HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-03-1970 Council Meeting Minutes 1. 88 Feb. 3, 1970 Canton City Council held a regular meeting Feb. 3, 1970 in the City Council Chamber. Mayor Jennings called the meeting to order at 6:30 P. M. Present for roll call: Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Svob, Farr, Sepich, Hurst, Long, Ed- wards, Kroell, Williams, Spencer, and George. Absent: Aldermen Yerbic and Pree ce. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by invocation by Alderman Long. Minutes of previous meeting. Motion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Svob that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried by voice vote. Bills for January. Alderman Long moves that if there were no objections, all bills properly approved be allowed for payment. Discussion on two bills. Al- derman Farr stated the bill for chains and weights for the small tractor used for ice removal should be charged to the Water and Sewer Dept. and the bill for mop heads from Mason Hardware had not been authorized by him. He was told the new purchase requisition plan went into effect as of Feb. 1, 1970. Alderman Rupe stated he would accent the responsibility for the chains and weights for the tractor. Motion to allow bills seconded by Alderman Hurst. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Spencer, Williams, Kroell, Edwards, Long, Hurst, Sepich, Farr, Svob, Rupe, and Howard. NAY: None. Mayor Jennings and Alderman Edwards explained the new purchase requisitions to be used in all departments. Renort. of officers. Motion by Alderman George, seconded by Alderman Hurst to accept the reports and place on file. Alderman Farr stated he was not certain about the outcome of the bill for the chains and weights for the small. tractor. Motion by Alderman Long, seconded 'qr Alderman Rupe, that the Water and Sewer Department pay this bill. R611 call vote. AYE: Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Svob, Farr, Sepich, Hurst, Long, Edwards, Kroell., Williams, Spencer, and George. NAY: None. Standing Committee Reports. Traffic Committee. Alderman Williams reported on the Traffic Committee meeting and the recommendations: a stop sign on the Northwest corner of Sixth Ave. and East Ash Street, a stop sign at the Northwest corner of North First Ave. and Sycamore Street and recommends these suggestions be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Discussion. Motion by Alderman Edwards, seconded by Alderman Williams to refer these matters to the Ordinance Committee to draft an Ordinance. Motion carried by voice vote. Traffic Committee: Alderman Williams moves to give a try for two way traffic on West Chestnut Street from Main Street to Avenue A. Discussion regarding feasi- bility of this plan and also about the type of parking to be allowed. Motion by Alderman Williams to amend the motion: West Chestnut Street - two-way traffic for a sixty day period, also a stop sign at the Southwest corner of Chestnut and Main Street, with proper signs to be posted, and to use parallel parking. Alder- man Farr seconds this motion. Roll call vote on the amendment. AYE: Aldermen Spencer, Williams, Kroell, ',dwards, Long, Sepich, Farr, Svob. NAY: Aldermen George, Hurst, Rupe, and Howard. (8 AYES and-4 NAYS) . Carried. Roll call vote on the motion, as amended. AYE: Aldermen Svob, Farr, Sepich, Kroell, Williams, Spencer. NAY: Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Hurst, Long, Edwards, and George. (6 AYES and 6 NAYS) . Mayor Jennings voting "NAY". Motion lost. Police and Legal. Renort by Alderman George that the -.,.)olice Department had two sawed-off (2111) shot guns that are of no use to the City anymore and moves that the City Clerk advertise for sealed bids to be received by 5:00 P. V1. on Feb. 17, 19703 Alderman Williams seconds motion. After discussion, Alderman Williams with« drew his second of motion and Alderman George withdrew his motion. City Attorney Malmgren to check on validity of sale of these guns. Police and Legal. Alderman George stated that the committee wished to try the service of the Fulton County Rabies and Dog Control (3400.00 per year) and that the dog Ordinance should be changed to $4.00 pickup fee when dogs are redeemed. Motion by Alderman George, seconded by Alderman Hurst that the Mayor and City Attorney investigate entering into an agreement with the Fulton County Rabies and Dog Control. Bills to be paid quarterly. Alderman Williams inquired about 1 Feb. 3, 1970, Cont. (2) emergency service since the county would not be on a 24-hour service. The county dog pound is Federal and State inspected annually. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Spencer, Williams, Kroell, Edwards, Long, Hurst, Sepich, .Farr, Svob, Rupe, and Howard. NAY: None. Traffic Committee. Alderman Williams moves that an Ordinance be drafted for stop sign, Sixth Ave. and Ash St., Alderman Edwards seconds motion. Motion carried by voice vote. Discussion about "No parking" signs on north side of East Ash Street. Alderman George moves, Alderman Sepich seconds mo- tion to refer the matter to the Traffic Committee for study. Carried, voice vote. Water and Sewer Committee. Announcement of a meeting of that Committee, Wednesday, Feb. 4, 1970, 6:`O P. M. re. water shed - by Alderman Rupe. Building and Grounds. Alderman Farr reported the chairs for the Council Chamber had been received, and suggested that when a large crowd of visitors attend the Council meetings, the heads of departments sit on the chairs in front of Council Chamber. Special Committees. Planning and Zoning Commission. Report by Alderman Hurst that the Planning d� and Zoning Commission recommended the rezoning of the George Becker property in the south part of the city from R-2 to R-4. Mayor Jennings declared a U 5-minute recess at 7:40 P. 14. to see if the report from the Commission had been received, returning to the Council Chamber at 7:42 P. M. Alderman Hurst stated that the proposed building: must be in accordance with the ex- isting zoning Ordinance, no variance. He also suggested the purchase of aerial photographs of the Canton vicinity for use of the Planning and Zon- ing Commission and also the purchase of a tape recorder and a minute book. Notion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Rupe that the Chairman of the Finance Committee authorize the secretary of the Planning and Zoning Com. to purchase a minute book. He also recommended that a copy of the minutes be sent to the members. Roll call vote on the motion. AYE: Alder- men Howard, Rupe, Svob, Farr, Sepich, Hurst, Long, Edwards, Kroell, Williams, Spencer, and George. NAY: None. Alderman Hurst reported on the discussion about annexation of the Fairview Heights Addition and suggested that the City Engineer make an estimate of the cost of Water and Sewer extension for this annexation. Building and Grounds. Alderman Farr reported on communication from the Orkin Co., Peoria, regarding elimination of birds in the business district. He will receive further information on Feb. 4 regarding cost, etc, and suggested that the business firms assist with the payment of this service. Sidewalk on '°'est Vine Street. Alderman Farr reported the sidewalk on West Vine Street has suffered because of the fre zing weather, and will soon need repairs. Sidewalk on North Main Street. Alderman Farr stated the sidewalk committee met, now know the estimated cost of the sidewalk to be poured and are now ready to meet with the property owners. Communications to Council. Letter addressed to James Elam, Chief of 'olice, who had complained that the TPB.W RR trains had been setting on the tracks for a longer period than necessary and the railroad company stated they would try to relieve this situation. Resignation of Jack Harrison from the Human 11'elations Commission read,because of health reasons. Motion by Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Sepich to accept the resignation with regret. Carried by voice vote. Report of Appeals Board. On Jan. 20, 1970 the Appeals Board granted a variance in Zoning Ordinance permitting construction of open carport on the south side of the John Wherley property on PTorth Ninth Ave. Motion by Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Rupe to place the letter of resignation and report of Appeals Board (re. John Wherley) on file. Carried by voice vote. 190 Feb. 3, 1970, Cont. (3) Instructions given to City Attorney MalmFren to write to the TP&W RR Co. regarding the railroad crossing on First Avenue in need of repair. Alder- man Edwards also stated that cars stand too close to Secohd hve., blocking the view. Letter from the Division of Highways - approval of plans, estimate of cost, specifications and proposal for Section 59 'S (Myrtle, Olive, Sycamore Sts., and Sixth and Tenth Avenue). Motion by Alderman George, seconded by Alder- man man Spencer that the letter by accented and the matter referred to the Board of Local Tmprovements. Old bus _ness. New business. Traffic Committee. Alderman Williams made the following report with request that corrections be made: 1. Street 7)epartment Committee plan some mainten- ance plan; 2. Around the square - alleys behind buildings do not have sufficient containers for trash; 3. Southeast corner of Avenue A and Chest- nut Street, storm sewer has a hole - ground behind the curb is sinking; 4. Traffic committee - should check on the high bank on Avenue B and Pine St. and also on Avenue D and Manle Street - very hazardous conditions for traffic; 5. Bad conditions of properties on South Third Avenue (north of Oak Street) and Fifth Avenue and Chestnut Street; 6. Railroad crossings - brush and weeds need to be cleaned on Avenue 'D and TPEURR and CB&QRF and Linn Street. Correction of Manle Street and Avenue D, traffic condition. Mayor Jennings requested Alderman Hurst and Sepich to secure the easement for this work. First readin;7 of an Ordinance pertaining; to firearms. Motion by Alderman Long, seconded by Alderman Sepich to susr-end the rules. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Spencer, Kroell, !,,dwards, Long, Hurst, Sepich, Farr, Svob, Rupe, and Howard. STAY: Alderman Williams. (11 AYES and 1 NAY). Carried. Motion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Fong to place the Ordinance on its passage. Alderman Williams stated an amendment should be made to protect the private citizens - should have a permit to carry a gun if carrying large sums of money or other valuables. Roll call vote on the motion. AYE: Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Svob, Farr, Sepich. Hurst, Lon , Edwards, Kroell, Williams, Spencer, and George. NAY: None. Carried. #259• Appointments: Mrs. Jacque Simac to the Youth Commission. John Grzanich, Charles E. Wright, and Gilbert Roberts appointed to the Betterment Committee. Motion by Alderman Long, seconded by Alderman Sepich that the appointments be confirmed, and the motion carried by voice vote. Electrical Code Ordinance. Alderman Kroell_ reported the Ordinance will soon be ready for presentation to the Council, but before presentation he wants several Electrical Contractors to study this Code. Motion by Alderman George to lay this Ordinance over, seconded by Alderman Rupe. Voice vote carried. Mayor Jennings requested a comment on the suggestion that all committee meet- ings (excent emergency) be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month --that he and the City- Attorney would make themselves available at that time. Discussion. Alderman Hurst suggested that the Aldermen attending these meet- ings also be paid. Motion by Alderman Senich, seconded by Alderman George to adjourn. Voice vote carried. Canton City Council adjourns at 8:45 P. M. City Clerk' AF13ROVE'D: c _ Mayor