HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-07-1969 Council Meeting Minutes 16 1.
Canton City Council held a regular meeti._s Oct. 7, 1969.
on Oct. 7, 1969 in the City
Council Chamber. Mayor Jennings called the meeting to order at 6:35 P,M.
Present for Roll Call: Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Svob, rarr, Sepich, Hurst,
Long, Edwards, Kroell, Williams, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and Preece.
Absent: 'Tone.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Invocation by Alderman Edwards.
.Minutes of previous meeting. Motion by Alderman Spencer, seconded by Alder-
man Yerbic that minutes of previous meeting be accepted and placed on file.
Motion carried by voice vote.
Petitions requesting annexation by property owners of property on E. Beech
and E. Shamrock Streets presented again for consideration. Letter from the
Planning and Zoning Commission giving their opinion: 111. The Planning Com-
mission has no jurisdiction in this matter; 2. The Zoning Ordinance requires
that any lot or group of lots must be annexed as R-1, Single Family TLesidence;
3. The lots represented by the Petition do not conform to R-1, Single Family
Residence because the frontage ranges from fort�y feet to fifty-six feet while
a minimum of sixty feet is required by Ordinance. The Planning Commission, by
unanimous vote states that it has no objection to the annexation of the prop-
erty except as noted above.' Discussion about the feasibility of this annex-
ation. Would the next trailer court or group of lots wishing; to be annexed
to the City do so in accordance with this plan? It was agreed that it was not
fair to the property owners to not allo,., annexation because the developer had
L.� made such a Fross error in laying out the lots; Fire and Police protection
discussed; next trailer Ordinance to be in accordance with the City Ordinance;
this tract of land comes under the heading of a new subdivision and the property
owners should furnish own street, water and sewer. City �'ttorney Malmgren ex-
plained the procedures to be taken for annexation. Mayor Jennings recommended
that the Council consider this annexation. Noiion by Alderman Williams, seconded
by Alderman Edwards for annexation of this tract. Motion by Alderman Howard,
seconded by Alderman Long to table the matter. Discussion. Alderman Long; with-
_ drew his second of motion to table motion and Alderman Howard withdrew his mo-
tion, Alderman Edwards withdrew his second of mot _on for annexation and Alder-
man Williams withdrew his motion. Alderman Farr moves, Alderman Hurst seconds
motion that the request for annexation la- over until next meeting and the City
Attorney be provided with proper material in order for him to give an opinion
on handling; of this case. Voice vote carried filth exception of one NAY (Alder-
man Spencer).
Bills for September. Motion by Alderman Kroell, seconded by Alderman Yerbic that
all bills properly approved by 1:o partment heads and Council committees be allowed
for payment. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Preece, %:eorc e, Spencer, Yerbic, Wil-
liams, Kroell, Edwards, Long, Flurst, Se-,1 ch, 'arr, Svob, Rupe, Howard. ?dAY:Pdone.
Reports of officers read. lotion b;,r Alderman: Lonf , seconded by Alderman Sepich
that same be accepted and placed on file. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen
Howard, Rupe, Svob, Tarr, Sepich, TTurst, Long, Edwards, Kroell, Williams, Yerbic,
Spencer, George, and .Preece. NAY: None.
Standing corru-nittee reports.
Alderman Kroell reported that an Ordinance with reference to city employees had
been discussed by that committee and the City Attorney and it was decided that
the entire Council should have a voice in the matter. Alderman Hurst stated the
City should not limit applicants for positions, but after employment, should be
encouraged to live in the City. Alderman Parr recommended an informal Council
meeting to discuss the problem.
Traffic C omn ittoe. Alderman Williams stated that a request for a two-way street
be made on Chestnut Street from Main St. to Ave. A. but in his opinion there was
enough traffic change for now until the traffic survey is made. 'lay-or Jennings
commended the `Craffic Comni.tt�e for staying with the Iain St. trial for the full
thirty days. Alderman Senich moves that an Crdinance be drafted to make Chest-
nut St. a two-way St. between live. A and °Iai.n St. Alderman Yerbic seconds this
motion. Discussion. Alderman Yerbic withdrew his second of motion. 1•ayor Jen-
nings called for a second to the :notion but the motion dies for lack of a second.
Police and Legal. Alderman George reported the City should have a third Police
car -- an unmarked one. `Te then moves that t':e City Clerk be authorized to ad-
vertise for bids on three new cars, bids to be received by 4:00 P. : . on Oct. 21�
in the Clerk's office. Alderman Svob seconds this motion. Roll call vote. AYE:
Oct. 7, 1969, Cont. (2)
Aldermen `recce, George, Yerbic, Williams, Kroell, Edwards, Lone;, Hurst, Sepich,
Farr, (Z ' Rupe, and Howard. TNTAY: Alderman Spencer. (13 AYES and 1 NA`l) .
Garbage Disposal Cormaittee. Alderman Hurst re-o., orted that s :_nce the Crater was
drained from the land fill_, the place is in good shape but the tractor is in need
of repair, or re--)lacement -- in fact purchase of a tractor should be considered
before the new garbage truck.
Snecial_ Committee reports.
Alderman Edwards reported on the Isaac Swan sidewalk project and thanked ki�'errnen
Howard, Farr, Williams, ",1a,;or Jenninks for their help, also a special thanks to the
Street Department. On Oct. 4, 1969, 372 square feet of sidewalk was laid at a
cost of ', 527.00 1,1 th the school P.T.A. payin ; X201.50 on the project. The P.T.A.
is very enthisastic and plans are be _ng made to see that a continuance of
project is carried. out.
Motion by Alderman ]dVrards, seconded by Alde i eorge that the Ordinance Com. be
instructed to draw up a 3etterment Gomm�ittee.1 cried by voice vote.
P.equest b,r Alderman Hurst that the news media publish that Garbage containers
should not exceed the weight as nublished by Ordinance.
Alderman Hurst inquired about black-top on cit;,- streets and then moves that the
matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Motion was seconded by Al-
derman Farr and carried by voice vote.
Oil and. chips. Ald.er:�an 'Farr stated that some of the cit`r streets needed oi?. ai��.d,
chips th'_s fall -- he named Hemlock Tr., and Alderman Spencer named Sevent.
between '�Talniit St. and Chestnut St. 'lhIs matter referred to Street and Alley Com.
a'_d Street Su.per:l_ntendent.
Suggestion by Alderman Edwards that the City employ a insurance consultant to
work w'_th the City, attorney regarding the City's insurance programs. Alderman_
Howard stated that it might be wise to have an independent insurance organization
a,ld then have them divide tie premiums with the other firms in the City.
inquiry by Alderman Hurst about water shed areas and the strip mines.
.landfill chain saw has disappeared, Alderman Edwards inquired about insurance.
Cot,.municat ions to Council....
Letter from the fire and Police Commission notification of resignation of Donald
','ilcol:en as cll_ce Sergeant effective Soot. 21,, 1969 acrd requested a List of names
of patrolmen wishing; to take examination for sergeant. Alderman i'roel_l moves, Alder-
man Yerbic seconds motion to -glace the letter on file. Carried by voice vote.
Recommendation regarding the water shed. from Orval J. 'uhn, 'v'ater Plant Supt., and
"arold E. White, Plumbing Inspector. Alderman Hurst moves that the CitvT Attorney
check easements for option that have been put on record and file an injunction imme-
diately against strip mines from nicking up these options. Alderman George seconds
this motion. Discussion about such a procedure. City Attorney, l°Tm. " almgren told
to phone the Ill. 1,11unicipal. League for inforiaati.on. Alderman George withdrew his
second of motion and Alderman durst withdrew his motion - but stated he wanted saie-
thing done immediately to protect the city's water shed. Tflayor Jennings to call
Crati•rford, Consulting "ngineer.
Letter from Sanitary .rater Board regarding installing a parallel line to the present
one between primary and secondary treatment aid that department was in agreement with
the proposal. 'Motion by Alderman Hidwards, seconded by Alderman Hurst that the letter
be placed on file. 'voice vote carried.
Old business.
Second reading of an Ordinance, 'iem�val of Ston Sion at the southwest cornier of past
Chestnut St. and ,.north First Ave. Tlotion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman
Williams that the Ordinance be tabled. Alderman 1,11-1liams explained that it would be
to a disadvantage to pass the proposed Ordinance.
Vew business.
Estimate "1o. 7, Skaggs Const. Co. and Alton Co., (!:rest 'Vine St. project), in the
amount of presented. _1aYor Jennings reported that he was not in favor of
paying this estl-miate until some Oct. 7, 1969, Font. (3)
p e of the clean-up work on streets and terraces
had been completed. Alderman Farr reported a ridge in the paving on Nest Vine
St. and work needs to be done on terraces. ',,X. Ozzie Langf I elder., resident eng-
ineer, explained that the 'Jormcyle-3erg Const. Co. had been shut down for three
weeks in order to clean up, but one of the sub-contractors has until Oct. 15 to
seed yards. Skaggs-Alton and Geo. i,. Hoffman Sons have been requested repeatedly
to complete their work. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman George that
this Estimate be referred to the Finance Committee. Roll call vote. AYE: Alder-
men Howard, Rune, Svob, Farr, Sepich, Hurst, Long, Edwards, Kroell, Williams, Yer-
bic, Spencer, George, and Preece. '1AY: lone.
Estimate No. 5, Geo. E. Hoffman ?. Sons (E. Ash, `% 12th, and `,d. l4th Ave.) in the
amount of ')54,668.76 presented. Ilotion by Alderman rseorge3 seconded by Alderman
Preece to refer this 'estimate to the Finance Committee. Roll call vote. AYE: Alder-
men Preece, George, Spencer., Yerbicp 4,lilliams, Kroell, Edwards, Longo T1,J1ill
ich, Farr., Svob, Rupe) and Howard. NAY: None. iams, Sen-
Parking Meter Tickets. 1,4a ,-or Jennings stated. he had instructed the acting Chief of
Police and also the Chief of Police not to bring tickets over to be voided. No one
has authority to void tickets. Statements that have been sent are still ignored
and he recommended the Police and Legal Committee to publish notice stating that
after a person has received five parking tic"'ets and had not paid same
the name
and amount be published in the pavers. Discussion about "work tickets" issued to
er utility companies and contractors- i arkin7 snace for their work.
I using a n
Bond with Travelers Ins. Co., 8�2.,000.00 Lucille A. Gwrabel
$ , clerk in 1ater Dept.,
approved by Finance Com. presented. ',lotion by Alderman Long, seconded by Ald-erman
Spencer that the bond be accepted and placed on file. Carried by voice vote.
Alderman Hurst renorted that the Fulton County Planning and Zoning Cocuilittee were
having a meeting in Lewistown in the near future and urged the City Attorney and
members of the committee to attend this meeting to learn if those plans conform
to plans for the City.
Bids on Garbage Truck. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Edwards to
instruct the City Clerk to open the bids. v'-oice vote carried. Considering the
need for a new tractor at the land fill-, Alderman Edwards- withdrew his second of
motion and Alderman Hurst withdrew his motion -- bids to be held over until the
next Council meeting. Voice vote. Carried.
Trees. Mayor Jennings instructed p
the Street Superintendent to work with �'Ir. Earl
4almgren (tree trimmer) and give a list of bad -trees in each ward (as provided by
the Aldermen) that need dropping. 'Ir. 14alngren will then make up a price and if
same is agreeable will drop the trees in the evenings after he completes his regu-
lar work and the Street Department will pick up the debris the next day. 1•1r. Eldon
flyers, Street Sunerintendent, renorted that a 'Er. Edwards from the C.I.P.S. Co.
will be in Canton Thursday to top any trees that interfere with utility wires.
Appointments.o-,-)ointi-fients. Fire and Police Commission reoorted the appointment of Dearl Rose as
Patrolman, effective Cet. 6., 1969 and James Grove as Sergeant, effective Oct. 1.1
1969. Motion by Alderman George) seconded by Alderman Preece that these appoint-
ments be placed on file. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Howard, Rune, Svob, Farr
Senich, Hurst, Long., Edwards, Kroell., 1,.,Ti
lliams, Yerbic3 Spencer, George, and
Preece. ',,TAY: 'done.
Claims Committee to meet immediately followin.cr the Council meeting announced by
Alderman Yerbic.
Alderman Til
an 1J liams asked to have the floor to address the Council and was informed
he had not requested same on the Agenda.
Alderman Hurst moves to adjourn. Alderman Svob seconds same. Voice vote carried
with exception of one 'JAY (Alderman Williams) . Canton City Council adjourns at
8:35 P. M.
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