HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-02-1971 Council Meeting Minutes 272
Feb. 21 1971
Canton City Council held a regular meeting Feb. 2, 1971 in the City Council
Chamber. Mayor Jennings called the meeting to order at 6:32 P. M. 'resent
for roll.. call: Aldermen Howard, Rune, Farr, Sepich, Hurst, Long, Edwards,
Kroell, Williams, George, and {ovachevi ch. Absent: Aldermen Svob, Yerbic,
and Snencer.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Invocation by Alderman Edwards.
Minutes of Urevious meeting. motion b7,,- Alderman Kroell, seconded by Alder-
man Rupe to accent riinutes as presented and dace on file and the motion
carried b7)r voice vote.
Bills for January. Alderman Farr moves, Alderman Kovachevich seconds motion
that all bills properly annrovo d be alloiaed for payment. Roll call vote. AY?:
Aldermen Kovachevich, George, Williams, Kroell, isdwards, Long, Hurst, Sepich,
Farr, Rune, and Howard. NAY: None.
Renorts of officers. Motion by Alderman Long, seconded by Alderman Kroell to
accent same and place on file. Voice vote carried.
Standing committee reports.
License Committee. Alderman Farr stated the committee had met and reco:2mended
that the franchise with the Fulton Com:manity Antenna Television System, inc.
be forfeited. Alderman Farr moves that the City Attorney be authorized to
give notice of intent that this franchise be forfeited. Alderman Burst seconds
this motion and it carried by voice vote.
Obscenity Committee. Alderman Howard reported the com,,aittee would meet as
soon as a time would be suitable with the Mayor and City Attorney.
Appointment: Mayor Jennings appointed Gary Kiefer to the Obscenity Com.
:11otion by Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Edwards to approve this
appointment and the motion carried by voice vote.
Planning ?c Zoning Committee report. Alderman Hurst stated that in the future
the 71annin7 and Zoning Commission of the City may be able to work together
with the County Board of Anneals and decide who has the right to control this
one and one-half male area around the city.
Police and Legal. Alderman George stated that for the record, the Police De-
nartment had been -ranted �3'7500.U0 from the Ill. Law Enforcement Commission
for the purchase of equipment in that department. Mayor Jennings thanked the
Committee and the Chief of Police for work done to obtain this grant.
Alderman Farr stated the ''olive and Firemen had submitted proposals regarding
salaries -- the committee will meet later for negotiations.
'Mayor Jennings asked that the second floor of the comfort station be checked
for heat and also that the large front w_indcni in the Police Station be
ST)ecia_I_ corlrnittee reports.
Alderman -:dwards stated that an invitation to attend a meeting with the
Aldermen would be extended to residents on E. Beech and E. Shamrock Streets
to inform them about procedures for annexation, meeting to be held Tuesday,
Feb. 9, 1971 at the same time of the informal council meeting.
Alderman durst inquired if an Ordinance had been prepared regarding the change
in building permit charges.
Alderman Rune announced an informal Council meet:Lng, 6:30 P. M., Thurs. Feb. 4.
Mayor Jennings asked if the next item on the agenda could be Mr. James Wilson,
representing the ,4unicipa:1_ Code Cor,->oration, 'Tallahassee, Florida. ;lotion by
Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Long to allow Mr. Wilson to present his
material and the motion carried by voice vote. Mr. Wilson informed the
Council the method of updating Ordinance books. Motion by Alderman Long,
seconded by Alderman Sepich to refer this matter to the Ordinance Corvnittee,
City Clerk and City Attorney for consideration. The motion carried by voice
Communications to Council. Feb. 2, 1971, Gont. (2)
Request from Normoyle-Berg & Associates for extension of time for storm re-
lief sewer project - Div. 11 and 12. A report from the consulting engineer
to be received for next Council meeting.
Letter from the C.T.P.S.Co, including the Agreement for service to the sewage
lift station located at Anderson Place presented. Agreement No. 183.
Environmental Protection AfTency - copy of letter to Leroy Riley, Lincolnshire
Extension No. 2, granting permission to operate sanitary sewer in that addition.
Environmental Protection Agency - re. "Sewer Ban" toward sanitary sewer ex-
tension has been lifted.
T_nquiry from Alderman Long about installing water line in south portion of city.
Ill. Law Enforcement Commission notice of grant of $7,500.00 for purchase of
equipment for the Police Department. Alderman George reported that the 'olice
and Legal Committee would meet to set up the specifications for bids.
Motion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman George to place the communica-
tions on file and the motion carried by voice vote.
4a;;7or Jennings appointed a committee to work with the ACI for Christmas decor-
ations: Aldermen Tioward, Kovachevich, and Farr. Motion by Alderman Hurst,
seconded by Alderman George to apn_ rove these appointments and the motion
U carried by voice vote.
Mayor Jennings introduced twelve boy scouts from `Troop do. 104 - these boys
have passed their citizenship tests and several boys have passed the national
tests (each boy has worked ten hours in the City). The boys identified them-
selves and were commended for their fine work.
Old business.
Mr. Jerry Williams, resident engineer for Crawford, '-Iurphy & Tilly Engineer-
ing firm reoorted that about 18 of the contract for the West Walnut Street
bridge has been completed and about 61 of sewer work on Olive Street and
Ninth Avenue paving projects - recorrunended payment for these projects.
Culverts for 'Torth Fourth Avenue - Alderman '_dwards asked if Mr. Tlyers, Street
Superintendent, would figure how many would be needed.
New business.
Bids - for demolition of the comfort station n;xt item on the agenda. Motion
by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman George to oven the kids and the mo-
tion carried. Bids opened: Richard Kilroy Groff 2,950.00; Nebergall Con-
struction Co., ?3,450.n0; Joe Shallenberger excavation Co. "6000.00. Motion
by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Edwards to refer to the Building and
Grounds and City Attorney and the motion carried br voice vote.
Bid - Bell R Howell Microfilm Reader, Ronald L. Thomas, R.##, Metamore, Ill.,
Motion by Alderman Senich, seconded by Alderman George to accept the
bid. Roll call vote. AYE- Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Farr, Sepich, Hurst, Long,
Edwards, Kroell, Williams, George, and Kovachevich. NAY: :lone.
Bids - Police cars: Alderman George moves, Alderman Senich seconds motion to
open bids and the motion carried by voice vote. Bids opened: Lock's Inc. and
Canton 'Motor Sales. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, seconded by Alderman Farr
to refer the bids to the :Police and Legal Committee for study, and the motion
carried, voice vote.
Motion by Alderman Howard, seconded by Aldexnan Rupe to adjourn and the :notion
carried by voice vote. Canton City Counci-l. adjourns at 7:3)6 P. M.
City Clerk
May or/