HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-20-1970 Council Meeting Minutes 5 0"
pet. 201 10T)YI on Oct, 21, 1970 in "110 City
nPUnn City Council to order at 6:30 ". H-
C;Iia is Or ionnia, calinO Lhe 000th"
T''e5CIll :Or .arr, Hurst
1,o7ward, Aloc, L�'.
roll call: Alder! Tova(bevich. Absent: older-
ledEe of Allegiance was followed by invocat',-0`1 ",)Y Al_,Ior.'qan Edwards.
.mutes of orevious meatinc. Zotion by aldernan LonL, seconded by Aldernan
- --I file and the motion carried
to, ygotas 5o accepted a" J rmiac(."'i o'
by vnicn v0W- , 1.. ._oynrt.-�! o--r a �Q rnsI0000 for a street
potition, �,�.oq�.m�7 t fra 1 -1 .. �, ,�. -�
li,lt a, ston sign at Ole corner of Sinth "vonve aY Liberty 71ace. notiOn AY
j to rofor this p,tItnon to the Wraffic
Alvrtan Yarr, seconW by Aber"an "01 Petition lo. 195-
9 � T iQus conlittels nns Vie motion carrWO by V0100 vote-
�taqdlns Co� njttee re -orts.
eI 'hairman of tDn W•n( Cal litt0e, d V f hnanc0l.,
!,I)o -)ro-"ose6 I,_16n'nn1 smiar bond irs-00 to )O vntod j0djor 31, 1970 oyn-1-
statinr this Council Onuld not vote for futore 3o"nclln Of the AN -- U-C
there is no jxon-WaO rule for financin.
T-V ">r OIL 'l ' Al ferman TduarKs rn-ovted on a co1 litt0c nOntV: with hwo
local junk yard "ealars ana several from oiQ of We city -- the cownitte'�
to deal with the local men . Rokort MAI a W&M
, _ ,,of of poll,, 7>9 to sot on a nlan. Alderman Edwaris moves,
Wornan 7urst seconds notion that the Chief of "ol,ce >e withorizod. to on tor
into a verbal aart onnnt with Zr. Bull ,K VV, C'}11iiams to ranovn W cars frai
Dr-e Kancar, Yorbic,
stroets. Roll call vote. AT Aldernen Tova .evich, ! a, M
T 7pust MY EVA 2une, aid Tovard. 70 : Knt-
W, I J
MR cars: AlConlan WrAs t, ,,alluna toat Vic nrMance GOMM%
draft an Ord'nance on old junk cars, JiJderman LonU seconds the motion. alder-
mnn 1durris ......end3d ell an ad in the nausnanors prior to nick-up of
old cars ai,! anyone w�.shin,,,r to junk an olC car should release their title of
sEirio. 1,7_(',e:Lian about the liability insurance on this nroject.
,,j,, vote on t notion carried.
'';ay or Jennints re-vorted on the bond AnfereI(II_-__q st tt�j_Tj�,j a ronresentative from
H U D has been reviewing the entire project and a request for federal grant
is be!nZ considered.
police and legal I Alaerman loorge Stc t,o Is CoAnittee recamaended W4
awlicat' on fora ;10,000,nn Todaral grant to update the Mice Departiont
t- wov7d be about
if receiveR, Wnc nOst to the " `
S" tion to make an
12.500,in, Aloernan LonF moves, A� ,Ier,,lan 7urst seconds rao
anilicWon for this federal Frant. ,',lKeraan mliais a0ed, ir the -.rant is
" , ; ,ryIetjtyve bids be taken for Vie nurchase of aquiniaoQ aQ
receive. , � -
was told that bids would Ion takir. a-oil call Me on the motion. A73! Alfer-
T -11lians, Yerbic Spencer)
men lowavdi Rune, `ti Jljr,,� r'31 S
A". I on(-,
coorFq and 70vachovich. W ,
Street and A MY. Alderman Howard r onortod that a survey had been made at
,�C, C j
tho Zona(ic K 7ra restaurant and shove a Wc water fous as -it d*C' - 'it-'-
o elevations on this
o ro-orted a dron of W) feC;t I'J"10" h^Knrincer GIMM He stated water draliis tavard the alley alonV the
lot and sulEested-c4rbinn.10-.,ard �i.nqul_red 11 a storm basin in the Zu--Mcle lot
nrouerty Kno. �I.dernian T ha the Ono to cor-
would relieve the situation and statad tVnt onacle shou.M.
rest this s4u&lon. Discussion, Alderman Howard moves to set up an inforna' NJ
Council rl,G,i j�n w th the Street SunerMten0ent, City .;n,,,,Ineor and the 30,
Crcnk to 1'Jn1'7 crut tits nroblen. Alderman 2arr seconds tills ,'10t ;%
701co vote carried.
Street and AMY: AlCorwan Howard moves that 2ourth 0
� th
he reforrY to the Board of Local Tmprovaients for study and re-oort to the
sWoot ,& Llle, 0,mnittes, Alderman Snencer seconds this mote oa Lind roll
enami 7avrp Ch-V4 C' oorge, Spencer, Yerbic, hilliaAs�)
call vote taken. A-Q AW a 1- - 11,
7dwards, too , Qrst, :arr, Lvoln' 'LL1-ne" a'l"� Iloward. "A7: None.
Street a Alley: locniaendativqs by Streat anr Oct. 20, 1970, Oont. (2)
1 ""ley COmnit&n that Fourth
Avenue, north of Birch 5treet be opened for trwfNc.
Street and Ailey, Winn by -Iderian Hyar, soca13,0 hor "Iserimn Kovachavich
to refer to the
, )r.� Treasurer Am"nen and Ltrent on, Alley
for stnQ of purchase of a rimny trn&3 fnr tnc stuo"t War Want. s
carried. Voice vote
Aldernan Wr, raferr*n , bac� to the AoMcln pronarty watur oroblem
the City has had t4am bofnre and a chqcQ V, Tans S"OnY
mats are lssucd. 10 made 4f or : ncr-
Alderman Hurst askao tna
zonT, ordinance outside the" jit: jjA,its. vocadurc to force the
Olice and Local: Al 'aran �aopLe reoort,d K�n 09sWIRY of a If Ordinance
would be laid o�or for t4a tLie noZ,.
catc4cr Lid it na7 e diffn,,It t, , _of'-,o e_-:Ian�)e -to 0,:u-lo E Cat-
saleWO to do that work.
Snacial calalthoe re-orts.
Caamnications to Wnuil.
rr Annlication for nlaceArint of a nobiln no in 0, ,,,,t
and Qhth Avenue Dresqntna, AlQrnaq jrP ,c ,r statqd his °e son for raNsIn-
to No thi, awlicavon - ho thovTnt a noh7m honD ozrt "i.ht he started at a
later date, hiscussion, KOUM by Alaer on 0encer, seconded by Allorman
Yerbic to refer Wis nattor W each Of t"o Aljorion in that uar& ,, to 2,
4rtlo, nan""Y �nfOrclnT Of.!� r for stjeZ rnmrt to the next Cnoncki,m�nt_
IN- 7yc-wsW- Klerilar vtic nQWrow his of motion J;id jIlcler,ii-an
Slincor uAthdrow his motion. mov �an -�wq
r tion L50 t Ordlnancc Ow : �L�o
removod from Yc Py slyqn , tudy n 01-1 to hava "Aldermen's parmission''
carrYd. tO 11oct z01W Tequiremants, V(dce vote
frc),-,i -- rOsIC" Ib oi -Ann Urn-t rc,roj_j
street. �Otion b- A' 1 MnWv und noiso on tiat
t1io "1`raff�c O0.;, ii`t _Tcekan Parr to rofCr Same to
�ct- -.iid re-ort n omt "netin[. .an also mcntlonod
that trucns hPW NAKed t90 cur5 cat0 WV on Rft vo ne and 7aT1I1 t
Strest, ott`_` vote 011 the !�Iotl.�.-vi carri-�d_
CDC bosinars.
Ord Inance - rezoning (1ha -ruan lu 1 Na sacond read ln':, Aotion by n7
eernan Adwardn soconded b:- hlaarAan MWO thvO the Crdinanan be read by title
only aN tAe 1 Kc voto carrind. TitTo rea,, 71 el',11,an i,iovos, ijl(`,eriman
�111.10 s s9cands notion t , n?nca 07 CK 0KW M 15C 7assa a, nil cail vote.
W Alycyr�,� 7o�,Ln,011 Kohl '0% 7�rbic
Yonder, RorL �, a ,� 7ovachav!K, !his
"S'L Kiscussinn.
A or Junnin s 0clared a recess 7 :7 nor t�c U lark to W t�1c
D.rd'nanc(.o on :K I _10 -0413 t" t"" NOW? 1vr Yov. CounJl r0cPnvnr"6 Et 7:4")
Vic 06' aanco oj Yin -YA�s "Avc mcno, �Otv�n b— —1 'or Ln 017
ocWN W ANarjan 7nslic tj naf�r K�, , KL,, f p, "i>, 1b,W 70 in tri
0110 7* r a7 -OW 1 t 90- if sa�� r �Vnr is w!14 Min 0, janev, "otin-1
Carr! f h - V tcn VON.
Ordinanco - -n a0l , . ;" a, sncw vnv�> ,,oj,n. Chafrano Of
V`--' `,�N,Cflc -'a"miWo unnIoll tO attend the CouneVI 4"Wry wqd Alderman Howard
imp moves, Alderman Rrnp sncondq motion to holdi this Ordhnanc; until t4a nnnt ment-
vlo -;:_ricd by vAce vote.
Conaeniation - h2G 1wt" NrO "vn iae nrovort, Alnervai -Iilll"ic inver on,!
WerAan :nrr accan"s notion for the OnKichl tz Tqshryct the �itj aLt,v,,, to
stary can%inntinn rr9cN&Y-zs on thin or ,_,Q_. w?7 cLTI vot_ AZ ,, Aj�cy_
Nap sari, L Hurst, hrr,
.1jor jenWA S 0 -o7.tK LN r �n -Y. nrtZ o , bastnut ara it a id &love .51
Avg me has Won und), to , Hnjoc 11 to IvT I- , i � ,I ? , , , L d
1 f t4q ;W1 7, 0 ' Q Watuart : d no / Dina nAij, it was also ronortW
• r L i'l surlic
I J -,
va ca,
Z2,., T l-' re
n ,,; tl ,n, ,1 ��' Z. a,
on 's
'norCe �C`
ry"D I
it, -10 Pra N-C t
-...Lan c
Ve 'r-I t
lotl al car-i-(_1 Vote
"or I'D
cross wa7l:s
t t
r:1.an J-r u:i th e
--n ce,71
can be rc,
L -lan
S,C'. t tr t te en
tl- s �,.Iot, c&. vou
te Carr seconds ti?LS -L- lli�lrst, T �-:dwarcl.s, C',r
or e
t r wa-1
a t "Dal,.- a-aci lt to
-ji-;-rd Av(,,"IuO
Slu-reot clrail.n�,If,c� 0" LA I , �-, airrian of
f,� -ler la.
it on 'O.(ler 19
to to t0 -j-iluornau onal Tjajnrest--'r t
jelllli:7, S arassment of C
o -u--f -ant-ll Ed.
Str a nds noti-on to -rant
Tard raovos� Saco 0
I 'c,
.mlnr 7
�Iiee-,V, -11-t n e c r,,s jLTJnma
-rcll V to ha-ve CJ 1-
owe en a-v,; 11 L
a ct'-vi T -C-ur, oil -.1c- -aotl o--a.
Cil-7F cl,� • A' tlie co, nt�, or
Sv dr' o�,,,a r(I A. - ,. -" 'I * le
T")c a I -,�.v
L -La ra al-1 s,-,t f or ens
.'—an state 'le ie
lice �Inii_t.
MrIJ (3-1ce VO-1-1c
Cio(:)r,-e s c c a.-de d b- to aC.j-
1 1
d. '.anton ltl�r ounc a,,lJoi •