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07-02-1968 Council Meeting Minutes
75 July 2, 1196 8) Canton City Council held a rerrul.ar meetl.:-,-- on Jul-,, 2, 1.968 in the City Council Chamber. ia-ror Wood^ called the noctinr- to order at., �:30 P. T Present for roll call :, Al dormer_ Rusna';, IToi-Tar.d, 1'arr, Svcb, Jacobs, Seri ch, Sic -nner, Long, :11-i.s, Kroell, Spencer, Danner, and ?eorr;c. : 'Sept: til_dez'rran 'rerbic. Plerd,e of Allis--lance was foll..o od by Pra111er -- Danner. Alderman Kroell. r-rovcr: , Alderman. Svob occoc-11s that the minutes of the rrevi ous mectin{- be acceptCd .:+1":d place,i C i1.-1-C. CarrTni! by voice Vote. l fol` cTlnf.: S•7E:r£' preSen-tocz. 7Ot7_pn by 2.1c.C^^n.r: T,nTIt' `,n^r%ndCd ''.")ter 11deT"tu3.n L S,-inner that all bills nron-1- a-)nrover? .e allowed for pa;;-rnent when finds are available. Roll ^.1.1 vc,t,e. �.�- ,• A�rl�-�i���_� "o�L��'e, T)_1 - er, Spencer, Kroell, 13 is Lon eT?icli, Jacobs, ")VOID, Far,- Tiouard, and =usnak• : ''tone. Officers reports for Juno roa,-% Notion ir- Jaco'-�:>, seconded by Aldcrman 17roe11 that samc be accepted and rlaced or_ fl.le. Carried by voice vote. Standi.n,- c ommittecs. t.l'er-pan rca._; a cone of letter to of Police Lindzey regardierr traffic safety approval- and that Federal Aid m-_-Tit bo a7, ti_labl.e "Tdentify -'Needs and Defi.ciciencles of Traffic Control Devices". - Recommendation by-Al;'ermar 'llis that arrows be placed- on the northeapt corner of "-4 saTaare indicat-i nrl right lano traffic turn riF_;ht only and left lane traffic tarn left. V V Report by Aldermar. Kroell that a housi.n- ordl-na-^ce was henna prepared an,i i,as now in the City l ttorney's hands for study. ?c port to be made later. C;_vil `;efense bus serves no fu.rtner nvrnose for-t'ie iv;1 refcnse and should be sold.. Alderman Danner moves tl_at the Cuo r::I1 -;L,;e permission for lid Sale to place a classified ad for the sale of this buc. Alderman Lon; seconds the motion. Roll. ca_Ll vote. 1.77: Alder-,ion Rusnak, liowar"., ;air, Svob, Jacobs, Sepich, Skinner, Sepich, Jacobs, Svob, Tarr, iToward, and rtusna t. .TAY: 'Tone. Carried. Alderman Howard, renorti.ng on t'.1e Pinanco Ca,_1-7 ttee meeting, held July 1, asl:ec', for L thP, VaY I. ".'6 C1)'L;ittCAs con't�_ni-lance la 1'.SC Of` j n d ird ;e:c„11; rer;ard .hr spending Of fun(Is; the E';ater ai(l `?ewer ^ommittee to on t.^rr)alr,e fees; "^--T-cil to f-*,nalize sewerage prorrram; repay monthly r)a,;Tient to off-street parkin, lot fund when able. ila° or looft reported that the (-v rpm{ant nay -provide a safe street pro, rare which in- cludes education of poll.ce and oi,T-.er. Alderman Howard moves, Alderman Svob seconr's motion that if this -i^.f' .stanco bcco-mes avai_labl.e, the City- should try to apply for this T)°o-ram. Carri^d, voice votC. u�ecial Gomrai`too reports. :°Tayor ?foods renorted on the fine meeting oi' Planning and Zon-',,-ng Committee, who dis- c. , lq ri s r „ , o an(--I ,,. "i , cussed the �__��n� pre..ented by Scr,.r-�M� a _. TIa,��mo__d. ?'Text meeting° to be Aug•. 5 1960. Co,rmr.a.ni cat_ons to Council. Resignation of ITajor Robert L. Paise fro.,: the Citizens' Participation Committee be- caure of hi.s 'transfer to last CM-ca-0, 1--adl.ana. Letter to be filed. Request from Pr. ?7rn. Z'anLue, DTr', ^t'-i.nso�, T. ., �equeSting use of frequencJr 155.2s TT- (.30 ,: T removed from -the City -of Canton 1-�rouency) . Alderman Jacobs moor^^, "ul.dermari Da??'p” S^CpliC'.S motion t0 r: ??t t'' . 1^Cglte.^t. Carried b�r V01C° `.TGtC. a rT, ,..+. e n-, r from,. x'115 00 to ati1 25 Increase in rent on �hc - est to. � re..t _�.rk:in~ _ of � �-_- .00 per month was rude by ?L�. John A. ;°Jherley. T'.z ,natter referred to the `iraffa.c and Finance Committees and a re-ort to bo r^ado s^.u,;. 6, ip6u. 7)4,.vision of Hi hira;;rs rc,-,ardin rece_irt of or('.._rancor. requested earlier and roruo^t. for fiirther information (A1 ! ' and Locust ;'3trocts pro-mam). Referred to '!'raffic Committee and City-- :�ttor?-!ey to cor!-r,1-7,r i-TI-th the requests. Pent. of Business and Economic 1)eveloprrent (?Tti,) retort'-, t;' at Ph,-",e Three of the comprehensive planning, partl7T e ^»c�.r'. b the federal funds .shmri.ng tl-_e City's share due at this brae ��1[3100.00. Al de!�:OO:^. 'To rand moves, �3_dcrman Lonrr seconds motion that this lliill be nai-d V-,on flint'.: are avail.n.ble. Roll c-,Il_ vnt,e. ^.' A1.- er„.. ' 1Toi-rard, Farr, Svob, Jacobs, ��e-��_i_cl_, _Ekinn..r, T,-)-,,-, Ell.:'..s, Kroel_l., a....?�on Rusna:r �', �' I 1'1encer, D-.=or, arcs, Geor;e. "`17- .Tcnn. Carried. 76 July 2, 1968, Cont. (2) Sanitary Water Poard approval of sanitar-r seTrcr extension on E. Ash `t. betucen Fourteenth and Sir,teenth Avenue re?,% ',l cIcr:i:a,n Senich moves, 111dCrt an ?:roell seconds motion to accent same and place on file. Carried, voice otc. Old. business. T nS ^.lcl_c plat (Thc `:endows) for anrroval, same recommended by the Canton Planr.i_nr and Zoning Commission. Alde-rman '?llis move_, Alderman T nobs second.:~ motion t, at the nlat be accepted and corresrordence nlaced on file. Roll call votry. Al_dcrmen Ceorr;e, Danner, STiencer, Kroell , =ll: s, Lon E;, Skinner, '-pich, Jacobs, Svob, Farr, Ho7.!arc., and �usnak. 'tJIA7 : 'Tone. 'deTr b'�.ei_ness. . ?r. Charl.n^ L. :$tt1SOn., 0-f_' t'tle 1 _ ">"L and the Chief E_z�;: peer, ,Ir. Alv>.n ?-olich, sno'_cc to the Council t;,.e railroad cross,:-'s in r. i etti_S l statn,-I tllat, as far as tfie Co.'i,. a 1% T`r' S concerned, the e .':1.tor'-ial "1 V.e Canton Tail-,,,- Ledger was closed a d t r_t It ,ra^ the tDOlicy of the CO ,na-1:-;7 to r a .tai_r_ good public relations in the re i.cr_s they served and to rena _r the cross- in gs insofar as their funds would al l.ovr. '?e stated that oiCjiteen or t re�-ty emmloyees lived in the vicir_it-• -)f Canton ar_(I the company wanted these en�nloyees to be proud of the --)olicies of the company;-. 7 e thanked the City Counc-i.1 for listen» 7nr; t0 hi_S 51d'C Of the matter• Discuss- O t�et:ree'1 i's. p©ttison anct l: _tr attorney c =unn -- railroad company to comply wi I ronsonable deiaanc^. TP7` City _.nr-inecr a_lJ Street STrDerintendent to .. -a _- «^:7ti ation of need for re-pairs ar.c rerort to Conned_. . �a," '." et.St__ne, re-OrOsentin.- a uro'.n of _^c id^nts On T-,est Locust +�troot, rerorted that the Tsac.c residonce in the 800 bloc?; Tras -;_.,?m up Trich weeds, rat infested., the resi_r?Onts 'ours, their Farba�e. On sf-venal occasions the residan'..^ },ave tried to r' �� _c;cles or riding noni es. Chief annm�,� children Tr<:ll.,n^� Slop% Locust ,'t., a_ ,;, of police Lindzo,,r stated he had made i_nve tI"at;_i_ons of this ropert�r, �,_it t c people who corer_Ia.i: must sizn a comnlain before an- action can be started aru? he fcl.t it i•as more or less a nei r;hborhood feud. Alder:la_: Jacobs moves that the Cit =attorney be aut_,ori-ed to try?-e such le ;al <arti_or necessary to see that the old bu i-1_d i"a7 in the yard i_s destr(T,-Cd. and charge th. e.nerse of s-,?ch. nroceedin;;s to "r. TsaaCS. iA—: Alrormen r a�,- oT rara, AlOcrm un S^niC , sewn s this mOti O1. Toll call vote. , Farr, Svob, Jacobs, Seni ch, Skinner, Lone, l l..i.r, I�'roe:Il, Sr)encer, Danner, a,,_�_�_ ('eor^e. ?iAY: °?or_c. 7,.'aterttorlc5 a. d. sewcrar•e improve mcnts, `)J..vis'_Ian. 9A ar.6 9P. Letter from I'rawforc, i Till- )e.Turnhy h � velopment recontimend- rr; the ^1ormoyle=err; ssoci_ates, I. c., tie lot-r bidder, as very reliable and the firm that shoiild be awarded tlil.s contract. Alderman Jacobs ::Loves, Alderman Long; seconds motion to accent talc Norm ,-1e-?erj° -"s sec .a As bid, subject to the approval of 111r. Fl: or `chmitz, frog: ?? U D. Roll call vote. A Aldermen Oeorr-e, yapper, Spencer, I roel.l , '�1-1 iS, .� 0'..;, Skinner, Sepich, J rOo,s, Svob, ;_+arr, ?io-. rd, and ill , .'-. :1" : !one. Alderman Se--)i_ch moves, Aldcr.,n.n 7rool.l seconds motion to return the cl-ec'.s of the, unsuccessful bidders.. Carried 'err, voi.ce vote. First r,,' of an Ordinance nertainin'-; to t1io nurib°r of boats allowed for eac',. lot lessee. Same to lay over. Le%ry Tae 'rc?ina_nce iv in for first reading. Alderna., "T_otrard moves that same be r-a-_! bur Title onl-,r. Alder?rmn manner seconds this motion. Roll call vote. L'r-: Aldermen : usnak, Howard., Farr, Svob, Jacobs, Se?liCT�, Skinner, Lon- '',l.lis, hroell, Snencer; ,1 1 ' l! ?erman IiOticard .1^�res t:.ut the �anncr, and ocrr-c. k.Y NTone. Title Dora.( . .� sec.on.d readi.z of this Ta_. Lev-j Ord=inance be : ac?e '.up. 6, 1960, Alderman e--)ieh seconds th:'.s mobil cn. ROIL call vote. "I ;: Aldermen �'eor-e, Panncr, Snen.cer, K7Oel1., :,l.hs, ion", S:` . r_ler, Sentch, .:a ,o ,, Svc-,b, _ ,arr, oti-ra. , a__d T us-nom.:,.. Alder-an Sncncer secc�_cTs notion to adjourn. C^.rri::cl ':�-- .ote. Canton CitzT Co�.:ncil adjourns 7:03 P``. T. nL