HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-15-1966 Council Meeting Minutes 444
Canton City Cor-ricil. hcId- a regular inootlnZ Kov. 1r, 1966 in tho Cit
CnunnOT ChaEjer. :Ia ,or no Ks called ths nonbir7 to oreer at WO P. n.
ProscrL for rcal call: AldanAen Houard, Husnan, Farr,
Lon7, Krc,71, Ellis, Yerbic, Srencc2, a-d. Tanner. Absent: Aldennon Svob,
Pirdqe of Allegiance ,,'as followed by PTa cr by Aldernmn Danner.
A dornan ..;0 1°' "ovos, Wor-,:ian 0�01qds motion that :-".0 -r-inutes of
Via nrevious mcoti, 1e accented as presontod and Planed mi file. Voice
-oi-.c_it on last Lo ruct Stro-t east of
704" on requesting stro-t ixprov
Twelft!a Manna. Aldorman Minor moves, AllorAan LonZ seconds motion to
refer this Totition to tin Stro t and AlVey ConAt0c and City !nZincar.
Voice vote. WYE: U=.i-,nousl This bai Petition Ho. 135.
Kayor 7oods called for ro-ort,� of wit a_,_-(IC.._' _'Jo D
Traffic Coniittpe Chairman, klden.ui,-,,. stated the ca0ittoc did nQ
recamacud maMna a chanSe of stop signs near the Kellogg School. Th2 SM0
has boon roquestod Q make a survey rolativa to spood restrictions on 0M'.
Q0 [Arcot lg- a rMar C:Lc -- Ws 7�ja he dnAc ,cry soon. The conAtIbc
the nossibiliLy of re: ovinZ cn&) a, north silo of Vest �avjo
lhocot �ntweon :11m and Avenue A -- if school board is agrnuablo -- this
wunid allow for diagonal parkinZ. 2102=7 Ellis to o.., that tka curblnE be
removed from the norV.,i siClo of -,,'as', :Ianlo Stroat Je t27ee 1 :Ial-n a':ve.
9. Werman jacQs seconds this _00n. AlCorman arr cc.a,1,_enr'!.,Dd lt'lo
area be blackto.ypod and pro-ally marked. aoll rail Mo on Qu unt4q. AYE:
'T �-
na _"1-1
!_'r. To,-. royrosoatlnC t _n Asnociation of Ccr7nerlcc and industry, 2o-
Ported Wt We installatina YnO -cvnva2 o? 0c Christnas 11a1ts would be
11620.0 a n their bM�aL alloeod for abol-"� �z a1000.00;
help on the 7rojnct roquPsted- from the My of Canton. Warman HCT,-Tarc,
"�o Co-ncll authnri7o ! a--or and City C_ r' to enter into a lIZAtIng,
projoa- 2Z o-"t uith the MI. AlKariairi .11-is1ak suc=0 this Aotion. 2oll.
call Unanimous. ACroemont no. 119.
107or 7oods call-& fnr re sorts of snocial caniittocs.
:Iyor Mods callod for canmunicaMons W Muncil.
hattar frna tim MnMnU and KnIng Co_ sslmn accopt� _cc of 'uIn
Canton Country Glub sub-division 7lat. Atoornoy Talt-er t1n
AW to M Co7ncl? , staHnE that Lot 1,"'- A WOZO n0 hc coij 8. 1C coil& be
availzb10 for a ,Qon foasib?a. AlVennan Jac 0s novas, Morpan Ho=d
swcoMs notion that Lno Clt- "I
y accan t `uliis at, Roll call v000, A!Wnvoimnus.
Letter fro tIn TlanAnq aAd ZonjnE ro---orL-*,..�g on the mcislon L ade
aftor M 010.ic T ln
carZ set for 7, 10Q, request Nor rczon C nled.
WorNan ToYE moves, AlWorman Yorbic snennis a0ion to concur aith Qa rncsi-
rwWathon of One Plap ring and Zen q dai .issl3n. Roll W! voW. =AUna7qious.
Audit is-ort To. 30, for VMS Fuel Tom r7o 1065 7resonWA tr W zourcll-
nl 'or.aa 7n2blc movas, Alformn Eannor saccZs motion Co acco-t swao and n__ace
on file. Voice Me. =: Unanl:nous,
yIli fr-y W faMy uf its. L=cqco .on'i'on, Sr, Wo to _Co A
-laccd on Min. i
AlAornan Ellis non;cs, WerEan Farr opcol Vs �otlon W c-__:cur with the 10tor
Jcl-i.i rejuesting an increase of 115.00 por
lo rental. Roll call vo!,e.
callcd for old buslauss.
SwcDnd roaWnZ of an Ordfnanci cosa4l:C 0o positicn of Traffic Tolica. AJ.-
(I,.o_--.,.an Ellis 1170VOS that same ',-)c r cad _'itlo only. Aldcr4a" 2arr sjupods
QyDn, MCC vote, AYE: Unanimous. Alaonnan _7arr i�iovos -_'orbic
(-.)v- i 5 C c) t (2)
seco-acs '.Otiun to "'?.acc the Ordinance on Hs na=aCc. Alcloria.n Jacdas inqu-'-rod
w'iat this tos!Olon involycc. a-i-id --as told tllie Traffic Policeman would
hais'anthority to nuAn arrosLo. Roll call vote an the motion. AYE: Aldermen
Rusnak, Farr, Jacobs, Lo C, Krool.l, Wlio, Yap ic, Sponcer, and
'21-anner. :,'AY: AlderAah toward. (10 A7ES a 117); Motion Cu_ried. This
boinZ Ordinance No. M.
y a Wily Enq7ncorlio 0rn aZrcoKint for cnZincorinU servicos for
QW, Locust and fifth Cit,,r EnEinacy, Cibb000, on)la cd the proceed'_Es
incessarW before ate Cat for statu Nnis is Eranted. Canton is now sovonU!
OZ she Vitinn list for flnN and if 0n City Las plans all ready for this street
imp improveaont, Wan funds arc avai-lable, i °ccn._, o a 7' or priority.
Mis moves, A1.60r_'�Ian Spencer seconds "otion K.at W '�:a,
!�� oo Cit.yr Clor -
autorizod to orter into this contract with j2aufor(.!,, .'_ TdTly EnCl.no�,rli-nc
Firm. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanhoons. (AgrwnnAWT-. 001 .
lusemcnt from the Y.Y.S.A. for constr7cHuc, opovatVn and maintenance of a
tlhirlZ- and'a twonOy-four incl VOM solor acv= tic y,A,C.ii, property. Alaer-
pan Ellis moves, Lidernma Eanycr soconts motion that the Mayor and City Clork
Cr ontof into the Qrccnnnt with :Ke Y.M.A. Roll call vote. L71: UnanQbus.7 AEreement Ho. )21.
Resolution Wr street lighting contract WQ !"u C,j,P,S,Go, at =st end of hll-
Stfout. AlQr2an Sroncer novcs, ANcr7an 7�Tblc occonds AoVon to adopt Vis
ansolut0n, call- vo-�-,c. in" s WnW nosilWan Ko. 437.
Qyof 7onds infad_td no Cnuncll on t- sclivL 0eir judges and poill-nZ places
for Cl-ty olocWons to be told in 7967.
Resolution for roLiremont of amnicipal. USC Of ZOWr F=1 TL_
FuNs for Soctlons 39, 41, 12, 03, 44, 47, 4 , 5n , 523 ayd 53CS. 7rincinal
due on January 2, TO Q52,12SOV, 7-4--Y4 Oic 01 Wat datc 114&4-13, tutal
$76,813-35. A?Qr. an How=d 2o6es, Aj%r= A=ah socoNs nation to a07 ,
Ws RusuluW on. ZVI ca"1 v0 Q. ✓ 2: !ivy. ThTs he log losolu Lion VC.
imp Alderman Ellis a ,O __l .,l_ ' 0=rod iron lovr-'- v'' _`r at Of ?. _ -
Fulton CnunL, o-n '.AWN011, WalRad t`1'_-'
inuo-Al fv� Lnc'r con—raWn in �rban ren7=1 -rqXam- Aljornon 02v acmao
and Aldar=7 Yorbic Leo �fo AnW in V.0 Nic :1 Oro Snnil tbco moat and Wn
=�ort V V., nnzt, connev, nnoVi�. Voice vc�c. 27n: Tlan!nous.
Vniract for no!� H:anco of 0c old nal-"' __ '.1tortunD2 0* 2k L 2apal-,
Cn,, Tnc,, 01nar 1L' o, joj� .. c,n-lDba ain-W -Dcanln�, �nsWu and out;
Can2raj ovorhaul, cv-4 170-00 -or ywor No a no2lod of ton ycayr (contracb can
--'ar' - LT- a Ar f �aars an overhaul job
including paintAnS InsiWo and oLti tslde to bo .=Ve. Alder=n Lonn noves, AVor-
:,an Farr secnNs notlaz LVL Ve Za. r 11'-_W� c. t"m 5nto an agracnonit
ulty t1n TaWtonwr 7a and Ramir Qn, W! cL7� V'7Lo_ !1*'_._" :
TbAs Wng A�rponvnt no. 172.
rnrnntaf nowd. for sidewalk an Zorloh Wn Wroqt, or Noods
roq,:�,,,,stod Enginoor ZITO-no to contact tna Qvtslon Of HiAWaY VTWO 1 ,
Noria regardora an earc�oH for thoon sidowa0s.
Storm sounr h7c : jj zarnLaj hcy, :,vaq �! "n2,n . t. ovcoiVo Aoti on that
L 01ty CjQr!_ be t1stnictod to onor bios on 20rn 3o;[: r p-ojnct in cLaL ,alt
of De City, 7000 VOW. 07: u vw. Wc 07,70: tcrycr'
East rcor2a, total rrico 155037.51; 10V "nv7kll , Canto-; 157,721-95. Alder-
�nn Yorbic nDvon, Aldonnan jaco"s socoAQ nWon to refer th3se Ws to the
imp Vater and Senon, FAnaqcv 5ormittoo and :n C' fa- stvdY Dzi rc-WL tc)
nort Councl? rn�tln 705 (-o vc,'6c.
Aldervan Spencer =vas, Al6orman YarKe socon 's notion to adjourn. Wine vote.
AYE: Unanimous. Ca2to.r. Cat;T at EA V- 0-
Oi� ch