HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-19-1971 Council Meeting Minutes 2L` 9
J-,im-ry 19, 1971
Canton City Council held a rP zlar meeting on J?n. 19, 1971. in the City Council
Chamber. Mayor Jennings called the meeting to order at 6;35 P.M. present for
roll call: Aldermen Howard, Svob, Farr, Senich, Hurst, Long, EdePrds, Kroell,
Williama, Yerbic, Snencer, George and Kovachevich. Absent: Alderman Rune.
Pledge of Allegiance was folowed by Invocation by Alderman Howard..
Minutes of previous meeting: Motion by Alderman Kroell , seconded by Alderman
Yerbic to dispense with reading of minutes, accent sam- and. place on file and the
motion carried, by voice vote.
Standing committee renor.ts -- found following the old. business.
Petition and. Ordinance - "Annexation, Leroy Rilcy Contractors, Inc.". Petition
read. Ordinance read. Alderman Senich inouirpd if rrovisions had been made for
sidewalks, etc. Discussion. Motion b77 Alderman Ho,,�:-�rd , seconded by Alderman
Edwards to suspend the rules . Roll. call vote. AYF: .Aldermen Kovachevich, George,
Snencer, Yerbic., kroell , E&7ards, Long; Hurst, Svob, and Aowarr?. NAY: Aldermen
Williams, Senich, a.nd Farr. (10 AYES and I NAYS), Motion carried. Motion by
Alrierr!an Hot;rard , seconded by Alderman George to dace the Ordinance on its passage.
Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Howp.rA_, Svob, Farr, Senich, Hurst , Long, Edwards,
Kroell , Williams, Yerbic, Spencer, George, a.nd. Kovrychevi.ch. NAY: None. This
being Petition No. 196 and Ord.innne.P No.
"7" Petition and Ordinance "Horn BevPrn.gn Co. , Inc.". Petition read. Ordinance read.
Motion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alderman Ed.!v!ryrd.s to suspend the ril es.
Roll call. vote. AYF: Alderman Kovachevich, George, Spencer, Yerbic, Kroell. ,
Edwards, Long, Hurst , Farr, Svob, and Howard.. NAY: Alderman Williams and Sepich.
(11 AYES and 2 NAYS) . Motion carried . Alderman Yerbic moves, Alderman Edwards
seconds motion to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE:
Aldermen Froward, Svob, Farr, Sepich, Hurst, Long, Edwards, Kroell, Williams, Yerbic,
Spencer, George, end Kovachevich. NAY: None. Petition No. 10.7 and Ordinance
No. 330.
Petition reruesting that Mr. E. 7�?. Evela.nd cerse building a building to house
horses, - twenty-four signatures on the Petition. Mr. Ray Hartle, Zoning Enforcing
Officer, and the Fulton County Zoning Officer investigated this property and
everything about the huilding is legal. and Mr. Fveland. does not plan to keep
horses in the building. Motion by Alderman Farr, seconded by Alderman Svob to
accent report of Zoning Officers and rla.ce the Petition of file. Carried by voice
vote. Petition +19R.
Communications to Council.
Illinois Commerce Commission vs. Cable Television and other forms of 13roadba.nd
Cable Communications in the State of Illinois. Alderman Sepich moves , Alderman
Furst seconds motion that the City Attorney and Citir Clerk notify the proper
authorities in regards to renswaI of the franchise for Cable Television with
the City of Canton and the motion carried 1,y vni.ee vote. Motion by Alderman
Senich, seconded. by Alderman FnrGt to rpfpr to the license committee, City
Attorney, *favor anO City Clerk for the Cable Television. This motion carried
by voice vote.
7mvironmental Protection Agency regnrdin� rPad'li.nv for Gubmission for rprluest
for Federal and State gr=ants. . Motion by .Alderman Farr, seconded. by Alderm^n
Svoh to refer this to the Sp-er and `'a..tPr, City .Attorney and Consulting EnpineerG.
This motion carried by voice vote.
Old business.
Motion by Alderman lo, seconders by Alderman Long to move the subject of
TP & if RR to next item of business on the Agenda. and the motion carried, voice
vote . Aldermen Howard. stated. lire. Fragen, a resident, in the vicinity of the
new wye track, promised to attend the Council meeting - 7:00 P.M. Discussion
on the TP&W RR began at 7:05 P.M. Alderman Williams and Kroell discussed the
crossings on First and Main Street - the length of time track was tied up.
A Resolution presented by the TP&W RR was read -- Portion of the Resolution
"that this Resolution has been induced. by representation of said Railroad
Companies that the trace on these streets will be used for switching purposes
only and will not block the flow of traffic beionrl that necessitated by actual
switching operations". General discussion about the length of time a. track can
be tied up. Motion by Alderman Williams to Red to the third, p^ragranh of the
Resolution "as per our City Ordinance or the Illinois Commerce Commission Rules".
Further discussion. Alderman Williams vilthd.rew his motion and Alderman Senich
2 7 0)
J->n,ir,ru 471 Cont.(".)
moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds mot'inn to adopt the Resolution. Roll call vote.
AYF: Aldermen Kovpchevich, George , Spencer. Yerbic , '''illia.ms, Kroell , Edwards,
Long, Hurst, Senich, Farr, Svob, and Howard- NAY: None. This being
Resolution No. 553.
St,pndinr committees.
Boat Dock. Alderman Edwards stated that clans Pre near completion, P.nd should be
read-1, to go to the Conservation Dept. for bias c-n rorobPbly be let in
MP.rch, with work to start in Arril a.nd comrleted in Jul�r or August.
Alderman rdwa.rds stated that the house by the lWre and the small a.crea.pe dial not
bring in very much revenue P.nrl surreGted that s^me could be turner!_ into a ricnic
Pres. e.nd club house for the city employees Pnd Civil Defense Department but not
to the penera1 rublic. Motion by Ald.ermPn Fa-i,rds that the City Clerk notify
the tenant in the souse, Donald Wailes, Pnd V-P. farmer (Mr. Roscoe CadwPl.dPr)
that the City vrishec to hP.vP rosspssion �,+ithin sixty d?ys. This motion seconded
ry Alderman Hurst . Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen How;�rd , Snob, FPrr, Senich,
"urst , Long-, Fdwnrds, Kroell , '''Illi,ms, Yerbic, Spencer, Georpe and Kov^(-hevich.
TSAV: prone.
yoti^r by Aldermen Hurst , seconded b- Alderman Long that the lease with Youth Acre's
be referrerl to the Lake Develorment Committee for study and renewal . FojeP vote
carried .
Traffic Safetsr Coordinator: Alderman Senich moves, Alderman Hurst seconds motion
that Chief of Police James Flam he desipnPted as Traffic Safety Coordinator for
the City of C^nton and the motion carried. by voice vote.
Building Permit fees. I-lotion by Ald.ermnn Hurst, seconded by Aldermen George tl,,
the Ord.inancP Committee be authorized to draft a.n Ordinance changing; the Zoning
fees: $100,000.00 and. up - from 25 rer $1000-^0 to $1.00 per 11 ,000.00 and from
zero to .$500.00 to zero to $1,000.00 and no charge to be ma.d.e. voice vote carried.
Street Pnd Alley: Alderman Howard commended the street Department for their work
on snow removal recently and stated. one complaint had been made from Harvester
Lane -- the snow rlov, he'd removed sno•.r on the side of the street orrosite from
the manholes causing melted snow to remain on the street. Alderman ',lillinms
conprrtulp ed the Street Department emrloyees for s ,job well done.
Special Committee reports.
Alderman Long stated that Pt the meeti.np with the Illinois Commerce Commission,
P con.-, of a retition from Mr. P=ricer had. been .received - sho ring' hol", to r1rVress
the 0ommi.ssion rep^rdi.np repl?.ired. information. 7e recommended that the City
Clerk and City Attorney write to the Commission re4liesttnp arn)rova1 for five
crossing ^irna.l liphta: South. Avenue D, First Avenue, fast OP"-� St. , E. Hanle
St. , and E. Linn St.
New bnsiness:
Estimate of cost for cul_vPrts for North Fonrth Avenue extension (aG nren=red by
City Fnpineer) given - a.nnroximPtely $1760.00. Motion by Alderman Rowprd , seconded
by Alderman t'lilliams tha.t the Conneil enter into a.n ngreement for the purchase
of these cnl,re.rt nines, as required.. Roll call vote. AYZI: Aldermen Kovachevieh,
George, SnPncer, Yerbic . ?"il_li,ms, Rroell , 701--rdG, Lonp, Hurst, Senich, Farr,
Svob , Pnr' Hnvard. . NAY: None.
Estimate No. 5 for i,,orl, by Natkin & Co. for wort* on the ^nderson Pl?ce Sevage
Lift Station in the amount of $5,352.76 rresented. Motion by Alderman Senich,
sPcond.ed by Alderman Rd.wnrds to r71-av this estimP-te. Roll cnll vote. AYF:
Aldermen How,-rd , Svob, Farr, Senich , Hurst , Lonp, Edwards, Kroell , Williams,
Yerbic, Spencer, George, and KovP.chevich. NAY: None
Resolution - anrrovin,,^ plat for Lots 1 through 9, Swa.rtzb>ugh Acres Subdivision,
rresented. Motinn by AldermP.n FPxr, seconded by Al.dermP.n Yerbic to a.d.opt this
Resolution. Alderman Se- inquired about side�•ralks , sewers roads, etc. Roll
ca.l.l. vote on the motion. AY': Aldermen Kovachevich, George, Spencer, Yerbic,
Will iPms, Kroell , EdwpLrds, Long, Hurst Farr, Svob, and. Howard.. NAY: Alderman
Senich. (12 AYES and 1 TTAY) . Carried. Resolution No. 554.
Police Cars. Alderman George moves , Ald.erma.n Kovnchevich seconds motion that
the City Clerk advertise for bids for -online cars -- bids to be in the clerks s
office 5:00 P.M. , Feb. 2, 1971-. Carried by voice vote.
2 7
J'nupry 10, 1071 Cont. (3)
Mayor Jennings arnni'ntr(' r, rm ttee to�,,inYesti.gate obscene movies bei.nr shown
in the City: Aldermen Howard , Fdurnrds.)2t` ,--rr, S*nencer cnd the Chief of Police.
Motion by Aldermpn Hurst seconded by Aldermen Yerbic to P.nrrove this committee
and the motion carried by voice vote.
Mayor Jennings appointed. ? committee to assist the property owners on East Beech
Street with t)rocedures relating to annexation of that trailer court: Aldermen
Edwards and Long. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Howard to accent
these P:nnointments ?end the motion carried by voice vote.
Parking Lot. -- South Main Street and 11hite Court . Mayor. Jennings reported on a
meeting with the 13oard of Directors of the Eagles Club in regards to the pronosed
option for nurrhnse of that building. Canton Industries have agreed to furnish
the $15,000.00 down payment Pt the time the abstract is brought un to date and the
balance Pt time of possession. Mayor Jennings stated he had not been authorized
to sign anything but a c?0—day onion with ti-e Eagles Club. Alderman Hurst moves
that the Mayor, City Clerk and City Attorney be nutr.orized to enter into a
contractural agreement -It',h the Canton Industries for the purchase of the eagles
Club building; -- entire cost $10,000.00. This motion seconded by Alderman George.
Alderren Williams st^ted tn-t he felt there arcs not enough noel for this parking
p7.ace st this time since 77,tionP.7 'Rank had moved from the square and the College
won.ld be moved awav from the cents.) district in the near future . alderman Fdwa.rde
moves to suspend the r"i7es , Ald.err--.n 170vaehevich seconds the motion. Rol? CP77
vote. AYF: Aldermen Ho,,.*arc? , Svob, Farr. Senich , Hurst , Long, Fdward.s, Kroell,
Yerbic, Spencer, George Pnd Kovachevich. NAY: Alderrr--n 'Fill items.
d' (12 AYES a.nd
7 7AY) . Motion carried. Alderman Hurst moves and Alderman Kovachevich seconds
Vmotion to nl.a.cp the order of business on its sass?,?e. Roll cal'► vote. ATE:
Aldermen Kovachevich , George, Snencer, Yerbic, Kroe7l , Edwards, Long, Hurst .
Senich, Farr, Svob, and How^rd. NAY: Alderman Williams. (12 AYES and 1. NAY) .
Motion carried.
Comfort Station: Alderman George moves, Aldermen Spencer seconds motion to
authorize the Building a.nd Grounds Committee to make arrangements for removal
of the comfort station. Rol! ca.11 vote. AYE: Aldermen Howard, Svob, Farr,
Senich, Hurst , Long Edwards Kroel7 , Yer. oic, Spencer, George , and Kovachevich.
NAT: Alderman Williams. (12 AYES and 1 NAY) . Motion carried. Motion by
Alderman Spencer, seconded ny Alderman George to instruct the City Clerk to
advertise for bids for remova?. of the ol_d comfort station. Roll call vote.
AYF: Aldermen Kovachevich, George, Spencer, Yeroic, Kropp, Edwards, Long,
Hurst , Senich, Farr, Ivob and Howard. NAY: Alderman Williams, (12 AYES and
1 NAY). Motion carried.
Motion by Alderman Long, seconded by Alderman Kovachevicn to adjourn and the
motion carried by voice vote. CAnton City Council Pd,journs at 8:40 P. M.
C t?r Cl erk