re- quest. :lotion carried by voice vote. 309 June 1, 1971, Gont. (2) Request fro_.. the 2ederat�d .Dusiness and Professional ''omen's Club to hold an ice cream social in Jones Park or July 30, 1971. T otion by Al ,er:pan Senich, seconded by Alderman ?lrr to grant this noquest and the motion carried voice vote. 'ir. Stan i11y%er, Association of Commerce and l n ustnT Secretary, requested per- mission for the Canton Zerchants to hold "'.'lea-:mrkets" every third Saturday, weather pormittinE (same to be held in Jones Park). notion by Alderman S ;Ich, seconded by Alderman Weak to grant this request and the motion carried by voice vote. , ote of thanks from the family of Russell good, former i a -o-r of �Iaco.,ib. Division of - regarding encroacl:in_'.nt Ordinance. Ord'..nanG? read. -lo- tion by Alderman ,dwards, seconded by Alderman Peak to sus a d the rules. moll call vote. AYI: Aldermen Rule, Howard, Qrr, i ilcoxen, 7urst, Sepich, 1dwards, 9erry, Peal., Cook, Yerbic, jUlton, and ';ovachevich. HAY: --gone. .Motion by Alder- nan Sepich, seconded by Alderman Yerbic tb -mace the Ordinance on its nassa;e. Roll call vote. A77: Aldermen Tovachevi0, lultox, Yerbic, Cook, Peak, terry, Edwards, Sa,ic'�, '=urst, viilcoxen, Farr, taowarj, and Rune. 'i Y 7one. This being Ordinance No. 342. Board of Anneals meetinn to be held on June 14, 1971, WO ". :.., City Attorney, Wm. 7almrren, to attend. L� Old business. V Alderman '',dwards inquirers about the old city dmun being opened -- Stroot Superin- tendent Myers stated same was open for unloadi_.:F; tre s only. Motion by Al.dernan Huge, seconded by Alderman Cook to close the olO city dump. Discussion. Alder- man Cook withdraws his second and Alderman Dupe withdraws his motion. Alderman Rune then monies to refer tide matter to the (Arta.e and. Street and Alley Committees. Alderman Howard seconds this motion and it carries, voice vote. New business. Petition - Lawrence Lorton property for Annexation. Motion b;, Alderman :durst, seconded by Alderman Sepich to refer same to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the motion carried by voice vote. Petition No. 20h. Petition - George 2u.lton property. Action by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alder- man K ovachevich to refer same to the Tlannin7 and Zon'_nC Commission and the mo- tion carried by voice vote. Petition No. 205. Petition - Annexation ati.on of property south of "grad:!e- Corners. Motion by Alderman I enich, seconded by Alderman Yerbic to refer this Petition to the Planging and Zoning Commiss Lon aid the motion carri ad by voice vote. Petition No. 206. Petition - Anne,;.ation Richard :filler nranerty and also Petition for rezoning of same. Notion Icy Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Yerbic to refer these matters to the ?lanni.nf A Zoning; Commission and the motion carried by voice vote. Petitions No. 207 and 208. rirst reading of an Ordinance - Annexation - Aar lard-TenAell properties. ;•lotion by Alderr,_an Cool:, seconded by Alderman Alton to suspend the rules. Roll call_ vote. A77: Aldermen Rune, Howard, Parr, 7i l coxe'?, Hurst, Sonich, ':dwards, ='erry, Peak, Cook, '-er'o'_c, Fulton, and Novachevich. 7AY: None. notion by Alderman lerry, seconded. by Alderman Wilcoxen to place t 's Ordinance nn its oassaFe. Roll call. vote. A77: Aldermen Novachev:ich, 'ul_to , Yerbic, Cool:;, pe<:t , Arr; , Edwards, i Senich, ''durst, �ilcoxe_^., Farr, Howard, and Rune. HAY : line. Ordinance No. 343. Appronriate Ordinance read. Same to lad;- over. Justus property, 100 block South 'lain Streat, in need of cleaning around yard., riddance of rats. Mayor Jennings recommen6 cd that the City Attorney be authorized to start condemnation proceedings on th'_s propert;r. I1r. :Ia=!mgren, City Attorney, said he would tall; to Attorney Lloyd rag ardin ; this property. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, seconded by Alderman Peale that the City Attorney start conde mnati-on proceedin_;s and report back to the next Council meeting and the motion carried by voice vote. 'Test Maple Street -- health hazard, lleal_ti: Wficer has been working on this 310 June 1, 1971, Cont. (�} matter - rats, lumber in alley, a hole dug for baserlent over one year ago, house on front of lot ready to fall down. Motion by Alderr,aan Sepich, seconded by Alder- man ' arst to tart condemnation proceed'n ;s on this property and the motion car- ried. by voice vote. lla :nor Jennin�-s - re;;ardin� the proposed new lots to be opened at Lake Canton, suggested sett7_nC a date, have lots nuiab:red, a notice put in the paner and a public draw . ; held. Lengthdiscussion. Alder.�an Senich moves and Alder-I2an Ful- ton secon_Is notion that a date be set, a notice placed in the pavers, lots numbered and a public d.ra,,r__nF held, if and when the lots are ready. Further d:i.scussion. Al- derman Howard moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to table th9.s motion until proper study and action can be decided. Roll call vote. AY?,,: Aldermen Rupe, 'inward, Farr Wilcoxen Iurst Edw=,rds, erry, Peal:, Cook, Yerbic, Fulton, and Kovachevich. dA ': Alderman Sepich. (12 AYES and 1 'SAY). Carried. Alderman Edwards, resorting )n the six lots that were still available for lease - no mad to the la .e, but very soon there may be a road built. Youth Acres. Campers have been usini; the `�routi. Acres camp again and should be told this area is for the youth only. Kids - ',,.Tire fence (:io. 4th Ave. extended) . Iotiori by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman iulton to open bids. "otion carried b;r voice vote. :yids opened: Hohulin 'Bros, ',9,7816.71 ' for 3000 lineal. feet; Cears,Roebuck and Co., 11,2.97 per lineal foot. Notion by Alderman Senich, seconded by Alderman Edwards to refer same to the hoard of Local improve;rnents a_-,d the mot-ion carried, voice vote. Discuss-.1on regarding road gravel, 300 to'-s, o• 7 - bid for sage not advertised. Alc err�a.1 Edwards, oiling; and chipping non-permanent streets: The IIaT,Tor, City Treasurer and Fi ailce Chairman, Don Edward. to meet; regarding same. Fourth ?lard Streets. Alderman Berry renorted several traffic oroble::s that needs attention - sar,:e to be referred to the Traffic Committee. Closed Session. Alderman Sepich moves, Alder: an ripe seconds motion to hold a closed session for discussion of land. acquisition Lor proposed sewer i. inroveme:^ts. oi_ce vote carried. Recess declared b:, t'-.e T�layor 8:23 . . �econve:lc'd, x:30 P. I. Alderman Rune, re„-)orti_n<< fotr t'le `.ater a~id Serer Committee -- discussed the oro- nosed land acqui sit':_on. Options have been tacen on all the 55 acres necessary ; or the project and have been acqui.xed except t'ce Fred Russell property - three ap�raisors mane a stint,, and arrived at a -)r-i-ce of 11669.00 per acre for th."_s land. )i.sci. ss:i_on. Alderman `_oward moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to author- ize the ':iaror ar?d City Clerk to er_ter i.nto the nro?er agreement for the nurc.aase and to purchase the Russell nroperty. Discuss i..on. Doll call vote. AT-1: Aldermen 'ovachev'..ch Fulton Yerbic, Coo'_;, dward.s, Senich, :!i lco:Le Farr Hoyrard, a~?d�-�,'^e. ?AY: Alderman Hurst. (A1.ierrnar� Hurst ave his easons for vot.i.rl "na`r” - t':e Spoon River College obta'.ned land near that location for .5c.0.00 per acre) . (12 AT�'ES and 1 NAY . Carried. -Iumn for the proposed sewerage project - ease- ent has been obtained for the -.and a,:d an option to aurchase a small_ amount of lend to o _ace tine pum-o and an option for use of the roadway. notion by Alderman .btu e, seconded by Alderman Pea' -that co^ntinr,ent upon nrocurement of easement on t'--e Stuart y'heeler property that the iayor and City Clerk be authorised to enter into proper agreement for -ourc'ease and to purchase tiie 7in'_. property (pump station) . Easement to be obta-.ned frar1 Stuart ;heeler, City of Canton to allow 25¢ per foot for this East;,-aent,Approximately x.000 ft. Roll call vote: ASE: Aldermen Rupe, Ho,aa_­d, Zarr, Wilcoxen, Ilurst, 5 nich, Edwards, berry, Pea'.c, Coo!., Yerb'_c, Fulton, and Kovac'r.ev`.c' vAY: 'done. Ri�-ht-of='Tay Easement, Sebree 'load, north of .radi e-r Corners - permission to lay and construct a sewer line in the Canton Toirnsllin ?Load, north to where the Sebree road turns east - same to be laid three feet. City;- Attorney to be authorised to f`_1e a Peti.ti._on the Canton Road Commission for permission to run this .line. :otion be Alder:­.an Yerbic, seconded bar Alderman 71dwards that this permission be requested. Voice vote carried. ,Motion bar Alderman Ho�,rard, seconded by Alderman Aovachevi_ch to adjourn. `Voice vote carried. Canton City Council_ adjourns 8: 5 7 . I-l. ity Jerk May'or 7