HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-02-1971 Council Meeting Minutes 280
Ear. 2, 1971, Cont.
First 7eadinF of TvildinE Permit ?rdinance. Alderman Hurst moves, Alderman
lonr seconds motion to amend "Type 7 to read `"1.00 for each Q1,000.00 or frac-
tion Vern& in a-cess of "100,00.03. loll call votc. AYE': Aldermen Kovache-
vich, ceor.- e, Sooncer, Yerbic, Kroell, "awards, LonE, Hurst, Senich, Farr, Svob,
Rune, and Howard. UY: Aldnrm.an lallK-F. (Al AUS and I 7AV') . curric,%
Vdinanco read. Motion by Alsernan 7urst, seconded by Alderman Tong to wqend
tInDEranhical. error in "Type 4 to read "7rtinat& cost Wn,nno,no to Qy,p99,nn5
inc l, 125.00". Roll call vote. AY7: Aldermen Howard, Rune, Svob, Orr, Eenich,
K=t, Tow, 70wards, Kroell, 'Tilliams, Yerbic, Snoncer, Beorge, and Kovachovich.
Uv! 7-r2. Ordnance to lay over.
Cable T7- Alderman Farr renorted a meeting to be hold soon.
Khandonei cars. Aleerman Edwards re-orted the Ordinance is in the 7rocess of
bo' ig studied - a meetin;-. of Mat corrLmittoo to be held and the renort to be made
to the Council Arc" 16.
Uplicationsfor nornits to place mobil 4on-s on lots h; Sverett 71rhoptricV, J ,J
E, EiA "t. a-c rances Williams, Dean Ct. ropd. These apolications have beer
arnroved b Hartle, Zoning 0forcin fficer.
P-Tice Lai Ztrw-c-: 71yor Jenniniq stated there would be a maet% • of the Ae-
notiatinE Connittoo, Tuesday, larch 9, 1971 , 6:30 - A. to meet WiQ the AnCo-
tiatInV CoA,ittea of the Police and liremen. Alderman Howard moves, QQMW�
Teorve seconds notion that the City Council sanction the action taken by the
:1-nr a& the motion carried by voice vote.
Gas and Oil bids. Aldermn Hurct moves, Alderman George seconds motion that the
City Council authorize the Carha,o Comm,itton to have the City Cierl advertise
for bids fcr gasoline and ails. Zation carried by voice vote.
Public Comfort Station, Alderman Spencer stated the committee thou:ht the bids
too high fcr demolition of the comfort station and moves that the City readvertise
for bids. Alderman CeorFc seconds this motion. Roll call vote. A,-E,- Aldermen
Kovachevich, 700rEe, Spencer, Yerbic, Villiaqs, Krocll , ',Owarcls, 'Lon,--, Darst,
So—ich, Farr, Svob, Rure, and Howard. 7A,T_-- "'?one.
7n--r Jennin:z announced a recess at 7:05 P.H. in order that the returns of the
Pr imam Election could be canvassed. He appointed Aldermen neorte, Edwards, an,!
T Turst to canv_,�!' c the votes.
7:17 T . N. Council reconvened. 4erort of the Canvass of votes. A-1-derman.
Fearge stated that the canvass of votes was found to be correct and moves that
saie be accooted. Udernan Hurst seconds motion and it carrind.voice vote.
',ids for Cob' ) Audio Quinmant. Notion by Lidernan Senich, sec-mdcd by Alderman
Yorbic to uven the bids. Notion carrini by voice vote. Bids openud: General
Electric, aafety Distributors Ulos Service, Spring Bay Electronics, and Motor-
cla Ccanunications, 'Motion by Alderman Ceoraq seconded by Uderman Kovachavich
to refer the bids to the Police and legal Committee and the motion carried, voice vote.
AjA era an Willians excused from the Council C',a;aber at 7:25 1'. 1-11.
2enlotting portion of Greenwood Cemetery lots, Hr. Harold Wilson, represent inE
the Greenwood lemetery, sx-lained the ournose for the request to replot -- to
allow space for more burial lots. Resolution regardi, same read. Roll call
vote, AYE: :aldermen Howard, Rune, Svnh, 2a1 r, 3,rich, Hurst, Lcnf-�, '_-,duar0s,
Kroell, Yorbic, Snencer, loorge, and Kovaphevich. MAY: Uone. Resolution 556.
Lotion b-.,, Alderman Yerbic, seconded b7 Alderman CeorCe that the cony of the
minutes from 5reenwood Cemetery be placed on file and this motion carried by
voice vote.
Triquirz,r abo'-, repair of railroad cross h,�-F b:, Alderman GeorUe who has received
may c orania nts.
,lotion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alaoinan Yerhic to adjourn and the motion
carried by voica vote. Canton City Council adjourns at 7 :4o
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