HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-06-1969 Council Meeting Minutes 12
May 6, 1969
Canton City Council held a regular meeting May 6, 1969 in the City Council Chamber,
Mayor Woods called the meeting to order at 5:30 P. M. Present for roll call:
Aldermen Rusnak, Howard, Farr, Svob, Jacobs, Sepich, Long, Ellis-, Spencer, Yerbic,
Danner and George. - Absent: Aldermen Skinner and Kroell.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Invocation by Alderman. Danner,
Alderman Ellis moves, Alderman Svob seconds motion that the minutes of the previous
meeting be accepted and placed on file. Carried by voice vote.
Bills for April presented. Motion by Alderman Long, seconded by Alderman Sepich
that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment. Roll call vote. AYE:
Aldermen George, Danner, Yerbic, Spencer, Ellis, Long, Sepich, Jacobs, Svob, Farr,
Howard, and Rusnak. NAY: None. Carried.
Reports of officers for April and also for the year presented. Alderman Ellis moves
that since the reports are a matter of record -- all monthly and annual reports be
accepted as presented and placed on file. Voice vote. Carried.
Standing committee reports.
Alderman Spencer reported that "Clean-up" week was very successful -- thirty-five loads
of debris hauled the the dump.
Special committee reports.
Communications to council.
Mayor Woods read a letter to the Council -- thanking all the aldermen, chairmen of
various committees, news media, Federal, State and County Officials and a special
thanks to Alderman Danner who acted as Chaplain of the City Council. He also called
attention to a resolution adopted by the Board of Education dated October 27, 1966
calling for streets in the new Junior High School District to be graded and graveled
no later than September 1971. People who don't understand have to criticize. Kites
rise against not with the wind. Indifference to community needs solve nothing.
Alderman Howard moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to make this letter a part of
the records. Carried by voice vote.
Letter from the Department of Public Health regarding violations at the Sanitary
Land Fill. Letter to be filed, and new Council to take any action.
Request by the Boy Scouts, Troop No. 104 to hold an ice cream social, June 13, 1969
(rain date June 20, 1969). Motion by Alderman Husnak, seconded by Alderman Sepich
to grant same. Carried by voice vote.
Request by the Seventh-Day Adventist Church to hold a tag day on June 27, 1969 (rain
date July 11). Motion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alderman Svob to grant this
request. Voice vote. Carried.
Old business.
Second reading of an Ordinance pertaining to increase in employees salaries (6-21% for
all full time employees and 10¢ per hour increase for part-time employees). Motion
by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Long to place this Ordinance on its passage.
Roll Call vote. AYE: Alderman Rusnak, Howard, Farr, Svob, Jacobs, Sepich, Long,
Ellis, Spencer, Yerbic, Danner and George. NAY: None. This being Ordinance No. 264.
Second reading of an Ordinance -- increase in City Clerk's salary, $1,000.00 per year,
and increase in City Treasurer's salary, $1,000.00 per year. Motion by Alderman Farr
seconded by Alderman Svob to place this Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote.
` AYE: Alderman George, Danner, Yerbic, Spencer, Ellis, Long, Sepich, Jacobs, Svob,
Farr, Howard and Rusnak. NAY: None. This being Ordinance No. 265.
Second reading of an Ordinance -- increase of Mayor's salary to $ 5,000.00. Motion
by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman George to amend the ordinance to $4,000.00
Alderman Ellis read a note: I still believe the office of Mayor, when properly
administered,is worth a substantial raise. But I don't think we can judge the worth
of a new administration before it statts, so that is no longer an issue. What the
majority of the people have said by their votes that they want is certainly an issue.
I have repeatedly asked for the Mayor-elect to tell us what he now thinks the job
is worth since the campaign is over. All he said was that he did not run for the
money. Campaign statements which werewnot disavowed, said there should be no raise
May 6, 1969, Cont. (2)
for the Mayor. This was a key campaign issue which drew votes. The people spoke
their will when they vote. This, is. my last chance to vote what I believe to be the
will of the majority. I will vote for the amendment as a maximum, then vote no on
the ordinance. Discussion among the members of the Council. Roll call vote on the
motion. AYE: Alderman Rusnak, Howard., Farr, Jacobs, Sepich, Long, Ellis, Spencer,
Yerbic, Danner and George. NAY: Alderman Svob. (11 AYES and 1 NAY). Motion
carried. Alderman Sepich moves, Alderman George seconds motion to place the Ordinance
on its passage, as amended. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman George, Danner, Spencer,
Long, Sepich, Jacobs, Svob, Farr, Howard. NAY-: Alderman Yerbic, Ellis, and Rusnak.
(9 AYES and 3 NAYS) . Carried. This being "rdinance No. 266.
Bonds with the Transamerica Insurance Co., for Gerald Emert, $1,000.00 - Auxiliary
Policeman, approved by Finance Ccanmittee and one with the Transamerica Insurance
Co., for 'Carl N. Hill, $20000.00, City Treasurer, approved by the. Finance committee
presented. Motion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Danner to accept same
and place on file. Carried by voice vote.
Alderman Howard stated that it had been a pleasure to work with Mayor Woods, the
Aldermen, and thanked all the employees for all the work done and willingness to
serve the public.
Alderman George moves to adjourn sine die. Alderman Sepich seconds motion. Canton
City Council adjourns at 5:53 P. M.
City er
1- 27
BLDG. & (ROUNDS: POLICE DEPT.: (contld.)
Am. Pest Control $17.00 Kenneth Lindzey 6. 00
City of Canton 17:20 Sherwood Gilpin 14.80
Mason Hardware Co. 1.99 Francis Crosier
Police Dept. .55 Sherwin Gilpin 32.30
Pekin Towel Service 10.49 Kenneth Kington 32.30
Pioneer Mfg. Co. 45.45 Dillefeld's Conoco 42.04
Whalen Glass Works 7.74 Drumm Oil Equipment 10.12
Fulton Service Co. 195.13
CIVIL DEFENSE: Macomb h U ommunications 70.00
Al's Gulf Service 2.45 Mason ardware Co. 6.00
Canton Automotive Pts: 8.00 Mid-County Press 67.05
C.I.P.S. Co. 22.06 Town & Country Ins. 10.00
Demler Lumber Co. 86.35 Standard Oil Co. 232.67
Ill. Bell Telphone 1.43 3M Business rroducts 30.01
New England Business Serv. 21.75 Town & Country Ins. Co. 54.00
Nacama Taylor 2.28 University of Ill. 260.00
Taylor Radio 85.64 White's Book Store 27.68
Werry Trucking 5.00 Wrestler Chevrolet, Inc. 317.00
White's Book Store 39.30 1`x'92
Draw Hardware 89.35 STREET & ALLEY:
363.T Canton Tire & Vulc. 337.41
CIAIMSs C.I.P.S. Co. 1 204.55
Richard Meade 13.50 Duck Island Gravel Co. 11.30
�+ FIRE DEPT.s -Garbage Disposal 152.63
Clothing allowance 180.00 Jarvis Welding Go. 10.98
V E Z Plumbing 1:35 Higgins Oil Co. 34.90
Foster Conoco Service 27.50 Ill. Bell Tele. 9.69
Jarvis Welding Go. 29.21 � Linn Materials, Inc. 46.50
Kaiser Supply 32.77 Mason ardware Co. 2.10
Mid-States Auto Parts 9.42 Mid-States Auto parts 81.37
0;2 Miller Autobody 29.80
GARBAGE DISPOSAL: Pekin 'Towel Service 7.00
Share of gas (151.53) Pschirrer Coal Go. 220.00
Am. Pest Control 25.00 Town & Country Ins. 114.00
Canton-Tire & Vulc. 160.04 _MT.z
Leon Chevillon Oil Co. 42.56 WATER & SEWER:
Continental Oil Co. 51.70 C.I.P.S. Co. 1423.58
Jarvis Welding Co. .63 Higgins Oil Co. 192.00
Miller Autobody 38.98 Homer Electric Co. 63.84
Shell Oil Co. 42.90 Meters & Controls 108.80
Spoon River Electric 12.82 Jack Russell 225.00
374.6 Valley Chemical Corp. 1732.70
GET'ERAL FUNDS Hach Chemical Go. 13.58
Ledger 23.40 Difco Laboratories 15.90
C.I.P.S. Co. 9.67 Menke Stone & Lime Co. 432.00
Farmers Co-op, Co. 71.55 Canton Auto Body 7.00
Fulton Co. Abstract Co. 22.00 Canton Tire & Vulc. Co. 432.00
nl. Bell Tele. 23.88 Mid-States Auto Farts 25.45
Ill. Bell Tele. 125.00 Miller Auto 1'ody 19.14
Ill. Office Supply CO. 7.27 Whalen Glass Works 38.50
Mid-County Press 36.35 Wrestler Chevrolet 10.96
Millers Mutual of Ill. 10.00 Garbage "isposal 53.16
Painter Agency 28,00 Badger Meters 10.96
Petty Cash 11.94 Del Chemical 'orp. 126.34
Postmaster 30.00 Utility Sales moo. 134.38
Thornber Co. 35.90 Spoon River Electric 15.28
Town & Country Ins. 261.00 Livio Poggioli 50,00
Dan Vahle 40.00 Clow �'orp. 1869
White's Book Store 29.01 Wilkins Pipe & Supply 61.46
Y. MW C. A. 40.00 E Z Plumbing Co. 5.34
Jarvis ,Welding Go. 10.00
LIGHTS: Mason hardware Co. 26.45
C.I.P.S. Co. 2705.90 Pekin Towel Service 3.50
PARKING METER FUNDS Autocon Control Data 19.96
Crawford, Bunte, Roden 174.49 Smith & .Loveless 13.00
Haver Electric 1041.83 Lept. of Public Safety 7.00
Traf-O-Teria. System 257.50 Barney Grocery 2.10
John Wherley 125.00 Sherwin-Williams Co. 9.81
_ 9T. r ulton Service Go. 17.10
POLICE DEPT.: 111. Bell Telephone 4.52
Share of fas (282.47 Petty Wash 38.84
Kenneth Lindzey (clothing) 450.00 S.G. Adams 41.10
Town & Country Ins. 92.00
Crawford,Murphy & Tilly 1522.80
7` 72608
TOTAL BILLS $16,129.80
May 6, 1969
Canton City Council held its first regular meeting with the newly elected Mayor and
Aldermen on May 6, 1969 in the City Council Chamber, Mayor Jennings called the
meetin to order at 6:00 P.M. Present for roll call. Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Svob,
Farr, ,.Sepich, Hurst, Long, Edwards, Williams, Yerbie, Spencer, George and Preece.
Absent: Alderman Kroell, because of illness.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Invocation by Alderman Long.
Second estimate for Normoyle-Berg & Associates for Division 11 and 12, Storm Sewer
improvements in the amount of $50,972.61 . Motion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by
Alderman Long that this estimate be allowed. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Preece,
George, Spencer, Yerbic, Williams, Edwards, Long, Hurst, Sepich, Farr, Svob, Rupe, and
Howard. NAY: None. Carried.
Request by Alderman Hurst that the Street and Alley'Committee do some clean-up work
of bri.sh on West Pine Street (Quality Hill), so that owner of a new home has access
to same.
Mayor Jennings appointed the Finance �;ommittee: Aldermen Edwards, Chm.; Howard,
George, Spencer, Farr, Hurst, Long, Ripe, Preece and Williams. Motion by Alderman
Howard., seconded by Alderman Long to accept the appointments of this c mnittee,
Carried by voice vote.
Bond with Millers mutual Insurance Assoc., $3,000.00, properly approved by the
Finance Committee for -Robert F. Jennings, Mayor. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded
by Alderman George to accept same and place on file* Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen
Howard, Rupe, Svob, rarr, ,Sepich, Hurst, Long, Edwards, Williams, Yerbic, Spencer,
George, and Preece. NAY: None. Carried.
Mayor,Jennings announced the appointment of Mr. William Malmgren as City Attorney.
Motiou by Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Hurst to accept this appointment.
Carried by voice vote.
Committee appointment$ made by Mayor Jennings. Alderman Sepich declined the chair-
manship of the Lake Development Committee, but would work on that committee. Alderman
Howard moves, Alderman Long seconds motion that the committee appointments be
accepted with exception of th.ose,deelining appointments. Roll call vote. AYE:
Aldermen Preece, George, Spencer, Yerbic, williams, ,Edwards, Long, Hurst, Sepich,
Farr, Svob., Rupe, and Howard. NAY: None. Carried,
FINANCE: Aldermen Edwards, Chm; Howard, George- Farr, Hurst, Long,
Rape, _Preece, Williams.
POLICE & LEGAL: Aldermen George, Ghm; Farr, Williams, Sepich, Svob, Yerbic
and Kroell.
WATER & SEWER: . Aldermen Rupe, Chm; Long, Kroell, Howard, Yerbic, Sepich, Preece,
REET & AHurst, George, wards.
STLLEY: Aldermen reece, Ohm; Rupe, Farr, Howard, Sepich, Svob, and
PRINTING: Aldermen Long, Chm; Edwards and Kroell.
ORDINANCE: Aldermen Kroell, Chm; Yerbic and George.
BUILDIiVG & GROUNDS: Aldermen Farr, Chm; Sepich, Yerbic, George, Hurst and Rupe.
LICENSES: Aldermen Sepich, Chm; Kroell, Preece _and Svob,
GARBAGEs Aldermen Hurst, Ohm; Howard, George, Edwards, Williams, Yerbic and Sepich.
LIGHTS: Aldermen Spencer, Chm; Svob, Sepich, Farr and Preece.
CLAIMS: Aldermen Yerbic, Chm- Rupe, Williams, Farr.
TRAFFIC: Il.dermen Williams, dhm; Howard, George, Hurst, Spencer, Svob, Sepich,
Farr and Yerbic.
NEW INDUSTRIES: Aldermen Howard, Chm; Edwards, Farr, Hurst, Svob, Williams,
Sepich, Preece, Long, George, Kroell, .Yerbic, Rupe and Long.
CML DEFENSE: Aldermen Howard, Chm• Williams, Spencer, Svob, and Kroell.
CANTON PROMOTION: Aldermen Kroell, Chm; Preece, Williams.
LAKE DEVELOPMENT: Aldermen ; Edwards, Howard, Rupe, Long, Spencer,
Yerbic and George.
FIRE STATION: Aldermen Svob, Ohm; Farr, Howard, Kroell, Svob, Yervic, George,
Hurst, and Spencer.
DaMMN DEVELOPMENT: Aldermen .Kroell, Chm; Edwards, Rupe, Hurst, Sepich, Yerbic,
Farr, Howard and Preece.
Personnel appointments made by Mayor Jennings. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded
by Alderman Howard that the appointments be confirmed. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen
Howard, Rupe, Svob, Farr, Sepich, Hurst, Long, Bdwards, Williams,, Yerbic, Spencer,
George, and Preece. NAY: None. Carried,
Appointments of City Personnels May 6, 1969 Cont. (2)
City Attorney, William H. Malmgren
Secretary to Mayor, Betty Tandy
City Engineer Howard Gibbons
Supt. of Streets Eldon Myers
Plumbing Inspector Harold White
Supt. of Water Plant Orval Kuhn
Operators Willis Walraven
Charles Owings
John Bushong
Merwin Woods
j Waste Water Treatment Plant, Chester Miller, Dept, Head
Operators Kenneth Peak
Leroy Jones
Meter Readers Eugene Jenkins
Floyd Burns
Cashier, Water Catherine Emans
Cemetery Supt. Forrest Kaufman
Comfort Station Attendant, Ann Moore
Custodian, Bldg. & Grounds Frank Krulac
Land Fill Operator Roland Steach
Lake Canton Guardian Delbert Freeman
Lake Canton Caretaker Morris L. Ford
Deputy City Clerk Esther Fairburn
V File Clerk Hazel Toncray
V Extra, File Clerk Dorothy Sawyer
Radio Operators Claude Grose
Ira Johns
Meter Maid Janevera McNett
Meter Attendant Howard Williams
School Patrol Winey Canevit
J. Henry Anderson
George Shawgo
Audrey Hurst
Earl Harting
Ronald McKean
Auxiliary Police William Postin Jr.
Arthur H. Wilkinson
Walter E. Jenkins
Gary Avery
Raymond E. Wefenstette
Rodney Hamilton
Henry Patterson
Delbert Brush
Gerald Emert
Sam Reed
Dorothy Sawyer
Liquor Commission Lee Cook
Charles Adams
Fire & Police Cam. Charles Van Middlesworth
Zoning Enforcing Officer, Ray Hartle
Planning Commission Cecil Bender
8orlin Library Board Donald Edwards
Board of Health Carl R. Barthelemy
Civil Defense Co-Ordinator Carl Zaborac, Jr.
Alderman Farr inquired what could be done to eliminate dust on the West Vine Street
paving project while workers are on strike. Mr. Murphy from the Crawford, Murphy &
Tilly Engineering Firm stated that some cities have used an application of calcium
chloride -- for this project it would take approximately ten tons costing $50.00
perton. Discussion. Alderman George moves, Alderman Spencer seconds motion to refer
this matter to the Street and Alley Committee. Major Jennings to talk to the contractors
in the meantime. Motion carried by voice vote.
Meeting of Street and Alley Committee to be held immediately after Council meeting.
Motion by Alderman Spencer, seconded by Alderman Sepich to adjourn. Alderman Hurst
called for a roll call vote on this matter. Roll Call vote. AYE: Aldermen Spencer,
Yerbic, Long, Sepich, Farr, And Svob. NAY: Aldermen Preece, George, Williams,
Edwards, Hurst, Rupe, Howard. (6 AYES and 7 NAYS) . Motion lost.
. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Rupe that an Ordinance be drafted to
May 6, 1969 Cont. (3)
change the Council meeting hours. Roll call vote. AYE: AldermenHoward, Rupe, Svob,
Farr, Hurst, Long, Edwards, Williams, Yerbic, Spencer, George and Preece. NAY:
Alderman Sepich. (12 AYES and 1 NAY). Motion carried.
City Attorney Malmgren gave his oath of appointed office as City Attorney.
Meeting of the Finance meeting to be held immediately fo33Dwing the Council meeting.
Alderman George moves; Alderman Hurst seconds motion to adjourn. Canton City Council
adjourns at 6:58 P. M.
City lei erk