HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-15-1970 Council Meeting Minutes 2 1
Sept. 15, 1970
Canton City Council held a regular meet nr; o--
i S �)t. 15, 1970 in the City
Council Char=ber. :Iayor Jennings called the meeti nE to order at 6:35 P. I'I.
Present for roll call: Aldermen Rune, S o? , ,'arv, Sepich3 Tlurst, Lops , r;d.-
wards, Kroell, I'lilliams, Yerbic, Spencer, and I ovachevich. Alderman George
arrivin(� at 6:36 P. rl. Absent.- Alderman Iio?,card.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed. by 1-nirocation by Alderman Tong.
"Iinutes of previous meetin,, : Aldermar ``roe1.1. moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds
motion that the rilinutcs be accented and n1 a ,(d on fi 1 lotion carried, voice
StandinC- con~;ittee reports.
'Craffic Convrit .ec. Iadero.an 3epich re,ort,�d that an ,aa.s being pre-
sented regarding traffic. Ma~,-or Jenni_n-s inquired about the traffic pattern
on the square -- to be sure it was working satisfactorily before an Ordinance
was drafted and also inquired what arrangements were being made to regulate the
traffic floc or, the Nain and Locust Street parkin,- lot.
Special. Committee reports.
�. City Attorney '1almt ren stated there was an ordinance p: rtaininl; to bonfires in
the City of ,anton and requested the �)ress toretrace a statem�,.nt he had mane.
";rst ve;-) raffi_c. Ilotion 1:) Alderman ?urst, ,econ(led by Alderman Farr that
the ite�:i be moved front last r)lace on t'ze a!-e:,da to t',e r� �esr�nt time and the
motion carried by voice vote. 1':�r- �t:, Avenue a-:rd. V:i_ne a_ld also Ash Street cross-
ings were discussed. Alderman :Farr as;e,. -tat 1-1011: be rest signs or
sze.ed limits. Hot-11-on by .,:!der rtan durst, seconded by 1,161.errnan 1''arr to refer the
ma i,,,er to the 'raffi.c Committ ;e a? a they could make rec ri-rendlati ons regardi_nI;
the renlac a:-pit of a traffic liz)�ht on T.ocust Street ai,d Th-Ird avenue which is
no longer in rise. 'This motion carrie ' v A_,�c vote. IT
ayor Jennings suggested
that the school3 be contacted. to see if t11ey Will share the exr)e ise of trasf.i_c
lights. "m-e -lade f :,recommen: ati o is : 1. S�';ed limits; ''2. Chief
Of 7oli.ce to male a radar check; 3. Load 1 m_i_ts to i e r�ta'ol.ir', c'
, �. a tr of
guards at school crossi_nl-s. ;,Trs. Donald 'N_1'cinso11, 119 ?. first .five. requested
that something; be done bt.'fore a ch-i l d .i_° ' '_l.l_ d. ia,yor Jennints states he had
ordered radar to be placed on first ",venu, '��c�.t tl,e work had not been done. Al-
derman t,°lilli_arns offered to assist wiV, t-'rr; radar count. ?lotion by Alderman
Burst, seconded by Alderman Farr to place a school guard at Eirst Ave;aue and
Ash Street a�.d First 1,venue and. V"-re ,,"treet unt_i.l the comrlittoe can solve the
situation. 7-101.1 call vote. AY ' - glcer-ern ovacY ,vich, 11 eor ;e, anancer, Yer-
bic, ?°�illiams, Kroel1, "Sdwards, Ton. , ?'u� ,,t, ._e;)ich, r'arr, S''vob, and Rvpe. NAY:
Tc:me. Alderman "Awarls at,a:in recort�lenc3: d so;�ieth-.:i be done on ?inn attest and
Alterman Soencc�r stag=d t iat ,ast Chest^u.t Street liras in n-,1--(1 o-L some control.
Corrrr�nications to Council.
Model Orcl_tnance nerta:ini_n} to aba_idoned veI-ii.cles read.. Same to bo given -to the
raffic Committee.
Letter fro;n tine Tent. of S,a;-._nation, b, C. '41. Klassen, Director, giving completion
date to un Fade present sewerage fa CL ItiOs as July 13 1972. To be filed.
Division of 1.1i�7.hways regardin ; repairs of 2'i.fth Avenue between Chestnut and Elm
Street -- su{' est i.n sane be resurface(!. iri.i C,i.ty funds, either .-Motor Fuel Tax
or General and the State woliLl assume a ,)orti.on o" this cost.
Bonds - '.laterwor;cs and Sewera ,e Facilities. Letter from Crawford, 14urnhy and
Tilly Cons.rlti_n�- sng-i..neers reilyi_nE to City- .-ittorne - ':cilliam I Ia]_mgreri's inquiry
about Ceneral Obligation T'oncis for Hewer facilities. Alderman Rupe called for a
meeting of the 'later a-.:nd Sewer and -'L"inance Ca-'U ittees to meet on '. ecllnesda y.,
ept. 16, 197'?, 6:30 >?. 1,1.
YMCA - request to sell sand`, on the square and frori door-to-door on Nov. 11}
and 21, 1970. Motion by Alderman Croell-, seconded bir Alderman Yerbic that per-
mission be ranted, and t?ze motion carri d by void vote.
division of Highwa,,;s letter of approval of or?- on Sycamore, 'Tenth, iyrtle,
'..;e Streets and Sixth Avenue (Geo. E. Hof; ,'�rt Sons) in the araount of
183,261}.110 presented.
;dent. 1.5, 1970, Cont. (2)
'jivision of Highways letter of approval for street improvements on ?°,est
I T nut ��treet (I'IcDougalizartmann C o.) in the amount of ;,1359,958-81. - Mayor
Jennings stated work would start this fall -- building the bridge, moving
watr main at the creek aid removing trees, the City can then place the stub-
ins. I streets to be torn up this winter.
Alderman Ilurst again inquires when the Avenue D and 1-Hanle Street corner will
be rounded.
Old bus ness.
7e-VT bus�_ness.
Rezonin.n: Hecommendation from the Plann-i.ng and Zoning Commission to rezone the
Clyde Chambers nropert r, 430 ,T. 12th Ave. from an R-1 to B-2 Commercial property.of
I:otion by Alderman Long, seconded b, Alerman George that tl�e recommendations en
the "lanning and Zoning Commission i)e accepted. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen
Rune, Svob, I''arr3 ?epich, Hurst, Long, ?dwards, Kroell, -filliams, Yerbic, Sne?zcer,
George, and Kovachevich. NAY: °,?one. Motion b:, Alderman Sepich, seconded by Al
&t rman Long- that an Ordinance be drafted regarding this rezoning. GIoice vote,
Easement, C.I.' .S.Co. for ripe line to be i.•.i.stalled to various Lots east of
Canton, lace V]_ci_nity. T,totion by Alderman Edwards, seconded by Alderman Svob
to refer this matter to the City Attor: e-y and amity Ong_!-neer for stlla., and re-
port to the Council. ti'oice vote carried.
Estimate No. 11, Division 11 and 12, l ormoyle-Berg 2, `'ssociates :i_n the amo urt
of '18,305.42. Mayor Jennings recommends holdL up payment on this estimate
until ttao projects (Rocker r)roperty and �' elson. propert�r on West "Jalnut otreet)
have been. corrected. I4at�en !-r, Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Farr to
withhold payment until the jobs are completed and the motion carries1 b-y' voice
To Parking Ordinance. First reading -- same to lay over.
Motion by Alc7.erman Yerbic, seconded by Alderman (George to adjourn. Canton City
Council adjourns at 7:,5 P. M.
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