HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-24-1971 Council Meeting Minutes 278
Feb. 24, 1971
Canton City Council held. a Snecial Meetins-, -'eb. 24, 1" 71, 11:11 A. M. in the
City Council (%hamber, this meeting cal-led by ^.1a.7 or Robert 1. Jennings; Present
for roll call: Aldermen Howard, Rune, Svob, Parr, Senich, !Turst, Lon._.:, 7dwards,
T,Tilliams, Yerbic, Spencer, (Ieorge, and Kovach.ev-ich. Absent: Alderman Kroell.
Pledge of Allegiance iTas followed by invocation by Alderman Howard.
City Clerk Crawford read the call to the meet_i.nx?: "I, Robert 1 Jennings, the
undersigned, Ilayor of City of Canton, Illinois, hereby call a Special. TTeetint
of the City Council of the City of Canton to meet and be convened at 11:00 x,.11.
of Feb. 24, 1971 in the Council Chamber of the Canton City Building, 210 E. Chest-
nut St. the nurnose of the meeting: To consider Police and fire Department matters.
i r,qu st that the City Clerk irv-iediately {;i,,,e notice of this meetin,, as required
by Ordinance of the 6ity of Canton, Il_linois." Signed by Robert F. Jennings, 1, yor
of the City of Cant-)n, Illinois.
1a1 or Jennings reported he was in favor of unions and had attended a meeting; of the
jegotiatir<� Committee on onday evenin'r- and. another was Dlanned for next week but
When he arrived at wor':c this morning and found the off-duty Police and -V ireraen
nicicetins the City Building, t;r rrnizin-; either union, also to
nut the Firemen on a forty-hour basis.
Alderman Farr stated that meetings oftegotiating Committee have been held and
waiting for a report from Finance Co mitt-)e who have received their pro.,-)->sals.
T1,'ese men have been recognized and should wait until the ?legotiating Com. meets.
T?e su ,ested an injunction be filed to have the -picket line removed.
Alderman "ovachevich stated `'-e Counci i_ should continue to recognize the unions -
the 7 g;otlatin£; Com. have ever: net on Slindall to try to get contract started.
Alderman i eorge asked what reason was given for nicketi_ng -- he was in favor of
unions bu-, as Chairman of Police and Le{al Com. he moves that, startinf; Th rsda�T,
Feb. 25, 1971, every • olicem.an punch a time c1oc'c, in and out from work. T(ler-an
Durst seconds this motion. Alderman '?dwerds a. 'ccd that, before a vote bras tal-n,i,
a discussion nerind be he i d, and states tl,-'s - ic':eti_ri was a direct slap at the
at inistrati on. :lost or the Aldermen stat_-d their views on this matter. 0 der-
man Darr - that as long as picket line ,Tao in frrnit of cit,, ha.11, there can be no
fiegotiations and asked t'-lat legal action be ta'r-nn t,-) re-rio-vc the �iciiets. r;lder-
ar: :Jilliams asked to ha-.re a matter clarified: teas tl,e ni_cl," _r:g an i:lfor atioral
1_ine 'oeca,.,ce police and fire;�.en cannot , :_c':,A-t as a strike line.;. Furt'r^.cr disc._i.ss-on.
Alc.er:_an dt-cards stated there was no cortra-_.t, so none could be broken.
-'.arold arrison, snea .in t'1e Fire:;en, t':ert: was no woric slow d.o,:7n or stop-)a ;e
wnd +.he ^ic'—tors were not stopping any ) fro,i enter`_ng the city bua.].c inj,. 1l�µor
Jennings asked wi^,at the "infonaati.on" was the picketers were di_,solayinl; a .< -ras
told by Carrison that "only why 1. jrou see on uhe
.ivicr`°'.an Hurst exnreslsed '1'?e idea of a fortjr 1?p':lr T'ree'.� fOr f irt?71C'i1 - an(- l i- -)rc-
sont firemen Stay at 'resent wage scale woii.lc� stall oe a big increastc f' r a.`".(
t'ie city Trould be j-_isti fied then to emn i c;y ..i area f i °;,'pen.
.'ur st 'P_t11dr e v? h'_s second of mot' ,.. :la."10 1) Alder`:an c'orge and
withdrew his Notion refrardi_,0 t'-1 t`_^e c1_oc1c.
1a r�r je;,_}l .�s a .d ever;; wor'.-inc.; man should 'oolong to a good .in-on, a n'1 his
ol'fice door has b,or o-ocn to an, em-q )ync.; to see h- n, but after he was
told that t!-e co.i.litt^r✓ was drams":'n�; i_ts foot, he felt this slap face6 wa s a ri t'��
co.iuhen(3ed Counc;_]. .1c-rilbers for s--)endinf so much of their time on cit7- , otters.
iil�3erti:a.l1 TrJ.rst that the ;hatter Ol a fprtv�'-h O�, r TT... '. ',', ^�?.i�.I.'r P,G t�) th°
l�nance Uo ;lli.tt�e and F i_re C of to see 1,10W :ia:r, Neon *roulcl be needed. h i dern n
"i.11.i.a-is seconds this ;-iot9_on. Ro i_l. call. vote. la` . Aldermen Kovachevich, eor =e,
Spencer, Yerbic, Williams, -�hrards, T.;on-,, TTurst, Se-.i rh, ?arr, :vob, Ru�,c, and
toward. `?AY: ?one.
?oti on by Alderman S nich, seconde:-3 loy Alder tan Rure that the City Counc-i_1 instruct
the ,T� oti_at_.nt; Co;n.�to cease any contact ?rith +,he: llnt_i_1_ the re:loval of the "i.n-
formational" picket line. 'Discussion - re. arii'�)loyoos ca.' ! irF) in with "f:i?,z", r'.lder-
man Fdwarr?s stated each Al.derrlan took an oath to support the City and would be
available for call. Roll call vote: A77: Alderrien Howard, Rune, Svob, 2arr, Senich,
'lurst, Lon:,, a�dwards, Williams, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and rtovachevich. NAY: Alone.
1;oti_gn b� Alderman Ceor1 Secoe�led 8y Alder-nan Yerbic to a�journ and the motion
carried y voice vote. ton ity ounei1_ adjourns at 11:5 A.i-1.
City 7lerk
i'la-;ror (� /�