HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-16-1971 Council Meeting Minutes 276
Feb. 16, 1971
Canton City Council held a regular meeting on r'eb. 165 1971 in the City
Council Chamber. T-layor Jennings called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.a.
Present for roll. call: Aldermen Howard, Svob, Farr, Sepich, Hurst, Long,,
Edwards, Kroell, Williams, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and Kovaehevich. Ab-
sent: Alderman. Rune.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Invocation by Alderman Long.
Minutes of previous meeting. Motion by Alderman Kroell, seconded by Alder-
man Yerbic that the minutes be accepted as presented and placed on file and
the motion carried by voice vote.
Standing committee reports.
Alderman Farr stated he had called a meeting of the Finance and Negotiating
Committees for T'Ionday, Feb. 22, 6:30 P. 'I. The Cable Television Committee
will meet Thursday evening.
Garbage Disposal Committee. Alderman Hurst moves that the Garbage Disposal
Committee be given permission to advertise for bids on a Barba£e truck, and
the motion carried by voice vote.
Alderman Williams inquired if the Police and Legal Committee had made anpli-
cation for an Istern Radio and then moves that the -proper person be in-
structed to get the an-)lication made as soon as possible. Iotion seconded
by Alderman Senich. ,lotion carried by voice vote.
Special cormnittee reports.
Obscenity Gonimittee. Alderman Toward moves that the City Council endorse
the action taken when a local movie was showing a movie that prohibited
persons under eighteen from attending (but were not enforcing the ruling),
Alderman 1?,dwards seconds this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen To-
vachevic'n, ]eorY_e, Spencer, Yerbic, ?lillia,i_s, Kroell, dwards, Long, Hurst,
Sepich, Parr, Svob, and Howard. ,,TAY: None.
Communications to Counci I .
Letter from Canton 'lanning, and Zoning; Cori-,mission to the Fulton County
Planning Commission regarding the one and one-half mile zoning. Alderman
Hurst recommended that the Cite authorize the City Attorney to work with
the Fulton County Board of Anneals to decide who has the power to decide
the one and one-half mile zoning. City Attorney i•lalmgren reported that
the Cite, could ask for the Attorney C'eneral's opinion and he suggested that
an attorne;- take the case to court filed. as "declatory judgement". Alderman
t,?urst moves, ,11.derman Sepich seconds motion that City Attorney 'Ialmgren die
permit ted to pursue this case and that he be reimbursed for time and travel
ant?. if he wishes, to employ an attorney that he prefers. Roll cai.1 vote.
AYE: Aldermen Howard, Svob, Farr, Sepich, Hur:�t, Long, Edwards, I{roell,
','illiams, Yerbic, Spencer, C'eor ge, and Kovachev:ich. NAY: ,,lone.
Hunicipal Association of. Central legion -- next meeting to be held Mar. 10,
Bushnell. recreation "enter R. Nelson, Jr., Extension T,andsc-ape
Architect for the Cooperative .,xtension Service of the College of Agriculture
to be the sneaker. Ail officials urged to attend.
Natkin Pr Co. letter regarding comnleti_on of work on the Anderson Place Lift
Station. "otion by Alderman_ Sepich, seconded 'cy Alderman. Hurst that a copy
of this letter be sent to Craoford, ,Iurn', - ?: `filly, Consulting 1 ngineers and
no action be taken until notified by that i'irm and the motion carried by
voice vote.
11)70 Census. Secretary of '-Mate, John I.J. Lowis, announced the census for 1`)70
for Ca.nten, 141217. !lotion by A?-Berman Se-ich, seconded by Alderman Williams
that simns be purchased designating the nonulation and posted at all entrances
to the City. Roil call vote. AY?! Aldermen Kovachevich, ( eorge, Spencer,
Yerbic, Williams, Xroel.i_, 7dvrarOs, Lonc-, ?Irst, `'epich, Farr, Svob, and Howard.
NAY: ",tone.
Association of Commerce and Tndustr�r letter to the proposed charge
in building permit fees. Discussion.
Alderman Senich requested the City Attorney, to instruct the Council on pro-
cedures when disnosing of used equipment. ';I r. Malmgren explained that iterm
of value "Jere advert=ised for bids.