HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-07-1968 Council Meeting Minutes 63 May 7, 1968 Canton City Council held a regular meeting on May 6, 1968 in the City Council Chamber, Mayor Woods called the meeting to order at 5:30 P. M. Present for roll call: Aldermen Rusnak, Howard, Farr, Jacobs, Sepich, Skinner, Long, Ellis, Spencer, Yerbic, Danner, and George. Absent: Aldermen Svob and Kroell. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Invocat-1on by Alderman Danner. Alderman Ellis moves, Alderman Long seconds motion that the minutes of the previous beeti.ng be accepted and placed on file. Carried by voice vote. Bills for the month of April were presented. P-lotion by Alderman Long, seconded by Alderman Skinner that all bills properly approved by the various department heads and committees be allowed for payment. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Danner, Yerbic, Spencer, Ellis, Long, S?;inner, Sepich, Jacobs, Farr, Howard, and Rusnak. NAY: None. Reports of officers for April read. Alderman Yerbic moves, Alderman Spencer seconds motion that same be approved to place on file. Voice vote. Carried. Annual reports of officers read. Alderman Long moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to accept same and place on file. Carried by voice vote. container Petition g 107 signatures requesting street improvement on West Vine St. from Main St. to the County black top. Also Petition containing 32 names opposing the improvement of west Vine Street presented. Alderman Ellis moves, Alderman V Skinner seconds motion that these Petitions be presented to the proper committees. Carried by voice vote. Petitions No. 157 and 158. Standing committees.' Comment regarding City Treasurer, Carl Hill's financial report by Alderman Howard -- more money spent this past year than the previous year. Motion by Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Long that the sick day allowance be made through the Parking Meter Fund, thus reimbursing the General Fund for the purchase of ,the Shell Oil Station lot. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Rusnak, Howard, Farr, Jacobs, Sepich, Skinner, Long, Ellis, Spencer, Yerbic, Danner, and George. NAY: None. Carried. (Sick leave in the amount of $19,142.50). 1 lderman Ellis reported that traffic lines would be painted on North Main and r:ocust Streets soon. A representative from the Jay Cees explained the proposed litter container program through the Unlimited Services - 20 to 30 containers at no cost, -repairs and replace- ments for two years, insured for $50,000.00, City to empty the containers - cost to be covered by advertising on the containers. Alderman Yerbic moves, Alderman Farr seconds motion that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to accept this proposal, with the Jay Cees responsible for this arrangement. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Danner, Yerbic, Spencer, Ellis, Long, Skinner, Sepich, Jacobs, Farr, Howard, and Rusnak. NAY: None. Carried. Special committee reports. Mayor Woods reported on the Apr. 30, 1968 meeting regarding the water pollution control (Aldermen Kroell and Ellis also attended this meeting). Pollution laws to ,be complied with before 1972, otherwise the state will complete the work and charge same to the muniti:ipality. The Mayor also reported all down spouts must drain into storm sewers. He also stated the need for another pond at the sewer-plant. A reminder of the May 18, 1968 election for the Junior College Board by Mayor Woods, who reported a member of the Council was a candidate on that ballot. Communications to the Council. Request from the Seventh Day Adventist Church to hold a tag day June 21 or June 28 $ presented. Alderman Howard stated that churches should be self supporting and not supported by tag days. Alderman Jacobs moves, Alderman Sepich seconds motion to return the request and ask for an explanation of the purpose of same. Carried by voice vote. Division of Highways approval of West Walnut Street improvement from Avenue D to Corporate Limits. Alderman Jacobs moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to accept same and place on file. Carried by voice vote. 64 May 7, 1968, Cont. (2) Old business. Alderman Danner inquired about the proposed strip mine development north west of the City as explained to the Council recently -- what would happen to Big Creek which is needed for the sewerage plant and if there would be dumping; of waste material in Big Creek; also if the blasting that will be required w-*ll affect the utility lines that are buried. Alderman Danner moves and Alderman Jacobs seconds a motion that the City Attorney be authorized to contact the en�- :i.r_eer and receive smitten statement as to what will happen and to assure the Council of repair of arT damage to utilities or householders. Carried by voice vote. New business. Bond with the Transamerica Ins. Co., $1,000.00 for Garry Avery, Auxiliary Police, approved by the Finance Committee presented. Alderman Jacobs moves, Alderman Farr seconds motion to accept same and place on file. Carried voice torte. Motion by Alderman Long, seconded by Alderman Yerbic that the City Clerk be authorized to advertize for bids on sewers on Oak Street near the low rent housing project, Locust and Ash Streets, bids to be received until 5:00 P. M. on Dray 21, 1968, and opened at the Council meeting on that date. Roll cal]_ vote. AYE: Aldermen Rusnak, Howard, Farr, Jacobs, Sepich, Skinner, Long, Ellis, Spencer, Yer- bic, Danner, and George. NAY: None. Resolution for traffic signal lights on Main and Locust Streets, First Avenue and Locust Street and Avenue C and Locust Street presented. Alderman Ellis moves, Al- derman Yerbic seconds motion that the R.esolutIon be adopted. Roll call vote. AYt,: Aldermen George, Darner, Yerbic, Spencer, Ellis, Long, Skinner, Sepich, Jacobs, Farr, Howard, and Rusnak. NAY: None. Carried. Resolution No. 483. Recommendations by the Board of Local Improvements for street improvement of 'nest Vine Street from Main Street to West corporate iitsJa-- 68- Bondsproxio to cost : of same 1503735.08. Alderman E1.lis moves, Alderman the recommendation be accepted and read the Ordinance by Title only. Roll call vote. AYF: Aldermen Rusnak, Howard, Farr, Jacobs, Sepich, Skinner, Long, Ellis, Spencer, Yerbic, Danner, and George. NAY: done. Title read. Alderman Farr moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to suspend the rules. " Roll call. vote. A! Aldermen Danner, Yerbic, Spencer, Long, Skinner, Jacobs, Farr, Howard, and Rusnak. NAY: Aldermen Gorge, Ellis and Sepich. (9 AY7, and. 3 NAYS) . Alderman Ellis withdrew his vote of "Nay" when Alderman Farr em? lained that time was of great imnnrtance to the passage of same, to "A*71tl thus making 10 AYES and. 2 NAYS. Motion carried. Alderman Farr moves, Alderman Spencer seconds motion to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYTE: Aldermen Rusnak, Howard, Farr, Jacobs, Sepich, Skinner, Long, Ellis3 Sncer, Yerbic, bbing and Ordinance Danner. MAY: Alderman George. (11 AYES and 1 NAY). pd Recommendation from the Board of Local Improvements for the improvement of streets -- East Chestnut Street, East Elm Street, South Seventh Avenue and North Eighth Avenue - 68-A, estimated cost of ti'215,583.23. Alderman"Spencer moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion that the accompaning Ordinance be read by Title only. Roll call. vote. AYE: Aldermen Georg63 Danner, Yerbic, Spencer, Ellis, Long, Skinner, Sepich, Jacobs, Farr, Howard, and Rusnak. NAY: done. Title read. Resolution read. Alderman Spencer moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to adopt the Resolution. Roll call_ vote. AYE: Aldermen Rusnak, Howard, Farr, Jacobs, Sepich, Skinner, Long, Ellis, Spencer, Yerbic, Danner, and C';eorge. STAY: None. !resolution No. 484. Recommendation from the Board of Loland Im-orovements for of East Ash Street, North Twelfth Avenue approximate cost $210,000.00. Alderman Danner moves, Alderman Georc*e seconds motion that the accompanying Ordinance be read by Title only. Roll11 vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Danner, Yerbic, Spencer, Ellis, Long, Skinner, Sepich, Jacobs, Farr, Howard, and Rusnak. NAY: None. Title read. Resolution read. Alderman Long moves, Alderman Danner seconds motion to adopt this Resolution. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Rusnak, Howard, Farr, Jacobs, Sepich, Skinner, Long, Ellis, Spencer, Yerbic, Danner, and George. NAY; None. This being Resolution No. 485. First Estimate of Wiegand and Storrer for work on the North Main Storm Sewer work $18,382.00. Alderman Long moves, Alderman Farr seconds motion that this estimate be allowed. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Danner, Yerb,_c, Spencer, Ellis, Long, Skinner, Sepich, Jacobs, Farr, Howard, and Rusnak. NAY: None. d May 7, 1968, Cont. (3) Ten year lease with Clyde and Helen Barker for a portion of City owned land around Lake Canton presented. Alderman Jacobs moves that the addition "for any purpose whatsoever" be added to the first paragraph on the second page and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to enter into this Agreement after the change. Alderman Danner seconds this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Rusnak, Howard, Farr, Jacobs, Sepich, Skinner, Long, Ellis Spencer, Yerbic, Danner, and George. NAY: None. Carried. Agreement No. 144, First reading of an Ordinance prohibiting minors to purchase or possess alcoholic liquor in the City of Canton. Alderman Sepich moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to suspend the rules. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, ?Banner, Yer- biv, Spencer, Ellis, Long, Skinner, Sepich, Jacobs, Farr, Howard, and Rusnak. NAY: None. Alderman Sepich moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Rusnak, Howard, Farr, Jacobs, Sepich, Skinner, Long, Ellis, Spencer, Yerbic, Danner, and George. NAY: None. This being Ordinance No. 218. First reading of an Ordinance regarding fishing at Lake Canton. Alderman Jacobs requested this Ordinance to lay over. First reading of an Ordinance regarding dogs in the City of Canton. Alderman Ellis requested same to lay over. Appointments of Committees for the ,year. Alderman Howard moves that the appointments be accepted, Alderman Yerbic seconds same. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Danner., Yerbico Spencer, Ellis, Long, Skinner, Sepich Jacobs, Farr, Howard, and Rusnak. NAY: None. C01,1MITTEE APPOIT71,TENTS: FINANCE: Everett Howard., Chm., Stanley Kroell, Paul Spencer, Elmer Jacobs, Harold Ellis, Robert George, George Rusnak, Eugene Danner, Verla Farr, Harry Long. POLICE Alm LEGAL: Verla Farr, Chm., Paul Spencer, John Yerbic, Louis Sepich, Harold Ellis, George Rusnak, Eugene Danner, George Skinner. WATER A"M S7!TER: Harry Lonp - Stanley Kroell, Co-Chairmen, Paul Spencer, Verla Farr, Everett Howard, John Yerbic, Eugene Danner3 Louis Sepich, Elmer Jacobs. STREET AND ALLEY: Paul Spencer Chm., Stanley Kroell, Harry Long, Everett Howard, John Yerbic, George Rusnak, Michael Svob. PRINTING: Elmer Jacobs, Chm., Everett Howard, John Yerbic, George Skinner. ORDINANCE: Stanley Kroell, Chm., Eugene Danner, Louis Sepich. BUILDING A7D GROUNDS: George Rusnak, Chm., John Yerbic, Harry Long, Robert George, Stanley Kroell., George Skinner. LICENSES: Louis Sepich, Chm., Harry Long, Stanley Kroell, George Skinner. CARBAGE: John Yerbic, Chm., George Rusnak, Everett Howard, Michael Svob, George Skinner, Robert George. LTGHTS: Michael Svob - Paul Spencer) Co-Chairmen, John Yerbic, George Rusnak George Skinner, Louis Sepich, Verla Farr. CLAI'%,S: Eugene Danner, Chairman, George Skinner, Michael Svob, Elmer Jacobs. TRAFFIC: Harold Ellis, Chairman, Elmer Jacobs, Eugene Danner, Louis Sepich, George Skinner, Verla Parr, Michael Svob, John Yerbic, Robert George. NT14 INDUSTRIES: Stanley Kroell, Chairman, Michael Svob, Everett Howard, George Rusnak, Verla rarri Louis Sepich, Elmer Jacobs, Harry Long, George Skinner., Harold Ellis, John Yerbic, Paul Spencer, Robert George, Eugene Danner. CIVIL DEFENSE: Eugene Danner, Chairman, George Rusnak, George Skinner, Elmer Jacobs, Michael Svob. CANTON FROMOTION: Everett Howard, Chm., Stanley Kroell, Robert George. LAKE DEVELOPPM1,NT: Elmer Jacobs, Chm., Stanley Kroell, Eugene Danner, George Rusnak, Paul Spencer, Michael Svob. FIRE STATION: Paul Spencer, Chm., Verla Varr, Eugene Danner, Everett Howard, Stanley Kroell, George Rusnak, Michael Svob, John Yerbic, Robert George. Mql\TTOtm,PT DEVELOPMENT AND SOUTH PARK RENEWAL C0I,117TTEE: Stanley Kroell, Chm., George Rusnak, Elmer Jacobs, Harold Ellis, Paul Spencer, Eugene Danner, Verla Farr, Everett Howard, John Yerbic. Appointments of Personnel by the Mayor. Alderman Danner moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds moti.nr to accept the appointments as presented. Roll call vote. AVE: Aldermen Rusnak, Howard, Farr, Jacobs, Sepich, Skinner, Long, Ellis, Spencer, Yerbic, Danner, and George. NAY: None. (Cont. on page 4). ;r CITY PERSONNEL: May 71 1965, Cont. (?�) City Attorney Lawrence B. McMunn Civii Defense Co-ordinator - Ed Sale Secretary to Mayor Dottie Wolfe Asst. Co-Ordinator John Ronketto, Jr. City Engineer Haciard Gibbons Project Director Major Baize Asst. City Engineer Tom Gibbons Supt. of Streets Eldon Myers Plumbing Inspector Harold White Water Works Sunt, Orval Kuhn Water Works Opr, Willis Wal.raven Charles Owings John Bushong Mervin Woods Robert Hall Waste Water Plant Supt. :Chester Miller Operators George Coykendall Kenneth Peak Meter Readers Eugene Jenkins Floyd Burns Cashier, Yater & Waste Water Dept, Catherine Emans Cemetery Sunt. Forrest Kaufman Public Comfort Station Attendant Elva Rumler Custodian, Bldg. Rt Grds. : Frank Krulac Land Fill Operator Rolland Steach Pound Master Arthur Wilkinson Asstt. Pound Master Garry Avery Deputy City Clerk Esther Fairburn POLICE DEPARTMENT File Clerk � Hazel Toncray Ra,11.o Operators Claude Grose Ira Johns Meter Maid Ann Moore Meter Attendant Howard Wj.11.iams School Patrol George Shawgo John Henry Anderson Mrs. Audrey Hurst Winey Canevit Earl Harding Ronald McKean Auxiliary Police: William Postin, Jr. Ra:rmond Wefenstette Nevitt Scott Arthur Wilkinson Rodney Hamilton Walter Jenkins Henry Patterson Garry Avery OTHER APPOI!\1TT ANTS Caretaker, Lake Canton Wayne Jett Guardian, Lake Canton Delbert Freeman. Liquor Commission Boyd Pickett Ghlee flats on Fire (°,r Police Con. John Fisher -- 3 years Zoning Enforcing Officer: Charles D. Weed Planning &, Zoning Cori. George Hocker -- 5 -rears Charles Ashley - 5 years Appeals Board M. Carver -- 5 years Rev. J. Curry -- 5 years Parlin Library Board E. R. Reeder -- 3 ,years Albert Millington 3 years Clarence Moore 3 years Everett Howard 1 year Police Pension Board Luther Beck -- 2 gears I•lark Bybee -- 2 years Cit. Adv. Com. Charles Ditmar Herschile Mackey Board of Health Claude Seaton P. D. Reinertsen, M. D. Paul Nebergall Alderman Yerbic moves, Alderman Jacobs seconds motion to adjourn. Voice vote. AYE: Carried. Canton City Council adjourns at 7:02 P M. APPROVED: �YOR ity C Clerk