HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-19-1970 Council Meeting Minutes 215
May 19
Canton City Council held a regular meeting on May 19, 1970 ih,the7City
Council Chamber. Mayor Jennings called the meeting to order at 6:35 P.M.
Present for roll call: Aldermen Howard, Rupee Svob, Farr, Sepich, Hurst,
Long, Edwards, Kroell, Williams, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and Kovachevich.
Absent: None.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by invocation by Alderman Edwards.
Motion by Alderman Kroell, seconded by Alderman Yerbic that the minutes of
the previous meeting be accepted as presented and placed on file. Voice vote,
Mayor Jennings introduces visiting Mayors : Ralph Bordwine, Bryant, Donald
Williams, Dunfermline, Leo Harper, Banner and Jim Thorn representing Chester
Prosser, St. David. "
Petition - concerning the reinstatement of four former C.I. '.S.Co. employes
to work - Petition containing 3020 signatures requesting their return to work.
Alderman Kovachevich stated there was noor public relations between employer
and employee and he recommended that the employees be reinstated as they right-
fully deserve. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Sepich to allow
one of the four men involved to speak to the Council. Motion carried by voice
�. vote. Mr. Leland Bishop stated that in the beginning their week-end duty was
on a voluntary basis and that they were informed that now the extra duty was
compulsory and they were to draw number lots for their turn of duty - otherwise
they were to receive a two-week notice. They were told at 9:00 A. 'L,I. that thel=
were to relidvved of their duties as of 12:00 moon. Motion by Alderman Sepich,
seconded by Alderman Hurst to grant Mr. Ron Avery, plant superintendent, per-
mission to speak to the Council and this motion carried by voice vote. Mr.
Avery stated that the decision for reinstatement should be reached betwen the
four men and the Labor Board and asked that r. Ilalmgren rule on same. Motion
by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman George that the City Council recognize the
"etition but direct it back to the presenters of the Petition or the National
Labor Board. Mayor Jennings read a report from City Attorney Ilalmgren, in part:
"I advise you and the Council that this type of matter is not a matter of proper
official concern of the City of Canton, Illinois, as to which any legal action
could be taken by the City. At the most, this is a matter wherein the Officials
of this City, in my opinion, can go no further than to manifest and hope that
any strained relations between these employees and their employer may be amicably
and peacefully resolved, and that the concern for them, in this respect, is the
same kind of concern that Officials ought to have for any of the citizens of the
City. Certainly it would be inannropriate that any official action of the City
be contemnlated." Alderman Farr as'ced to speak, not as a Councilman, but as a
citizen and was informed he must relinquish his chair, which he did. Mr. Farr
stated that he leaned toward the management side even if the rules were violated
-- he thought the punishment given the men were too severe. Mr. Farr returned
to his Council seat. Voice vote on the motion made by Alderman Hurst carried.
This Petition being numbered #183.
Petition - Speeding on East Linn Street. Alderman Edwards moves, Alderman Long
seconds motion that the Petition be referred to the Traffic Committee for study
and bring back a report to the next Council meeting. Voice vote carried. No. 184.
Standing Comittee Reports.
Garbage Disposal Committee. Alderman Hurst reported the cost of the landfill oper-
ation was 4.91 per person, based on 15,000 people (that Cuba, using our landfill
was paying at the rate o ' 21¢ per person). The agreement for landfill with the
strip mine is a twenty-year lease which can be terminated twelve months advance
Alderman Edwards stated that the beach at Lake Canton would open May 30 (would
be closed each Monday unless the ilIonday follows a holiday) . New camp ground to
onen and charge will be $1.50 per night.
Alderman Svob reported the Firemen have rejected the increase in pay as passed
by Ordinance and are asking for a 12; 5 increase plus $10.00 increase for uniforms.
Street and Alley. Alderman Howard said no oiling or chipping of streets this
year - but repairs to bad spots. Regarding; the resealing of permanent streets,
Mr. Elmer Young from Crawford, Nurphy P,-. Tilly Eng. Firm, Street Sup., and City
Engineer are to decide which streets need this work. Motion by Alderman Howard
seconded by Alderman Sepich that, under Mr. Young and Mr. Myers guidance, the
City Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids for necessary sealing or chips
May 19, 1970, Cont. (2)
(about 75 or 85 blocks of permanent streets which may cost between c155000.00
or $181000.00)- bids to be opened June 16, 1970. Discussion about type of rock
or chips to be used. Voice vote on the motion carried.
Traffic Committee - Alderman Sepich announces a meeting of the Cai-nittee for
Monday, May 25, 1970, 6:30 1. M.
Water & Sewer: Alderman Rune reported on the meeting held recently and that
an estimate of cost of repair to lake reservoir to be made soon.
Special Committees
Communications to Council.
Betterment Committee planning to have old junk cars removed from streets --
Gavenda Bros. will cooperate by towing same providing the cars have a title.
'lotion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Rupe to accept the plans of the
Committee and this motion carried by voice vote.
Jenartment of Public Health. Letter regarding faults at the landfill. Alder-
man Burst stated that corrections were being made as fast, as a solution can be
made to some of these problems.
VIater Tower Standpipe. ;Iallace & Tiernan letter and contract for maintenance
$320.00 per year presented. Motion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman
Rune that the City enter into thie Agreement. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen
Kovachevich, Ceorge, Spencer, Yerbic, Zfdilliams, Kroell, Edwards, Long, Hurst,
Sepich, Farr, Svob, Rupe, and Howard. NAY: None. Th�.s being Agreement No. 167.
Request from Am. Disabled Veterans to hold "Forget-me-not" day June 19, 1970.
Motion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alderman Svob to grant same. Motion carried.
Alderman Spencer moves, Alderman Hurst seconds motion that Mr. Ron kvery, Supt.
of C.I.''.S.Co. be allowed to address the Council. Voice vote carried. Mr. Avery
stated the doors to the C.I.`�.S.Co. and his home were open anytime the four men
wish to talk to him.
Old business.
Alderman Kroell requested again that the T.P.W.R.R. crossing (First Ave.) be re-
paired; also that an old house on alley on I°Ialnut Street between First and Second
Ave. should be torn down or repaired. Alderman Edwards said the C.B.BQ RR cross-
ings need repairs also, especially Holly Street. He asked the City Attorney to
contact the C.B.&-Q. RR. Alderman 11illiams reported weeds needed mowing at t,,I.e
T.P.?�•W.RR crossing and Ave. D and the C. .A'. RR and Linn Street.
Alderman 'durst reported a bridge was being dismantled near Peoria and being re-
built near Canton - he was advised to contact the contractor for this work and
report to the City Council. This type of bridge on the W. u%dalnut St. plans.
Dog Catcher. Motion by Alderman Williams, seconded by Alderman Yerbic to publish
detailed instructions for the public to be able to contact t'he F-.il.ton County Dog
Catcher. Motion carried by voice vote.
Alderman Howard stated that weeds on the southwest corner of Third Ave. and
Chestnut Street need mowing.
Motion by Alderman Farr, seconded by Alderman Sepich that i.r. Virgil Horr (former
employee of the C.I.P:C.Co) be allowed to sneak to the Council. Voice vote,
carried. Mr. Horr asked if the four men who had been fired would be able to
bring anyone else with then when interviewing Mr. Avery. Mr. Avery reported he
would inquire if this was possible and let Mayor Jennings know the decision.
Abandoned houses. Alderman Williams moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion that
the City Attorney start condemnation proceedings for demolition on the property
at Fifth Avenue and Chestnut Street. Carried by voice vote.
New business.
Main and Locust Street. Alderman Farr said pavement lines needed repainting on
that corner and asked that the matter be referred to Street and- Alley Committee.
Resolution, rotor Fuel Tax Funds - $20,000.00 to be allotted for use of street
maintenance in the City of Canton. Motion by Alderman George, seconded by Alder
man Kovachevich to adopt this Resolution. Voice vote carried. Resolution No.534.
May 19, 1970, Cont. (3)
Resolution for paving improvements, Locust and t,�k:in Streets. motion by
Alderman Hurst to suspend the rules, and seconded by Alderman Farr. Roll call
vote. AYE: Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Svob, Farr, Sepich, Hurst, Long, .Edwards,
Knoell, <<Jilliams, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and i{ovachevich. NAY: None. Motion
by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman George to adopt this Resolution. Roll
call vote. AYE: Aldermen Kovachevich, Ceorge, Spencer, Yerbic, Williams,
Kroell, Edwards, Long, Hurst, Sepich, Farr, Svob, Rupe, and Howard. NAY: None.
This being Resolution No. 535. Alderman Howard requested that action to paint
the lines on the Main and Locust Street intersection be help up until the City
hears from the Division of Highways as to when the paoject will get under way.
Bonds: Transamerica Ins. Co. $12,5100.00, Merlin L. Feldner, Treasurer of the
Board of Cemetery Managers; Wolverine Ins. Co. ".12000.00, Rosemary Jennings,
Traffic Clerk; Fidelity and Denosit Co., Continuation Bond for Catherine Ei7mns,
Cashier in the ?eater and Sewer Department,, all approved by the Finance Com-
mittee presented. Motion by Alderman Spencer, seconded by Alderman Yerbic that
the bonds be approved and placed on file. Voice vote carried.
Bids on parking lot, Main and Locust Streets. Motion by Alderman Edwards,
seconded by Alderman Sepich that the City Clerk be instructed to open bids,
and the motion carried by voice vote. Bids opened: Pschirrer Coal and Asohalt
Co., 450 tons CA-6 base material - furnished and compacted : 4.00 per ton,
X13800.00; 600 gal. MC-30 prime coat .25 per dal. X150.00 150 ton Class B
plant mix " 14.00 per ton, ;,2 100.00 - total $4,050.00, certified bid check No.
6638 for 1202.50 inclosed. Bid No. 2: Dick's Trucking Service 450 ton "B"
U gravel for .3.30 per ton delivered to lot or 11CA6" rock for $3.50 per ton, de-
livered to the lot. Motion by Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Farr to
refer the bids to the Board of Local Improvements to accept or reject as they
see fit. Motion carried by voice vote. Discussion about arty wiring that may
be necessary if the City decides to use gates on this lot.
Motion by Alderman Williams, seconded by Alderman Sepich that the resources
of the City be used to take whatev x action is necessary to correct the un-
sightly and dangerous condition of the sidewalks in the southeast portion of
the Fifth ;°7ard. I-lotion carried, voice vote.
Mayor Jennings appointed relbert 13rush as Auxiliary Policeman (the name having
been omitted when appointments were made at the previous meeting). Motion by
Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Rupe to accept this appointment and the
motion carried.
XTatershed Ordinance, first reading. Motion by Alderman Sepich, seconded. by
Alderman Farr that the Ordinance be read in its entirety. Carried, voice
vote. Ordinance read. Same to lay over.
Mayor Jennings thanked the visiting Mayors and the people who were attending
the Council meeting and invited them to come again since the meetings are
always open. He said he liked to know that people are interested in the City
Ordinance - Stop Signs, first reading. Motion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by
Alderman Hurst that same lay over. Motion carried, voice vote.
Traffic Ordinance, first reading. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alder-
man Sepich that same lay over and the motion carried by voice vote. Alderman
Hurst requested that the Chief of Police '-;e instructed to issue tickets to per-
sons parking in "no parking" zones. alderman Willi,_tms questioned Section 5 of
the Ordinance, Alderman Edwards questioned Section 3. Alderman Howard stated
the reason for some of the "no parking" was for the benefit of the fire depart-
ment who has had difficulty on some streets.
Petition re. rezoning, Marge Lyons property (E. Ash St.). Motion by Alderman
Hurst, seconded by Alderman Rupe to refer this Petition to the Planning and
Zoning Commission. Voice vote, carried. '1 '
Alderman Yerbic moves, Alderman Svob seconds motion toadjourn. Voice vote
carried. Canton City Council adjourns at 8:10 P. M.
r f City Clerk