HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-21-1970 Council Meeting Minutes 2
April 21, 1970
Canton City Council held a regular meeting on April 21, 1970 in the City
Council Chamber. Mayor Jennings called the meeting to order at 6:30 P. M.
Present for roll call: Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Svob, Sepich, Hurst, Edwards,
Kroell, Williams, Yerbic, George, and Kovachevich. Absent: Aldermen Farr,
Long and Spencer.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Invocation by Alderman Howard.
Minutes of previous meeting: Motion by Alderman Kroell, seconded by Alderman
Yerbic to accept the minutes as presented and place on file. Voice vote,
Stand4committee reports.
Traffic Committee. Alderman Williams reported on a meeting with the Traffic
Committee, the Secretary from the A. C. I. and about fourteen Canton service
club representatives regarding the beautification of the wall on the Main and
Locust Street parking lot -- suggestions were given for undertaking this
project -- another meeting to be set soon. Alderman Williams also reported
on the traffic program as outlined in the booklets presented to each Alderman
and stated that a meeting of the Traffic Committee would be held Tuesday,
1fJ April 28, 1970, 7:00 P. M.
Sewer and Water Committee. Alderman Rupe reported that the work on the Ander-
son Place Lift Station would get under way in the near future.
Special committee reports.
Communications to Council.
Letter of thanks for flowers sent to Bonnie Howard.
Letter of thanks for flowers sent to Beasie Kroell,
Police I)epartment. Letter from Harold Benedict, dated April 8, 1970 (Benedict
is Staff Representative of the Am. Fed. of State, County and Mun'.cipal Employees)
stating the Union would start picketing the City Building on April 16, 1970. On
April 10, 1970 Mayor Jennings replied to this letter stating the City Council
had not taken any action in regards to the Union. Motion by Alderman Hurst,
seconded by Alderman Howard that these letters be placed on file. Carried by
voice vote.
Mrs. E. Russell Reeder informed the Council that the business of Gallagher-
Reeder Insurance Agency had been transferred to the Town and Country Insurance
Agency. '%e thanked the Council for past business.
Request for Tag Day by the Seventh Day Adventist Church, June 19, 1970 (rain
date June 26, 1970) . Motion by Alderman Edwards, seconded by Alderman George to
grant this request. Voice vote, carried.
City Attorney Mal.mgren reported on a telephone call from AIr. St. Clair, repre-
senting the T.P.& W. RR stating the crossings would be repaired. Alderman
Howard moves that the City Attorney not take any action until after the next
Council meeting (granting the railroad company a reaonable time for the repair
work). Motion was seconded by Alderman Rupe. Voice vote, carried.
Y.W.C.A. Alderman Sepich moves, Alderman Hurst seconds motion that the Y.W.C.A.
be permitted to place a sign on the band stand in Jones Park during the Y.W.C.A.
membership drive. Motion carried, voice vote.
Anderson Place Lift Station. Motion by Alderman Rupe, seconded by Alderman
Edwards that the Mayor, City Attorney and City* Clerk enter into an agreement
for construction work on the Anderson Place Lift Station with the Natkin Co.
Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Kovachevich, George, Yerbic, Williams, Kroell,
Edwards, Hurst, Senich, Svob, Rupe, and Howard. NAY: None.
Old business.
New business.
Father Moses renorted on FISH, a group to be organized in Canton in the near
April 21, 1970, Cont. (2)
future (a 24-hour voluntary service by interested individuals), giving baby
sitting service, food, transportation, reading, ta]l�ing to lonely people --
this service intended to be a one-shot proposition. The organization will
cooperate with social agencies and the present headquarters will be the Spoon
River Ambulance Service, efforts being made to get the group organized by May 1.
List of officers to be given to the Mayor.
Proclamation - Clean-up Week in City of Canton. April 26 through May 2, 1970.
Motion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Svob to proclaim that week as
Clean-up Week in Canton. Carried, voice vote. Mayor Jennings reported that
the Biology class from the High School was having a clean-up around the schools
on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.
Resolution, Transfer of Funds: $4,758.26 from Bonds and Interest Account to
the Fire Protection Fund; $8,000.00 from the Public Comfort Station Fund to the
Fire Protection Fund; $23,241.74 from the General Fund to the Fire Protection
Fund; $52,000.00 from the General Fund to the Road and Bridge Fund; $30000.00
from the General Fund to the Garbage Disposal Fund; ?2,000.00 from the General
Fund to the Civil Defense Fund. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alder-
man George to adopt this Resolution. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Howard,
Rupe, Svob, Sepich, Hurst, Edwards, Kroell, Williams, Yerbic, George, and Ko-
vachevich. NAY: None. This being Resolution No. 531.
Three Resolutions -- Police Union. City Attorney stated he had prepared three
Resolutions for the benefit of the Council -- to select the one considered
appropriate. Alderman Sepich asked for the opinion of City Attorney in adopt-
ing a Reolution for Police Union. City Attorney Malmgren stated it has never
been spelled out for a municipality to recognize a Union. Motion by Alderman
Howard, seconded by Alderman Edwards to read Resolution No. 3. Voice vote -
carried. Resolution read. Motion by Alderman Svob, seconded by Alderman Ko-
vachevich to read Resolution No. 1. Show of hands vote: In favor 7, opposed
4. Motion carried. Resolution read. Motion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by
Alderman Svob to adopt the Resolution No. one. .Discussion. Aldermen George,
Edwards, Williams, and Kovachevich stated their reasons to opposing this Reso-
lution. Roll call vote on the motion: AYE: Aldermen Yerbic and Svob. NAY:
Aldermen Kovachevich, George, Williams, Kroell, Edwards, Hurst, Sepich, Rupe,
and Howard. (2 AYES and 9 NAYS) . Motion lost.
Appointment of Dr. D. D. Jines to the Canton Youth Commission by Mayor Jennings.
Motion by Alderman Svob, seconded by Alderman Williams to approve this appoint-
ment. Motion carried by voice vote.
Auditor. Motion by Alderman Edwards, seconded by Alderman Rupe to employ Mr.
George Hocker as auditor for the City's books for the year and to be paid the
customary fee. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Svob, Sepich,
Hurst, Edwards, Kroell, Williams, Yerbic, George, and Kovachevich. NAY: None.
Motion carried.
Electrical Code Ordinance. Alderman Sepich inquired if a qualified person
would be employed as electrical inspector for the City. Discussion. Aldexhnan
Yerbic moves, Alderman Williams seconds motion to read the Ordinance by Title
only. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Kovachevich, George, Yerbic, Williams,
Kroell, Edwards, Hurst, Sepich, Svob, Rupe, and Howard. NAY: None. Title
read. Alderman Kroell moves, Alderman Hurst seconds motion to refer the Ordi-
nance to the Ordinance Committee for further study and revision, if necessaxy,
and report to next Council meeting. Voice vote, carried.
Ordinance -- Stop sign, Martin Avenue and ?ine Street. Motion by Alderman
Hurst, seconded by Alderman Sepich to amend the Ordinance to include the North-
west corner of Martin Avenue and West Pine Street--southbound. Roll Call vote.
AYE: Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Svob, Sepich, Hurst, Edwards, Kroell, Williams, Yer-
bic, George, and Kovachevich. NAY: None. Alderman Williams moves to suspend
the rules, as amended. Alderman Howard seconds motion. Roll call vote. AYE:
Aldermen Kovachevich, George, Yerbic, Williams, Kroell, Edwards, Hurst, Sepich,
Svob, Rupe, and Howard. NAY: None. Motion by Alderman Williams, seconded by
Alderman Sepich to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE:
Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Svob, Sepich, Hurst, Edwards, Kroell, Williams, Yerbic,
George, and Kovachevich. NAY: None. This being Ordinance No. 301.
Ordinance for Annexation of Wilson-Bradley properties -- same referred to
Planning and Zoning Commission.
April 21, 1970, Uont. ^)
Salary Ordinance. Alderman Hurst moves to strike "Official or Officers" and
add "Section 1) that the Garbage Disnosal Department employees wage be ad-
justed to that of the Street Department Employees before minimum rate wage
percentage is applied. Alderman Edwards seconds the motion. Discussion.
Alderman Edwards withdrew his second of motion. No other second of this
motion received. Alderman Edwards moves, Alderman Kroell seconds motion to
suspend the rules. AYE: Aldermen Kovachevich, George, Yerbic, Kroell, Ed-
wards, Hurst, Sepich, Svob, Rupe, and Howard. NAY: Alderman Williams. (10
AYES and 1 NAY). Motion carried. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by
Alderman Edwards that the Ordinance Committee increase the Garbage Disposal
Department employees to that of the Street Department employees. Motion
carried by voice vote. Alderman Edwards moves, Alderman Howard seconds
motion to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Alder-
men Howard, Rupe, Svob, Sepich, Hurst, Edwards, Kroell, Williams, Yerbic,
George, and Kovachevich. NAY: None. This being Ordinance No. 302.
Resolution, Ordinance and Recommendation from the Board of Local Improve-
ments for the proposed street improvement of portions of Sycamore Street,
Tenth Avenue, Olive Street, North Sixth Avenue and Myrtle Street, known as
70-A. Alderman George moves, Alderman Williams seconds motion that the
Ordinance be read by Title only. Voice vote. AYE: Carried. Title read.
Resolution read. Recommendation from the Board of Local Improvements read.
Alderman George moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to adopt the Reso-
lution and refer the Ordinance, Resolution and Recommendation to the Street
and Alley Committee. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Kovachevich, George,
U Yerbic, Williams, Edwards, Hurst, Sepich, Svob, Rupe, and Howard. NAY:
V None. This being Resolution No. 532.
Petition and Ordinance for Annexation of Eastmore Addition. Alderman
Howard moves, Alderman Rupe seconds motion to suspend rules. Roll call
vote. AYE: Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Svob, Sepich, Hurst, Edwards, Kroell,
Yerbic, George, and Kovachevich. NAY: Alderman Williams. (10 AYES and
1 NAY) . Motion carried. Motion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alderman
Rupe to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Alder-
men Kovachevich, George, Yerbic, Williams, Kroell, Edwards, Hurst, Sepich,
Svob, Rupe, and Howard. NAY: None. Petition No. 182. Ordinance No. 303.
Alderman Howard introduces Gregg Laird, a Boy Scout visiting the City
Council; Gregg stated he was attending the meeting in order to give a report
to his Boy Scout group.
Alderman Svob called for a meeting of the Fire Committee immediately after
the Council meeting.
Motion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alderman Svob to adjourn. Voice vote
carried. Canton City Council adjourns at 8:15 '. M.
ity Clerk