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07-08-1969 Council Meeting Minutes
duly 8, 1969 Canton City Coumil held a regular meeting on July 8, 1969-aYi-the •G-i-y Council Chamber, llaynr pro teen Ends caillcd the meeting to order ,at 6:30 P. ,i. Present for roll call- Alc.er.men Rur):, Farr, aeoich, Hurst, 17dKar,U, :Crve11� irrilliaras, Yerb_ic, Spencer, George, and Preece. Abaent: Aldermen Roward,.Svob, and Long. PIedAE of Allegiance eras followed by invocation by iilclernan 11upee ;inu,tesa of previous. meetin . I-lotion by Alderman kroell, seconded by Alder.- man Yerbie to accent same and place on fi1.e. Married by voice votb. Bills for June. Alderman Sneneer raovas, Alderman Preece seeonds motion that all bills properly approved be allowed for Davment. Roll call vote. AYE t Aldermen Pree oe, George, Spenoer, Yerbic, lilli ams, ,roell, Edwards, Hurst,* Sepic-h, Farr, and Rune, I Ys None,, Deports of officers read, Alderman Hurst•moves, Alderman Sectiich. second motion that same be accented and placed on file. Carried by voice vote. Standing aommi.ttee reports, `+ C-4n,ton Promotion Ga mni ttee maet!,ng reported by Aloerri as; �iroelj, commi,ttA-e mt with the Association of Commerce and Industry, ch©ckbd the Touri. brochure for publication. Alderman Kroell moves, Alderman George seconds motion to ac-0 wept the publication of the brochures as a joint venture v Lth tha' Assoc I iQZ U of -Commerce and lndustnr• -. total coot of brochures $1,;000„00. Rol], calf vote. AYE; Alderm®n .Rope; .Farr, Sew�1cY.3 Hurst, .�dvmr is, Kroel.l-, Will.i.avlo, . Yerbic, �Snencer, c eorf;e. and Preece# NA.I.': ^jQ e. Traffic Gommitteal Alderman Wi.11iai s reported au a meeting* of that eomthit,toe on June 26 su ;L-esta.onz were mace for a .one,•waaZr street'sbuth from-Locu',94 to Chestnirt Street and a one-.wz& street north from I]lta to' Locust �tree.t q;i li irst avenue a traffic study to be* made to she if same is feasiblb, but recommended that no action be taken until the full Council could ma],�e a, de-* vision. Street and Allen .Com-aittee Chairman,, Alderman Preece, .ingm xe� aboat' Ve. pg r- ment of• X15©0.00 to the 1iational BAnk for stxeet improvements... Alderman r., jC* A re;raxted this,matter had "deep brought to the ,attention oi: Coun.cil• at an illf ' al meeting but no action had been to?.se-a at a` regular Council, heeting. it had been reported, that a committee could snenal up to .1;j 500.00 Wa .th•out Cou,rjci_l, ac$iftiv ki(lerman Spur reported that he was Choi' in of the. Street and ,Alley C.gmTt �a at tihat time and started there was ...question as too where.. such mmleyr'imaaa,d Wcan from and chat he had refused to have same taken frog, the Street and Alle .Funds, No action had been taken.. Alderman George move.s, Aldevmgn'Preece seopnds mtion that the Street and ALley Committee aand.iraffic Catalazlteo m'e.t and• bring tihea,r c r•eoon-aezndation t,q .the Counci.lt. Carried b,7 vo'icc ,vote. Building and' (kunds Committee Ohelr•mar, Alderman I{'a'rr, reported: the xx'vcaf eitr building had been repaired, ' Spoelal Gommitteee reports.. Gom. unioations to C ounc i:7.. .-Mr, I,en Russell,. Dist. Fishery 13i6logi.st fiom,the :dept:..: of Corrpervation re :Art ed on the fish population sea-.al Tsi_s made on Canton Lake June ?; 1969, stetdd tr et3 he did not recommend wW fish stockir�g or fish -populaat.i;on. ntanagvmen,t -t]�i-s year beoausa the la-ke is in verj good condition. IIo-taon by,Alderman Nupe,, s;e;conded by Alderman Farr to accept same and.n1.a'0e on file... Voice i*ote,, Carried,. Letter from Crawford, Murphy & Till,y regarding the prop©sed change of traff!te (as explained earlier in the rametirlg by ,Alderman Williams), sfi4ti ; that.the- Division of Highways were willing to eooperate with the City-on the ;op' 6sed.', Galan. . Motion by A- 1derman Williams,, seconded lr'Y Aldermman,xarblc tp :place. Via* on file, This •moti:on carried by voice, vote. ' Resignation of Glen 146714ullen as polies patroliun, efeect.ive June. .19,, 196? **&d. M©tion by Alder-man Farr, seconded by Al.de aan Hurst to accept this resigrlaiiotn. _.. Roll call vote,. -Ay". : Aldermen Pre.ec", George.,. ,apencer., Kroell, Bdwards, �hyrst.,, Senich, I+ 'r and.ltuae, °SAY: i�orie. 144 July 8, 1969, Cant. (2) Letter from the Illinois Commerce Commission regarding consolidation of REA EIX- press with the Peoria office. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Kroell to accept sane and place on file. Carried by voice vote. Crawford, iurnhy Tilly C,�nsiilting .un;. reported a the quality of concrete being used on the streets and that it met with state specifications. Alderman durst moves, Alderman Williams seconds motion to °dace _letter on file. Voice vote. Carried. Copy of letter from Crawford, l-iurphy Tilly Eng. to the Skag;£;s Const. Co. a:lc' Alton & Co. regarding dissatisfaction with progress and performance on street im- provement8 in the city. Alderman Hurst wished to go on record he was opposed to t':1ese f-Irms receiving future bids for the cit- y. Alderman George moves, Alderman Preece seconds motion to place the letter on file. 'Mote of thanks from City of Lewistown for use of sweeper and services of driver. Question by Alderman Farr as to who authorized this work. Alderman Preece stated he, with the assistance of the Mayor, ordered this work performed. !lotion by Alder- TT Hurst, seconded by Alderman_ Rupe to place letter on file. Voice vote. Carried. Sanitary Land Fill. Letter from the Department of Public Health co-rnnending the city on imnrovements made at sanitary land fill and encourag-d the continuance of same. ;lotion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Yerbic to accent same and place on file. Carried, voice vote. Alderman Rupe commended Alderman Hurst and his committee. Old business. Second reading of "No Parkin- Ordinance" with the addition of the footage read. Iotion by Alderman Hurst, seconded. by Alderman. Yerbic to suspend rules. Roll call- vote. AY:,�: Aldermen Rupe, 2arr, Sepich, Hurst, Edwards, Kroell, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and Preece. NAY: Alderman 'Williams. (10 AITSS and 1 MAY). Carried. Motion by Alderman Burst, seconded by Alderman Sepich to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AY ;: Aldermen Preece, George, Spencer, Yerbic, '� illiams, 1roell, Edwards., Hurst, Sepich, Farr, and Rube. ,JAY: _None. This being Or dinance IIo. 272. "dew business. Resolution for three street lamps on Seventeenth Avenue between 4alnut and Chestnut Street. lotion by Alderman Spencer, seconded by Alderman Farr that the Resolution be adonted. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen en Rune, Farr, Sepich, Hurst, Edwards, !!noel!., 5.i1]_iams, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and Preece. "Wf* Nam. resolution #! ,ngineer's Progress Estimate No. 7, Div. 9A and 9B, dormoyle-serg Assoc. in the amount of .0 .717.66 )resented. Alderman Hirst stated he eras in favor of holding Lip na;ments until the "clean-up" wor'c is more nearly completed. Ir. Langfelder from the Crawford, :lurl??,y Tilly Ing neerinn Firm reported he had talked to the insurance comoary regarding the damage to -the house on Ave. B by the Christ!'an Church. I)is- cussi_on. Alderman=.:,Sepich moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to 'gay this estimate. _ Roll call vote. A !,: Aldermen Preece, George, Spencer, Yerbic, Williams, Hroell, Edwards, Sepic'n, and Farr. i.AY: Aldermen Hurst and. Rupe. (9 AY S and 2 MAYS) . !lotion carried and estimate to be paid. engineer's Progress Estimate '71o. 3 for Div. 11 a:'�.d 12, ''ormo,rJ.e=3erg Associates ryn t':Ze amount of `51,617.14 >>resented. Alderman ?Tilliams commen(?rr' t'-,-. cn71.tra.ctors aid street denart:-?ent for assisting In clear.-u-o Won" on streets. Alderman Sepich moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to allow paynent of this estimate. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Farr, Sonich, Edwards, Kroell, 11illi.anas, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and Preece. ',WZ: Aldermen 2i_ipe a--ld ?-Iurst. (9 AY?,S and 2 , YS) Carried. Bond with the Travelers Indemnity Co., ;�1, '�0.?� properly approved by the '!nonce ;ormittee for Chas. Vaniliddlesworth, sire and Police commission presentee!. Potion by Alderman �lu-)e, seconded by Alderman Iroe11_ to accent and ,Lace on file. Carried by voice vote. Alderman 11illiams reported three complaints on conditions in his ward: 1. Weeds around some of the business firms should be mowed and wished tho City would send a representative to the A.C.T. to ask for cooperation in removing same; 2. 2Wo finis ,Sere operating on the sidewalks; 3. A power line hole set in middle of the side „raLt on South ourtl Ave. (he was infor�r!ed this hart .cllar ?>ole is probably outs _;.'..c t'n^ City li_n?its) . ioti_on by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alderman <enich to adjourn. voice vote. Carried. Canton City Counei.l adjourns at 7:31 P. 7 J ra._"' , pro tem