HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-25-1970 Council Meeting Minutes 22 June 25, 1970 Cantor. City Council, held a Special meeting, June 2 5, 1970 in the City Council Chamber. Mayor Jenni_ni-s called the meetinL; t;o order at 6:1�2 ?°. M. Present for the meeting: Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Svob, "'arr, Sepich, flurst, -Edwards, Williams., Spencer, George, and Kovachevich. Absent: Aldermen Long-, Knoell., and Yerbic. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Tnvocat.i.on by Alderman Howard. Letter of call to the Special meeting, read by City Clerk. PURPOSE: "Canton Lake !,dater Shed" and "Consideration of '°.atershed Ordinance". Notion by Alderman Spencer, seconded by Alderman ',^:dwards that Alderman Rupe, Chair- man of the ,•ater and Sewer Committee, who hac.. done considerable research on the project tale charge of explanation of tfre proposed plans for watershed preservation. 'lotion carried by voice vote. Alderman Rupe ex la:ined the nresent watershed resources stating the Consolidated Coal Co. and united :�;lectric Coal. Co. have land holdings in this area. Second reading of the Mwatershed. Ord'._nance" by C:it;r Clerk requested by Rupe. Ordnance read. ` Mr. Charles _'ond, Super'.ntendent of the Consolidated Coal Co. stated the company owned lard in the territory stated in the Ord;.nance a-id requested t'.7at :sections 33 and 22 be deleted from the Ordinance. Discussion. da Amendment "lo. 1. elotion by Alderman Durst t',at Section be deleted from descrip- tion in proposed )rdi.nance and Section 22 be chanf;ed to include only the east one- third insofar as same applies to description in the 'datershed Ordnance. Alderman George seconds t'lis motion. Roll Gala_ vote. Al_'!;: Alderen Kovachevich, George, Spencer, .dhcards, '?urst, Senich, Svob, Rune, a.­,d Howard. NTAY: Aldermen. I-1illiams and Farr. (9 AY'��'S alzd 2 'NAYS). :Motion carrie d. City Attorney ',,,ill-i.am ' almgren exr)Iained various ort__.ons of the Ord_,-nance -- per- mits, bonds, etc. Amendment ?o. 2. notion by Alderman jiurst that "ecti.on 7 be cha Ked to read "no permit shall be issued except b;; the a .'firmative action of the majority vote of the elected officials'i, Alderman `;dreards seconds the motion. Roil call vote. AYE': Aldermen Howard, Rune, Svob, Farr, ScT)ich, Hurst, ;dwards, ,,illiams, Spencer, C.-eor7e, and Kovachovicf-!. `TAY: ''?one. Amendment No. 3. Alderman itupe moves, Alderman Se-)ich seconds motion that Section 9 "maximum fine not exceed :';500.'7011 be made 'instead of $1.,000.0C11). toll call vote. AVE: Aldermen Kovachevich, George, S­)encer, '::.tlliams, l dward.s, Hurst, epich, Farr., Svob, Rupe, and '?o?-card. NAY: None. 'lo representatives from the United Coal Co. present. :,Ir. -'date Wilcoxen from the Crawford, °'IurpiZy fillyn ;ineering, Farm present for any information needed. Alderman Rupe asked if there were any further inqui-ries. R.eceiving no questions, Alderman Rupe moves and )alderman Edwards seconc :, notion to Glace the Jrd.'Inance on its passage. Rol'_ call. vote. A'.�7: Alden„F:n ',orfcard, Rupe, Svob, :Farr, Senic'�, urst, Edwards, I%Tilliams, Spencer, Geor-o a ! d ?"ovachevicll. dAY: None. Ordnance 311. Alderman Edwards thanked Alderman Rupe and Cit; :ttor_Iey 4 _l_liam ; almEren for their efforts to complete this watershed project. Motion by Alderman, TTurst, seconded by hlderman '•"ovachev?.ch to adjourn. Voice vot(:, carried. Canton Cit. ;ncii Soeci.al meeting; adjourns at 7:''S r'. M. City Clerk IMayor �� Following the Special Cq'*i.l. meet _ng held on June 25, 1970, '�a� or Jennings re,)orted ..r. 14m. '--ittel.l, Chm., Fulton Co. Planninf ". aonin.; Com. was present a, d would e: lain any questions about the pro-;os d County landfill near '-addle Grove. Perrniss:_on granted. Alderman 'durst, Chm. of the Garbage Dis oral Com. requested a meeting of that com. and a discussion was held. :�_ecommencations from the corn. : That the City Council support the action taken by B3),)rd of Supervisors regarding the proposed landfill. Motion b-%. tad.erman George, seccndect b�.r A1c:erma,. 'ioward that the City Council. go on repord and send a letter to the 3oard of Supr. that t':,e Council was in full support of any action t':ie Board deemed necessary regardin ; the proposed landfill. Voice vote carried. A°pROVES1: _.._. C��2Y2L� City erk 114ayor