HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-05-1967 Council Meeting Minutes 23 Sept. 5, 1967 Canton City Council held a regular meeting on Sept. 5, 1967 in the City Council Chamber. Mayor Woods called the meeting to order at 7:02 P. M. Present for Roll Call: Aldermen Rusnak, Howard, Farr, Svob, Jacobs, Sepich, Long, Ellis, Kroell, Spencer, Yerbic, Danner, and George. Absent: Alderman Skinner. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Prayer by Alderman Danner. Alderman Kroell moves, Alderman Ellis seconds motion that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as presented and placed on file. Carried by voice vote. f Petition signed by all the property owners or Harvester Road, requesting that the street name be changed to "Harvester Lane". Alderman Howard moves, Alderman Long seconds motion to grant this request. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman George, Danner, Yerbic, Spencer, Kroell, Ellis, Long, Sepich, Jacobs, Svob, Farr, Howard, and Rusnak. NAY: None. Petition DIo. 145. Petition signed by twenty-seven property owners in the immediate vicinity of Lot No. 14, French's Addition protesting the proposed amendment to zoning ordinance on this property. Alderman Sepich moves, Alderman George seconds motion to refer this Petition to the Planning and Zoning Commission for consideration. Roll call vote. �+ AYE: Aldermen .Rusnak, Howard, Farr, Svob, Jacobs, Sepich, Long, Ellis;,:Kroell, Spencer, Yerbic, Danner, and George. NAY: done. Petition No. 146. Claims against the City. Alderman Kroel]. moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion that all bills properly approved by the committees be allowed for payment. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Danner, Yerbic, Spencer, Kroell, Ellis, Long, Sepich, Jacobs, Svob, Farr, Howard, and Rusnak. NAY: None. Carried. Reports of all officers read. Alderman Jacobs moves, Alderman Svob seconds motion that same be accepted and placed on file. Carried by voice vote. Standing committees. Alderman Long moves, Alderman Spencer seconds motion that the City Engineer be instructed to oversee the installation of water line on South Avenue A from Beech to Tamarack Street -- to open an area for new homes. Roll call vote. AYE: Al- dermen Rusnak, Howard, Farr, Svob, Jacobs, Sepich, Long, Ellis, Kroell, Spencer, Yerbic, Danner, and George. NAY: None. Carr. Lights Committee Chairman, Alderman Farr, reported on an inspection of street lights some to be removed from middle of blocks after installation of new mercury lamps. Alderman Farr recommended a street light at the end of Sunview Drive and at rear of the city garage on Ave. F. Lake Development Committee Chairman, Alderman Jacobs, repprted the need for a gen- eral guardian and maintenance man at Lake Canton. Alderman Jacobs then moves, Al- derman Kroell seconds motion to'employ such a caretaker -- an ordinance to be drafted. Carried by voice vote. Special committees. Alderman Farr remarked that he did not care for the editorial in the Ledger re- cently regarding the sidewalks on N. Main St. and stated that the writer evidently dill not have all the facts. He also stated that the water drainage problem would poon;be taken care of and that work will be started on sidewalk on the west side of .the street. Chief of Police Lindzey reported on hazardous driving in the school area but it has decreased some now and discussed the need for a cross walk (tem- porary site might be VanDyke Drive) and a signal light as near the school as poss- ible. Alderman Svob, stating that our most priceless possession is our children, and reported on the meeting of the School Board, the Mayor and Sidewalk Committee. Alderman Svob moves, Alderman Farr seconds motion that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to enter into an agreement to secure plans and specifications with Crawford, Bunte and Roden for lighting engineering plans for three-phase lights on Fifth Avenue and Oak Street and on Horth iIain Street as designated by the State Division of Highways. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Danner, Yerbic, Spencer, Kroell, Ellis, Long, Sepich, Jacobs, Svob, Farr, Howard, and Rusnak. NAY: None. 24 Sept. 5, 1967 (Pg. 2) Motion by Alderman Ellis, seconded by Alderman Jacobs that after the City Attorney gives. a Favorable opinion, by a vote of two-thirds of the Council, negotiations to purchase materials necessary for stop lights as soon as bids are received. Roll call vote. AYE: ' Aldermen Rusnak, Howard, Farr, Svob, Jacobs, Sepich, Long, Ellis, Kroell, Spencer, Yerbic, Danner, and George. NAY: None. Carried. Inquiry -by Alderman Jacobs if advance signs are posted along the high- way notifying motorists of the school zone. Chief of Police Lindzey stated that 20-mile signs are posted. Mayor Woods reported that the water drainage problem on North Bain Street was under the supervision of Division of Highways. Teletype equipment now in the Police Station was referred to the Police and Legal and Finance Committees for study and report to the next meeting announced by Mayor Woods. Mayor Woods appointed Alderman Jacobs and the Finance Committee to classify job descriptions and give the qualifications necessary for each position. Communications. Letter of recommendation from the Planning and Zoning -- Lot ?o. 14 in French's Addition -- rezoning to B-2 (General Business District) to be used as location for a restaurant by Louis Carrara. (Petition 'To. 147 -- to be filed with Fulton County Recorder -- attached). Alderman Hotirard moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion that the Council concur with the recoru endations of the Planning and Zoning Commission and that an Ordinance be drafted. Alderman George moves, Alderman Sepich seconds motion that this matter lay over until: the attorney representing the resi- dents in the area concerned(and have filed the Petition No. 146 returns from vaca- tion to represent them. Roll call vote. ATE: Aldermen George, Sepich a71d Jacobs. I1TAY: Aldermen Danner, Yerbic, Spencer, Kroell, Ellis, Long, Svob, Farr, Howard, and Rusnak. (3 AYES and 10 NAYS) . Motion lost. General discussion regarding the decision to be made on this project. Roll call. vote on the original motion: AYE: Aldermen Rusnak, Howard, Farr, Svob, Jacobs, Long, Ellis, Kroell, Spencer, Yerbic, Danner. NAY: Aldermen Sepich and George. (11 AYES and 2 NAYS). Carried. Presentation of copy of letter from the Division of Local and Regional Planning to v` Scruggs and Hammond regarding housing project. Alderman Howard moves and Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to accept same and place on file. Carried by voice vote. All Council members urged to attend the I`-Iunicipal Association of Central Region quarterly meeting to be held in Astoria on Seot. 13, 7:30 P. M. in the American Legion Home. Letter of protest to the proposed rezoning of Lot 14, French's Addition by Rev. Clyde B. Friend, Methodist Church. Motion by Alderman Howard, seconded by Alder- man Long to refer same to the Liquor Commission. Carried by voice vote. Mr. Ray Murphy, architect for the federal Housing, project, addressed the-Council and asked for specific approval of the Council that a sanitary sewer and a water line would be installed at the site of the Oak Street housing project, also that property would be dedicated for street purposes (approximately 50 x 788 feet) . He requested a certified copy of the intent to install sanitary sewer, water line, and designation of street, also to send reference drawings. Alderman Yerbic moves, Alderman Rusnak seconds motion that a letter ,rich certification be sent to 1.1r. Murphy and he, in turn, will inform the City Engineer of the plans. Roll call vote. AYr: Aldermen George, Danner, Yerbic, Spencer, Kroell, Ellis, Long, Sepich, Jacobs, Svob, Farr, Howard, and Rusnak. ?TAY: "'done. Carried. Mr. L. Stanley Klyber, -executive Director of tine Association of Commerce and in- dustry explained the "All American City" program -- stating it was what the citizens are actually doing instead of the government to improve the City. Christmas lighting -program was discussed by T°'L•(,. E. Stanley Klyber, 'Executive Director of the ACI -- plans for 360 sets of mineature lights (Italian style), 4 12 ' angels on the bandstand and on the inside of the bandstand a starter set of the nativity scene (in hopes that civic organizations will assist with the purchase of the nativity scene) ; total cost of this project ,D,000.00. Alderman Howard moves, Alderman Svob seconds motion for the City to contribute 11;500,00 Z n� Sept. 5, 1967, Cont. (3) toward the installation of this equipment. Roll_ call vote. . AYE: Aldermen Rusnak, Howard, Farr, Svob, Jacobs, Sepich, Long, Ellis, Kroell, Spencer, Yerbic, Danner, and George. NAY: None. Carried. Letter from I r. Charles D. Weed., Zoning Enforci_nl; Officer regarding violation of zoning at 435 ",Test Elm Street (where a beauty shop had been put in operation recently). Alderman Sepich moves that the City Council direct the City Attorney to apply to the Circuit Court for necessary court action to prohibit the continuance of the business in this R-2 Residential zoned area; also consideration should be given to lev7Ji.n;- a penalty for each day that this business continues to operate after court notice. Alderman. IIoward seconds Notion. Roll call vote. AYE: Alder- men George, Danner, Yerbic, Spencer, Kroell, Jsllis, Long, Sepich, Svob, Howard, and Rusnak. NAY: Alderman Farr. (12 AYIES and 1 `AY) . Carried. Old business. Second reading of the Police Department Ordinance. Alderman- Long, moves, Alderman Kroell seconds motion t1iat the Ord.1-nance be placed on its passage. Roll call vote. A-j7: Aldermen Rusnak, I?oward, Farr, Svob, Jacobs, Sepich, Long, Ellis, Kroell, Spencer, Yerbic, Danner, and George. 1,AY: 11one. This being Ordinance ,Io. 22.5. Second reading of the Dire Department Ordi_nance. Alderman Yerbic moves, Alderman ' Danner seconds motion to -olace this Ordinance on its nassage. Roll call vote. AYTiT: Aldermen George, Danner, Yerbic, Spencer, Kroell, Long, Seoich, Jacobs, t� Svob, Farr, and Rusnak. NAY: Aldermen Ellis a"d Iloward. (11 AYf S and 2 iTAYS). This being Ordinance No. 226. Alderman Jacobs moves that the Council instruct the !Mayor to instruct the Board of Local Improvements to consider now the :Li-)rovements in the West Walnut: Street area (as petitI-oned for) and that specifications and costs be obtained at the earliest possible date, and that as quickly as possible this project be carried out. Alderman Long; seconds this motion. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous e.vicept for Alderman Ellis. First estimate for work on the North main Street sidewalk by the Holthaus Cons- ' truction Co., x0,350.00 presented. Alderman Ilotirard moves, Alderman Jacobs seconds motion to allow -this estimate, less 10%. moll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Rusnak, Howard, Farr, Svob, Jacobs, Sepich, Long, Ellis, Kroell, Spencer, Yerbic, Danner, and George. I.r1Y: done. Carried. Resolution recognizinZ the faithful and devoted service to the cornunity of former Alderman Thomas Kirkpatrick read. Alderman Long; moves, Alderman Jacobs' seconds motion to adopt this Resolution. Carried b�,: voice vote. Resolution No. 461. Motion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded b;* Alderman Long; to table the signal light project at the corner of Sycamore and Bain ,Street for the present. Voice vote. Carried. Announcement of a meeting of the Water and Sewer Cor,,riittee immediately following the Uouncil meeting by Alderman Long. Alderman Howard inquired of City Attorney iIcliunn what could be done about the unsightly buildings around the City. Hr. MclMunn reported that when a building is considered dangerous or a health hazard, a registered letter is sent and then if not corrected, the building can be boarded. ?ecoruiendations made that the City Engineer investigate for dangerour bu.ildinl-s and re.;ort to Council. Alderman Jacobs moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to adjourn. Carried by a voice vote. Canton City Council adjourns at 3:,Ii8 P. i•I. 2 City Clerk APPROVED: IaYOR