HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-04-1969 Council Meeting Minutes 169
Nov. 4, 1969
Canton City Council held a regular meeting on Nov. 4, 1969 in the City
Council Chamber. Mayor Jennings called the meeting to order at 600 P.M.
Present for roll call: Aldermen Rupe, Darr, Sepich, Hurst, Long, Edwards,
Kroell I Williams, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and Preece. Absent: Aldermen
Howard and Svob.
'ledge of Allegiance was followed by Invocation by Alderman Long.
Minutes of »revious meeting. Alderman Kroell moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds
_ motion to accept minutes as presented and place on file. This motion carried
by voice vote.
Bills for October, 1969. notion by Alderman Spencer, seconded by Alderman
Yerbic that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment. Roll call
vote. AYE: Aldermen Preece, George, Spencer, Yerbic, Williams, Kroell,
Edwards, Long, Hurst, Sepich, Barr, and Rupe. NAY- None.
Reports of Officers read. Alderman Long moves, Alderman Preece seconds mo-
tion to accept same and place on file. Carried by voice vote.
Canton Spoon River Junior College Student Committee. Alderman Edwards moves
�• that Mr. Dave Nidiffer be allowed to address the City Council. Alderman
1fJ Spencer seconds this motion. Carried by voice vote. Mr. Nidiffer, on be-
di half of the Steering Committee on Moratorium, requested permission to dis-
tribute informational material on the square on Nov. 3.0 between 10:00 A.M.
C-) and Noon and hold a candle light walk from the South Park Methodist Church
to the South Park at 4:30 P. M. on Nov. 16, 1969, all in an orderly manner
with no demonstrations. Mr. Heerin, Dean of the College, spoke on behalf
of this committee also. After a lengthy discussion, Alderman Hurst moves,
Alderman Sepich seconds motion that an endorsement of this moratorium be
denied. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Rupe, Sepich, Hurst, Long, Edwards,
Kroell, Williams, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and Preece. NAY: Alderman Farr.
(11 AYES and 1 NAY). Endorsement denied. •G�oTE i SC-E P� �7d4�
-- Reports of standing committees.
Garbage Disposal Committee. Alderman Hurst reported the committee may have
found a good used tractor, but still wished that the City advertise for bids
on a new tractor. Alderman Hurst moves and Alderman Edwards seconds motion
that permission be granted to advertise for a new tractor and also a used
tractor. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Preece, George, Spencer, Williams,
Kroell, Edwards, Long, Hurst, Sepich, Farr, and Rupe. NAY; None.
Lake Development Committee. Alderman Edwards reported on a meeting of that
committee with Y.M.C.A. Director Mike Chianakas, the attorney for the Y.M.C.A,
and City Engineer Gibbons regarding the land around Lake Canton that the
Y.M.C.A. wished to lease. Alderman Edwards stated that more study would be
made on this request.
Traffic Committee. Alderman Williams stated there were some meters available
for use on the proposed WhitS.Court Parking lot but that the City should pur-
chase 18'more meters ($57.50Acomplete with trade-in) .
Alderman Williams stated that a dangerous intersection -- Eleventh Avenue and
Locust Street was developing and moves that this be referred to the Ordinance
Committee to change the Yield-Right-of-Way signs to Stop signs. Motion
seconded by Alderman George. Carried by voice vote.
Motion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Williams to refer the Traffic
pattern on First Avenue from the High School to Sycamore St. to the i1raffic
Committee for stud. Carried by a voice vote.
Alderman George reported that a check with the inventory of equipment from
the Police Department as of April 30, 1969 showed several items missing --
18 guns and a tape recorder. Motion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alderman
George that Chief of Police Elam try to recover the missing property from the
police station. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Rupe, Farr, Sepich, Hurst,
Long, Edwards, Kroell, Williams, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and Preece. NAY:None.
Building and Grounds Committee. Alderman Farr reported the committee would meet
Nov. 6, 7:00 P. M. in the Police Station, to see what can be done about repairs
for that building.
1. 7 0
Nov. 43 1969, Cont. (2)
Alderman Monty Rupe requested that Chester Miller, Suet. of the Waste Water
Treatment Plant, give a report of his recent attendance at the Convention
in Dallas, Texas. Mr. Miller stated he had acquired knowledge that will save
the City a great deal.
Tax Abatement. Motion by Alderman Rupe, seconded by Alderman Hurst that a
Tax Abatement Resolution on the abatement of Water and Sewer Bonds be sent
to the Fulton County Clerk. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Preece, George..
Spencer, Yerbic, Williams$ Kroell, Edwards, Long, Hurst, Sepich, Farr, and
Rupe. NAY: None.
Motion by Alderman George, seconded by Alderman Preece that a thank you
letter be sent to Mr. William Taylor for the fine work done by the Civil
Defense through the ?ialloween week. Carried by voice vote.
Snec4al committee reports.
Alderman Farr reported several calls because of shots from the strip mines
jarring windows, etc. Alderman Rupe stated that a meeting with the strip
mine officials would be held soon.
Drag Strip Committee. Alderman Hurst announced a meeting of that committee
with the youth of the area or anyone interested to be held Nov. 10 in the
City Building.
Communications to Council.
Thank you note from the Robert Whitehead family for flowers.
Letter from Crawford, Murphy & Tilly to Alderman Williams regarding traffic
counts (Main and Locust Streets) by the Division of Highways and that a re-
port would be made about Dec. 1, 1969.
Letter from ;Zr. Elmer H. Jacobs regarding the traffic pattern on the square,
with a list of approximately 125 names attached, read. Mayor Jennings, in
reply to the letter said, that if anyone wanted to quote him, they should
quote the truth and also some of the signers to this letter did have a chance
to make changes. He commended the Traffic Committee and Council for setting
up a thirty-day study and abiding by same. Alderman Edwards moves, Alderman
Hurst seconds motion to place the corres :ondence on file. Voice vote,carried.
Allstate Insurance Co. letter regarding cooperating with the insurance study
for the City of Canton. Alderman Edwards stated he had sent letters to 14
agencies in the City but this was the only reply to date. He moves that the
letter be accepted and placed on file. Alderman Hurst seconds this motion.
Voice vote, carried.
Resolution for Motor Fuel Tax Funds ($1500.00) far traffic engineering
studies on feeder streets to Locust Street read. Motion by Alderman Hurst,
seconded by Alderman Williams to adopt this Resolution. Roll call vote.
AYE: Aldermen Rupe, Farr, Sepich, Hurst, Long, Edwards, Kroell, Williams,
Yerbic, Spencer, George, and Preece. NAY: None. Resolution No. 511.
Old business.
Sixth Estimate, Normoyle-Birg and Associates for Division 11 and 12, in the
amount of $60,298.72. Motion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Hurst
to allow this estimate. Discussion regarding the manner of doing work. Roll
call on the motion. AYE: Aldermen Preece, George, Spencer, Yerbic, Williams,
Kroell, Edwards, Long, Hurst, Sepich, Farr, and Rupe. NAY. None.
New business.
Bond, Transamerica Insurance Co., '2,000.00, for Steven James Elam, Chief
of Police, approved by Finance Committee presented. Motion by Alderman
Long, seconded by Alderman Preece to accept same and place on file. Voice
vote carried with exception of one NAY (Alderman Williams) .
Estimate No. 7, Normcyle-3erg & Associates for Division 11 and 12 in the
amount of $52,512.26 presented. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Al-
derman Sepich to allow this estimate. Rol]. call vote. AYE: Aldermen Rupe,
Farr, Sepich, Hurst, Long, Edwards, Kroell, Williams, Yerbic, Spencer,
George4,and Preece. NAY: None.
Nov. 4, 1969, Cont. (3)
First reading of an Ordinance - no parking on North r'irst Avenue from
Locust to Birch Street. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman
George to suspend rules.- Alderman Williams asked that the Ordinance
lay over until people were aware of same. Roll call vote to suspend the
rules. AYE: Aldermen Preece, George, Edwards, Long, Hurst, and Rupe.
NAY: Aldermen Spencer, Yerbio, Williams, Kroell, Sepich, and Farr. (6
AYES and 6 NAYS) . Motion lost. Ordinance laid over.
First reading -of an Ordinance -to install parking meters in the White Court
Parking Lot. If t►ion by Alderman George, seconded by Alderman Edwards to
suspend the rules. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Rupe, Hurst, Edwards,
George, and Preece. NAY: Aldermen Farr Sepich, Long, Kroell, Williams,
Yerbic, and Spencer. (5 AYES and 7 NAYS. Motion lost. Ordinance to lay
Appointment of Mrs. Janevera McNett, Auxiliary Policewoman, (to serve as
matron in ladies rest room during basketball games) . Motion by Alderman
George, seconded by Alderman Preece to approve the appointment. Carried
by voice vote.
Alderman Williams inquired about the purchase of 20 parking meters. Alder-
man George moves, Alderman Long seconds motion to refer this to the Traffic
Committee regarding parking meter needs. Carried by voice vote.
Cz.a Appointment of Mr. Charles D. b'�'right to the Fire and Police Commission.
U Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Long that this appointment
be confirmed. Carried, voice vote.
Appointment of an Metrical Committee: Aldermen Kroell, 6hm., Spencer,
and Long to study and adopt an electrical code and set up guide lines for
all new and repair work in connection with the National Electrical Code.
Alderman Edwards moves, Alderman Sepich seconds motion to approve these
appointments. Voice vote, carried.
Regarding the First Avenue Blacktopping project, Mr*.Murphy from the Craw-
ford, Murphy & Tilly Engineering Firm stated that a continuance of the
street program could be made to include the First Avenue project. Alderman
Hurst moves, Alderman Preece seconds motion that the contract be extended.
This motion carried by voice vote.
Police car bids. Alderman George moves, Alderman Preece seconds motion
that the Mayor be instructed to enter into an Agreement with the Gene
Wrestler Chevrolet Firm for rent-lease on three police cars. Roll call
vote. AYr,': Aldermen Preece, George, Spencer, Yerbic, Kroell, Edwards,
Long, Hurst, Darr, and Rupe. NAY: Aldermen Williams and Sepich. (10
AYES and 2 NAYS). Carried. cz-7,
Alderman Kroell complimented Mr. Stanley Klyber from the Association of
Commerce and Industry for the brochures of Canton.
Mayor Jennings thanked the visitors for attending the Council meeting and
urged others to attend.
Motion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alderman Edwards to adjourn. Voice
vote, carried. Canton City Council adjourns at 8:30 P. M.
City er