HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-06-1970 Council Meeting Minutes 18 Jan. 6, 1970 Canton City Co,mcil held a regular meeting on Jan. 6, 1970 in the City Council Chamber. Mayor Jennings called the meeting to order at 6:32 P. M. Present for roll call: Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Svob, parr, Sepich, Hurst, Edwards, Williams, Yerbic, Spencer, and George. NAY: Aldermen Long, Kroell and Preece. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Invocation by Alderman Edwards. Motion by Alderman Edwards that the minutes of the previous meeting be amended to read "that 1 000 fish purchased for Lake Canton were for the benefit of the citizens" Alderman Sepich seconds this motion. Voice vote, carried. Alderman Howard moves, Alderman Farr seconds that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as amended. Carried by voice vote. Bills for December, 1969: Motion by Alderman Howard that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment. Motion seconded by Alderman Edwards. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Spencer, Yorbie, Williams, Edwards, Hurst, Sepich, Farr, Svob, Rupe, and Howard. NAY: None. Reports of all officers read. Alderman Hurst moves, Alderman Edwards seconds motion that same be accepted and placed on file, and the motion carried by voice vote. Special committees. + Alderman Howard stated the Council should go on record as endorsing one of the three proposed corridors for the new highway in the vicinity of Canton. He V stated th_t Lewistown Council favored Corridor "B", Farmington Council favored Corridon "A", the Carton ACI favored Corridor "B" and the Fulton County Planning Commission favored a combination of "A and B". January 8, 1970 a meeting for discussion of the proposed routes will be held in Macomb at 11:30 A. M. Mayor Jennings appointed. a committee to represent the Canton City Council: Alderman Howard, Chm., Aldermen Sepich and Hurst. Motion by Alderman Edwards, seconded by Alderman George to accent these appointments. Voice vote, carried. Motion by Alderman Spencer, seconded by Alderman Hurst that the Canton City Council go on record as recommendinf Corridor "B", and the motion carried orally. Meeting of the committee and any other interested persons to be held Jan. 8, 1970 at 9s00 A. M. in the City Bldg. Birds - vicinity of First Ave. and Elm ut, and also the J. C. Penney Store are causing unsightly and sanitary conditions was reported by Aldermen Williams and Alderman Edwards. Discussion. City Attorney and Chief of Police to work out some solution to elimination of this menace. Standing committees: Bids on gas and oil. Alderman Hurst stated the low bids on the gas and oil was Conoco and moves that the City direct the %lavror and City Clerk to enter into a contract with Conoco for gas and oil. Alderman Rupe seconded this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Svob, Farr, Sepich, Hurst, Edwards, vlliams, Yerbic, Spencer, and George. NAY: None. Alder- man Hurst stated that no further gas bills would be honored from other gas stations. Alderman George stated that the Cushman Scooter needed a different type of gas. Mayor Jennings requested a notice sent to each Department head. Traffic Committee meeting set by Alderman Williams - 4:00 P. Jan. 7, 1970 to discuss Elm Street between Fourth Avenue and VanBuren Court. Alderman .Edwards suggested the consideration of the corner on South %lain Street. Mayor Jennings recommended a report on the study of the island on corner of Chestnut Street and lain Street. Portable Steam Cleaning Equipment. Alderman Hurst recommended the purchase of a portable steam cleaning machine that could be used by all de-oartments. He was requested to get information concerning same and report to the Council. Lake Development Committee Chairman, Alderman Edwards, stated the fish have not been received for hake Canton. He also reported the landfill tractor is being used at Lake Canton for road building. ".,lain and Locust Street. Major Jennings reported the pla-z for same are in Springfield and as soon as returned will. report to the Council. Suggestion by Alderman Hurst that the entire Council meet and examine the plans for Fifth Ave. and Locust St. 184 Jan. 6, 1970, Cont. (2) Finance Committee Chairman, Alderman Edwards, stated requisition forms have been ordered and same will be given to Committee Chairmen or Department Heads to fill out by Tuesday evening and on Vednesday morning same will be approved and then orders will be sent. Communications to Council. Department of Public Health report on sewerage plant -- Test on effluent failed to meet new guidelines at the time of sampling. Division of Hig :ways regarding; meeting set for discussion on the proposed corridor in the Fulton County vicinity. Estimate of cost for the proposed water and sewer and lagoon to the new Spoon River Junior Collete - 5162,500.00 for water main and $404,400.00 for the con- struction of a lagoon_. Mayes Jennings stated a copy of this estimate had been sent to Mr. Bruder and application for Federal funds are in the making, also a copy of same to Rep. Railsback and Sen. Percy. Motion by Alderman_ Yerbic, seconded by Alderman Farr to accept communications and place on file and the motion carried by voice vote. Old business. Inquiry,- by Alderman Hurst from the City Attorne; about elected officials oper- ating city equipm, nt. Discussion. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Al- derman 13epich that the Council adopt a olicy regarding city officials opera- ting city equipment. Alderman Farr moves, Alderman Hurst seconds motion to amend the motion that the elected officials not assist city employrees zrith use of city equipment until all resources to secure help have been exhausted. Roll call vote on the amendment. AYE: Aldermen Spencer, Yerbic, Edwards, Hurst, Sepich, Farr, and Svob. NAY- Aldermen George, Williams, Rupe, and Howard. (7 AYES and 4 MAYS) . Roll call vote . n the motion, as amended. AYE: Aldermen Svob, Farr, Sepich, Hurst, Yerbic, and Spencer. NAY: Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Edwards, Williams, and George. (6 AYES and 5 NAYS) . Motion carried. New business. Mayor Jennings appointed a Youth Commission: E. Stanley Klyber, Chm., Firs. 'Charlotte VanSickle, Mrs. Jeanette B6rdenkircher, Mrs. Marilyn Curry, Mrs. Marilyn Davis, Mrs. Edra ',•,eathers, a;r. Wm. Millin,-ton, Mr. Tom uToods, ',,Ir. ?,dendell Williams, Mr. Kenneth Bath, ijr�Robert ritzer, Rev. John Anderson, 14r. Ron Fahenstoc'., Mr. Jim Roe, Mri*`3im ,stes, Mr. Mike Chinakes. Motion by Alderman George, seconded by Alderman Yerbic that the appointments be con- firmed, Canton Betterment Committee. Mayor Jennings appointed the following to the Canton Betterment Committee: Mrs. Ursula ?-alters, Mrs. Marianna Estes, Mr. Jack Poppenhager, Mrs. Florence Campbell, Mr. Otto Stephenitch, Mr. Don Little, Mr. !.ay McAdams, Mrs. Patticia Schuster. Alderman Hurst moves, Alderman Ed- wards seconds motion that the appointments be confirmed. Carried by voice vote. Electrical Code Ordinance presented to Council for study - no action to be taken at this time. Motion by Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Hurst to adjourn. Voice vote. Carried. Canton City Council adjourns a� 7:h5 P. M. ;_eze City Clerk A APPRO1,7ED