HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-18-1968 Council Meeting Minutes I
June 18, 196 8
Gan+on Git-r Council held a regular meet i_nm on T me 18, 1968 in the City
Council Chamber. 1'ayor ,,,goods call-ed the mnetln7 to order at 5:30 P. H.
Present for roll call: Aldermen Rusnak, Fouard, Farr., Svob, Jacob,,, Sepirrl,
Skinner, Long, E.l_lis, Kroe]J_, Spencer, and Geor€-e. Absent: Aldermen Yerbic
and Danner.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Invocat_Lon b-, Alderman Long.
Aldermar Kroell moves to di_snozse with read.i_z of minutes of previous meeting,
accept same and place on file. Motion seconded by Alderman Jacobs. Carried by
voice vote.
Representative fro:i the Division of Highways in attendance at the Council meeting.
Alderman Rusnz!r roves, Alderman Svob seconds 014(i _r 'ri t the representative be
allowed to sneak to the Council as the neat i.ter of budiness on the agends. Voice
vote. Carried.
Division of Hinhways representative informed tiro Council of the proposed improve-
ment on Main ar(I T,oc^ t Street, a four lane hi.-hway (two-twelve-foot lanes on
each side), from Ave. 113 to Second Ave. on '.ocust Street and fro.r Spruce Street to
approximately three hundred feet south of Locust Street on T,11i-n Street; Divided
i^?and b inehhs on both sides with additional left turns extent for traffic
moving north or r-T n T �.
,� g ain Street and wishi_n to turn left on _ ocu�t Street; parking
eliminated, sewers to be properly installed. A!ri, rman Hocrard inquired about the
cost to the City of this proposed improvement and was told the City was not pay-
ing anything. Alftn,ian 'Torrard then moves, Al..derman Spencer seconds motion that
the Mayor and City C3.ork enter into this A.f-rocr,ont with the Division of Highways.
Roll call vote. ATE: Aldermen George, Spencer, Kroell_, Allis, Lon., Skinner,
Senich, Jacobs, Svob, Oarr, Howard, and Rusr_ak. ,Ti": '`Tone. A reement No. 145.
Standing comitttee reports.
Meeting of the T,a;(- Development Cor,riittee to ')e held followinm the Council meet-
ing announced by Alderman. Jacobs.
Inquiry* by Alderman Spencer about the railroad rrossirr- repairs. Mayor Woods
stated that the railroad crossing• on South Tia:Ln. Street wall approximately four
inches hi.nher than necessary and th rt the TP 77 ,',r? would repair same -- going
forty feet on each side of South ,ai_n Street to loner this track 'stated the
City would nay for half the exnense. i)iscra-,s:ion. Alderman T�onF stated that
the City should offer to cooperate with the ra-,10 road company by giving permission
to allow this repair to be made by the TP°n, 1, Co. Alderman Jacobs moves, Alder-
man Svob seconds motion that the railroad company be informed that they are to
maintain their (nin crossinr;s. Carried by voice rote.
Announcement of _ emorial Service for Par.rl McUaorter, Jun' nr Auxiliar; Police
officer, plaque to be presented, Salvation Ar;7T Ci.tadel on Jane 19, 1968, 7:30
r All Council merqbers urged to attend :210' nossible.
R.enorts of special committees.
Communicat:i.on to council.
Resignation of 'lark Bybee from t,re Police Pensi-„ '.oard. PICT-or :°roods submitted
the name of Lloyd Yonderson to fill ""r. '3ybee Is rznenired term. Alderman Parr
mo-,,es, :^lderman Svob seconds motion to accent t?i_s recommendation. Carried,
voice vote.
- Letter from the Planning and Len-i_nr Co=iission recommend-in- approval of the ;re-
liminary Plat in the VanSicicle addition. AIAe?inan :11is states that since the
L annroval of the plat off_i.c^r was needera,rO,corrT t1f7'rnlding up this matter until
the ne;t Council_ meeting.
Request from the Association of Commerce and industry to hold a public band con-
cert in Jones Par,- on July 123 8-I)0 P. Ti. Alc.erraarr Ellis moves, Alderman Sepich
seconds motion to grant this request. Gay rigid lr,- voice vote.
Letter from Goan Lone, General Manager of ,Reclar Lation and Land Use, Truax-Traer
Division of Cons oli_dat-i.on Coal Co. statinf, Viat a sneci.allst will study the
effects of mine activity or utilities or on water flowage to the sanitary sewer
system through Bi,r; Creek- -and make a report to the City Council. To be filed.
June 18, 1968, Uont. (2)
'1ld business.
Second readin- of an Ordinance, annexation of prc� crt-r oim?ed. by Assemb:L�r of Goct
Church. Alde_ian T'or.•Tard moves, Alderman Farr seconds motion to place this
Ordinance on its nassa;^-e. Roll call vote. A7i7l: Aldermen Rusnak, Fward, i"arr,
Svob, Jacobs, Se»�.ch, Skinner, Tong, H llis, Kroell,.Spencer, and George. WT:
'Tone. This being Ordinance �To. 252.
Favor °lood., rn sorted that Canton would be hosts to the 1rhnicipal Associat:i_on of
Central_ �tegion on Se�t. 1� , 1968, appointin;- tale corns littee in chark~^: r.lder
'iusnakv Curt., ;'1 t'; Clerlt Crawford, Co-Chm., ^.ldermen Spencer, Kroell, -L'arr., Ilis,
and Yerb-c amen their tri_ves. Alderman 71o;•aard :coves, !11 c';errnia.n Jacobs seconds notion —;
that t1Te co rjittco be accented. carried by voice vote.
Alder-:^an Jacobs re-norted that no settlement had been made by the insurance Co. for
dana`e to the traffic sim-lal, first Ave. and Loc,?st St. and moves that the City
Attorney inform the agent that settlement must be made within ten days or court
proceed.in.^s would be added to the insurance claim - this method tp apply to an,
unsettled claims. ?Tot`_on seconded by Alderma-, Svob. lRoll call_ vote. A7,: Alr'.er-
nren George, Spencer, Krooll., E11is, Lon,`, 51 i- ner, Sepich, Jacobs, Svob, ,arr,
Toward, and l�usnal,:. TAY Td one.
Appropriation Ordinance up for second reari.nl,. Alderman -Toward no,,, s th-t sLl
this Ordinance had boon in the possession of ',' !' i�ldermen for so ,e t!.-In the:t
same be read b717 Title only, alderilan SkI-11ner seconds motion. Voice vote. A T :
TTnav_mous. Tit!^ read. Alderman ?�roell moves, A ldc rna.n Ellis seconds motoo= to
place this Ordinance on its passae. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Rusna>,
'Tounrd, Farr, Svob, Jacobs, Sepich, Skinner, Lo-n'!3 Ellis, Kroell, Spencer, and
Geor�-e. 7AY• PTone. This be'n- Ordinance 'To. 2, 3.
Rcn.or-t of the nua.rtorl..-i n2^ ctinF of the Tlliro, lTunicipal_ League Board l�c1d in
nree;oort on June 15 b,,r 1':a Tor ?TOOds. Tie st,7. C ?. that he oblir-ated himself to support
the cornyrehensive plan su;-gested. Trere T-Tas also acussion about labor mama ercer.t
polio,;, motor fuel tax for use of traffic li hts.
^'e;: business.
First reading; of- Ordinance. settin ° salary f or T.ater treatment plant operators
dur-L n:- probationar^;r period. Alderman Lor_ moves, 111de�-man Honmrd seconds mot ion
to tli.e rules. ?oll call vote. ;Y! : Aldermen George, Spencer, �T'!"04,11 .
T � O i
l ,
Lo n;3 S�'•lntl�r, Sonicrn, Jaco,: ::V0)1 .' MTard, an,
tu;� ak. T
"c. ::. .. T 0-=7 moves., Alderman Spencer second mot-1.1-)n t0 place the Ordil :ace on it
Roy l ��.?.� v^tc . �, lderrn�n ?.us a-=, ?Toward, Farr, Svob, Jacobs, Sepich,
t; a
Sk'_nner, Lon7, l.�i i;roel,l, Spencer, and Y:.Tone. Orc finance Tc. 25��.
lids fnl' stcrril sewcr and, channel rel.ocat_o n (Divis-ion 9A an.r' 9L) next on a[enda.
fild,rmon Long- cloves, rid-errla.n Sepich seca'_aclo :_0ti.cn that the city Clerks be insrtructcd
to open bids. Carr:i.e: bi voice vote. 131ids
for t'c.-s project: z,^T "arc' utorrer,
. Tr ein (�,r, Snr'nf (-,7.r o ,
E. Peoria a>35 ,33?.�0; Jacl' _ , � 80 0 -
P.ssoc., Rock island �'-135,431.35; Taoncar Construction Co., Chica-o 70.r)O
each bid with 5;:' bid bond attached. r. Elmer Schmitz, representative from I_TJI
stated that the ia;,_ct -nr..sl be approved by that deoartnent who wi.lJ. tl�.en noti.i;- the,
C-t-, am a -rcet;n.c; Tri_th the contrrctor. set, to inform him of his recu'_rements in
conformance frith T1tTD. Alden,a,.-, Jacobs moves to refer the bids to the consulting-1
engineers and co;-,z,,-ittee a•, , also fir. Schmitz. Alc?er:nan Son:i_ch seconds motion.
Carried by voice ?rote.
!l Ferman I oni;j renortin,rl on the nrelLminar;r ri1,Ircy by ''rawf Ord, i lurni,y `it 1`r
���.L In c} 'n_J• r+ r ic^ n � . ' do r. 1�,,196F1 rrr,,T �.1. meF''t,!..'1 Y?C'. re-coax _C�ere1
r_i_ r �t ,Ta.s rejected at ' ���e
,iy^ce the E os� 0f <.r1 cou__C'. be deferred until a e" date. Alderman Sept.ch men cs,
Alderman nusnal: seconds motion that the P1a,ror and City Cleric enter into th�S
ment 1-Tith Crawford, liurphy and Tilly T n neon in Y f irm. Roll- call vote. 1,7�l: Alder-
7^^r e, Spencer, Kroell, t 1�1-3, Lon-_, Skinner, Sepich, 1J2/-,.cobs, Svob,
and. ??C.1.. iT r: TGnE?. Oarrlc?d.. rE eY^:E t �Jo. !46.
F-nand eetin , Jul- 1, 1_;'6'', 4:00 T'. ii. an'�ouncc d b�,T Alderman 'Howard.
l ldermar_ Spencer moves, flderman ..'!l-i is so
coeds r,oti„r. to adjour--i. 'Carried by
voice vote. Canton City Council adjourns at 6:37 'r, 1'l.
Cit-r Clerk - �^
1A7,7 0R