HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-25-1967 Council Meeting Minutes 467
Apr. 25, 1967
Canton City Council held a regular meeting on April 25,1967 in the City Council
Chamber. Mayor Woods called the meeting to order at 7:02 P. M. Present for
roll call: Aldermen Howard, Rusnak, Svob, Farr, Whitehead, Jacobs$ Long, Skinner,
Knoell, Ellis, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and Danner. Absent: None.
Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Invocation by Alderman Danner.
Alderman Knoell moves and Alderman Yerbic seconds motion that the minutes of the
previous meeting be accepted as presented. Voice vote. Carried.
Mayor Woods called for reports of standing committees.
Referring to the request to place Civil Defense medical supplies in a warehouse in
the City, Alderman Rusnak reported that the old city garage on Van Buren Court would
be sufficient for storage. Alderman Skinner moves that this building be designated
as a medical warehouse, Alderman Ellis seconds the motion. Alderman Rusnak reported
that members of the Civil Defense offered to clean the premises. Voice vote on the
motion. AYE: Unanimous.
Notion by Alderman George, seconded by Alderman Spencer that the City Clerk be
authorized to advertise for bids for oiling and chipping, to be received by 5sOO
P. M. on May 23, work to begin'on'the streets no later than June 12, 1967. Roll
-call vote. AYES Aldermen Danner3 George, Spencer, Yerbic, Ellis, Knoell, Skinner,
CO Long, Jacobs, Whitehead, Farr, Svob, Rusnak, and Howard. NAY: None. Carried.
Request for change of name of Sewerage Disposal Plant to Wakte Water Treatment-Plant
reported by Alderman7Long. Alderman Rusnak-moves, 'Alderman Svob seconds motion that
the new title be accepted. Voice vote- of approval.
Mayor Woods called for reports of special committees.
.Mayor Woods requested that the gas tanks be filled with pea gravel and asked Alderman
Rusnak to make provisions to convert the old "Shell Oil, Station" into a parking lot.
Mayor Woods reported on a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Illinois
Municipal League -- and discussed the proposed one-half cent sales tax.
Petition requesting annexation of a oximate - seven acres, owned by George P.
Bolling, -on East `Oak' Street presented Alderman Long moves, Alderman Knoell seconds
motion that an Ordinance be'drafted for this annexation. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous.
This being Petition No. 3.42.
Notice-by the Illinois Commerce Commission regarding the proposed 10% increase in bus
transportation rates read. Same to be placed on file.
- Report of Robert A. Welch, Executive Director, Fulton County Housing Authority re-
garding the estimated,amount to be paid (housing project on'Exchange. Court and Ash
Street) -- $2160.00, whereas the tax benefits would be $1326.91. Alderman Danner
moves, Alderman Jacobs seconds motion to refer this letter to the Finance Committee
for report to next meeting. Voice vote. AYE: Carried.
Fulton County Housing Authority letter regarding the installation of sanitary sewer,
storm- sewer and water- prior to the. Development program for low-income housing. Alder-
man Danner moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion that the Council instruct the Mayor
to write to the Executive Director, Robert A. Welch that the City would conform with
these provisions. Carried by voice vote.
Approval of agreement and addendum for engineering services on Section 60 CS (State
Routes 9 and 78") presented. Alderman Yerbic moves, Alderman Spencer seconds motion
to accept same and place on file.
Thank you note from family of Fred E. Hand for flowers sent at time of his death.
Department of Public Health report on inspection of trailers in the City of Canton.
Alderman Rusnak moves, Alderman'Farr seconds motion that the City Attorney answer
this letter. Carried by Voice vote,
Apr. 25, 1967, Cont. (2)
Approval of the request to fluoridate the city water system given by the Department
of Public Health. Alderman Long moves, Alderman: Danner seconds motion to accept
the approval of the Department of Public Health. Carried by Voice vote.
Correspondence .received by the Police and Fire Co.ivaission reported. Appointment of
Terry Colvin and George Meacham as firemen subject to the sift-months probationary
period read. Alderman Ellis moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds that the reports and
recommendations be accepted and placed on file. Voice vote. carried.
Old business.
Alderman Jacobs announced a meeting to be held with the YMCA Day Camp Committee and
the Lake Development Committee early in May.
Inquiry by Alderman Jacobs regarding the request for funds on the 601, sewer project.
Mayor Woods reported that Mr. Crawford, from the Crawford, Murphy and Tilly Engineer-
ing Firm had a meeting in Chicago in a day or so regarding same.
Alderman Danner inquired when the sidewalks would be installed on North Main Street
in the vicinity of the schools.
New business
Resolution for street light, Seventeenth Avenue and. East Chestnut Street read. Alder-
man Spencer moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to adopt this Resolution. Roll can
vote. -AYE: Aldermen Howard, Rusnak, Svob, Farr, Whitehead, Jacobs, Long, Skinner ,
Kroell, Ellis, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and,Danner. NAY: None. This being N:o. 4 7.
Resolution superseding one approved for $63271.15 (90%, of the approved estimate) for
$7,000.00 for engineering services on the proposed West Vine Street improvement
(Section 46CS). Alderman Haward.moves; Alderman Farr seconds motion-to adopt this
Resolution. Roil call vote. AYE: Aldermen Danner,'George,'Spencer, Yerbic, Ellis,
Kroell, Skinner., Long, Jacobs; Whitehead, Farr, Svob, Rusnak, and Howard. NAY: None.
This being Resolution No. 448.
Resolution for Transfer of'Funds: $9,000.00 frcm the Public Comfort Station to the JA
Road and Bridge Fund; $40,000.00 from the General Fund to the Road-and Bridge Fun:#;
$60,000.00 from the General Fund to the Fire Protection'Fund. Alderman George moves,
Alderman Jacobs seconds motion'to adopt this Resolution. Roll call vote: AYE:Alder
men Howard, Rusnak, Svob, Farr, Whitehead, Jacobs, Long, Skinner, Kroell; Ellis, Yerbic,
Spencer, George, and Danner. NAY: None. This being Resolution No. 449.
- Resolution for advertising for an insurance program I for city employees presented. Al-
derman Howard moves, Alderman Spencer seconds motion to adopt this Resolution. Roll
call-vote. AYE: Aldermen Danner, George, Spencer, Yerbic, Ellis, Kroell, Skinner.,
Long, Jacobs, `Whitehead, Farr, Svob, Rusnak, and Howard. NAY: None. This being
Resolution No, 450.®8
Resolution and Agreement for Traffic Engineer with Crawford, Bunte, and Roden. Alder-
man Howard moves, Alderman Danner seconds motion to refer this matter to the Traffic
and Finance Committee and report to the next meeting. Voi-ce vote.. AYE: Carried.
Revised Resolution of the General Neighborhood Renewal Plan presented. Alderman
Danner moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to adopt this Resolution. Roll call
vote. AYE: Aldermen Howard, Rusnak, Svob, Farr, Whitehead, Jacobs, Long, Skinner,
Kroell, Ellis, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and Danner. NAY: None. This being No. 451,
Mayor Woods appointed a committee to canvass the recaads of the April 18, 1967 General
Election: Aldermen Spencer, Danner, and Jacobs, and called for a recess at 7:54 P.M.
Alderman Howard excused from the Council Chamber at 7:54 P. M.
Council reconvened at 8:09 P. M. Alderman Spencer reported on the Canvass of records
of election returns -- same in good order. Alderman"Skinner moves, and Alderman
Rusnak seconds motion to accept same and place on file. Roll call vote. 'AYE: Alder-
men Danner, George, Spencer, Yerbic; Ellis, Kroell, Skinner, Long, Jacobs, Whitehead,
Farr, Svcb, and Rusnak. NAY: None. Carried.
Ordinance'establishing salaries for officers and- employees of the City of.Canton next
on agenda. Alderman Long moves that same be read by title only, seconded by Alderman
Jacobs.' Roll call vote. AYE:,Aldermen,Rusnak,-Svob, Farr., "Whitehead., Jacobs, Long,
Skinner, Kroell, Ellis, Yerbic, Spencer, George,. and Danner. NAY: None. Title read.
Apr. 25, 1967, Cont. (3)
Alderman Rusnak moves to suspend the rules, Alderman-Farr seconds same. Roll call
vote. AYE:_ Aldermen Danner, Spencer, Yerbic, Ellis, Kroell, Skinner, Long; Jacobs.,
Whitehead, Farr, Svob, and Rusnak. NAY: Alderman George (12 AYES and 1 NAY), Carried.
Alderman Yerbic moves, Alderman Kroell seconds motion to place the Ordinance on its
passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Rusnak, Svob, Farr, Whiteheats Jacobs, Long,
Skinner, Kroell, Ellis, Yerbic, Spencer, and Danner" NAY: Alderman George. (12
AYES and 1 NAY). Carried. This being Ordinance No. 203.
Ordinance pertaining to Mayor's Secretary hours read. Alderman Kroell moves, Alder-
man Skinner seconds motion to suspend the rules. ` Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen
Danner, George; Spencer", Yerbic, Ellis, Kroell, Skinner, Long, Jacobs, Whitehead.,
Farr; Snob, and Rusnak. NAYS None. Carried. Alderman Long moves, Alderman Rusnak
seconds motion to place this Ordinance omits passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Alder-
men Rusnak, Svob, Farr, Whitehead, Jacobs, Long, Skixiner, Kroell, Ellis; Yerbic,
Spencer, George, and Danner. NAY: None. . This being Ordinance No. 204.
Traffic Committee meeting called by Alderman Ellis 'f or Thursday, April 27, 4sJO P. M.
Anyone. interested in the Traffic Engineering agreement or parking invited to attend.
Alderman Skinner moves, Alderman Jacobs seconds motion to adjourn. Voice vote. AYES
Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourns at 8:17 P. M.
City Clerk
REPORT OF.APRIL 183 1967 General Election
NAME 1 w2 a 3 r 4 5 6 7 total
Everett Heyward 38
San Sack 1
Michael Svob 65
Louis M. Sepich 190
Lawrence Whitehead 104
Harry Long, Sr. 28
Don Cardosi 1
Stanley Kroell 92
Willard May
John Yerbic 165
Lee Berry 100
Robert George 118
Beryl Conrad 1
Total Votes cast 44 65 296 32 109 266 121 933