HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-15-1967 Council Meeting Minutes 21 August 15, 1967 Canton City Council held a regular meeting; Aug. 15, 1967 in -the City Council Chamber. Mayor Woods called the meeting; to order at 7:03 P. M*_ Present for roll call: Aldermen Rusnak, Howard, Farr, Svob, Jacobs, Sep- ich, Long, Ellis, Kroell, Yerbic, Danner, and George. Absent: Aldermen Skinner and Spencer. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Invocation by Alderman Danner. Alderman Kroell moves, Alderman Jacobs seconds motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as presented and place on file. Carried by voice vote. Standing committees. Regarding the sidewalk on fast Chestnut Street between First and Second Avenue, Alderman Howard moves, Alderman Rusnak seconds motion to -refer this matter to the City Engineer, Street and Alley and `'raffic Committees for study and report. Carried by voice vote. Report of Traffic Committee Chairman, Alderman Ellis, on the microfilm machine now on approval and that-same was working out well but other makes of equip- ment would be considered. Special committees. Mr. Ed Sale, Civil Defense Director resented a certificate of accreditation to the City of Canton -- in recognition of the government civic agencies and interested persons aiding in time of emergency, thus making the Canton Civil Defense Agency one of the leading agencies in the state. Mayor Woods accepted the certificate and thanked Mr. Sale for this courtesy. Communications. Schedule of street light service by the C.1.P.S.Co. read. To be filed. Report of Department of Public Health inspe�,,Lon of the sanitary landfill, stating the violations to be corrected immediately. Mayor Woods reported that some of the violations have been corrected and invited any interested persons to attend a meeting (also a film) to be held in the City Council Chamber Aug. 16, 7:30 P. H. Permit to construct a four-foot sidewalk on '_North Main Street (in vicinity of the new school) by the Division of Highways presented. Same to be filed. A former Alderman, Mr. Barry Sebree, was introduced. I-le commended the City Council for the fine work being done and asked for consideration of install- ing sidewalk on East Chestnut Street (between First and Second Avenue), and allow six-foot for street purposes. Old business. New business. First reading of Ordinance pertaining to establishing a fire department, con- sisting of one Chief, two Assistant Chiefs, and fifteen Firemen. Laid over. First reading of Ordinance pertaining to establishing a police department, consisting of one Chief, three Sergeants, eleven Patrolmen, two Radio Operators, and one File Clerk. Same to lay over. First reading; of Ordinance pertaining to monthly clothing allowance for firemen and policemen (instead of an annual allowance) . Alderman Howard moves, Alder- man Yerbic seconds motion to suspend the rules. Roll call vote. AYE: Alder- men George, Danner, Yerbic, Kroell, Ellis, Long, Jacobs, 'Svob, Farr, Howard, and Rusnak. NAY: Alderman Sepich. (11 AYES and 1 NAY). Carried. Alderman Howard moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. A�r1s: Aldermen Rusnak, Howard, Farr, Svob, Jacobs, Sepich, Long, Ellis, Kroell, Yerbic, Danner, and George. NAY: ?None. This being Ordinance No. 223. 22 August 15, 1967, Cont. (2) First reading of an Ordinance establishing office of care taker at Lake Canton. Alderman Jacobs moves; Alderman Long seconds motion to suspend the rules. , Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Danner, Yerbic, Kroell, Ell-is, Long, Sepich, Jacobs, Svob, Farr, Howard, and Rusnak. HAY: Mons. Carried. Alderman Jacobs moves, Alderman Long seconds motion to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Rusnak, Howard, Farr, Svob, Jacobs, Sepich, Long, Ellis, Kroell, Yerbic, Danner, and George. NAY: None. Carried. This being Ordinance No. 224. Mayor Woods recommended the appointment of ,Jayne Jett as Caretaker of Lake Canton. Alderman Jacobs moves, Alderman Long seconds motion to approve this recommendation. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Danner, Yerbic, Kroell, Ellis, Long, Skinner, Sepich, Jacobs, Svob, Farr, Howard, and Rusnak. NAY: None. Carried. Police star to be provided for 'Ir. Jett -- also forttolland Steach, Sanitari,r Landfill Operator. lHot-ion by Alderman Howard to abide by Ordnance i'Io. 56 regarding the chain to be placed across the roadway each night, Alderman Rusnak seconds motion. Re- quest by Ilater Super .nterdent Orval Kuhn to notif77- the public if such action is to be carried out. After discussion, Alderman Rusnak withdraws his send of motion and Alderman Howard withdraws his motion. Alderman Jacobs moves, Alderman Sepich seconds motion that the Ordinance Committee and Lake Develop- ment Committee be instructed to examine the Ordinance and provide amendments or a new Ordinance regarding Lake Canton. Carried by voice vote. :2:=,solution, Prevailing °Iage Scale presented. Alderman Howard moves, Alderman Long seconds motion to adopt the Resolution. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Rusnak, Howard, Farr, Svob, Jacobs, Sepich, Long, Ellis, Yerbic, Danner, and George. �iA°rr: Alderman Kroell. (11 AYES and 1 INAY) . Carried. Resolution 459* Report by Alderman Danner of complaints against the Star7elivery Service -- trucks causing durst, noise, property damage and possibly damaging the pavement, Alderman Howard moves, Alderman Farr seconds motion to refer this to the .`layor, City Attorney, Police and Legal Com�i ttee to meet with 11r. Wern and his Attorney regarding the Stipulation which was agreed upon Oct. 2, 1962. Alder- man Ellis recommended that the County authorities be included in this meeting. Motion carried by voice vote. Crawford, Muriohy y� `filly representative, Mr. Pat ::urphy, explained the proposed application for Federal Funds through. the Housing and Urban Development for sewer improvements for the'city -- total proposed improvement $1,056,300-00, request for funds �475,400.00 (the city's share: ('370,000.00 revenue bonds available, other sources (17T), $172,000.00 and appropriation budgeting 4?38,650.00). Resolution read. Alderman Danner moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to adopJ5 the Resolution and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign on be- half of the city. Roll call vote. AYE- Aldermen George, Danner, Yerbic, Kroell, Ellis, Long, Jacobs, Svob, Farr, Howard, arid R-dsnal : NAY- Alderman Sepic'n. (11 AMTS and 1 IN A;) . Carried. Resolution No. 460. Meeting of the 'slater and Sewer Committee imm, ediately following the Council meeting announced by Alderman Long. Alderman Ellis moves, Alderman Jacobs seconds motion to adjourn. Voice vote of approval. Canton City Council adjourns at 8:12 P. M. City Cle APPROVED:— MAYOR