HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-16-1970 Council Meeting Minutes 222
June 16, 1970
Canton City Council. held a regalar meeting on June lc;, 1970 in the City
_ ham'ber. Mayor Jennings called the meeting to order at 6:30 i.
Council. �_ �; e.
.'resent for roll call: Aldermen Howard, Svob, ?arr, Senicl-t, ?-11urst,
~dwards, Tyr.oell, "";illiams, Spencer, and Y'ovachevich. Alderman R. pe arriv'ng
in the Council `,hamber at 6:55 P. "I. Absent: Aldermen Yerbic a .d George.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed b,,r invocation by Alderman Long.
:Minutes of previous rneeti..n-. i"Iotion b�/ Alderman Kroell, seconded by Alderman
Kovachevich to accent minutes as presented a--id mace on file. 'lotion carr.;.ed by
voice vote.
eti ti on (a:lu. Checl, accompanyi_n r the preparation for a oifolic hearing) for re-
zoning the Columbus Club on 'worth F ourt.i Avenue from an R-2 �esident?_al to a
3-1 Local 5us9_ness ;'-Jistrict. Motion In- Alderman Fiurst, seconded 1?,r Alder;-7an
Sepich that the Petition be referred to the ''tannin{; and Zonin, Commission f :r
study and recom.,endation. �,oice vote carried. Petition '_do, lf3f .
Standing~ committee reports;
Lake -development Committee to meet imraediately followint the Council meeti-nr-
announced 'oy Alderman Edwards.
'ira'fic Corkrlittee. Alderman Sepich re ,orted on a meeti_n - of that committee and
the recorr-,endations: Advertise for bid's for electric pari-ing gate with free
entrance, coin exit, two gate system co'_n operated; advertise for bids for flood
li_I;hts as s�cci fied by the Cit:r ngi_neer; no narl,int� to be allowed on south s:-de
of Soruce Street fram 'Main Street west to Avenue D; no oarkin on east side of
Yourth Avenue from Elm Street south to Oa': Street; no parking; on south side of
Pine Street fromPifth Avenue east to Sixth !'venue; Petiton regarding speed'-_:f- on
East Linn_ Street frori Tj'ourth Avenue to ; ain utreet - Police Le-partrnent to in-
stigate strict enforcement of traffic ra-l:lations b,, means of more frequent use
of radar and police patrol; no parking on north side of Linn Stre ;t from Fourth
Avenue to Bain Street mair be considered _i-f deer,led nedesary; Petition for stop
signs on First Avenue and Ash i3treet - this request to be held in abeyance Pend-
1.ng outcome of improved conditions provi ded b;: elim;,.nati ng; parking 25 feet 'pack
from frills intersect--on on both Ash Street and Ii irst i.venue; Petition regarding
removal of parking on east side of Avenue T3 from 'la-)le to Hickor;Yr Street to be
considered after a meet' ;n with the Aldermen of the wards involved. ilotion by
Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Burst to advertise for bids for par',tiinE;
Fates. '_•lotion carried by voice vote. :Motion by Alderman Spencer., seconded by
Alderman arr to advertise for bids for flood lights and installation of same.
Voice vote ca-_-ried. (It -.as decided to co,abine the bids and the Council_ could
consider either or both proposals when received) . .Motion by Alderman Senicli,
seconded by Alderman Spencer that the no -parking recommendations be referred to
the 3rdinance Corunittee and the motion carried by voice vote.
Reports of special committees.
Co-Illinicati ons to Council.
?.equest from the Federated 3 & P Gar Club to hold an ice cream social in Jones
'Park on July 17, 1970. 'Motion by Alderman IIurst, seconded by Alderman Sepich to
Tant this request. Voice vote carried.
3oard of Fire and 'Police Commissioners appointment of Robert Fishburn as police
patrolman, subject to usual probationary period effective April 29, 197'-x. 'lotion
by Alderman Durst, seconded by Alderman, Lon,- to accept same and dace on file and
the motion carried by voice vote.
„oard of Fire and 'olice Commissioners an-,)n
of vacat;.on relief firerlen
for the Tire Department: Larry Hoerman, ?Iotirard Dye and Tim Fisher. ;"lotion by
Alderman '-]dwards, seconded by Alderman Lon,- to acce--t same and -dace on file.
This :notion carried by voice vote.
Skaggs Construction Co. letter to Carroll Owens stating; a cheek for -:100,00 was
inclosed for damage to corn crop at time of ''.:est Vine Street improvement (46CS).
listimate 'To. 9 (final) in the amount of "13,437.27 brought to attention of
Council (sane had been withheld pending the payment of Mr. Owens 1 claim) . Al-
derman ,,dwards moves, Alderman Sepich seconds motion to allow this payment. Roll
call vote. AY',: Alderman Kovachevic'n, Spencer, Williams, Kroell, Edwards, Long,
Hurst, Sepich, Farr, Svob, and Howard. "IA`_,': ,?one. notion for pa-ment carried.
June 16, 1970, Cont. (2)
Division of Highways anproval of I?esollit-ion No. 536 appropriating ;203000.00
'lotor Fuel Tax funds for street mai_ntonance -)resented. Alderman Long moves,
Alderman Senich seconds moti-),n to accent t'_e letter of approval and place on
file. Carried by voice vote.
Illinois ani.cipa? eague newsletter regard'ii�- the nronosed increase i.n
gasoline tax presented. Motion by Al derla'z '-'urst, seconded by Alderman Long
that the ',,Iayor be authorized to address letters to each of the duly elected
officials stating that the Canton City Council opposed the proposed 1¢ increase
in 'iotor Fuel Tax. Holl call vote. AY": Aldermen Howard, Svob, Farr, Sepich,
Hurst, Long, �dwards, Kroell, Williams, Spencer, and Kovachevich. F;AY: Done.
.Motion carried.
Alderman Rune arriving in Council Charber at 6:55 P. M.
T P & W RR letter to City Attorney 1°1m. iMalmF,.ren -- tracks to be repaired
within a week or so; road blockage by trains -- an interchange arrangement
to be .made with the Burlington 'vortheri Railroad by constructing a Wye track;
weeds to be killed with weed killer before end of Juie. Report of tile being
Stopped up at Corner of 'iain Street arid `l'P'°r':1 ::'R �taterrun.iing into ilrs.
Wilson's yard.) . City Engineer to check ar_d oven sa,ae. Al derria.n Williams re-
quests the committee to get flashing warning; lights on First Avenue and `L' 'c;1 RR
and also on Oak Street and CV Q RR. City- Attorney renorted a request could be
made to the railroad companies or a Petition could be nresnted to the Coi,timerce
Commission and show cause for such need. Alderman ':iill.ians moves, Alderman Ed-
wards seconds motion to write to the railroad companies for these lights. Voice
V vote, carried. Mayor Jennings reported when this 11111ye" would be installed, an
easement with the City wo.ild be necessary.
Old business.
Alderman Kroell requested that PManle Street between 2irst Avenue and Second
Avenue be repaired after the sewer work, same to be cleared next week. Health
officer Gilpin to check to see if a need for oil. on the street.
Inquiry about .lest .Tal,nut Street blacktopninl; :Wade by Alderman Hurst. Mayor
Jennings had talked to IMr. Elmer Young from the (11rawford, :Murphy R• Tilly 1�ng-
ineering, Firm regarding the McDougal-Iartmanxi bridge and will contact '�ir.
Young again.
'lest ,ine '
treet openinfs made by C. T. . S. Co. have not been repaired.
Gdhen street openings are made, they should be closed in accordance wit'- the
City Ordinance was renorted by Alderman Hurst. 'Mr. 'Myers, Street Su?)erinten-
dent to make a report at next Council meeting.
Alderman? Rune re-)orted on a meetin ; with t'rie Fulton County Pl_annin" and Zoning
3oard and that forms from HUD would be sent to the Hayor soon.
Appropriation Ordinance, second reading. 'Motion by Alderman Long, seconded by
Alderman Edwards to read the Ordinance by Title only. Carried by voice vote.
Title read. lotion by Alderman Lon,,,-, seconded by Alderman -iurst to place the
Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE'-: Aldermen 'Kovachevich, Spencer,
Williams, Kroell., Edwards, Tong, Karst, Sepich, Farr, Svob, Ruoe, and Howard.
NAY: None. This being Ordinance No. 310.
New business.
Alderman Kovachevich asked if the Street Sunerinten.dent would look at Thirteenth
Avenue between Ash and Vine Streets to see what can be done to correct the
Finance and Fire Committees to meet immediately after Council meeting announced
by Alderman Svob, for the purnose of discussing purc':nase of truck for fire chief.
Apnointrlent of Alderman Howard to the Youth Acres Board made by Mayor Jennings.
;Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Kovachevich that the appointm:ant
be confirmed. 'Moti.on carried, voice vote.
Appointment of a Negotiating Committee: Alderman Farr, Chm., Aldermen Svob,
Kovachevich, and 7erbic. 'Motion by Alderman LonF-, seconded by Alderman Williams
to accept these appointments. Carried by voice vote.
June 16, 1970, Cont. (3)
Sewer problem on Quality Hill. Alderman Senich stated a very unsanitary con-
dition exists at Avenue G and 'Hanle Street. The City Sanitary Officer and.
the Fulton County Health Officer have investigated -- the properties involved
are not connected to city sewers. Motion by Alderman :Hurst that everyone in
the city be directed to comply with the City Ordinance and that letters be sent
to known. violators. Alderman Rupe seconds this motion and it carried by voice
vote. Alderman Senich moves, Alderr;Lan Hurst seconds motion that the proposed
storm sewer plat, as prepared by the City ;ngineer be refereed to the Street and
Alley Corunittee for study. Alderman ??oward stated there are improper connections
in various parts of the Cite. Alderman Hurst recommended that the Street and
Alley Co: nittee try to repair one area each year until the condit .ons are corrected.
Audit for City of Canton - 1909-1970. A I derman Edwards moves, Alder.ma.n durst
seconds motion to accept same and ?lace on file. It was decided not to act on
acceota_nce of the Audit until each Alderman had reviewed same. Alder:-,an Hurst
withdrew his second of motion and Alderman Edwards withdrew his motion.
Bond, Transamerica _insurance Co., Robert Fishburn, Police Patrolman in the
amount of ".1,000.00, approved by finance Committee, presented. :lotion by Al-
derman LonF,, seconded by alderman Edwards to accept same and place on file and
the motion carried by voice vote.
Ordinance - an easement with the C.T.P.S. Co. to lay over until each Alderman
has received a cony of same.
Motion b-,;- Alderman Farr that the bids to be advertised (electric gate and,
flood lights) be received by 5:00 1% o:. July 7, 1970 and opened at the
Council meeting on that date. Alderman Spc;: cer seconds this motion and it
carried. b,,r voice vote.
:lotion by Alderman ITurst, seconded by Al ien= Spencer to adjourn. Voice vote
carried. Canton City Council adjourns at 7:35 T'
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