HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-02-1969 Council Meeting Minutes 176
Dec. 21 1969
Canton City Council held a regular meeting; on Dec. 2, 1969 in the City
Council Chamber. iayor Jennings call. d the meeting to order at 6:33 P.,°i.
'Present for roll call: Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Svob, Farr, Sepich, Hurst,
Long, Edwards, Kroell, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and Preece. Absent: Al-
derman Williams.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Invocation by Aldm
eran Howard.
:•Iinutes of previous meeting. Alderman 'Kroell moves, Alderman Preece seconds
motion that the minutes of the nrdvious meeting be accepted and placed on
file. Th _s motion carried by voice vote.
Ta,, or Jennings reported one item on the agenda was for James Henderson to
speak to the Council and because he had a 7:00 P. I. college class asked per-
mission to move his -)lace on the agenda. Motion by Alderan Howard, seconded
by Alderman Hurst to allow I1Ir. Henderson to sneak to the Council at this tirrne.
t;arried by voice vote. 11dr. Henderson addressed Council in regards to the
formation of a boxing team for Fulton County and ronorted the need for a room
for the work-outs (ap:)roxiinately forty feet square and ten foot ceiling) After
a brief discussion) Mayor Jennings asked. Ar. Henderson to call him I ec. 5 for a
Bi:Lls for ilovenfoer. Alderman :�dwards stressed the need for double signatures
on the bills before being paid and also asked the Aldermen to check the bills
more carefully. ;Motion by Alderman Long, seconded by Alderman Preece that all
bills properly approved be allowed for payment. Roll call vote. AYE: Alder-
men Preece, George, Spencer, Yerbic, Kroell, Edwards, Long, Hurst, Sepich, Farr,
Svob, Rupe, and Howard. NAY.- None.
Renorts of all officers read. ldotion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman
Farr to accept same and place on file. Carried by voice vote.
Standing committees.
Garbage Disposal Committee. Report by Alderman Hurst that the cormnittee
accented the nronosed Peoria Tractor Co. used Caterpillar :Model D7E, tractor,
110,000.00, one year or 1000 hr. guarantee.
.wilding and Grounds. Alderman Farr�p seconded by Alderman Svob that the Ilayor
and City Clerk enter into an agreement w:�_th Richard Groff for demolition of
the Gustine 3uild:ing for ,$5,825.00 and that the Traffic Committee see that the
meters on the parking lot be removed and the ones on North Iviain Street :in front
of the Gus tine' building also be removed while demolition was taking -03-ace. Roll
call vote. AYE: Aldermen Howard, Rube, Svob, Farr, Sepich, "urst, Loin;,
dwards, Kroell, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and "reece. MAY: 'lone.
)rd',_nance Co:anittee. Alderman Kroell stated his co,^:rittee met with the City
Attorney regarding the low grade movies be:ini shown and that some legal :natters
:ave to be taken care of. I ir. °Ial:ngren, City Attorney said he had written to
Decatur, 'r'eoria and Galesburg to see what these cities have done and received
only one answer. ?r. .'Ialmgren will make a re:)ort at a later date.
Lake Development Commmittee meeting set for 6:30 P. i1. Dec. 9, 1969 (after a one
minute recess while ' ayor Jennings went to his office to check with the date:
and time (7:06 P. '14. recessed. 7:07 P. M. Council reconvened) .
Electrical Code. Alderman Kroell stated his committee will -)resent the irforrn-
ation at the next Council meeting.
Civil Defense. Aldernrian Howard said a Civil Defense Committee meeting would
be held Dec. n. 1969 at 6:30 P. ii. in tl.e Civil Defense headquaYters a.id in-
vited all Councilmen to attend.
Special Cormmi.ttee reports.
Cormnunicat:)_ons to the Council.
Division of Highways approval of Agreement for engineering services wit':i Craw-
ford, i iurphy ".: Tilly Engineering Firm for ;Main and Locust Streets, known as
1. 77
Division of Highways approval of the 7�O 'Dec. 2, 1)69� -onu, . (2)
_�S, traffic engineering
Olution for
studies and appronriates '1`1 - , u
costs. .9500.00 Motor 2'u"�i Iax �unds for engineerin,�
Request from Gordon A. ',leaver, PrOs. 01L' 'Uhe Canton Fire Department's organ-
ization of International Association of ire Zighters and Associated mire
formal Fighters of Illinois for a formal written recognition of said associat�.ons.
layor Jennings reported he had a request from the Police Department to hold
a meeting regarding a union and that a joint moe'U-in_� would be held and each
group have a time to speak.
Alderman Yerbic moves and Alderman Edward seconcis motion to accent the above
cailmunicatiolis and place on file. Carried b voice vote.
Petition aid Ord'-nance r,3quest_ ,L, annexation of the Darren Oarks property on
Fast Chestnut Street. Di,scussion. Alder-an George moves, Alderman Edwards
seconds motion to refer the matter to the c-
.Lty Attorney. Carried., vo:L ce vote.
Bond with the Transamerica Insurance Co., aT)-,-,roved bl,
1; the 1"inance
Comihittee for John H. Anderson, school -,patrol guard presented. "lotion by
Alderman Kroell, secon,-I--:,,J b-,, Alderman Preecc, to accent same and place on file.
Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Preece, George, Spencer, Yerbic)' Kroell, Ed-
wards, Lon- Hurst Sepich, Farr, Svo:),, Ru`00, and Howard. INA17: "Tone.
Estimate 6) Geo. E. Hoffman .z Sons, street im-orovei-illent Z. Ash ".1. 12th
V. 14th Ave. (68C) in the amount of �W'2(',1231,52 nrese.rited. I'lotion.1 by Alder-
man Senich, seconded by Alderman George that the estimate be allowed for pay-
ment. Roll call vote. AY-,': Aldermen Howard, iupe,, Svob, Farr, Sepich
Hurst, Long, Edwards I
,, Kroell., Yerbic) Snencer, George, and Preece. NAY: None.
Estimate No. 5, Alton �- Co. and Skaggs Construction Co., for street improvement
E. Chestnut Street (45CS) in the amount of X11_,032.68 presented. "lotion by
Alderman Spencer, seconded by Alderman Yerbic to allow oa�,mient on this esti-
mate. Roll call. vote. AYE: Aldermen Pi,eece.9 George, Spencer, Yerbic., Kroell,
Edwards JA�.-
., Long, Hurst., Sepich, iarr, Svob, Rupe, and Howard. -1 : iIj one.
Lstimate No. �t Alton L. Co. and Skaggs Construction Co., street improvement
'Eest 'Vine Ltreet (1tkSCS) in the amount of 01,883-37 nresented. Hoti.oxi by Alder-
man Hurst., seconded by.Alderman Svob to allow payment of this estimate. Roll
call vote. AYE: Aldermen Howard, Rune, Svob, Farr,, Se-pich, Hurst, Long, Ed-
wards Kroell, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and '.TJAY- None.
Motion by Alderman George, seconded bly Alderman Yerbic to adjourn. Voice vote
carried. Canton City Council adjourns at T:26 P.
IL-Tii 2f