HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-18-1970 Council meeting Minutes 2 R7
Aug. 18, 1970
Canton City Council held a regular meetin.,; on Aug. 18, 1970 in the City
Council Chamber. Mayor pro ten ldwards called the meeting to order at 6:30
P. I.1. Present for roll call: Aldermen TViard, Rune, Svob, Farr, Sepich, LonE;,
Edwards, hroell, 11illiams, Yerbic, Cieorc;e, and ICovachevich. Alderman 'Brst
arriving at 6:35 P. ''[. Absent: Alderman Snencer.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed bJ- Invocat' ors by Alderman Rupe.
I%inutes of previous meeting. Alderman I;roel_l. moves, Alderria.n T:onp- seconds
motion that minutes be accented and nlaced on file. Carried b?r voice vote.
Petition. Si:ar-six signatures requesting 'illo Parking" s.i_,-ns be removed from
L 12.9 i. Pine Lt. to Ave. D. Motion bar Alder^kzn 'eorge, seconded b�T Alcerr?an
''ovachevi.ch to .refer this Petition to the '11raffic Conmitttee and motion carried
by voice vote. `j'h:i_s be'_ng Petition No. 193.
Standi.nl-c co'.zi.ittee reports.
?'all coverfng for building on I-tai-n and L oc-.i.st Street Parking Lot; lHotion by
Alderman Farr, seconded by Alderman Svob that t'�e bid be awarded to Dan Hull
for this work and the Mayor and City Cleric be authorized to enter into this
. agreement. Roll call. vote. AYT",; Alder-en Kovachevich, George, Yerbic, Wil-
liams, Kroell, ',dwards, Tong, Senich, Farr, Svob, Rupe, and Howard. ',TAB:: None.
cl" Agreement !do. 171!.
Alderman Burst arriving at 6:35 P. ii.
Traffic Cor.Lmittee: Alderman :'e rich renorted on meeti_n<s Aug. _I" and. 13:
Approval for entrance on Main and T,ocust :':street parking lot on Main St., coin
exit probably 25,E all day, no overnight park.i_ng, general public for vehicles
under 8000 lb; disnussinn on Ord i_nance - L'eventh Ave. ; Traffic control East Ash
St.; truck traffic on Fourth Ave. from Linn St.; walk-cross light on I1ain and
Vine St.; parkin` on E. Pine St.; ',,,r,J_te Ct. p�:.r'd_n<, lot; parking restriction on
Elm St., I.1i.C. plant; parking on Third AL-e. at Lapti.st Church. entrance.
Street and Alley: Alderman Howard - not enough members present at last meeting;
and another meetinc; w1_11 be set for later.
Water Pc Sewer Committee to meet Thurs. Au,�. 20, 6:30 P. 1. announced. by Alderman Rup_ e.
Insurance Committee meet-i_nr*, T'lurs. Aug. 20, 630 to 8:00 P.''1. announced by Alder-
man Rule.
Special committee re--�orts.
Communications to council.
Acme Cash I'.egister Co. letter regardi_nfi shipment of equipment for par'cing lot.
C.T;.O.S.Co. letter to City Attorney ? almgren r,,:-rarding repair of `iest Fine St.
Alderman ?Furst stated C.I. .S.Co W-11 be more Prompt in this work in the future.
Lotion by Alriernan Hurst, seconded by Alder.:nan Farr to place the correspondence
on file and the motion carried b,, vol.ce vote.
?nqu:iry from Alderman Howard when the seal-.I-n',' of streets would be, done and that
the work in vicinity of schools should be done soon.
Old business.
East Fine Street. Alderman ?1ur t moves, seconded by Alderman Svob to allow Neil.
Aldrich to sneak to the Counc:i.l - motion carried by voice vote. Pro tell Mayor
allowed ','eil Aldrich to sneak to the Council not to exceed three minutes. .ir.
Aldrich objected to the sug •estion that 'no move the curbing and sidewalk at his
own expense and '.that Chief of Police larn sai� it wasunecessarj to remove parki..n.
on both sides of E. nine ""t. Alderman ZJilliwils moves, Alderi-aan ?Io�rard seconds mo-
tion to refor this matter to the 'raffic :,on-ii_ttec Sin azcl motion carried by voice
vote. Discussion. 'la' or pro tein 'sdwarc?s requested Alderman Senich to make recom-
mendations re[;ardl,ng EC. Fine St. at the nn_:t Council meeting.
Easement - Wm. Ritchey property. City Attorny; ;Ialmgren ex-nlained the disclaimer
which had been presented to tie City Cou.ncl_l_ Ju.l�, 2�`,, 1970 and that a quit-claim
establi_shin7 an easement on one si c'e of this lot be -made. Alders-iari Yerbic moves,
Alderman Svob seconds motion to refer sar:le to City Attorney and City Engineer for
this particular easeme:-it. '.lotion carried b-.- voice vote.
Aug. 1�, 1970, Cont. (2)
Tax Levy Ordinance - second reading. Motion by Alderman Lonr;, seconded by Alderman
Yerbic to read same by Title only. Roll caIl vote. A`17i: Aldermen Howard, Rupe,
Svob, Farr, Sepich, Hurst, Long, Edwards, Kroell, Williams, Yerbic, George, and
Iovachevich. NAY: 'done. Title read. T,lot-i )n by Alderman Lon.;, seconded by Alder-
man Hurst to place the Ordinance on its passag-;e. Roll call vote. A17: Aldermen
Kovachevich, George, Yerbic, Williams, Kroell, -�;dwards, Long, Hurst, Sepich, Farr,
Svob, Rupe, and Hot-.ard. ,`TAY• None. This being Ord:i_nance No. 319.
Mayor nro tem I'dwards stated the three street dances put on by the " iomentari es"
would be held Av.g. 22, 29, and Sent. 5 (8:00 - 11:00 P.T'I.) South side of square.
,Jew business.
'Heeds. Alderman Kroell reported weeds on E. ?Talnut St. between First and Second
Ave. and Alderman i�upe reported high grass in the new additions. City Attorney
Mialm-ren quoted the Ordi_nanoes pertaining to weeds.
?olicenienrs clothing allowance for quarter ;;450.00 - t hi s bill neglected to be
turned in for the August Ltth meeting,-. 'Motion. by Alderman Farr, seconded by Alder-
man Rupe to allow this bill. Roll call_ vote. AYE- Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Svob,
Farr, Sepich, Hurst, Long, Edwards, Kroel:-, Williams, Yerbi c, George, and I{ovache-
vich. NAY! ;,Tone.
Great Lakes Regionsl Finals (8 states) Tournament. Motion by Alderman Hurst to
place an ad in the local newspaper providing the city would get front page. Alder-
man Kovachevich seconds the motion and it carried voice vote. Discussion and Alder-
man ;Toward reported the way to support these tears would be the elected officials
attending the games. Alderman TKovachevich withdrew his second of motion and Alder-
man Hurst tia .th.drew his motion. Alderman Ceorge moves, Alderman Svob seconds motion
to place an ad in the parer as in the past. Discussion. Alderman Svob withdrew his
second and Alderman George withdrew his motion. Then Alderman Hurst moves to place
an ad in the newspaper. Mayor pro tem Echsards as'cs three times for a second to the
motion and then declared the motion dead for lack of a second.
ilotion by Alderman ',roell, seconded by Alderman Yerbic to thank Alderman Howard for
hospitality shown to the elected officials at the party on Auglzst 9.
Appointments: Corimittee for i1unicinal. Assoc. of :,entral region meeting; for Sent. 11, :
Aldermen Sepich, Williams, and Rupe. Committee for Friendshin Festival: Aldermen
Se,?ich, Williams, and Rupe. Ilotion by Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Hurst
to confirm these appointments and the motion carried by voice vote.
Weeds - downtown area. Health officer to contact merchants to have weeds around
their build�_n�s removed and the Street Department to clean around the parking met-
ers. Alderman Williams sug ;ested the A.C.I. might be of aid. Motion by Alderman
George, seconded by Alderman Long that the Chief of Police instruct the Health
Officer to notif,.- all business places where there are weeds and motion carried, voice.
i.e zoning Ordinance - f rst reading. (property of Joseph Venovich) . ;lotion by Alder-
man Sel-�ich, seconded by Alderman Hurst to suspend the dales. Roll call vote. A- ,:
Aldermen Kovachevich, George, Yerbic, Willia;is, T',:roell, ',;dwards, Long , Hurst, Sep-
ich, Farr, -Svob, Rune, and Holnard. NAY : None. Alderman Sepich moves, Alderman
Hurst seconds motion to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE:
Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Svob, Farr, Sepich, TTurst, Long, Edwards, Kroell, Williams,
Yerbic George, and 7ovachevic''r. NAY: None. This I::eing Ordinance Tdo. 320.
Statements sunnorting the decision of the Astronauts to read the ;3ible from their
space craft as they orbited the moon duri_�-..g; r,ecefnber 1968 ti•7ere circulated for any
of the officials to s:-n -- same to be ma i_loc] to the '.�ati_onal_ Aeronautics and
Snace Administration, Tlouston, Texas.
Penartment of Conservation letter and Ag=reement for constructl.on, maintenance, and.
oneratIon of Boat Access Harbor Area presented. T°lotion by Alderman Yerbic,
seconded bar Alderman George to refer same to t'ie Take Committee. Carried by voice
'lotion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alderman Svob to adjourn. Voice vote,
carried. Canton City Council adjourns at 7:20 p. M. ,. /
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hla�or pro gem